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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Just as long as you're not mistaking MMO mechanics with respawning mobs as an actual canon thing. Even then it does not differ from random mooks actually trying to rob banks or purses in Metropolis, the city of MFing Superman. What goes through their minds? What does a random mook think when he points a gun at someone and asks for their money in the city of a sun god? MMO mechanics and comics suffer from the same problem which is continuity. Other than a small minority of super powered villains every other crime (other than white collar crime, and even then) would be rousted to jail in minutes and stay there. But plot demands the criminals break free because people do not pay for comics where Superman does his job as a reporter because there is no crime, where Batman's proteges take up being a dentist because there is no more crime. Same reason we arrest mobs in Peregrine Island and they show back up a minute after. Personally regarding the last bit I'd like to think it would be like Invincible. A more credible, less sanitized, version of heroes. They try to help, they help, but sometimes they fail and have flaws, and they get mad. The Boys plays to the extreme of gore and snuff porn made to shock, not to be realistic.
  2. It's worth mentioning that the high damage cap is one of those useless perks to an AT. This was my take back during the Tanker buff patch and it remains. A Kin is unable to hit FS fast enough before a nuke or a Judgement goes off and has killed half the spawn. Heck, one of my Fire Armor tanks might kill part of the minions by dropping BU + Gaussian + Burn + AoEs. The probability of managing to stack FS' to the point where damage caps are reached is, IMO, dim outside of spreadsheets.
  3. On a Brute at least the squishy depends. I was doubtful but a friend showed me how their Bio character plunged into two groups of +4 ITF spawns and it took a minute for them to be killed while surviving solely on over 100 HP per second, not fighting back, no clickies used.
  4. I'm going to say it should be closer to Axe than to Katana. In fact you could pretty much copy Axe's slotting onto Broadsword though some scrounging of slots would be called for in order to slot Parry as well. And Fire Armor would carry it hard as it does. But does it help Fire Armor? It does have a place for FF in Disembowel and Slice is pretty spamable. Burn would give an AoE until Whirling Sword comes. Quickly cobbled something together though it's unrefined and untested but it should be a decent base to build based on your tastes:
  5. Since it's the combo I'm currently leveling here's mine. 40% to S/L defenses, 85% to S/L resistances, 62% to E/N. I intend to use Barrier to give myself the last 5% to both S/L. I have not finished leveling it to see if I should take Cardiac or not, but leveling has been very very endurance heavy, and on the Tanker Consume could not keep up with the demands, but I have made some modifications by adding Superior Conditioning that adds a bit more EPS while being another Performance Shifter proc slot. Also replaced Maneuvers for the near free Combat Jumping which saved EPS some more. So it may be that Musculature 33% that also adds more EPS will be enough. More leveling and testing will tell but Cardiac is the safe option for now. The damage loss is not tremendous since Musculature 45% is more of a 15% damage increase which is a drop. With the endurance guzzling having much better endurance control seems to be the better option. Tbh it will be my first time taking Cardiac and I'm very damage oriented so I'm not yet sold on the idea. Also because I hate long animations I did not take Devastating Blow and it's 2.9 seconds of being rooted. I just go around melting stuff with the triple DoT action and spamming Contaminated, Radioactive Smash, Contaminated, and then in the gap either squeeze in Burn or Radioactive Siphon. It's a pretty forgiving rotation even early on and on a Brute it doesn't feel bad. Devastating Blow would be more damage though.
  6. Yeah, I know, but I'm talking level 25 with Yin and watching the Freak tanks sometimes dying before they got a chance to heal. And this while still poorly slotted and no damage procs in attacks. Even in Citadel I barely had to bother switching targets once I killed th boss in a spawn. But it's just fun, it's not like it is hugely overperforming to do the AoE passively or actually use an AoE skill.
  7. I just started a Rad/Fire Armor and I must say this combo slays on a Brute. I got to a point I sometimes killed Freak tanks in Yin before they even healed. Soloed a Synapse at +1x8 in 1h36 which as good as some full teams I have done it in the past. All those DoTs play really well with Fury. I suppose it will slow down once at +3. I'll make a post for it once I level it and test some more if I really need Cardiac or not since it is very endurance guzzly.
  8. I'm leveling a Rad/Fire Armor atm. I only tried this as a Tanker version and it's obscene how the Brute's Fury makes groups simply disappear in the time it takes to kill a boss just from both auras.
