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Oklahoman last won the day on August 4 2021

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  1. I would love the storage racks and enhancement tables to have a permissions tab for Coalition and Everyone - defaulted to NO, of course. This, and a few other places in the game where the roster size should be increased - thinking specifically of the Global Friends list. (As an aside, if Global Friends gave us a "Last Online" column I could prune it better than I do now.) I'm guessing the base code is much like the LFG code, something no one wants to touch. Like I said of the LFG code, I bet there's no (comprehensible, if any) comments or formatting in that code. 🙂
  2. Vayne keeps his Hasten on auto all the time - dude needs to chill. Personally, I like the idea. Maybe there are other powers like that which a Tailor could put on auto for you, with an appropriate pop-up warning. I'm thinking specifically of the Leadership pool powers of Maneuvers, Assault, and Tactics.
  3. My background is more in scripted stuff rather than compiled, and while my current job is in a completely different field I do a lot of the SQL stuff for our EHR system. There's a comment in there somewhere where I said "I added this for Kevin's client" and it occurs to me that years down the road someone is going to have no clue why that is there.
  4. I know we have a lot of people in our community who aren't devs on the game, but still do coding, and they would probably agree with me - working on someone else's code sucks. It wouldn't surprise me if there are ZERO comments and formatting in that code. 🙂 I wouldn't want to touch it. But for any brave souls who dare go there, you would be a legend in the community if you could make LFG and league forming work perfectly. Those who have been in a BAF run with me have pointed out that when I split the teams up in the escapee phase I specifically say "MY TEAM go north" rather than "TEAM 1 go north" because the star may have wandered AND you get a lot of new 50s in that trial who don't seem to realize they have the star, don't know how to give the star to someone else, and maybe aren't reading chat anyway. The other day I literally had someone drop from the league and ask for a reinvite because they got saddled with the star and couldn't figure out how to give it to anyone else. Not sure why that happens *cough AE cough* but it does. Even doubling it to 10 seconds, like it is with BAF, would make a huge difference in the success rate. It's a tougher trial than BAF, with tougher requirements to even join, but still you are taking out 3 AVs instead of 2 - one of which can shield itself and another is TPing between 2 spots AND can TP other members of the league who are not nearby.
  5. I know it's been said time and again here that Magisterium needs fixing. I also know of at least 2 people who are likely to chime in here saying no changes need to be made, or that changes can't be made because our wonderful devs are simply not that talented, or some other negative thing. And, I also know that anything posted in the Suggestions forum has an extremely slim chance of making it into the game at all. But, here goes anyway... (This is an LFG problem, but just to highlight what a league leader has to deal with) You form your teams up just like you want them, trying to optimize for which team will attack which AV, zone in, and you've lost the star and/or LFG has swapped teams 2 and 3. Mini-Tyrant needs to not exist at all when you go in. Too easy for a griefer to pull him and make everything more difficult than it already is. AVs regen tick is a problem when going for Triple Threat. It's semi-unpredictable and a lot of times happens immediately after a kill order has been given. I tell my league we can do everything right and STILL have this essentially come down to a coin flip - it's not fair. It would be nice if Nega's shield status was displayed in the AV window, but that's optional. As a league leader, I have a lot to watch for in terms of when to give the kill order, and since I need to be on Chimera to know his TP status I have to rely on the Nega team to tell me his shield status. It would be better if I could just see that myself in the AV window since I can't be in 2 places at once. I can make an educated guess based on what's in the window already - I get that. Really should just move the badge award for Triple Threat to right after final AV is dropped, and Ready to Rumble to after Black Swan is taken down. It would give a leader the option to attempt Really Hard Way and not risk losing another badge. I'm hearing it's not just me who finds the cutscene to be blurry. I think a change was made a few patches back that messed that up. It would be nice if the Quills wouldn't even work unless you were within range, but that's optional. It's just too easy to waste some precious seconds firing it on a column that's already been addressed, but just hasn't faded away yet. Mini-Tyrant phase should just be removed... or fix Mini-Tyrant. That's incredibly frustrating to do everything right then run into that little bug. I've been tracking my badge runs this year, and out of 30 Triple Threat runs I've only had 10 successes. That's a serious outlier for me compared to everything else I run. As for the regen tick - which someone is going to chime in here and say is just normal so get over it - I've heard some suggestions: Do away with it entirely in this trial only Make the regen tick not work once the AV is under 5% Have the IDF drop a handful of temp powers that will squelch the AVs regen for X amount of time Have an indicator show up a few seconds before they regen, like the Nova Fist warning for Marauder, in this trial only Have the amount of the regen amount tied to their remaining health, so if they normally regen 5% have it drop to a 2% regen tick below a certain health level, and 1% below another level Give more than 5 seconds between the first and last AV to credit the Triple Threat badge Have Luna sell something that prevents an AVs (maybe any AV in the entire game?) regen tick for X amount of time I'm sure there are other ideas, too. I really hope someone is looking at fixing this trial - it's a lot fun, but it can be incredibly frustrating, too.
  6. This was a 1 time thing I did 5 months ago. I currently have no definite plans to do it again, but might. The stuff I ran wasn't very well attended, and an All-MM MSR isn't going to net you a lot of rewards - you do it to be able to say you've done it. 🙂 Having said that, there are some people who do Mastermind Monday events each week on Excelsior all throughout the day. I will say that a MM only Dilemma Diabolique is a lot of fun, and I've almost run a few just for the kicks.
  7. Honestly, I just wish a system message would get posted to the league leaders log of who declined. Sometimes I missed a message saying they were going AFK for a second. If I know who declined (through inaction, maybe not those who actively declined) I can reinvite them once we zone in.
  8. In my head, all error messages are in the voice of Samuel L. Jackson, but missing 4 syllables at the end.
  9. What if Swap Ammo had a another option - "Quick Draw"? So you'd sacrifice the free secondary effects of the other ammo types to eliminate the initial draw of the weapon and slightly reduce the animation times of the powers. Or, something like that.
  10. I like the idea, but I'd rather see a new beacon that you can both name and attach a base code to. That would remove the coalition piece of it, but would give you some more flexibility. So, for example, you could create a beacon in your base with a name of "Okie's Stupid Oklahoma-shaped Base" and point it to OKIE-8602. Unfortunately, I don't think we have anything like that in a base already, so my guess is that it's not easy to do. Would be cool though. You could create mazes that run across multiple bases.
  11. My first 50 on live was an Empathy defender, and the way the game was played back then I loved it. But I remember even back on live asking for the devs to look at Empathy because we could see it going the direction you describe. I'd really like to see Empathy get re-imagined for the way we play today, but I'm not holding my RAs for the team to gather (that was a tortured way of saying I'm not holding my breath).
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