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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. honoroit


    maybe... storm mental blaster. prolly psi/mental also/instead. storm/ya probably mental, because my plans for elec affinity were RUINED I dont know what a 'mad king' build is, but i am one. so: All embrace me It’s my time to rule at last Fifteen years have I been waiting To sit upon my throne thats the character concept. like joffrey or that guy who feeds people to dogs levels of maltempers. he became terribly ill, experienced 'visions', went quite mad, found zealot's faith, and woke in a dream of Paragon.
  2. 667th reply, kupo. i still like storm blast, and solved my name problem: LVCK VOLTIA but... elec affinity empowering circuit should self stack. youd need to spam it to get the numbers up, and it would provide an alternative to kin on corruptors.
  3. fixup (and level scale) night ward, i say. some mobs thatll trash incarnate'd folk. its better than chaining bafs, or whatever.
  4. echo the prior, staligmite (singular) empowered hits extreme dmg. i use it like an execute, and with scourge on a /kin corruptor...
  5. was farming on my spines/fire today, and thinking... am I gonna have to make a tank version of this thing now... i do the 'big mobs' tunnel one, with no elite bosses as they just seem to slow things down without providing more munees. hells bells. ya, brutes could use a boost, if even to how the dmg scale hops up with the fury thing. that whole wider cone and more mobs hit thing with tanks, and some say, better atos... what a trouble.
  6. I tried it on beta, storm / electric affinity (empowering circuit should self stack to give us an alternative to /kin). It's not too slow, was my impression. It works great with scourge. I was only solo, so didn't encounter issues with groups moving past the placed effects. as I'd thought, this will work nicely on sticky mobs, with more hps. SBB arena springs to mind. gonna wreck you some minotaurs, ninjas and monkeys. mobs dont seem to care about being in the patch, and didn't (for me) run about all crazy like. honestly, I'm just pissed empowering circuit cant stack. or make amp up whole party. bloody /kin.
  7. the vast majority are fine or great. sometimes fun chat ensues. i think its why the oddities stand out, and make a discussion point. having said that, i wouldnt want to read a thread about how id been awful and was being discussed, and regretted that element of the prior and negativty therein, yesterday in fact. you do a lot of things as acts in life. you make choices of who to be. those stain us as we are with time, and are very much what we are as seen. so, ya, the prior was mean. but, hang on, 'bitch wait', it was more amusing than anything. so, unfortunately, thinks a group, as they bully and slander. old as stone, in a daft game, running loops when we should be... wasting time productively? lets be kind, and often. it travels. we're in a tower of god(s), some say. pull up your socks.
  8. its CC, to hell with 'but I was lining up my perfect xyz', kupo.
  9. huzzah! i can give 'Jeremiah Crey' a costume upgrade. poor fellow's been languishing at 30some for a couple of years 😀
  10. excelsior! i think some forget that were not in the 2000s anymore, and this isnt WoW max tox is pog / poggy / atogatog(y)(?). you dont have exclusion pressure in game with anything other than 'i'll do shouts for team members, so i make rules', no one can gate your loot or progression effectively with farm solo and ah packs, and merit recipes. so theres not a way to establish an expectation of performance (or a behavior based on leader predilection in this case) that ties to realized gain. i.e. being nasty doesnt move numbers, it just gets in the way of a good time. hint: no one gives a shit if you wanna take point with SOs, we'll be polite for a bit, gingerly follow, and sweep excessively for stragglers after mission completion, but... it feels like the person's enjoying the wnforcing of the rules, rather than having valid reason for them, and that disjoint is tiring in the team members head. it sounds as if im complaining about a person who REALLY wants to 'take point'. ya, its fine until they start on on someone who clicked a door without permission.
  11. oh, id imagine most would have been pissed; 'wait bitch' is exceptionally rude, when you consider the speaker doesn't know their target from Adam. ive met one recently whos tolerable, but that the party all follows around gently because they demand 'i take point! all mobs die!' -- i find myself leaving after a couple of missions, as its exhausting to perform for their liking, and im not being paid.
  12. spines / bio stalker is very good. you get a lotta aoe, and can spine burst as an opener, or fling spines.
  13. if there was only 1! in paragon city: on the rogue isles:
  14. they had a pretty good kakashi called 'team seven' at the friday cosplay contest on excelsior. good luck, have fun 👍
  15. whats wrong with storm huh? you're all full of complaints! I hear 'its too slow' as the primary problem. that's a meta problem, did you want another fire? or 0.8x dmg of fire rebadged in energy (with automatic kb-kd)? full of complaints!
  16. ~~~yes~~~ (probably storm/elec affinity - some person took 'luck voltia'. give it back to me!)
  17. if you play spines, youre fighting, if you don't, youre the audience, caught as collateral, kupo.
  18. my 'e' macro - E " powexec_toggleoff White Dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_toggleon Shining Shield$$powexec_toggleon Thermal Shield$$powexec_toggleon Quantum Shield$$powexec_auto hasten$$powexec_toggleon combat flight" you spam it, and it turns on all your things, but wont turn them off, and you can use it to change out of squid / lobsters.
  19. @Xiddo i just want pb buffs, big smash pb buffs. imma reroll my ba scrapper soon to remake pb became disappoint in the late 30s. you cant beat the flexibility of heats.
  20. though you didnt mention, staff is fun and good. you get two sets of stances (2nd in addition to bio), hit-a-lot tanker cones and aoe... a def up cone, amother cone...a spinny pbaoe one.. leading to a decent attack chain, a dragoon style t9 (sort of), and a ranged that looks neat. ok single target chain too. staff's often overlooked. of what you listed, probably stone, for the ff. (popular western comic hero 'gambit' from the Marvel universe)
  21. can you macro a costume change (and change effect) with a skill?
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