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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. you can actually do quite a good 'light' colored set with soul noir dark set to its most off-white/grey. looks neat - almost like light ripped of a place, bordered.
  2. legacy chain mobs have across them a little ppwerset for light. but you wont have seen them much, because youre all blueside waistrels.
  3. its because thunderspy (no, thank you) is posting in reddit about 3x xp. so honecoming should get quadra-xp to push back!
  4. they added it for pvp, didnt they. never tried, as i think your stuck in the pvp zones only. what we need is forced flag pvp in atlas park, well everywhere. but it auto-exemps you to a level range. just like eq2 did. then we can fend off gank squads of stalkers and doms. which, tbh, would be most exciting! at least in the HAZARD zones, no?
  5. in related news i got a hoodie to play mm in. get some rather uniques on etsy. -- Honoroit, the cultist
  6. well thats just not fair... we should get quad xp. thoughts? (also, srs, this should be a thing on redside if you stay, with the loyalty power. or active if you stay red... i dunno, more redside)
  7. listen, its basically this: (all embrace me!) i should post that to general chat. think i will when i get home, kupo. I'm all keybound and wire-head-stucked for necro/kin(ning), thank you! i cant imagine trying to click things effectively on any coh character. there just isnt time for life drain!, because im so aggro that we WILL be stacked with siphon power if your not in the most recent stacks of fulcrum, its to cap asap and stsy there. you do best to follow Honoroit the Cultist closely! srs tho, i'll likely slip life drain in before ~45 so i can slot it by 50 to 6. it is an amazing skill. that if i dont try for the leap attack in leaping power pool as a gap closer... ya! i like how it looks as the cot guide. very angry mm. between the three, life drain is the one to drop, as its 70% on dark blast with half the cast time for a spirit summon (unknown: is there a cooldown on the % chance?) i got transfusion, and that keeps the pets up. its better a cast of that blind vs life drain, typically. we'll see!
  8. thought very strongly about sonic, its very good, and has a better no hassle sustain. but i couldnt pass on the extra cone, and theming of mental. plus trying to meta guess myself, nearly everyone packs -res. i dont know the debuff cap for it, but in higher level groups, im skipping this contrib and putting -recharge. psi scream is 50% recharge down and some damage i use range boosted rotationally. same with psi shockwave, another 50%. world of confusion is definately worse than res aura, but... looks super cool dark mode with black/purple coloring, kupo.
  9. i didn't even get drain life yet on the necro/kin, who's about 40 now. and that's a good skill. I simply don't have room between summoning ghosts, buffing them, and /kin on blast. thats the real downside of kin, it takes ~50% of your action time when you're full bore at it.
  10. I didn't do anything but what it say in what you've posted from the code of conduct (thanks for that!) I wasn't cursing, I don't say bad things in game. It's a mystery. I was listening to music in the background, but nothing with words in it or anything that'd trigger a copyright claim. I don't use named characters from comics or other such stuff. So I'm left with the glaring, the GM must have hassled me because they wanted to talk to me, probably because I'm so famous. its a mystery! so I'll proceed cautiously...
  11. is streaming or posting longer form public videos to youtube still strictly forbidden? i got in trouble for it maybe 1-2y back, but see more and more little snips for things like pylon testing (and some 20m watch me use my mm ones). so, its ok now? i dont need to worry? -- honoroit, the renowned
  12. i guess its because it hit a single, then jumps, if you look how its written out on city of data. so the proc has happened, and a subsequent proc 0.1s later is HIGHLY unlikely. it would be nice to get more pew. -- honoroit, the selfless
  13. sorry 420 million per. 😔 still too expensive. ive done that 8 times now, im addicted to prism dust.
  14. its working well so far, mentals psi shout pbaoe is up all the time and mezzes, the cast times arent too awful aside from the chain. the range boost from snipe is very useful at embiggening (heh) the coe aoe... i do like dp, for the looks and agree itd work nicely with atomic.
  15. id love a toggle which amounts to stance for control sets, like ffxiv had for healers some time ago. off: normal. on: 1/5 cc durations (example), dmg boost based on replaced control effect. end up: slighly sub sentinel (?) dps, control effects become more brief interrupts. stuff like mass hypnosis gonna aggro folk as now damage. itd still work at ludicrous recharge for mag stacking a regular boss, but youd be looking at a 6-7s stack window and only 2-3s without sustained application falloff. (assuming youve a cc duration of like 28s and the mob has a drop of status resist) - but youd be doing a lot more damage. cast times: its why mind control for me 9/10 times on dom (skip levitate get the sleep). groups move fast, and we need snappy cc bursts, the very occasional add handle, the soft cc (sleep) alpha helper for the melee running into the bext so they open unharmed in its center. take gleam, it should be 0.7s cast imo. reduction in cast times for cc would help the ATs feel quick, even if theyre only snapping a mob before its decimation. spot lockdown needs to be as fast as you see it and react, or as close to this as possible. example: eq2 illusionist instants. but we shouldnt have visions of a mmo gaming model of yesteryore where complex raid encounters or group content require mob exclusion. a lot of the time... mob kb scatter plus a hard locker of a kb reducing immob hinder the group and complicate its removal, theyre immob in the wrong spot. so ya... a toggle for 'make me dpsey and ill trade 80% cc durations' things like power boost would end up boosting damage like a build up in the tradeoff described. horray!