  9. To be fair it should not be happening at all on the grounds of Consume filling up the bar every one minute. But I was doing an ITF and noticed I never bothered to use Consume at all since I regenerated endurance enough between fights. This is anecdotal though, since I was not paying attention if there was Ageless being cast in the background.
  10. It's not. It starts at an obscene number and shrinks until the last minute it only gives 5% to both defense and resistance. It lasts for 120 seconds and recharges in 120 seconds so it's a permanent 5%.
  11. I'm a bit of a scratched record on this, but with the Tanker proc you don't need to aim for 90% resists. It gives 6.7 and it stacks three times. Consider two stacks as average. So putting your defenses to 84% is fine too. If you take Barrier it also adds 5% resistances and 5% defenses. I have an old build you can take some slotting ideas from and incorporate into your choice of skills. It uses Barrier's 5%.
  12. We have people up for the experiment. We should convene. I will keep an open mind in case I'm proven wrong. More data is always valuable. We need only decide where, where, and what TF. Bringing levels 50 would skew things IMO with the power creep so level appropriate would be good. Synapse is pretty long but pretty low level for individual power to shine as much which seems good. Lots of kill alls which work great for the testing. Citadel is not as long and also involves plenty of kill alls though a lot of travel. Moonfire has its kill all bits and is (mostly) centered in one zone reducing travel time from disturbing the experiment.
  13. You should read the guide in my signature since it has all that info.
  14. Absolutely not on Freezing Touch. It's your best and hardest attack and it is slotted as a Hold instead. Your heal not slotted for heals? Away with you! You have things like three slotted BotZ in Fly, but it gives AoE and ranged defense which is of no use to you. You also have no travel power (which is acceptable but dat sad smiley) but have things like Assault or/or Vengeance which are not super useful. Assault gives a very tiny damage boost (even on a Tanker where it does 15% instead of a Scrapper's 10% it only translates to an actual 4-5% damage boost. Though team wide). Vengeance -can- be useful if mostly as LotG mule but it needs to have Assault or Tactics, neither very useful). You did not take Frost. It's a great little AoE. Are you going to play without one until Burn? Now I understand what you are trying for, but normal ATOs are only about 8 million each. A Yin TF takes half an hour and gives enough merits to be sold for 4.5 million. But a Tinpex takes the same time and makes around 18 mill. Now look how you have things slotted like six Gladiator's Armor. They are worth 5-6 mill a piece and the bonuses are nothing special or even aimed at your goals. Finally this is a bit moot because Fire Armor does not play well with Scrapper. Your enemies will be running for the hills the second you drop a Burn which is a waste since it's a great power. I heavily suggest going Brute for this combo. Regardless it's what you wanted so here's a cheap version. You get your smash and lethal defense to 40% and resistances to 70% so one use of Barrier will cap both. Other than the uniques nothing should cost more than 3-4 mill.
  15. Alright, I had this talk in the first page. I'm talking of actual experience in the game, you know? Of having done it in my pre-tanker times, in watching it done in my current Tanker times. A usually-one-hour-and-a-half Synapse does not miraculously turn into a one hour and ten (or one hour on the dot) by accident. You are over selling buffs and debuffs against +0 or +1 enemies. Of course that is moot if the conversation turns into both sides saying 'no, you're wrong'. Can't help there. Most I can do is repeat my offer from page 1: if we are both on Everlasting (if not I can transfer) I'll join on a level appropriate character and we put up a full team and do a TF where I stick to the team, then we do it a second time where I take the right fork and we compare times. Two times random people should make it a small sample but random enough. As for the rest, people's feelings or their enjoyment at noticing the content they are clumping together to do being actually easy enough to be soloed I'll akin it to waking up in a Matrix pod: so it was that easy all along? Sure was. Some content is not easy. Shepherds in First Ward? Booyah, better bring a very specific build if intending to right fork it. But Council? Clockwork? Sky Raiders? The content is not able to do more than slow a well built character.
