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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. scrappers are rubbish compared to stalkers. I honestly dont get scrappers at all.
  2. I saw a necro/kin recently, was thinking of making. the dmg is real. granted this was only on a yin. dunno if theyd fall apart at four stars (must have barrier blah *essential* incarnate) ITF runs, but on easy mode, they trash stuff.
  3. spines. spines, spines, spines. on stalker its amazing. to hell with quills, theres no time. you keep throw spines, you have a decent ranged ST with impale. try as I might, and I really am trying with an expensive character build, scrapper just doesnt cut it for the fluidity of play when factoring atos. your crits are controlled with stalker, you can throw spines from hide, or burst, one shot a mob with impale.. ya, you can sort of simulate this with some fake-stealtg armor sets in scrapper, but its not the same. being able to weave in boosted crit assassin strikes constantly cannot be beaten, and build up is refreshing, a lot. in my play, stalker is miles ahead of scrapper. maybe I'm just being crazy, but it pisses me off on scrapper. and isnt base stalker damage scaling higher than scrapper anyway? no one bats an eyelid at scrappers; they should get in line.
  4. or just aws s3, probably cheaper, and you can alarm for free tier / stop serve if it hits. or dropbox, other options as mentioned. truth be told tho, Id not pay for it. heckles raise as they may. avoiding thinking presumptively, i dont know whats used by the average forums user (you dont presume full occupancy as opex realized when thats probably far from the case. for all i know theres attached storage sitting unused and with plenty of space, paid for, to be empty).
  5. wont the machines, or the xenos other, the malign 3rd party - such and so as those! theyd... theyd make naught but dimensionally REDUCED embedding of me, as fancy pants vector laid crude... and what if they derive my very forward thought quicker than I? theyd track my plans, ai generate my amazing sweet amv edits, so boldly ninja my things, with no attribution--> for reasons not even an expert can fathom, but always turn of power, and frightening accumulations? best keep it with the trove, on the forums, no? alack, im full, and filled of woes in that I'll be trapped at cap. i worry about externals, the meddling of others affairs. about the trifling of miracle workers, and jugglers. who talk of alternatives such as the hunting of quails, or summoning of demons, or suggesting the blaize, as if encouraging walking about the house in my outdoor dress. i just need more of the mega bytes storages! and to show gravity, and gratitude consistently! to our hosts, whod need to allow it.. I do this without affectation, while tolerating ignorant persons, and those who form opinion without consideration!
  6. I dont want to delete all my inspiring pictures, videos and precious artifacts! can we have more space?
  7. this guide is great - ty for making it! khelds are super fun, PB most of all imo. while youve maybe not the power of a focused other xyz archetype, you have massive power diversity versus say a melee character, and can get a lot of unique sets put with some creativity. ranged, melee aoe, ranged aoe, def, res, heals... and, you get a bunch of free powers for things like lotg muling. functionally, you can deal with most things. power overchoice is a thing, but thats a better problem to have than 2 or more from a set which are definate passes. apart from instant shifting the HEATs havent gotten a refresh in a bit, at least not to my awareness. animations are super nice on the powers, big bangs of light and stuff... it would be nice to hear your thoughts on the impact of the atos from a play standpoint. what does it mean 'empower forms' for example, spelled out. recommend something like q (squid), z (lobster) and e (humee) for the binds, as you dont have to get off wasd. i have macros for the human form from ages ago, that toggle on the shields / auras if you repeatedly press the button, it falls through. they still work, I'd post them if i knew how to make it show me 'whats the macro on 'e''
  8. id trust scourge over a bigger o2 boost and a couple of buffed pseudopets. when equipped. (but honoroit, base values on def make it easier to cap stats for def and res!) <-- its not better than scourge.
  9. storm / electric affinity i say, it should offer a goodish blend of dpsey cc, unique buffs, and look nice doing it. i hope the chain in storm is a fast chain (like ea heals, and not like electric control confuse)
  10. pvp zones do this, dont they? good hunting too
  11. wait tho... I could be evil too... It's Ellias Crey: Ellias ran away. you know its easier to keep going, after you do. He'd tell himself that on harder mornings. <There's dirt in my hair>. Mercy island, heh. shithole, rather. and snakes! They place had a stench of sewage, and light metal reactives, like too many car batteries left out to sweat. cloying, and it was only sun-up. A few months back, Ellias was comfortably comfortable. A fourth son to the 'countess' and wealthier / more influential that most might muster to fathom. but he ran away. Possessed of a nature that believes that the world is his, he took with him rikti artifacts. hes been a quick learner with an impossibly light bladed weapon. 'it glows' is all he knows. likewise a small strapped sack, with a globe like emitter that...well it lets the holder drain kinetic energy from their surround and does things to protect the holder from violation of close bounds. he has no idea how to use it, but it bounced away some snake fangs. the food is shit too. everyones poor, and gangers vomit. some wierded org like wannabes with clipboards took note of him a bit. <dovyour best to remember who you are. i want toast. theres no toast. ever onwards, Ellias>.
