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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Your friend is correct. I try to aim for as close to 95% against +3 which is where we end after the T3 Alpha is slotted in. Most often I end overshooting and end with 100%+ but it's not on purpose. Adding Focused Accuracy helps alot in reaching those as a bonus though the real purpose is the protection against -ToHit. If you go to Mids and change the ToHit in options - Exemping and Base Values from 75% to 48% you can simulate hitting +3 enemies so the accuracy in the attacks' tooltips will be accurate.
  2. The game was made so it could be played with bare bones builds, so in a way you don't -have- to delve into the complicated stuff. As with most complicated stuff I find it better to copy what someone more experienced made. Then, as time passes and we become more experienced with it all, we can develop our own builds. Some people never get to that point because they don't care about it (this is me on all games that have crafting) and so you can either keep on copying builds (absolutely no shame in it) or if someone could you build you something. Because there are a finite number of combos simply using the search function might show the build you were interested in.
  3. Yes, of course, now that you have asked for it they will apply a quick patch they had but were holding back from us. 👍
  4. I started messing a bit with it, but since it's tailored to your playstyle I abandoned the idea. But I just wanted to add that you don't need the Quismet since you're already overcapped in accuracy, don't need the status resist IO since Shield's anti CC is the best in the market, that Assault is pretty weak (despite saying 10% it may be more like 5%) and Hasten would get you more Shield Charges and etc. I also had it to 70-72% S/L resistance which depending on your incarnates it could cap out with Barrier or just add a bit more to reach 75%. But the S/L defense was down to 48% which seemed to stray from your overcapping desires.
  5. Definitely Dark Melee for the heal and the endurance clicky which are both things Shield lacks.
  6. I'm quite pleased at the tour de force in removing Tough from the Fire/Ice (the build I use without Frozen Aura though). A minor increase in EPS to 3.61 and a small EPS consumption decrease from 2.29 to 2.07, but now the 15% Tough was providing is baked into the build to be enjoyed well before Tough would have been picked, and the button can be removed from the bar.
  7. The question boils down to the same as usual: want more damage? Go Brute. Want to be sturdier? Go Tanker.
  8. I can only say that after lots of testing with Sentinels I never noticed Decimation doing anything.
  9. There are zero rules against such. Farming is neither banned nor frowned upon. Now I'm going to speak my opinion, and this being the Sentinel part of the forums it is mostly Sentinel lovers here so they might disagree out of love for their character/AT... ..but Sentinels are singularly badly equipped for farming. - They do middling damage. This means unlike a Blaster they do not exterminate mobs at a quick pace. It's mostly whittling them down. The lack of damage is not as felt during 'real' play because the spawns are spread apart and by the time one is finished moping the Sentinel can Aim + nuke the next one and start over. But in a crowded farm map there are just more and more enemies. Farming is not about being super tough but doing lots of damage to keep things moving. - They have no worthwhile CC. Controllers do low-ish damage but can buff themselves and, most importantly, spam mass CCs to stay safe and keep the enemies in place. This allows them to whittle stuff down. Sentinels can spam mass immobilizes at best and it's not enough as the enemies eventually crowd over and part of them are immobilized at range and part are in melee. - They lack an agro tool. Brutes, Tankers and some Scrappers can just go ham and the enemies stay close. With a Sentinel they run off to the ends of the globe once their Hp reaches 20-30%. This means there is a constant stream of enemies running back and forth further slowing things. Farming works with anything. Sentinels, Blasters, heck, some people farm on Defenders and Masterminds. But I'm going to say if you intend to actually farm then make a nice Fire Armor Tanker and discover how they do more damage than the Sentinel and are sturdier. Or try something a little bit outside of the box. You can ouro some mission arcs that can be run pretty fast for a nice 12-20 merits. If you want you can even run them at x8 like an actual farming map and kill everything as you work towards the mission(s) goal. By the end you'll have killed enemies like in a farm and have obtained merits on top of that. Simply doing TFs (solo or otherwise) also involves lots of enemies being killed and drops, then merits on top of. Soloing fast TFs like Yin gives you 20 merits for 40 minutes work if running with x8 enemies, or 15 minutes if running at x1. Most of this is just slow though. Even an unoptimized Brute/Tanker can go into a farm map and make 5 million in 5 minutes just in raw inf. Doing a Tinpex a day makes you 80 merits. Running a back to back Hami raid gives 120 merits. Both in total take an hour to run. Check the Market side of the forums. It is chockful of tips that makes marketers laff at the pittance that farmers earn in an hour.
  10. On a Tanker it's not difficult. You get nearly 20% from the ATO.
  11. More like, auto hit meets 95% defense slows 😄 I was looking at an old build i never did try to level. Kinda impressive to be softcapped (with an amplifier) at level 24. Or just 40% defenses at 24 without amplifier. Hmm... Old build though, need to work touch of Fear in.
