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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. went psi / mental - character "complicate". very happy so far: i did NOT realize that psi snipe grants 10s of 50% range!! makes the cones big. drain psyche isnt as awful as id remembered. /atomic is an awesome set, but i was so put back by dark/atomic coming from a fire/fire (i hate that slow pbaoe where you spread your arms in /fire).... dark atomic had niche on hard targets, but aside was...nit great. theres such a thing as an overload of single target ranged, and dark/atomic felt like that. psi mental, no, its like a better fortunata (albeit without the support functions)
  2. mind / psi. yup yup. rolled me a psi/mental blaster for the weekend. its fantasmagorical. got the name 'complicate' - one of my fav mesmer skill names from guild wars, so im set. psst. telekinesis is awesome on a dom. its a pulsing mag 6. put that on as a base, and youll even punch through purple triangles / av mag 50 cc stack to plough through. unfortunately theres a reset and theyll snap out, but a mind dom using telekinesis and stacking dominate, is the only one that can really do that. mass hypnosis is also great. use it as a brief interrupt. because dark is borrrring. have fun, whatever you decide! schrödinger's profit.mp4
  3. humans, talking. filling the air. its ok not to care about it, but this is harmless, no? why? they are happy and are sharing that. thats typically friendly behavior, one might suppose. try to endure it?
  4. agree, i used it on a dark/atomic (not a great combo, decent st, i guess, but quite abyssmal in practice - but that was dark's fault not atomic) psi seems better than dp, which is the other i considered, plus i like the sfx of psi! positronic punch was kinda slow tho, compared to say seismic smash, its like a second slower.
  5. psi primary got buffed. i wanna believe that something can approach fire (not on robots, but otherwise!) secondary tho... there's mental manipulation - but it has a less than great lvl 20 in drain psyche, that can backfire on you if you mistime it after mobs get 1 shot. sonic manip seems good, and I hear wonders about temporal as a de facto choice in rounds... I'm conflicted.
  6. yes! ive never made a nin, im always paranoid ill roll another dark/atomic blaster and realize... oh, this is SHIT.... but nin stealth (and energy's?) has only like an 8s delay before your hidden again, which is similar or at what stalker hide is. their ato's are better, but they dont get titan weapons, and a lot of sets get stripped of aoe. ty for suggestion.
  7. you can move them, then fulcrum shift. you can banish them in a way that doesnt (certainly shouldnt) upset people because phased. your pet is good/great. you address controller dmg low with a solid st chain and some aoe splash. youre a /kin. negatively, i guess, your immob doesnt prevent knock. but w/e its not too fiddly, as ive seen it. if you dont mind spoilers play a little on brainstorm (beta) as pvl and see if your going to like what arises. bear in mind thats like walking into a max lvl character youve not grpwn with, which can naturally cause a distaste.
  8. any thoughts on a good secondary for titan weapon scrapper? fire - the new rez is a pbaoe nuke if you can go below 75% health. stone - a dmg global, geode is alright i guess bio - every character i make is bio, but its good. dark - does it work?? it is end HEAVY with all the things on, many toggle. nin - cool moves 😎, but.. a lot of fluff it appears. energy - go for recharge?? elec - dunno. other??? offensive as primary goal. what might you advise?
  9. a few glow in the 'cyber-something-or-other' set, 6 for example has a nice ring around the left arm that glows very brightly and meshes well with magic'ey concepts. but not like the tsoo incarnate glow. there is a tsoo incarnate prism costume if you wanna drop 40M.
  10. honoroit

    Seismic Earth

    the delay is troublesome - as theres often a steamroll race to incarnate-zap / aoe open, but meta-game-wise you can think it a few seconds to gtfo if you dont want the threat in range.
  11. thread shouldnt be locked, a community management solves issues by confronting them. it's rare, but theres on occassion some just awful hatespew on excelsior, often abstracted 'just a bit' so a crew enfaging in it can skirt a line, while, intendong only to harm. i dont know if this is just an excelsior problem, but it exists. for any given, does this intend to harm. theres a good measure, and one not at all subjective when topics get all 5th column.
  12. there is such thing as mind poison. some of it is views, sure, they differ. and some of it is just poison - only intended to harm and generate culture of harm. to paraphrase an earlier poster; they bloody well know better.
  13. i just dont want to encounter the worst of right wing America, masquerading as thought police, of spewing diatribe, anywhere. talk about whatever, just don't try to rez a lost war. such presence demeans our community.
  14. people who dislike politics tend to have off view, and dont like that coming up in a forum where theyre exposed. the bigot, the fascist, the twisted to abuse - those that foster unkindess of thought and work that to belief or self definition... theres a segment of those - at least on excelsior.
  15. theyre troublesome to collect in reasonable amounts from leveling content, which tends to be where i play, at least. sometimes 1x for tf, rarely more.
  16. i say necro. the T3 does cc, so incoming damage is reduced. the spirits your blast powers can be hit by kin buffs. same for the ghost summons that make a copy of each of your live pets. they'll also (mainly) stay in melee, and can be forced to do so with ' goto passive' into middle of group with you running in too, and then flip aggro and fulcrum etc. it's rather intense, but it works. beasts, probably, too. don't know, never tried beasts.
  17. ya, it is, imma fan. being dragged on corpse carts a few mins into the game while poetry gets read at you by a narrator baratone is promising! i used to work there and always dreamed about team3. im not dead yet!
  18. has anyone else gone crazy, melted ~6-8 equipped characters and... bought 700 prismatic aethers from the AH? its about 430M for 100 if you want them.NOW. i 'needed' them for my character refreshing, all dressed as legacy cot guide: honoroit the unclean (poison/rad def) by three they come (savage/rad brute) devouring mushrooms (nature/sonic def) honoroit the cultist (necro/kin) rot bringer (necro/ff) percy the cultist (dark/rad blast) fairy guidebrother (shield/stone tank) next is a titan weapon / something scrapper (dark or fire) i love the robes.
  19. patron pets die in a heartbeat on hard stuff for me. never. never ever. unless you REALLY need slot diversity. maybe on a crab, because spiders are scary and pvp
  20. i just want an invisible option for beam rifle, way they are the gun comes out of the top of prism models for 'rikti gunner' diagonally, so you cant use it without looking daft, and the inbuilt arm gun looks really unique.
  21. im thinking of trying a robots one with summon team... if i can make a build fit in that much tp. otherwise i gear theyd miss out on the /kin by and large. for group fly, theyll stay in the aura if theyre on agressive?
  22. i like neutron bomb on a defender. its 16s base and another 25% def down for 16s. its damage isnt great, but the layering of debuff adds up as you do your cycle. basically, people can hit things theyd have trouble with aside. you always see -res, rad makes that able to be applied well. i dont know how to get a mobs combat attributes up or if you need that power scanner temp power... but its noticeably effective if you stop for a bit, on farms with hitters helping, it was like night and day.
  23. i went poison / rad, and yes, got the flies aura 😀
  24. honoroit the unclean of excelsior is now lvl 30. the debuffs are working well, and its neat to spit at your foes and theres a little splash. *i do wish some poison powers were more visible than they are* so great, in fact, that when i joined a fire farm (54), the kill rate of the team vastly improved when i hit vs sit. its fun too, irradiate is just great, and you can cycle that with neutron bomb very frequently, for lots of aoe -def. i took, and love, neurotoxic breath. it lets you kite solo, and helps when content is too hard.
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