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Everything posted by Aurora_Girl

  1. Bill knows my wife and kids, you don't. 😏
  2. @Bill Z Bubba I would like to state for the official record that you are never the target of my snark ESPECIALLY regarding the "too lazy to move" point. That's a general (if overgeneralized) complaint I have with the melee community at-large, borne mostly out of their blanket distaste for knockback. 😛
  3. I agree wholeheartedly with this idea, but I am not the expert to determine the actual math of it. I'm way more of a "feels" guy.
  4. I stand by both my comments about scrappering harder (which is a joke about scrapperlock, which is a totally acceptable and I'd even say necessary mindset for true scrapper Nirvana), as well as a general distaste for the idea of being too lazy to hit "w" to move five feet to punch something.
  5. Consider me in this camp too. You cheapen those who already have the badges, by not implementing new ones for the new requirement. "Grand Master of" is the right thing to do here.
  6. Wouldn't the "takes enough damage to flee, but not to die" running mob be...an indication you're not scrappering hard enough?
  7. Hard pass, because watching a Tank Swiper corpse doing the Worm is too hysterical to get rid of. Same with the Council Intern.
  8. Love this. Anything that helps both tie-back and close off existing story threads is 100000% awesome in my book, especially because it seems both a decent reward and lower-side needed components.
  9. Well as I have said in our Discord conversations, I think before any change is even fully fleshed out and suggested, the idea of what is "inherent" to the Scrapper AT (or, really, all of them) should be hashed out. To me, Scrappers don't need/shouldn't have taunt effects, at all, in any power. Aggro control is not their job, killing shit expeditiously and without any support is. If you're concerned about mob saturation for Invincibility/RttC, I'd like to see survivability numbers that would support that. When I build for those powers, I set them to 1 mob in range, tops. Always hope for the best but plan for the worst, right? If you really want that 10+ target goodness, or you wanna measure your epeen by tanking Hami (which I did last night on my /SR brute, and my epeen was peacocking this morning, you betcha), play a Tanker or Brute. Scrappers (should) trade aggro management and superior survivability for WAY higher base damage and Critical Hits. Full stop. Taunt doesn't affect your pylon time, or your AV soloing, the only thing people seem to care about is chasing runners...which is a bullshit lazy excuse when the "w" and "f" keys exist. I fully support stripping all taunt effects from scrapper powers, and hey, if you want Brawl to crit? Fuck it, let's make Brawl crit. Standardization of things like that both help FOMO and stop AT-hybrid-creep, which I abhor. Blasters should blast, Tankers should tank, Scrappers should be able to go off-leash and do their damndest to solo the +4/8 spawns on their own irrespective of any other variable.
  10. That's a decent idea. I knew there was a better term than "master" I was blanking on.
  11. A thought on changing the "Master of" requirements, we brought up while running a MoLGTF last night: It creates two brackets of folks badge-wise: before, and after. With (currently) no distinction between them. Perhaps we leave in the current MO requirement, leave the badge as is, and *add* the no-Incarnate option with its own badge title? "Remaster of," "Perfector of," "God of," etc.
  12. And crits on a DMG aura...why? What's an extra 20-25 DMG at level 50?
  13. Scrappers *should* trade direct aggro management and saturated buff/debuffs for Critical Hits and higher base melee modifier. Full stop. If you want the former, play a tank or brute. If you want neither, and enjoy controlled crits and sneaky sneaky, play a stalker. Done, thread solved, tip your waitress.
  14. Makes sense, from the screenshots up there they looked like they'd be separated for some reason.
  15. I'm a masochist and think any "Master of" should also lock spawns at +4...so a hearty "yes" from me.
  16. So the new travel power sets are gonna be in their own category? I was worried they'd mess with my converter method, but if that's the case then I can unpucker myself.
  17. Praetorian Yelp. Entry-level Seer position: moderating reviews.
  18. Hard pass in instant 50, no matter what the cost. Go do something else. If you don't wanna play the game, don't play the game.
  19. Bless you and your patience.
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