  16. give us back TK for a start. you could put damage up a good bit, generally, for 50+ content. particularly for the aoe immobs. give the atos some damage. cash in mez duration to a dot or snap burst as a core archetype auto power. however, you might end up just neutering the cc element away. problem is, its not fun fighting statues for other players, so theres a balance, and its relatively good as we are. its just terrible damage, and limited in dps focused meta.
  17. ive tried too, devoted incarnates to the control increasing things, taken the cone ice judgement, optimized build for control. its not the characters, its the meta - and the game, yltimately being about you damage them to death to make them stop. otherwise its delay, and 'we aint got all day' effective most is defender sets in controller, and synmeegy from a primary (dark/dark works). but its mainly that secondary providing value to killers on team, and debuffs from the primary contributing.... but youd be better with a corruptor... or a defender. ive been embracing cc and change mechanics from defender more recently. poison/rad, its helpful against hards, it makes team members feel strong, you get to punch holes and mark targets effectively. same why they want cold dom. def for team (t4 barrier required!!!11!), debuff for monster. its better than direct cc. an exception is grav, which allows herd, zone based banish without pissing off too many folks, and that with a grav/kin may be my next controller attempt. or i could just nature sonic def. sorry i ramble, we cc, we slow down groups right now. go fire/kin, plant/kin, grav/kin. single digit numbers wont cut it aside. we cannot pull our weight.
  18. I've become a fan of spring attack, and combat teleport - as gap closers (esp if /bind shift+` powexec_location target Spring Attack), and I'm normally picking up combat jumping as its cheap and useful (offices with stairs i cant jump up normally are now reachable). I got the st attack on my recent tank, as its another force feedback mule. so a few skippables is good. mind you, so's a drop of cc. but I'd rather run away in groups / tp away.
  19. got combat teleport. 100y base range, a slot for kb protect to suppliment my press only status protection... and its 0 action time. bind that to 《/bind ` powexec_location target Combat Teleport》--- up to 3 hops on the charges, theyre instantly in range. i can grab a loose and hop back, or heard on things like itf. if theyve to be disabled, quicksand, salt crystals, and/or staligmites helps. between shield charge, spring attack (both aoe, and force feedback good ones), and these new 3 hops woth combat tp - i dont need taunt. if taunt were 10/16 thatd be like a full wipe of target currency. the problem is the cap and expection when mixed with loose mob in high count situations. ive done what i think most wise. -- honoroit, the valiant
  20. forgot about the range reduce, thats useful, but then target caps come into play, and another mob can switch off you nearby... then your taunt aura will regrab them, then the approaching mob goes to another player? ive built hasten and 5x lotg and pre 50 sets with sparing force feedbacks, so shield charge is under 30s, and spring attack about 40 right now. ive got them bound powexec_location target, so it works as if a taunt would. combat teleport might work as a final power to give me more hoppability similarly.
  21. love this post, could not agree more and ty for describing your chat experience .. as a player trying to actually fruitfully use comms channels in game... as opposed to bitching in etiquette of segregations.
  22. dragons dogma reroll (assassin), now dragons 2 trailer got posted. darkest dungeon 2, i like the runaway (arsonist) kingdom hearts 3 with playable roxas mods. ff7 remake again. stocked up on pc games thatll work nice on the rog ally. diablo 4, well betas, and soon. um... what else... civ 6 still. total war warhammer 3 sometimes, but i end up wanting it to be more like civ in wh, rather than the battle sim, which can get tiresome (to me).
  23. so what is the story. im building out a shield/stone, which is awesome.. and have skipped taunt this far. Ive 1x power pick left, and its taunt or tactics. a year or so back id tried to make taunt effective, and ended up going with provoke as well, to get enough mob grab. is it really only 5 mobs? or is it like punch-voked, a la contageous confusion spread like. taunt enh seem to increase the time of taunt, as opposed to a threat table as you might be used to in other mmo. problem: it doesnt work for any amount of time. the auras are better for that but they are very short ranged. im solving for this with shield charge and leap attack (which is very good, but gets a bad rep for reasons i dont understand)... i.e. move to the problem, and the aggro tends to switch to you very quickly. so is taunt needed, rather is it practical to take and six slot the thing? problem: theres too many targets, it captures action time, 5 is too low. so i havent taken it, and dont think i will. seems normal these days to NOT take it, even if primarily switching about targets, being hardy enough to herd, watching for strays... and for me teleporting to them, or using the quite ample cc of shield/stone/earth.
  24. im only being silly. its an entertaining thread 🙂 -- likewise
  25. dark affinity's soul absorb ->> so very good for recovery and regen, coupled with the -hit on haunt, the doggo, all your skills, tar patch, dark servant... a 40y radius on shadow fall, fade... mobs hit rate is reduced, significantly. if they hit you, your pushing res all, and a small bit of def, if people are nearby, lucky them.
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