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Everything posted by Williwaw

  1. Alt Invite is new for HC. Null the Gull is not new (added in issue 20.5), but his ability to change your alignment is, as well as the entire dialogue tree starting with "Can you make me more powerful?" On Live, he could only had "Alter how speed buffs/debuffs from other friendly players affect you.", "Alter how group travel powers affect you.", "Change whether or not you are asked to confirm Mystic Fortune.", and "Show your progress towards the Dimensional Warder badge." as options. The Emote menu was on Live, but adding the difficulty options to it is new for HC. On Live you had to visit a Notoriety Contact (Hero Corps Field Analysts bluside, Fortunada Fateweavers redside, and Goldside's contacts are all different) to change your difficulty. You can still visit those NPCs on HC and they still give the same options, but they're kinda pointless (in the same way trainers-as-tailors made most tailors pointless).
  2. Not even all of them. Guys like Wolverine, Silver Samurai, Elektra, Daredevil, Flash, Moon Knight, Mockingbird, and Batman don't have super strength (though one could argue Batman's a Stalker rather than a Scrapper).
  3. Spider-Man has super strength, but he's also highly agile and works that into his fighting style. The SS animations in game suggest an all-power-no-finesse style, while Spider-Man's fighting style combines both, effectively giving him Martial Arts (with the alternate punch animations) and/or Street Justice as his actual fighting style. Titan Weapons on Scrappers is a misstep conceptually, yes, but it can be explained thusly: NCSoft Execs: "Hey, Paragon devs, put Titan Weapons on every melee class you can because we'll sell more money money money money money!" (And the Homecoming devs didn't want to take it away once it was already there)
  4. It hit right at the end of the game - on the version that was being tested, in fact, Issue 24 - so we have it here. Regular Power Pools also have color customization now.
  5. I think it's worth noting that CoH "feature characters" were intended to be the World's Greatest Heroes from the start (most of them being the player characters of the devs themselves in a Mutants and Masterminds game), but the Champions Lore all comes from the original sourcebooks, where the titular team was very much *not* supposed to be the World's Greatest Heroes , instead being just very average characters used as examples to explain game mechanics, just like Rath the Dwarf in D&D 2e or Bruenor the Dwarf in D&D 5e. ("Who?", you may ask — exactly) So making Defender out to be Statesman II and his team to be the next Freedom Phalanx just feels... off, and is, indeed, probably just a holdover from when it was intended to be a Marvel MMO. (Also, I see from skimming the source books as I write this, that every character in Champions has a magic-based origin, regardless of how that magic manifests. Mutants had their genes changed by the ambient magic of the world while in the womb, and the same ambient magic allows super-science and super-technology to work, though none of them are considered "magical" characters. I wonder if that's what the "Origin of Powers" arc in CoH was inspired by) Anyway, due to using these characters who were never intended to be deep or complex as the main focal point of the lore makes the whole world feel shallow. You're playing the Superfriends MMO rather than the Justice League MMO.
  6. Just to once again note - what the TC is asking for already exists in the game. If you want no knockback, then you don't have to have knockback, but you have to give up a slot for it.
  7. I want the 1960s Arachnos pieces, from AE. (Are they actually used anywhere else in the game?)
  8. Example of this: a mission called 'Meet Hamidon's Fury'. Think the contact was 'Number 6'. Don't take anything from him. At any rate, at the end of the mission, which had the typical shifting goals, the mission spawned three 'Avatar of Hamidon' archvillains. First time, at the tanker/mission owner's chosen level, we died instantly and uncomprehendingly to these things. Nothing in the mission suggested a strategy. We reset the mission with difficulty set to baseline. Something put enough of a dent in these things - a green light flashed and they were two thirds dead - that enabled the team to separate them and beat them down. I was not the owner, and did not read the mission text - but it definitely seemed like these things were killed by a deus ex machina. The player character 'heroes' definitely contributed very little to the 'victory'. By the time it finally ended we were just grateful to see the 'mission exit' button. The mission was a trap: when we reset it we had to Ouro out of it. Choosing resurrect to supergroup base was apparently deliberately broken; you still resurrected in a broken hospital without the expected inspiration vendor. And you're in an instance, so of course no auction house. No amount of interesting new maps changes the fact that this content is simply team unfriendly and badly designed. The Number Six incarnate missions were still in testing on the Beta Server when the game closed, and so may still have some bugs and/or balance issues. I'm not sure that's what happened here, though. You get a number of NPCs to help you with the three Avatars of Hamidon (unless you deliberately choose not to have them help, which nets you a badge).
  9. Performance Shifter in a toggle or auto-power checks every tick, usually every ten seconds. (The effect, incidentally, doesn't have a duration; it grants Endurance immediately whenever it procs) Preventative Medicine isn't a Proc - it's a Global, which means it's always on whether you're using the power it's in or not - so it doesn't matter where you put it, it has the same effect anywhere.
