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Everything posted by Aurora_Girl

  2. That's not the same thing, you loveable goob. "the Potemkin had split the transporter beam to cut through the distortions, but one beam was reflected back to the base, so that Riker materialized in both places." He didn't materialize with a new arm or a puppy, now did he? 🤪
  3. Can the teleporter also generate new matter from nothing, to fill the gaping/scalded hole in my face from aforementioned arrow? Not a Trekkie, so I'm legit asking. Conservation of matter and all that. 😏
  4. My whole issue is like... Paragon doesn't have bacta tanks or a Purple Ray, so even if you *do* get insta-teleported to a hospital, you still have a giant flaming arrow in your face when you get there. Not much to do about that.
  5. I have two children. "Do whatever I say without questioning or me providing any reasoning at all" is not how to do things. I am deeply sorry you were apparently raised that way. On topic, yay devs! Keep it up. @Cobalt Arachne in particular
  6. Because it doesn't need to be done enough to justify doing it.
  7. I take firm and staunch insult to your placement of SR on this list. SR has easy softcapped and more and DDR, But don't forget scaling resists (without IOs, then more with Reactive) so you can focus on Max HP and Regen.
  8. Has anyone heard of DDR? That 45% def on a blaster does fuck all when CDF gets ya like herpes. Doesn't care what IOs you have or how big your internet dick is.
  9. It's still there, but there's no notification that it exists unless you already know to go do it. I suggest: make the invention tutorial contact get a "New Contact" screen when you ding 15 and add it to "Find Contact"
  10. Why does my teammate care if I earned a badge?
  11. What is this "Dungeoness and Dragonfly's" you speak of? I is only a wee baby child and have never heard of a dee-twenty man. 🧐 How exactly was adding challenge difficulty to *one* piece of content supposed to "fix" all the rest of it, exactly?
  12. I meant application of the SoA fear thing as the inherent rather than the toxic proc. As a joke. Because the idea is bad.
  13. So you think game balance is a completely unsolvable inherent problem to the concept of gaming itsdlf? That seems. A wee hyperbolic.
  14. Why not the toxic damage one widows get? Why do you hate widows?
  15. The corruptor team wins in a landslide. We've done it.
  16. Honestly though I don't die nearly as much as I used to. I don't know if I like that or not.
  17. Yeeeeeeah I wasn't gonna call you out on that specifically but I appreciate the humility. 😉
  18. As usual, BSOD's weekly themed ITF (last night, it was all sub-40s only) birthed some interesting ideas, but one really stood out: Personal Defeat Counter! We can already track overall team defeats on a Task/Strike Force, but what about tracking our own individually? Granted, I 100% understand how some folks definitely don't want to be reminded of how many times their godawful build or just absolutely dogshit playstyle (looking in the mirror here tbh) bought them floor-front real estate over the course of a TF. Make it a selectable option on the TF starting screen! We had 64 total faceplants on our determined 5-man level 35 team, but we got it done, damnit. I for one would love to know specifically how awesome my TA/A defender was in staying alive as compared to the "damage mitigation"-based tank, who got me lots of progress toward my first healing badge via my trusty temp power Rez. Obviously, our group would openly share the details, and most wouldn't, but it would be a fun little flavor option I think, given its ability to be added of course. Sure, you can also keep track on a Post-It, but that's tedious and who honestly has time in the midst of a three-spawn arches pull?
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