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Everything posted by Aurora_Girl

  1. Aaaaaand if we're being all-time pedantic: "Thwre" is a typo. "There was a mass of soggy eagles on top of scooter ice cream crow" is shitty writing. There's a difference.
  2. I can file a bug report in that it appears your reading comprehension is bugged. 😉 I'm asking for a group-sourced (because we all know at least one mission like this which is not bugged, just badly composed) list to save devs the work of "Manually going through every mission in the game and double-checking that the victory conditions match the text" and just giving them a list of what's wrong and what can be done to fix it.
  3. We've all been there: cruising along through a story arc, looking for those sweet, sweet merits, and a "Defeat Council General Nancy and guards" comes along. Tank-stealth to the end, punch Archon Nancy in the face, smack his buddies around, aaaaaaaaaaand....nada. Start clearing spawns from the boss mob outward, just in case the "and guards" bubble extends a little more aaaaaaaaaand...nada. Reread the mission text: Ope, no mention of a "make sure you arrest everyone in the area," or "leave no witnesses"? Surely it's not a stealth kill-all, right? IT IS! And there's no way to know unless you do it, and your dumb ass is set to +4x8 because you're narcissistic. OR BETTER YET You have to rescue five separate hostages on a six-floor office map, and NOWHERE IN ANY OF THE MISSION TEXT OR DESCRIPTIONS IS THERE A SINGLE MENTION OF HOSTAGES! Let's start a list of missions we *know* are borked like this, and I don't know if the solution is to just add in some text, or change the mission success parameters, or what...but not everybody reads or trusts the wiki, not every mission is even included in it, so let's pool our frustration and knock out a pretty major QoL issue, yeah? I'll begin: Hero Contact: Crimson Story Arc: World Wide Red Mission: Catch the shape-shifter 'Moment' Stated Objective in Navigator: Defeat Moment and guards Actual completion objective: Defeat all mobs on map (Maybe? I didn't finish until I had cleared all but the last hostage mob, so can't confirm); rescue 5 non-escort hostages Suggested fix: Change mission text and Navigator objective to reflect either kill-all or 5 hostages to rescue, *or* change mission complete objective to reflect existing "defeat boss and guards" text
  4. AFAIK as I know those already exist.
  5. Big brain thinking: put Ragnarok or Avalanche (I think that's the right sets) chance for KD in Burn.
  6. Can't have an xp boost active at level 50.
  7. I didn't want to make Rogue. I wanted to make Aurora Girl. Sorry I took your cool name.
  8. Be more creative, learn how math and letters work, or both! Problem solved, no spaghetti required.
  9. No. Only use cases I can think of are VEATs and base building.
  10. See above post about Invisible Woman. Wonder Woman's lasso, sword, and shield either don't exist or can't be used together. Arsenal has a robot arm full of guns and explosives. Huntress has a crossbow. The Bat-Family use grapples, bolas, tasers, smoke grenades and other shit that doesn't exist.
  11. Ms. Marvel, Moonstone, Wasp, Invisible Woman, Wonder Woman, Raven, Bumblebee, Green Lantern, Arsenal, Huntress, any of the Bat-Family, any of the Spider-Family, Cannonball, Marrow, Husk, Dust, Armor, Polaris...
  12. That is a dumb build, forced on you by bad power design.
  13. Just love the absolute stones on this one.
  14. As a multiple-AT Archery fanboy, I 100% love this idea.
  15. I think people who complain about Storm scattering/causing enemy Flee response... Don't know how to play Storm Summoning. Gale and Hurricane aren't in the set by accident, y'all.
  16. This should probably be moved to the Suggestions forum. Don't tell Snarky.
  17. Not what I said and you know it you curmudgeon. 🤨 Choosing a power and then *immediately* removing it from your tray, intentionally, simply because you want to slot something in it is stupid. The *player* is not stupid, the system that forces that type of build choice in order to achieve a goal is. Every single time I take Boxing, I cringe. Every time.
  18. "Squishies" are squishy BECAUSE of lacking Mez protection. That's the trade-off for damage/buff/debuff ability. Adding protection to all Mez in a power pool without giving up those things, to me, is a big giant NOPE.
  19. Taking powers you don't intend to use is stupid.
  20. soooo, bug to report: doing ganymede, did the alignment swap to solo the mish, finished, switched back to blue and the mish vanished. now this is Gany, introing me to crimson and percy winkley:
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