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Everything posted by Williwaw

  1. Yeah, the cost-less Sustain toggles were from the official I24 beta. The new sets created by SCoRE simply follow the pattern. From the official I24 beta patch notes:
  2. I had an En/En Brute back on live when the game closed, and ET was definitely one of my favorite attacks because it was so dramatic. My own weird suggestion for changing it to prevent corpse-blasting? Make the Energy damage a DoT that starts immediately (with the glowing fists), and the Smashing damage timed with the actual punch. I still don't think it should be a one-second long palm strike, just as I don't think they should "fix" KO Blow by turning it into a finger-flick.
  3. I don't want it to have its original animation back (it was an underwhelming palm strike, basically a Blast set T1 animation, very inappropriate for the most powerful melee attack in the game, and possibly the most powerful attack overall), but I wouldn't mind a faster animation.
  4. /Elec is actually one of the better Brute secondaries for endurance management, but it takes a while until you get those tools. In the mean time, put Performance Shifter: Chance for +End in Stamina, Panacea: Chance for +Hit Points/Endurance in Health, and tough it out. (Numina's Convalescence: Regeneration/Recovery in Health doesn't hurt, either)
  5. It's not on the Wiki page: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Lore_Slot_Abilities But it is in the I25 notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c5hTk2CpcgmaDkVtq8xhrrT2xjxd9vdvi1ur2nuH0kE/edit
  6. If you're a villain, you can just log off in Grandville to get a jetpack from the day job, which is trivial regardless of your level. (Just make sure you step far enough away from the ferry to get the right day job)
  7. I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult, since it looks like they've already done it once - Demons is new for I25. It'd probably be a matter of balancing the critters as much as (if not more than) simply adding them. They seem to have a lot on their plate right now, though.
  8. I was subscribed to the game for several months after CoH went down. I found CO's power system very limiting concept-wise. There was only one fire powerset, there was only one electric powerset, etc. But CoH has different powersets for each AT, so I can make an Elec/Elec Brute an Elec/Elec Blaster, or an Elec/Elec Dominator and they won't play even remotely the same. Related to that, I hated the way that "crowd control" means "mind control, period" rather than the huge variety of options for a Controller or Dominator on CoH, and hated even more that using the same Hold on an enemy caused them to resist it more easily rather than stacking the effect. I wasn't fond of the gear system. I don't understand why I can't just make my "Invulnerability" power stronger directly, rather than putting on a new pair of shoes that somehow protects my face. (At least the gear is invisible, unlike DCUO) I hated how weak most melee attacks felt. Just a random flailing of limbs with no weight behind the blows. My martial arts hero looked like a Looney Tunes character. I hated that status protection was tied to perfectly-timed blocks that I had to somehow fit between all that limb flailing (even moreso when there's a bit of lag and the block command doesn't actually go through until way too late). I hated only being able to have one defensive passive active at a time. I hated that damage resistance used a "diminishing returns" system. I hated that my characters felt so paper-thin, even "invulnerable" ones (since I needed 900% damage resist on CO to match my Elec/Invuln Brute's 90%, and that was impossible). And even had I gotten that 900%, it still would have been weaker than my CoH character, because my CoH character also had defense and health regen on top of the damage resistance, while on CO, you can have only one of those (and "dodging" in CO was also just damage resistance rather than actually avoiding the attack). I hated how samey most characters felt at low level. A level 1 Brute and a Level 1 Controller don't play anywhere near the same, but ever level 1 CO character plays pretty much like every other level 1 CO character; the only difference is how close you have to be to do damage. I hated that all of the preceding factors made me feel like I was never in control of combat the way I was in CoH. I hated that mission completion accounted for most of your XP, making street-sweeping all but worthless. I don't understand why, when I took a flight power, the default flight angle was about 30° downwards rather than level, and nobody could explain it to me. I had to be constantly readjusting my camera angle to fly straight. I posted once on the CO forums that I wished there wasn't a "best" power for every slot so I have some choice, and I just got people going "a choice between a crappy power and a good power is still a choice!" When I said "No, I'd really like a choice between equally-good powers", they just started replying with pictures of laughing ponies as if I'd asked for the moon. So the community was crap, too. (I use the past tense because I haven't played since 2013. Have they fixed any of those issues in the past six years?) There were many things I liked about the game conceptually, but it just felt like a slog to play. I never felt like a superhero. I wasn't having fun. The only character I enjoyed was my pseudo-Mastermind with all the pets, and even he was a slog at times.
  9. It definitely didn't do it in Issue 16, which is when I started. I remember having to retoggle everything on my first Brute upon logging in. Paragonwiki doesn't say when this was changed, exactly (or if it does, I can't find it), but it wasn't too long after that. I think it was issue 17 or 18 (because I'm sure it was changed by the time Going Rogue went live, and that was Issue 18)
  10. Depends on which MM primary you have, too. Some henchmen prefer to fight in melee range (the Thugs' Bruiser or the Beasts' Wolves, for example).
  11. I'd love to know how to do this! pow_exec_location <location> <power name> Location can be "target", "me", or a direction:distance signifier. (To quote the notes: "Direction can be forward, back, left, right, up, down, -or- it can be a number. If it's a number, it is taken as an angle in degrees. 0 is straight in front of you, 90 is right, etc. It can also be camera, to indicate the direction the camera is facing, including elevation") It works great for Rain of Arrows (especially after the buff to its animation). I have a macro for powexeclocation target "Rain of Arrows", which centers the rain on my currently selected target (which doesn't necessarily have to be an enemy), letting me just tap a single button rather than having to place it. (Though I can still place it manually if I want)
  12. It was Issue 21 that reduced the required levels of the travel powers from 14 to 4, and also added the fifth power in each travel pool, so it was relatively late in the game. I remember before that, if you were a villain with a decent stealth power, it was fairly easy to sneak into Grandville and grab a jetpack from the vendor. (Or even log out there and get a jetpack from the Grandville day job)
  13. If you can't find it any other way, then run the game through Island Rum, which should cause the City of Heroes program to appear on your Dock. Then you can right-click (Control-click) on the icon in your Dock to open the surrounding folder. Then right-click the City of Heroes program to Show Package Contents -> drive_c -> Program Files -> coh -> costumes.
  14. Just to clarify, "Patron power pools are now unlocked at character creation" means on the test server only, not as part of the update, right? (I've seen some confusion about it)
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