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Everything posted by Lockpick

  1. Okay, I went back and did some more testing on the movement speeds. I was having a hard time with trying to capture as bullets, so put in a table format. Looks like in my earlier test when I thought they were stacking it is because the power was showing up for a bit before disappearing. I have to say I'm not a fan of this change. I loved my Sentinel being able to stack NR and Shinobi-Iri as a travel power and when I created my DP/NT Blaster I was expecting to stack NR with Shinobi and was disappointed when I couldn't stack them. I thought it was a bug. I did see a post earlier about stacking of these travel powers, but I really didn't understand it and the need to limit the stacking. I hope the table below makes sense. I am trying to show what is active based on different power selections. Movement Buffs AT Powersets Action Running Speed Flying Speed Jumping Speed Max Jump Height Blaster A/NT Only SS Activated SS No No No Only CJ Activated No No CJ CJ Only NR Activated NR No NR NR Only Shinobi Activated Yes No Yes Yes Shinobi + SS SS Neither Shinobi Shinobi Shinobi + SS + CJ SS None CJ CJ Shinobi + CJ Shinobi None CJ CJ Shinobi + NR NR None NR NR Blaster A/TA Only SS Activated SS No No No Only CJ Activated No No CJ CJ Only NR Activated NR No NR NR Only Gymnastics Activated Gym Gym Gym Gym Gymnastics + SS Gym + SS Gym Gym Gym Gymnastics + SS + CJ Gym + SS Gym CJ CJ Gymnastics + CJ Gym Gym CJ CJ Gymnastics + NR Gym + NR Gym NR NR Sentinel DP/Ninjitsu Only NR Activated NR No NR NR Only Shinobi-Iri Activated Shinobi-Iri No Shinobi-Iri Shinobi-Iri Shinobi-Iri + NR NR No NR NR
  2. Does this mean I can no longer stack Ninja Run and Shinobi-iri on my Sentinel for movement? Movement Buffs The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs: Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping Pool > Leaping > Super Jump Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap Pool > Speed > Super Speed Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound Prestige Travel > Ninja Run Prestige Travel > Beast Run Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this: Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics Edit: I copied my Sentinel over to Test and took a picture of the Movement speeds. I had NR and Shinobi-Iri listed with movement speeds. I then logged into Live and had the same numbers. Is it supposed to be this way? Not sure what to test. I logged into my A/TA Blaster and tested Gymnastics with NR and CJ. When CJ is activated the Jump movement from Gymnastics is suppressed (removed) under the Jumping Speed and Max Jump Height headers. Gymnastics movement speed is still available under the Running Speed and Flying Speed Headers. Seems to be working as intended. When NR is activated it is mutually exclusive from CJ, so toggles off CJ. When NR is activated it is listed under all the movement headers (Running Speed, Flying Speed, Jumping Speed, and Max Jump Height) along with Gymnastics (so stacking). I'm not sure if this is working as intended or if NR should be suppressed when Gymnastics is active. I logged into my A/NT Blaster and tested Gymnastics with NR, CJ, and SS. When CJ is activated the Jump movement from Gymnastics is suppressed (removed) under the Jumping Speed and Max Jump Height headers. Gymnastics movement speed is still available under the Running Speed header, but is not listed under the Flying Speed Header. This is different from the A/TA blaster above, so I may have made a mistake above. Will look again. When NR is activated it is mutually exclusive from SS and CJ, so toggles off both powers. When NR is activated it is listed under the following movement headers (Running Speed, Jumping Speed, and Max Jump Height) and Gymnastics is suppressed. It looks like NR stacks in some cases and not others.
  3. I disagree about the "patting each other on the back" comment. I don't disagree about self nerfs being a new concept. I didn't advocate for @Dragon Crush suggestion, although it seems like a new suggestion to me as I had never seen it before. I merely said it wasn't a bad idea. I don't think it is a bad idea because it provides players more choices and I believe more choices are good. People like the ability to freeze XP; maybe they would like the choice to reduce their damage. I would likely never use it, but I don't think it hurts to have more player choices. I have advocated for adding additional levels to the notoriety system (+5/9, etc.), but adding notoriety is adding a challenge and choice to the game. I suppose it could be considered a self nerf, but I never thought of it that way before. I have also advocated for adding selections for things like No Incarnates, No Judgement, No Lore, etc. which all provide more choice for players to leverage. I don't agree with the Devs putting more AoE in the game and am absolutely against wholesale re-balancing (nerfs or buffs). I think the base game is fine as is and we need to find methods of providing more high end content that provides the challenge that players want. My beef has mainly been with the players that min/max their builds with IO sets and incarnates and then complain the game is to easy. They then want to nerf existing powers, so they aren't as powerful. This makes the overall game harder, which impacts the entire community. I expect many in the community like the game as is where it is somewhat easy, but they can make it harder if they choose to do so.
  4. I don't agree it is true. I haven't advocated for self nerfs and have explained my position. My position is simple: I am advocating for more player choices and for players to own their own play experience. I certainly haven't patted anyone on the back. I may agree with some posters some of the time and disagree other times. I'm trying to understand your point in regards to this thread and am having a hard time. No one is stopping you from discussing the meta. Go ahead and have fun discussing it. Feel free to discuss the nature of AoE in the game. No one is stopping you. I also don't advocate for power set re-balancing, so I am not sure what to make of you comment about buffs. I think power set adjustments should be done very rarely because they impact the current players playing the game. IMO, balancing should only be done in situations where there is clear and substantial imbalance. I am pretty much against all the power set adjustments in the new issue because I do not think they are warranted. I haven't advocated for keeping the settings at the top. I have no idea what you are talking about. I have advocated for the HC team to provide more settings to give more players choice because I think choice and owning your own player experience are critical, especially with a small player base and HC team. The current settings are fine for me since I generally run on the default settings except when I want to do something outside my norm.