  12. I was doing those but stopped once realizing they were the equivalent of radio missions. I'd rather experience the story from start to end than be in an endless loop. I'm biased, but Fire/Ice Tanker. At that difficulty there will not be enough debuffing and the damage will quickly kill most things. As always killing faster works best. Like my Shield/EM Tanker that survived much better but killed so slowly I actually died more often than on a Fire Armor. But it's my opinion. A SR Tanker would laugh at debuffs. With DM or Rad Melee for heals it should be perfectly safe since I think it could reach softcap levels by level 24 or something last I checked. ...unless the attacks are auto hit.
  13. Fortunately I just AoE everything down, but the challenge is certainly present with an at level character. As mentioned it is hilariously difficult (well, it -is- at x8). Even now I'm doing the book arc with Epoch and mercenary and confronted with the praetorian clockwork, and while in the past I've mentioned how much their debuffing sucks it actually feels like a breath of fresh air as I collect XP to improve my character for the bigger threats since they are so much easier. The stacking of the varied debuffs (especially slows) makes a difference as my recovery gets hit, my accuracy gets hit, my defense gets hit. With the clockwork they just debuff defense and I can counter with purples and kill fast. But killing fast when my Burn suddenly has 30 seconds to recharge is difficult.
  14. No, I just misunderstood what you meant. That's on me.
  15. Well... Obviously I'm pushing the envelope because I'm doing content meant for eight people. But being flooded with debuffs is not just 'new content is harder'. Lets not compare Clockwork, Council and Freaks to Talons and the living spells thing. Gold was definitely harder than Blue with plenty of debuffs happening that stacked fast. But I'm approaching the content on a x6 or x8 setting and obviously a large team or smaller groups would make the difference. Two days ago I dropped out of a First Ward team because on a team of 8 running at +0 we just melted things before they did anything in return.
  16. Instead of being upset I'm actually feeling challenged. Now I want to solo it all at x8. I need to uncover all the arcs so I can find them over Ouro.
  17. ... on a leveling character. And holy guacamole, I now get why people say it is insane. My only experience is doing it on a level 50 and of course all IOed to the gills I'd burn through things while watching curiously why my level-appropriate-team would struggle and sometimes die. So far I've fought the animated spells with the auto-hit-always-on slow aura, which complete with the 'orb of blizzard' conspired to leave most of my cooldowns on the double digits. Nothing to press since nothing is available. Managed to slog through it with big pauses Now I'm doing a Talon mission and I'm bombarded with defense debuffs, -recovery, slows, AND, my FAVORITE, -jump and -fly whatever. So I am literally down a ledge and the mobs are at arm's length but I am unable to reach them, while they are content to plink me from afar and keep on spamming that -fly and -jump power. I had to run down a tunnel while gobbling purples hoping they would miss enough times that I could..... jump the little ledge and reach them... (They did btw, no deaths so far thanks to a bucket full of insps) Okay, at 30 I'll get EvM which has -fly protection and I'll spare a slot for 20% slow resistance on Fly. Wish me luck!
  18. Yes, but one accuracy, three attack, and then two end reduction could be a thing, but this is very old school. It seems understandable you're running out of endurance if you're using generic IOs or SOs. Check my signature for some tips if you're strapped for cash. Slotting a Panaceia proc, Miracle +recovery and a Performance Shifter proc will all alleviate things. But just alleviate. Ice Armor is heavy since it's designed to rely on Energy Absorption.
  19. Not sure if it's an achievement thing you're working for or just the badge, but there's an NPC you can talk to instantly move from one alignment to the other.
  20. Ice Armor does that. That's because it 100% relies on Energy Absorption to be used at every pack pretty much. As Zork said pick Recovery Serums since they are so cheap and live off them until Energy Absorption can be picked.
  21. Then let me help you by saying that Axe goes like a house on fire (see what I did there?) with Fire Armor. Thanks to the first AoE having a FF it does the same job of Dragon Tail in accelerating all the build's cooldowns. You'll find it in page 6. The WM I tried as well, it is in page 3.
  22. It doesn't have -res though. It's just a bad copy from Tankers back when they had -res in their primary. You can check the in-game info but you'll see it's just Mids. Not even Tankers have the -res now. Frozen Fists is acknowledged as terribad due to the lengthy animation and T1 damage. But Ice Melee is lacking in attacks so it tends to be used. GiS is just... like, wow, bad. It animates in the same time as Frost but only hits one target and does a whooping... nine more damage. I suggest Freezing Touch, Ice Sword, Frost, Ice Sword. Repeat. You can focus on a boss and ignore the rest of the pack and by repositioning you'll be killing everything at the same time you're walloping the boss.
  23. And as you said the prices keep up. For sure we used to sell converters for 90-120k, but purples were also worth 24-25 mill. Now we sell them for 70-75k... but the purples are worth 17-18 mill. RL this ain't where converters would drop to 70-75k and purples go up to 30-35 mill.
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