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Everything posted by OEM61

  1. Based on this thread, the position that Burnout is worthwhile is in the minority. My opinion is it's way too expensive in both end cost and recharge to be worth it. I can't think of the last time I though "oh man, if I just had all my cooldowns reset!" It's certainly one of the most situational powers in the game. My thing about Super Speed is that it's now just about the slowest travel power starting mid-game, in terms of getting across a zone. It's not much faster than SJ. Teleport is clearly the fastest. And with Afterburner, Fly is functionally faster. It's about 90% SS speed but without the need to deal with walls and things, which is something I've found I need to take SJ for anyway. And it has quirky weird powers like Whirlwind, which I doubt many bother with. This would all be fine if the final SS power was something amazing to compensate. They can't really make SS faster without exacerbating its maneuverability issues. They can't add mobility like running up walls because the game engine won't allow it. They can't give it a kind of "so fast it's instant" teleport-like feature without stepping on Teleport's toes. Maybe they could give it a speed-based attack but that's basically what Whirlwind is, so... I think I'm mainly just disappointed in Burnout. Okay, so Burnout is situational. And group flight or afterburner isn't? Because I fail to see how "you can save some time crossing zones" is such an awesome, amazing power to have in comparison to a power that lets you instantly recharge every primary and secondary that you have. Group flight and afterburner won't really help me defeat that giant monster. "Super-Speed isn't fast enough" is not an argument to improve burnout.
  2. Architect Entertainment. The OP is basically saying that people make missions there that allow them to level at an accelerated pace and they lack the willpower to stop themselves from taking that "shortcut", so they want the devs to make a server where it doesn't exist.
  3. It will if everyone does it, If "everyone" does it then everyone wills top doing it to make some of that influence, and then there are plenty floating around again and prices return to normal, and everyone stops and then prices go up and some people decide it's worth collecting again, and the cycle repeats. But if the stuff isn't getting into the market either way, as was stated with the idea that they either delete it or simply do not collect it to begin with, then they aren't going to be doing anything to hold the price down either way. If we can set ourselves up to not collect inspirations of some type or not collect recipes, then why not be able to set ourselves up to not collect salvage? Insert standard disclaimer about not knowing how much work it would take and if it's too much work then I wouldn't bother, but if it's a relatively quick fix? I see no harm here.
  4. Defensive primary, melee secondary exists. They are called tankers. They protect the team by keeping bad guy focus on themselves. The idea that you have for a mechanic was one I suggested that might be used to make multiple tankers more desirable in teams, but that it would stack... Limiting these mechanics to where only one is useful is really telling people that only one of a given AT is desired in a group and I think that that is a bad idea.
  5. If it is possible to allow respecs on origins, and that would include converting any slotted SO/DO enhancements to slotted enhancements of an appropriate type, then sure. An arc (or two or three) based on origin. An IO set based on origin. Since damage is the one and only thing that everyone can do, that is where they would have to be slotted, but the specifics could change from origin to origin regarding set bonuses and they could all have a different "rider" enhancement (mutant might offer a chance at bonus smashing damage while natural might have a chance at a DoT and magic might have a chance at bonus negative energy damage, that sort of thing). Origin-specific enemies I am not sure about. Expanding that idea to cover every character seems like overkill. For Kheldians it is special, to make it for everyone is just monotonous. Besides, do the Widows and Crabs have these types of foes? But if I was doing this I would do it this way: Each origin type would have a specific enemy faction appearing in all of their arcs, however many that might be. Magic origin characters might always have to fight the Circle of Thorns, natural origin characters might always fight the Council. Whatever. Them each of those factions could have a new enemy type that appears only in those arcs. So the Council might have a "Council Ultra-Soldier" that could have a slight bonus against natural characters, but those "Council Ultra-Soldiers" would only appear during the missions that were part of the natural character's special story arc(s). But I count this as pure dream stuff. Wish-list items that I do not expect to see the light of day in the game as it exists now. Maybe if they make a CoH 2 some day...
  6. Remembering the game before we had these, I am not entirely sold. I understand the sentiment to a degree, but I think you can get yourself set up fairly reasonably fairly quickly. You might want to have these as a way to further reduce downtime in your attack chain, but I don't think that they are necessary, especially not in a world where P2W vendors are out there and available. Grab an axe, a wand, a staff, and/or some sand to help fill out your chain. They're free and available from level 1. If they could do it quickly and easily? Sure, why not? I just don't think that there is a real need for it.
