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Everything posted by Albion

  1. @Galaxy Brain Did you ever updated all this or it hardly changed?
  2. And his spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1arWBGWuwGCWqSrkLgnWK26xNTrILUO_QNKn8034A3L0/edit#gid=0
  3. Update: Two days to January and we are still soaring! you are all epic, cast your vote and let others know! force your sg members to vote or threaten them with running around naked on their main base! (any similarity with actual circumstances related in any way to me are pure speculation on your part). To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button. https://massivelyop.com/2021/12/11/massively-ops-2021-awards-best-mmo-rogue-server/
  4. Update: Three days to go! Can we get 800 votes??? we are breaking records regarding rogue servers, keep at it everyone, vote and tell others! (To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button). https://massivelyop.com/2021/12/11/massively-ops-2021-awards-best-mmo-rogue-server/
  5. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Multiple_Builds Go to any trainer, the same ones you level up on, talk to them and choose "Select or rename your active build". There you will find the three spots, you can give them a name (recommended as it avoids confusion) or select them to change to those, once you select the other two besides the one you are in now, which is usually selection 1, you get to level your char again, you keep primary and secondary powersets but you can swap the powers inside those, and everything else, then you distribute enhancement slots like in the usual leveling process, for all purposes you start at level one but have already everything unlocked that you have on your original build (and once you repeat the process it stays that way, only need to do it the first time) And, since its a bitch having to go to a trainer all the time to switch between them, you can use the select build command. select_build 1/2/3 Best way is to make one macro button for each so you switch at convenience /macro namehere "select_build 1" /macro namehere "select_build 2" /macro namehere "select_build 3"
  6. Already discussed plenty on this forum and other venues of HC, and no, no one is gonna close Homecoming all of the sudden.
  7. Update: Four days to go! let's make it to 800 before the new year hits! amazing response, this is the best community, cast your vote and tell others! ^_^ (To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button). https://massivelyop.com/2021/12/11/massively-ops-2021-awards-best-mmo-rogue-server/
  8. Update Five days to go and we staying strong! More votes, more views, more people will be find out and be atracted to the game, and more articles about us may be incoming, we got this? yes we do you all support has been amazing, should we slow down? heck no, lets go all the way! vote and let others know! (To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button). https://massivelyop.com/2021/12/11/massively-ops-2021-awards-best-mmo-rogue-server/
  9. Consequences, that would be the biggest outcome of such social experiment, we are gonna give each other a piece of our minds, and once the day is gone and we return to our kind of sometimes civil behavior, the grudges gonna be real.
  10. Satire my ass, we all want to go at it, but I can feel GM's breathing on my neck :P
  11. Yeaaah no, one thing is puns, picking on each other or telling someone to go sit on a cactus, which is healthy (telling them, not sure about sitting on one, got to try it first) but, what is said can not be undone, and for sure there is a small but still present cluster in here willing to say absolutely fucked up things that only keeps it to themselves and glare from a corner because of the ban hammer hovering over their heads. And they are why we can't have nice things like such a purge day.
  12. Christmas day update! Six days to go and we are nearing 700 votes!!! Push forward everyone we are going plus ultra! Tell others! (To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button). https://massivelyop.com/2021/12/11/massively-ops-2021-awards-best-mmo-rogue-server/
  13. I am not talking of your opinion or his, just merely stating the fact that without Devs, GM's and the well known organizers of runs, there would be no community, thus yes they are pillars, besides if you and the other poster hold a grudge towards them or not.
  14. Much love to all of us, the Homecoming Team, the Devs, the GM's, every single one of you crazy dreamers (including those I exchange knives in the gut with!) Specially for those who are struggling and not having a great time, thanks for all the memories, shenanigans, runs, amazement and the chance to once again being able to play, all together and standing strong for the future. CHEERS!
  15. Update: Only a week to go, lets make a Christmas miracle happen and get those 700 votes!, we are rocking this, dont give up yet, vote and tell others, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for all! (To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button). https://massivelyop.com/2021/12/11/massively-ops-2021-awards-best-mmo-rogue-server/
  16. It is an opinion however, far from facts.
  17. Update: We earned another percentile digit! give it your all only 8 days left, vote and show what we are made of, let others know! https://massivelyop.com/2021/12/11/massively-ops-2021-awards-best-mmo-rogue-server/
  18. There is no such thing, Batallion will hunt us all down.
  19. Update: Everyone is doing a superb effort, we have only 9 days to go until the poll is closed, our closer competitor waited until now to make a hard push (plus some edgy Homecomers decided is fun to vote for it instead <_< ), so lets not give up, cast your vote and tell everyone you know about it, we are going to earn this victory! To vote scroll down to the list, click on the square next to Homecoming, then go down and smack that vote button. https://massivelyop.com/2021/12/11/massively-ops-2021-awards-best-mmo-rogue-server/
  20. Yes, but they were sold for a good chunk of money compared to the assets they were letting go of.
  21. Someone has to say it so here it goes... MIN MAXING IS NOT HEALTHY FOR ANY GAME *escapes*
  22. Taking on account the reputation they built for turning any neat project into crap in time, is not surprising to me, they would not be selling if they were popular and successful.
  23. You have to understand the Korean business mindset, CoH may have been managed by a USA branch but its owned by a Korean company, by it's very nature the game is at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to being interested in for the executives of the company headquarters.
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