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Everything posted by Aurora_Girl

  1. Billy, I cannot express how much joy this gave me. 😀
  2. Also like...if you've "wasted millions of inf" RPing or in the costume creator or dicking around then that's on you. No need to change the thing.
  3. Are they supposed to function as inf sinks? They were profit generators on the Paragon Market but, I mean. That's not where we are and *certainly* not how they're used now.
  4. Genuinely curious: why would you need a different build for base editing? As far as the general idea, I wouldn't use it as I've never even used a 2nd build, but I don't see any way it would be bad. So. Yay I suppose. Just make it stupidly expensive.
  5. See: Titan Weapons...which isn't a full replacement but better than nothing
  6. Works for me, I can say I usually don't buy them again after the ones at level 1 run out...but I can see how other specialized playstyle folks might be peeved.
  7. Is the thought that players will use Only Affecting Self between every combat encounter? If so that seems...weird?
  8. More importantly: Can we please pretty please have "no weapon" options for Ice/Fire manip/melee/assault please please pretty please?!
  9. Absolutely hate this change. Why? Who asked for this? It's a great way for new folks on new toons to smooth out some of the rough edges as they get started.
  10. Increasing duration in sleeps seems kinda pointless when any damage breaks it. I suggest having some sort of lingering "drowsy" debuff when sleep is broken, maybe -tohit and DMG as a thematic way to make sleeps relevant.
  11. That's a blaster. Without Mez protection, which is really the underlying idea behind "armor," people aren't saying.
  12. No. Homogeneous ATs increase power creep. More differentiation. Not less.
  13. That depends on what the point of the post is...if you're asking if they *can* add pieces, I answered that. Are you're asking if *you can help* add pieces? That's maybe a "suggestions" forum post. Are you asking if certain pieces can be added? Same deal, ask in the suggestions forum.
  14. Not every CoH character has to be a bad extra in a Bruce Lee movie.
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