  12. you're sure its not thermal throttling? if its not attributable to load (wild spin the camera is), and comes in pulses, might look at that.
  13. its perfect! the shape fits! brain happy. battle axe / energy aura it is. works for crey concept too, and I can be stealthy! thank you!
  14. do you think we'll see other sets get short cones turned to mini aoes? not for a while i guess. its dramatically better, looking at you jacobs ladder and friends. only okish one is frost from ice melee at 10ft so theres a drop more give. but the 'i only caught one mob with the cone thing / remember at all times to try to select a close mob behind another mob' going away is a quality of life improvement with battle axe that just works.
  15. even up to lvl 10, the end problems are very real with battle axe. its miserable when youve constantly to deal with inability to do anything and youre f'd if anything saps. good call. 👍++ energy looks cool too, and its def based, with a nice auto for obscures res.
  16. ok, im switching back again... this is why converters go up over 70k... battle axe. just because that pendulum aoe is real compared to trying to position cones and it likely just keeps getting better. for the secondary, ninjitsu sounds fun. and the armor set is better imo than the stalker equivalent, it seems more recently refreshed across powers. i like the visuals of rad... but again a res set. my best stalkers have always been bio, which seems to get enough res. shield i liked on stalker, but really only for the tp... seems its popular here with other threads. firey aura is good for: temperature protection doubling your base regen. phoenix rising does goodish damage and I bet crits. its damage numbers arent listed, just says 'special'. that was my main motivator there. my character is a member of the Crey family, whos 'obtained' a rikti axe... figuring an appropriate secondary is tricky... and the new'ish crey laser rifles are so nice looking... but i have to focus. i have a bunch of enh of various sorts, including a good few winter sets, and was hoping to find diversity across power types (ranged, melee aoe, and so on)... this is why i normally end up using spines... but the secondary... thats the real thing i gotta choose. scrapper doesnt have the stone armor that makes you go all slow, so thats good. and at the back of my head a little monster say: 'you know new meta is fire/fire stalker...surrender...' but stalker doesnt get battle axe...
  17. sounds pretty neat, category five and all kind of new positional effects based on eye of a storm. definately a storm/storm, get revenge on that lady who respawns some 8 times 😀 on the croatoa TF.
  18. i made like 5 variants, then converter'd the atos and made a pb. sorry, im quite mad.
  19. I've only ever had 1x scrapper. My brain keeps thinking stalker is generally superior... but thats not true? you guys do pylons and stuff. I'm torn between: fire melee / firey aura changes to fire phoenix while alive is a pbaoe that can slot now works fully with firey embrace battle axe 🪓 / firey aura phoenix live again its a new paradigm with short cones being replaced with little baby aoes, meaning probably fewer clipping-only-1-mob problem stone/stone probably stupid recharge potential w force feedback probably less good than prior ice melee / stone: frost cone is good on stalkers, presume so here t9 likewise i keep thinking about buying 200 converters and making a stalker again.... then ill just want a scrap again...
  20. an extra pbaoe nuke in 'rise of the phoenix' / 'phoenix rising' is very nice.
  21. quad-xp for redside *with p2w on*.... or more merits.... or.... mind you... im like south of first ward for the 30s. camps of medieval baddies on islands. if something needs to proliferate, itd ve random / slot machine on movs groups as tf options.
  22. plant is pretty damned amaze. and the carrion creepers mess with mobs too... the confuse, a d even the sleep spores... skip spirit tree. the pet does fling thorns if i recall right.likewise skip the single target Immobilize, unless in specialist cases (i.e. skip) - plants ST hold is slow to cast (1.67s dark vs 2.07s plant). it messes with your cast chain a bit as so.
  23. Earth - exceptional control options, terrible damage. hardy pet. def down in most skills. Electric - good sleep skill that pulses, 2x pets, some end drain capability. sorta looks cool next to ff bubbles. Ice - ice needs a buff. it really does. slow makes hit less, so with increased def from ff there is synergy. but id avoid ice control at the moment. its a shame, its been bad since live. Dark - haunt (fire and forget mino 2x pets you use like a nuke, they wajder about for a bit). synergy with def from ff when combining -to hit on dark skills. a hold zone. decent doggo pet. Plant - very good confuse skill, carri9n creepers. most synergy with primaries you mentioned for /force field - dark.
  24. wow, firey aura 🔥 / claws is crazy good. you dont need haste. primal mastery seems wise. hover is a good idea. got mine from 1 to 38 today, chain tfs and 2 levels in 'big mob tunnel at ~20 to test if i could +1/8, yes, but not without streaming 2 purples and a survival amp) eviscerate (the flip one) ill likely drop, and will pick up consume again. oh shit, maybe lazer beam eyes for the peoples pleasure... we'll see. what i did not know is 'power of the phoenix' can be used when youre alive and below 75% health..... which... is awesome! i have only 1 slot in my armors so far.... its nailbiting. i figure im like a scrapper with taunt, whos weaker but hits more things. and so quick... i really like savage, but these ruluru long claws... so good. say hi if you see 'Dalton Crey' on excelsior.
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