  10. Which is why Mass Confusion needs to be improved. If it has Mass Confusion to make up for the lack of a pet, then its recharge time and accuracy have to be good enough to ensure that every enemy group can be confused. Maybe even boost its base magnitude by one point compared to other AoE Confuses. It needs to lean hard into that "Confuse instead of a pet" gimmick rather than half-ass it like it's doing now.
  11. There isn't really a "pure healing" set in the game. Even Empathy and Pain Domination, the two that come closest to pure healing sets, are actually mostly buff-based sets, with only three straight-up heals each (four if you count the resurrection power as a heal), the rest being buffs or debuffs. Pain in particular has several PBAoEs that require that you be somewhat close to the action - an AoE +Regen toggle and a PBAoE -Res/-Def click power. It also has a +Resist/To Hit/Damage buff that you'll want to keep on your allies and pets as much as possible. You can't just sit back and throw out single-target heals if you want to be fully effective, you have to get in there and mix it up. Thugs are also considered one of the best Pet sets in the game, and Mercenaries one of the worst, so I'd stick with what you have. The Bruiser has some serious resistances (in fact, it looks like a copy-paste from the Commando in the Mercs set), and the T2 pets have Leadership auras, so they're not as fragile as they look (other than that darn Pyro... he just keeps running in and getting killed).
  12. You mean you *don't* just dive in and take them all on at once? That's the fun part!
  13. I don't like Carnies in general, but the Master Illusionists are the worst, going intangible half the time, summoning untouchable pets, crowd control powers, and Psionic damage, they have something that will hit at least one weak spot on your character. I'm not sure whether I hate them more or less than Sappers. Master Illusionists are Boss-rank, so they're a pain to take down, but Sappers are much more common.
  14. Oh, I was confused, because something called "Paragon Radio" has been running since before the game shut down (though it only changed its name to "Paragon Radio" about two years ago; before that it was "Save CoH Radio"): https://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index.php?topic=11098 (Though for the record, I haven't heard either version of Paragon Radio)
  15. Discussion of what Omega was going to be was also in the AMAs, the 2013 AMA specifically: And then Positron said that Omega wasn't going to be the final one; a new tree of ten powers would slowly be added after that. And another ten powers after that. And so on until the universe explodes.
  16. True, you can also send Empyrean and Astral Merits directly, but you can only send one Merit per mail. So if you have a lot, converting them to Transcendent merits first lets you send 50 of them per mail instead of one.
  17. Water Spout is basically Tornado with a slightly different visual effect and longer cooldown, so that would be fun to throw into the mix, and then you get the Coralax at level 44 for even more pet-summoning fun. Also, yeah, you'd be weak at low levels, but the Umbra Beast hits like a truck. Maybe consider dipping into the Sorcery pool for Arcane Bolt until then?
  18. Incidentally Alpha and Interface both show up on the Pets' buff bar (for all pets, incidentally, not just MM Pets; they even show up for non-combat pets like the Vanguard MVAS)
  19. With +100% recharge time, the duration (90 seconds) matches the cooldown (3 minutes, cut in half). With higher than 100% recharge, you can even have more than one out at a time. I'd be fine with making it a perma-pet (even though I'd lose the double-stacking), but I'm sure its recharge would have to be raised to at least 4 minutes (the cooldown for Controller pets) to compensate. And, actually, I could have sworn it already did -Def like other gun attacks in the game, but I checked, and it definitely doesn't.
  20. Look, it could have used a few more weeks of playtesting, but it's a perfectly-playable game as long as you read the manual first. It's not like Swordquest: Fireworld or something. That game was a dumpster fire, and really should be the one that... what? We're not talking about that "ET"? Energy Transfer? Oh, that's very different.
  21. That's not a glitch as such, that's a text error. Only the Tanker version is supposed to have the Bruising bonus. (In the live game, only Tankers had Ice Melee; when it was ported to the other ATs for I25, they removed Bruising, but I guess they forgot to change the description)
  22. Annihilation: Chance for -Res does work in Carrion Creeper, as does Frozen Blast: Recharge/Chance for Immobilize. (The latter's effect is very obvious when it triggers, too, so there's no doubt it works)
  23. It would give you another power that you'd never slot. I would at least put an accuracy IO in there, or, if it could take Ranged Damage sets, maybe even an Accuracy/Damage Set IO. (Actually, if I had room in my build, I'd probably two-slot it and put Devastation: Accuracy/Damage and Devastation: Chance for Hold in those two slots)
  24. I think changing origin is difficult at best to add to the game due to it interacting with the Enhancement system, which is a jumble of mess under the hood. I don't know what would happen if you were to change from, e.g., Magic to Tech while your powers were slotted with a bunch of Magic SO enhancements, but there's a decent chance the game would s*** the bed. (And unslotting them to reslot as part of the changeover has its own headaches, as does just somehow transforming them to other SOs)
  25. It looks like the Stealth has been removed. As I recall from Live, it used to be two powers: the Panther transformation power itself, and a separate Stealth power that popped up on the extra bar when you were in Panther form. The Stealth power no longer pops up when you transform. But I don't see it in the Patch Notes, so it was a.... stealth nerf.
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