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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. patron pets die in a heartbeat on hard stuff for me. never. never ever. unless you REALLY need slot diversity. maybe on a crab, because spiders are scary and pvp
  2. i just want an invisible option for beam rifle, way they are the gun comes out of the top of prism models for 'rikti gunner' diagonally, so you cant use it without looking daft, and the inbuilt arm gun looks really unique.
  3. im thinking of trying a robots one with summon team... if i can make a build fit in that much tp. otherwise i gear theyd miss out on the /kin by and large. for group fly, theyll stay in the aura if theyre on agressive?
  4. i like neutron bomb on a defender. its 16s base and another 25% def down for 16s. its damage isnt great, but the layering of debuff adds up as you do your cycle. basically, people can hit things theyd have trouble with aside. you always see -res, rad makes that able to be applied well. i dont know how to get a mobs combat attributes up or if you need that power scanner temp power... but its noticeably effective if you stop for a bit, on farms with hitters helping, it was like night and day.
  5. i went poison / rad, and yes, got the flies aura 😀
  6. honoroit the unclean of excelsior is now lvl 30. the debuffs are working well, and its neat to spit at your foes and theres a little splash. *i do wish some poison powers were more visible than they are* so great, in fact, that when i joined a fire farm (54), the kill rate of the team vastly improved when i hit vs sit. its fun too, irradiate is just great, and you can cycle that with neutron bomb very frequently, for lots of aoe -def. i took, and love, neurotoxic breath. it lets you kite solo, and helps when content is too hard.
  7. basically shes a field medic / surgeon back at base. heals with glowing green light, which is why id thought empathy.
  8. its ok with a bunch of procs. its not fire. youre gonna floor their def. its not fire. irradiate is sort of like electrics 'short circuit' - a fast dot. it activates very quickly (1.07s!), probably my favorite. good pbaoe, the cone is SLOW to cast. 2.37s, and has a slow projectile.
  9. i still take it for the pulse effect and emergencies. it is set defining, and is a one slot great power even still. but yes, it should be 16. who gives a crap (1), and MC pays HARD with no pet == mass confuse and best fear cone (2), especially in compare to more modern control sets (elec, plant in particular imo).
  10. for sakura, id look at something non-flashy, but healing focused. its rough with AT choices, because in konoha, your doing fighting whether you like it or not, specialization as a medic is for the field. your filling contracts for the village, or bellies go empty. or your in a war by choice or similar contract. empath defender would be good, maybe energy as a secondary would work well, pain dom is a bit too mean for sakura... controller with an empath secondary? youre still stuck with the fact that you need punches. so I'm with the OP thought process there, super strength seems wise, martial arts, or street justice. problem is healing with any beyond-only-RP effectiveness like that.
  11. boruto is pretty good for a tame shonen. by now, were all master filler/slice-of-life episode skippers. its gone on break tho, theyre doing a time skip like they did with shiipuden. but hell's paradise, thats a good (mappa) ninja show:
  12. RE: plant control 🌱 once you try 'seeds of confusion' you'll wonder about why mind control has a 4m CD on mass confusion. albeit slightly lower range and coverage, 50ft@ 60°, vs 80 ft @ 25ft radius, its the cooldown... its 60s base for plant vs 240s for mind. meaning practically, you can use it all the time. only comperable is electrics chain based one. creepers is neat, the spirit tree would need to be 10x stronger regen to justify it as an immobile pseudopet.
  13. it takes much skill to smoke while fighting.
  14. (she gets beat up a lot, kind of meme. for decades, shes been getting beaten up) shes strong, gathers chakra in her body for a long time, and can release it explosively. she's mainly a hand-to-hand fighter when needing to, using taijutsu, and thats really secondary to her skills as a medical ninja - where she can heal horrific wounds. (one of the best from the original series, but its more about chiyo than sakura)
  15. spirit ward in sorcery has mudra (hand signs) when you use it. sorta ninjitsu. and shes quite tough, so rune of protection might fit. maybe even that pool with the leap teleport attack... force of will was it?
  16. just resummon them? its like a 5s cooldown on zombies, and only 10-15 for the T2/3? i see a lot of other mm leave their pets dead, and only guess its because they dont have an easy bind for it. e.g. /bind alt+c powexec_location me:10 Lich aside, after incarnating, i dont play the high end stuff much at all. on excelsior, some of the most awful people seem to frequent those loops (as in objectionable - theres an odd crew that have some real twisted nonsense in their heads. like why they changed 5th column losing side nonsense, i wont let myself encounter that). i like night ward, exemped tfs on high difficulties... stuff and fun.