  16. At the risk of sounding like a Twitterina it's privilege. We do things we don't think are difficult for us and don't understand how it is not the same for others. We conveniently forget (or time softened the edges) of how long it took to become good. And that we had to be interested in it to begin with. And the hours we struggled until we became decent. Yes, anyone can learn how to put a build together. But, does everyone want to put all the hours needed into it? Anyone can do anything. Learn martial arts? Learn how to fix their car? Learn to knit. But to begin with are they even interested? I have the time to learn knitting if I wanted. I have no interest in learning knitting. It does not mean I don't like some cozy mittens for winter. Maybe I should learn how to knit then? No, still not interested, I'll just buy them. Conveniently it is forgotten or downplayed, what an incredible number of IO sets are in game, how each set has six bonuses EACH, how some powers take some sets but not others. It takes a long time to get into this. At least a month and I say it as someone puttering with builds, looking up, and seeing that it ate 8 RL hours of my time. What privilege assuming everyone has interest in spending hours playing Tetris with bonuses. And that magically doing it will improve their enjoyment of the game? Or ability to play it. This whole argument is so disconnected with reality. People liking good food and going to the restaurant meeting that lone person waving a protest sign outside: LEARN HOW TO COOK! YOU WILL APPRECIATE FOOD MORE!
  17. You guys keep on doing your thing where you imagine scenarios and project onto others. The reason why has been repeated ad nauseum at this point and yet we return to the petty 'they are doing this like those guys revving up bikes to wake up the neighborhood!'. Eesh, calm down, there is no nefarious plot and there is childish vroom vroom. - Any content that a single person can solo is not content hard enough that requires 8 people all clumped up together hitting the same targets. - It's mathematical that if the team takes the left fork and the soloer takes the right fork, that the mission will end sooner. - The reason why some people will take the right fork is that they know their build can take it, the know 7 people can take the left fork, they know the content they are doing is not hard enough that there is danger, they know they can shave several minutes off the objective, they know there will be no such gains if they stick with the team. - The reason why someone who takes the right fork joins is not because they think the rest of the team is watching in awe and admiration (you can't see it, but I'm smiling in RL as I write this just because it's so adorable how many times it has been mentioned in this thread) but because soloing a TF takes much longer than doing it with a team. And because sometimes there is chatter. From kill all to kill the AVs a team will do it faster than a solo person. Alright, it has been explained again. I'm (im)patiently waiting to see again in a few pages how the argument returns to the right forkers doing it for the acclaim and awe of the team. o/
  18. This is how I feel now. I like my Scrappers, but after a long absence trying to level news ones just didn't work out. When they crit it's joy. When they don't crit it's bland. I would rather take the Brute. But, that said and as I mention in the Ice/Fire Armor post I made a couple posts under, I still prefer the Tanker to level. Level 18 Burn beats Fury.
  19. I just tested stuff and it's the results I got. Overall I decided that if the actual-tested-numbers were going to be so close together then I might as well use Frost and save the slots rather than slot another attack. That's six slots I can spread. I did get -one- 3:25 result with Frozen Fists, but then the other tests went back to 4 minutes (without -res proc shenanigans), It wasn't FF oriented, but FF was tested along the way.
  20. I'm not someone who deals with math. Partly because I'm not math-y, partly because too often math VS real life something comes undone along the way. I can only say I tested FT, Ice Sword, Frost, Ice Sword and then combinations of Frozen Fist replacing either and the times at best didn't get worse, but, I only did so on a Tanker and this is the Scrapper forums. Perhaps faster attacks work better with Scrapper crits. This isn't so much me defending Froost as saying Frozen Fists/Greater Ice Sword are worse.
  21. It's more the reverse. Pylons are where Scrappers work best. Probably farms too. There is no pause in the damage ergo it's sustained damage. I know my Claws/Bio can do it for infinity at +4x8 other than occasionally healing and the constant AoE crits are a darn pleasure to watch. It works because Claws' Shockwave is so quick to recharge the mobs barely have time to get up before being bounced back down again. Math wise Claws doesn't work so well for Brutes. In practical terms Claws is so good it works with everything, but math doesn't back me up in this. Energy Aura is definitely what works best for a Brute. I've had good results with Fire Armor that left it at near Tanker levels but the progression isn't as good as on a Tanker (Burn at level 18 pls). But your question was made in the past, you'll probably find it page 2 or 3.
  22. I find peculiar that last week you seemed to have no clue on how to play the game, and this week you're doling out pearls of wisdom and saying how it is. There is too much wrong with everything you have said to address it and others have already done it. I suggest to keep on playing and learning because you are not yet at the point of teaching.
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