  7. You do not have to use AE. You can delete any character of yours that is defeated. You can play without trading with any other player or even sending/sharing things with your own alts. I do not see how your self-described weakness justifies the work that would be required to implement these changes, and it would require at least one whole new server, and then there would be those calls from people saying "we want permadeath, but we also want AE". How small do these player bases become? Me? I have not set foot in AE. Too much other stuff to do. Maybe, eventually, and it can be used in groups to set up some very customized missions, not as "entertainment" to them in the game, but as a way to create their own "real" in the game missions. Permadeath doesn't really fit the source or the setting. Plenty of heroes have been defeated in the comics only to come back and win in the end. And in this game, our heroes are teleported to the hospital. Not really time for a villain to check vitals and kill survivors. This would also run afoul of "I can come back to life" powers. How can anyone justify permadeath on a character that will not stay dead? And why on Earth would hero "A" not be able to sell or give hero "B" something if they wanted to? Even influence can be traded in the sense that during an imaginary in-game interview or something super-famous hero "A" could talk up not-nearly-as-famous hero "B". That is giving influence. Hero "A" trades a chance to build themselves up (loses influence) to build up someone else (give them influence).
  8. I'm trying to remember the "old Hollows" and compare that to how it is now, but I am mostly coming up blank. I remember doing missions for Wincott, then Flux, then Julius, then Talshak. I do that now. The other contact, Meg, is newer, but she is not part of the storyline. It seems easier to me now than I remember, but I chalk that up to little things like P2W enhancements and such, but I do not remember any major overhaul to the zone itself. It's been a few years, though. Maybe there was a change in level or something that I just do not recall.
  9. Burnout may require some trade-offs, but it seems to me that it is potentially the most powerful of all travel pool powers, and that between it and hasten speed may offer the two most universally useful powers in any travel pool. And you say that this is the pool that needs help?
  10. But Praetorians seem to me to use less "super names" and more "normal names". Mot all of them, but enough that if I were to make a Praetorian, using a "firstname lastname" would fit that environment. Everything is in play, for me, anyway. I may imagine a hero as unimaginative or just not interested in thinking of a fancy name. They may receive a "silly" name. If I make a Praetorian, then going without a codename is very much a possibility. Not automatic, but absolutely something to keep in mind. If I do go with a codename then it will probably be more of a nickname that someone else would have given them than a more elaborate "superhero name"; Less "The Human Torch" or "Sun Boy" for a fire character than something like "Hotshot" or "Matchstick", if that makes the point more clear. But for most of my characters, like I said, I prefer the more classic superhero (and villain) naming conventions. And maybe someone thinks this one sucks or that one is silly, but they are mine, and if I didn't like them then I wouldn't use them. ============= And do I have troubles? Occasionally, sure, everyone that makes many characters using "classic" naming conventions will. People that use random numbers and letters or that are happy with adding some quantity of "x"es to front and back of their name will not have these issues, and people that use more "real names" won't have as many problems, but no matter how imaginative you may be, there may well be a time that you can't have the name that you wanted at first. Some might be easily fixed by a letter change or changing the language, others might require more work. Titan is taken? Okay, what color is your costume? Red? So how about some adjectives? Maybe Red Titan is available, or Titan Red if you want to mix it up a little. It may not have been your first thought, but I think that discarding adjectives out of hand is a bad idea. If I wanted to play a fire toon and none of my "fire names" were available, you can bet that I wouldn't be above re-coloring the fire and trying "The Blue Flame" or whatever as a name.
  11. At minimum I would like to see themed pools for ATs that have access to that theme. I do not know what all APPs are available for all ATs, but yeah, if I can have a dark/dark tank then a dark APP would be nice. If I can have an electric/electric tank then an electric APP would be nice. I can make a rad/rad defender, and this has been since day one, so now that we have radiation melee and radiation armor it would be nice to see them put together a radiation APP for defenders that would let them keep it all in theme. Just run down the line for all of the ATs.
  12. I generally prefer the more "classic" naming conventions myself, but I am not beyond going with something a bit on the silly side now and then. I have one character made (but not played) that you would probably think had a silly name, but I think it's about the character and the general vibe, right? If the character is a mutant that is rather unhappy with their powers; That understands and feels obligated to do something (or that is recruited against their will into assisting Arachnos) but that would rather they had not gotten powers at all, just how much time do you expect them to spend on thinking of a "great name"? And if in the real world a bunch of people started getting super powers and were coming up with "code names" for themselves, do you honestly not think that there would be someone that decided "Stoney McStoneHands" would be a good name, or at the very least would think that they were incredibly clever for thinking of it? Ultimately the difference between the two is entirely in the mind of the reader. I might think "This is a really good name. I like it" and then someone else see it and think ""What a stupid name". There may be more people thinking the former than the latter, or vice-versa, but the only names I can control are mine. And I am okay with that. If I see something that I think violates the rules then I can report them. If I see something that I think is truly off-putting then I can ignore the player/character. But mostly? Live and let live.
  13. I recently did some testing and wondered about whether and what difference certain changes might make. You will end up with a total of 24 powers in addition to the inherent powers (brawl, sprint, etc) and the inherent fitness powers (that you will get at level 2). At what level what powers become available will depend on whether you are looking at primary, secondary, pool, or epic pool powers.. In any case, that is more than enough to get every power in both your primary and secondary sets if that is what you want to do.
  14. I saw them post basically the same thing in another thread recently. But the state of the game is such that I wouldn't expect too much unless you could do what you could to help them out. They are not getting paid and I am sure that they have enough on their plate just to keep the game running. Any actual updates are bonuses, and there is no shortage of people asking to see things changed or added. And I say this as someone that wouldn't even know where to begin working on submitting new costume pieces.