  17. mm /kin - it works. anyone got one they enjoy? dunno past the 30s yet, but by compare with my seismic/kin corruptor - its going well. extremely busy, but rewarding. solo wise i can street hunt well while waiting about for groups. you can buff the spirits and the soul extractions. which is crazy hail of green black ghost goo for the duration. leaving the pets passive and moving them in hops then flipping them agressive works for me, theyll stay in range for kin buffs. anyway, /kin works for necro, and I'll bet is good with beasts too. I was dreadfully worried the healing would be insufficient, but its trivial to resummon to now (alt+q, alt+e, alt+c - someone told me how to make a bind to pop them out 10ft away, works a treat). I spent 420bn × 2 on CoT costumes for the mms, and i love the necro/ff I have aside. but, as with everywhere its present, /kin is king.
  18. kin is vastly more powerful/impactful. transfusion is a very strong heal which doesn't take as long to execute as the dark accurate one, and is on the same values. +300 vs 100% base, doesn't diminish my point other than highlighting numeric mistake. its 10x the value from EA. ten times. the team, theyre put to cap, with moderate consistency in reasonable density spawn, and 'hitting a few' puts you where nature is. its overtuned, or the others are underperformers in todays meta, which is a reality. one can romantice an approximate half-at-best for dmg raise on other powersets. ea empowering circuit should self stack. the 10% or so to hit doesn't account for 0.1 (30%) the boost on a 400% cap vs kin.
  19. spines is the answer for stalkers, for today's crazy meta. its even better now you can stay thorny all the time.
  20. thats my grumble, it means you HAVE to kin, or your lying to yourself, which i do. but its a limit of player choice because 400%++ damage is real for anyone smart enough to get in range, and easy on a secondary even, with kin.
  21. in the pursuit of the salvation of humanity, and glory of mankind? or in a drift towards a thrashing purgatory? sloth may reign, with the hedonist, and we'll rot in the brain.
  22. one way to learn at it, is to buy up the attuned versions of IO sets, that you'll use all the time, and uniques for health, tough/weave etc. you can /respec when fed up with a character and get them all out if slots... then email them to your global name. then slot as you level up! apart from being way stronger than you would be without, you'll end up crafting a build based on what you actually use, and derive a build from your playstyle. on the shopping list: * your archetype origin enhancements (both sets) --> its often good to put these in an ability you use a lot, with a recharge of ~10-12s or thereabouts. theres optimal, but basically you want at the procs per minute aligned with base recharge as a ballpark. * stuff for health: --> miracle unique --> numinas unique --> panacea unique --> preventative med unique >>> for these, if youve a set your building for an autopower/toggle, move it to there instead of health, but basically an 'always on' skill. if you 6 slot a power you like that you have on always, consider preventative medicine as the one, as its 6 slot is a decent amount of recharge. * stuff for stamina: --> 2 performance shifter --> the end mod, and the chance + end * stuff for tough: --> unbreakable guard 7.5% hp --> shield wall +tp prot/def * stuff for weave: --> the scaling dmg resist one --> the cheap one theres 3 of, skip knockback protection, the other 2 --> a luck of the gambler global recharge ive forgotten some and names, but you get the idea. youll use these on nearly every character, kupo. for the rest, buy cheapo sets as you dial stuff in, they often have quite good base resists in them. the pvp sets are great if your into that, and you can wear them super low level, at level 7. winter IOs are similar, but expensive. they can also be upgraded to a 'you must be lvl 50' version. honestly, play about with it, build a kit of attuned enh you can shift about, and youll be less in mids and more in game looking at combat attribs - and will get in your head a measure of where youre at. good luck, and have fun, kupo. yours, honoroit the fantastic
  23. i mean it doesnt self stack like fulcrum, or siphon speed.
  24. i think its awesome. look, theres gonna be a shitfit. the instant businesses can, theyll cut staff. it costs 2x in overhead to put them in an office typically, and these days theyll quiet quit if they cant work from home whenever they like. you see, theres an entire layer of people who's job was to be physically present and low grade intimidate (sorry, motivate). thats, thankfully, cleared a bit with covid, but this 'ai can do job' thing... well, yes, in many cases. for coding stuff, especially known problem domain with meta language coverage (think terraform, helm charts, cloudformation, various yaml and bobs for pipelines to consume) - the drive has been to reduce these to 'human readable' for those that couldn't. now, and soon, that becomes consumption to models with goal seek patterns. proper coding wise, its the same, we tell ourselves 'itll never be able', but know at the same: it is made of a stuff that encodes meaning to a language with form and rules. it has success criteria that can be derived or defined, it exists on networks with the same and has backing telemetry and protocols it complies with... people just want to scream at their compute: 'make bucket! set fire! put it out! attribute heroism to me. profits!' and so they shall. 2 years, im telling you, 2 years until its cutting folk left and right. survive, said the prophet.
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