  15. Am I the only one that thinks that Gina Carano is not at all a good example to use as support for this body type? There are plenty of examples out there, but I do not think that she is one of them.
  16. I used the alien face back in the day to make an ape-like character. Didn't see a whole lot of play, though. More animal-type heads to start, I think. Then they can add some new tail designs and furry bits for costume details. I am not opposed to animal-styled headgear but I think it falls far behind letting people make more and more different animalistic characters in terms of popularity. I, for one, would like to see more lizard/reptile/amphibian heads. Not that I have plans on making a hundred such characters that would use those heads, but everyone that makes a lizard character is stuck with that one head.
  17. All for it. Four sets of symbols, even: 1) Symbols of the squiggly lines that represent the signs. 2) Symbols more directly representing the signs. A bull for Taurus, a crab for Cancer, etc. Some existing symbols can be used for some signs, but not all of them, and I would like a unified design philosophy so 12 new symbols. 3) Characters representing the Chinese zodiac. 4) Symbols of each of the animals. This is like #2 above. Some of the signs already have an image or two that could be used, but I would like each of the animals to get a new symbol that follows the same basic design ideal, again, just like with #2.
  18. Why does this sound familiar to me? Anyway, as for the power(s) themselves, where does it fit? Teleport pool? Abusable, though, I think, without a short window of use and a pretty limited range. Set a mark near the entrance of an instance, run through with no fear. When things start turning against you, you just hit the recall button and are whisked to safety. Even if the enemies are close enough to where they might follow, you just click the door/elevator and you will have all the time you need to rest and recover. It seems a rather absolute insurance policy against debt and, perhaps more importantly, long trips back from the hospital to continue your mission.
  19. That is a function of added mission content much more than having to deal with some higher-leveled enemies. You can either miss some missions/contacts or you can turn of your XP gain so as to avoid outleveling the missions your contacts might otherwise offer. This is a great problem to have.
  20. To be fair, you can select how they will act and, to the extent that it is more-or-less the same, what they say. It's a very limited selection, but brutes do not say the same things that masterminds say, and maniacs say something different from both of them, and in that regard you control what they say and how they act. But as I said, it is very limited. I always wondered why a brute would build the exact same death-ray that was really only cover for some sort of dimensional door-opening scheme or whatever that fire monster was supposed to be about that a mastermind would. To me, that was the ultimate failing of their system. They offered three different types of nemeses but only one nemesis plot. They let you pick powers for the nemesis, which suggest certain backgrounds, but none of that changes anything. My martial arts-using mastermind with his ninja minions is building a death-ray in a volcano. My power-armored brute and his army of mercenary soldiers is also building a death-ray in a volcano. My blade-wielding maniacal nemesis and his crew of pirate cosplayers? Yep. Building a death-ray in a volcano.
  21. Patience is all well and good as long as the mobs are spawning at reasonable levels and in reasonable numbers. I am certainly not saying that I haven't been able to get the job done or that there are no 5-10 mobs of whatever type in KR at all, but there are plenty of 11+ mobs, too, and it makes street sweeping missions more work than they should be, especially for non-flying toons. Sure, sometimes you can find level-appropriate Clockwork just across from the monorail. And sometimes you find Tesla Knights and Tesla Dukes that are conning red and life is a whole lot more difficult than it should be for someone that was told that KR is appropriate for their 5th or 6th level character that may well not have picked up a travel power yet. Those Skulls that Dillo says you must defeat? You can cross all of High park and might not find 10 that are in the 5-10 range. You may not find any in that range. Doable? Sure. Like I said, I did it. Multiple people have done it. Fun? Enjoyable? The way that it is supposed to be in a zone marked 5-10 for characters doing missions marked 5-10? Those first two are debatable, the last is almost certainly "no".
  22. I remember asking for a "filing cabinet" for recipes on the old forums when the game was live. Yes. Please. This would be nice.
  23. I think for zone events it would be a nice touch. A reporter and crew set up across from the burning building throwing out the names of heroes putting out the fires or whatever. In other locations just have one out there commenting on the latest heroic happenings. You know the deal; A reporter near City Hall that just picks up on passing heroes and says "The big story today is <hero> and how they shut down a Superadine ring in King's Row" or something like that. Another hero passes by, the reporter says something appropriate to them, just like other NPCs.
  24. I noticed this to. I don't know why the zone got out of line, but yeah, it would be nice if they could turn it back into a 5-10 zone instead of an 8-15 zone or whatever it is right now. Heck, if they think that they need 15s there for whatever reason then fine, but they need to make sure that they stick them in a specific neighborhood and that no one is going to send any level 5-10 characters into those neighborhoods, and certainly not for street-sweeping missions.
  25. I think that this is reasonable. People that set themselves to walk specifically do not want to go fast. If they did then they would just jog or sprint. Making it so walk speed can not be boosted would keep it at a reasonable pace.
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