  5. The fact that you started your post off by calling people out specifically by name and demeaning their contributions negatively impacts any points you may try to make. The challenge I have is that people min/max their builds with IO sets and incarnates and then complain the game is to easy. They then advocate to the HC team to make the entire game harder for everyone, including those that do not have min/max builds, do not have incarnates, and want a more casual friendly game. These people refuse to own their own play experience to get the challenge they want for themselves. This doesn't require self-nerfs. You can create hard mode content. You can team up with like minded people and all of you can create hard mode content. If you and 9 other like minded people created hard mode AE story arc content every 2 months at the end of the year you would have 60 hard mode story arcs that would benefit the entire community. My suggestions have always been for players to own their own play experience and that can take multiple forms: Use the existing mechanics to make current content harder Notoriety Non min/max builds Challenges and challenge functions Create harder content via AE Advocate for the HC team to make player created content more accessible and rationalize rewards across all content including player created content
  6. Does that include Reaction Time in Martial Combat?
  7. Nice video, thank you. I needed the generator.
  8. Join which? The discord or the channel?
  9. Currently ENA is a valid attack power for me that is used in a regular attack rotation with 6 slots and a full IO set (Thunderstrike). If the range is changed it will likely be changed to a 4 slot immobilize set mule that is never used.
  10. Back to discuss ENA and the need to keep the range as is. Numbers below are from Mids. As I was thinking about why I felt so strongly that TA needed to keep the range on ENA it occurred to me that the reason was that TA had no melee damage powers. When bad guys get in melee range we need to retreat or shoot while being pummeled. In fact, TA only has 3 damage powers, which is tied for Temporal for the lowest number of damage powers in the secondary. Temporal damage powers are all melee and TA has no melee damage powers. I looked at Mids and wrote the numbers I saw. As you can see TA has 0 melee powers and all the other sets have at least 3. For the damage powers count I just looked at the powers and whether it did damage or not. Some damage powers are specials like Gun Drone and Trip Mine. Caltrops is listed as TAoE, but they are basically in melee range. I classified TWG & Caltrops as ranged, but Caltrops seems more similar to Trip Mine to me than a true ranged power. What is the so what? It looks to me that TA was conceived as ranged secondary with more focus on control and less focus on damage since it has the least number of damage powers and zero melee damage powers. I would suggest that keeping the range on ENA is consistent with this philosophy and further I would suggest when playing a TA character that their need to stay out of melee is greater than other secondaries because they have no melee damage powers to use in melee. I hope this seems logical to everyone. Secondary Tier 1 Range Damage Damage Powers Mix Comments Atomic Immobilized 50 71.95 5 3 Melee / 2 Ranged Darkness Immobilized 80 62.56 7 6 Melee / 1 Ranged Devices Immobilized 50 62.56 6 4 Melee / 2 Ranged* Caltrops counted as Range, but close to melee and/or special Electricity Immobilized 50 62.56 6 5 Melee / 1 Ranged Energy KB 7 44.49 4 4 Melee / 0 Ranged Fire Immobilized 50 96.34 8 7 Melee / 1 Ranged Ice Immobilized 50 62.56 4 3 Melee / 1 Ranged Martial KB 7 44.49 5 5 Melee / 0 Ranged Mental Immobilized 80 62.56 6 4 Melee / 2 Ranged Ninja Immobilized 50 25.02 5 3 Melee / 2 Ranged Plant Immobilized 50 62.56 5 3 Melee / 2 Ranged TA Immobilized 80 62.56 3 0 Melee / 3 Ranged Temporal Immobilized 50 0 3 3 Melee / 0 Ranged
  11. I copied my Archery / Ninja Tools blaster over to Test. Started in AP and got the exploration badges and LRT. When I was awarded LRT I had a graphic of opening a present like during the Christmas event. I continued to play the character and at random times this "opening a present" would happen. I'm not sure if it happened because I got LRT or not, but the first instance of it was when I was awarded LRT. I also had the freebie macro in my tray, which looks like a present. Not sure if that interacted with the LRT award or not.
  12. This does seems like the most obvious and easiest solution; wonder what prevented it from happening?
  13. I do not get the option to rez in my base when defeated. Is there something I need to add to my base. What are the requirements to make it available?
  14. I added the following to my earlier post, but haven't seen it addressed, so I thought it might have been missed. I copied a character over to Beta that had AP already explored. On Beta he didn't automatically get the accolade. I went to SC and did the exploration and got the LRT power. When I tried to use it it only showed SC and no other zones. Seems like a bug because I cannot re-explore AP to get the badges because I already have them. Has this been addressed? The LRT power should be provided and the zones should be available immediately if you have have the exploration badges because you cannot explore and get the badges twice. If it has not been addressed it is going to be an issue on Live for those that have the exploration badges. Also, can the Hive and the Abyss be added to LRT? I don't see them on the list and am curious why they aren't available. I am sure there is a reason, I just don't know it.
  15. I created a lvl 50 io'ed / incarnated stalker (EM/EA). I played the new hero arc leveled down and have since played DA street sweeping. I thought I was going to hate the combo mechanic. I have enough combo mechanics with DB, StJ, and Staff that I wasn't interested in another combo system. That being said, I don't hate it. I can play it and the performance is fine. I still don't like it that much, but I don't see it being changed either. I'll definitely give it a play through if it hits Live, but if I am going to play a combo mechanic I think I will stick to my 3 StJ stalkers.
  16. I agree with all of these comments. ENA for me is a bread and butter attack and has been since the very low levels. I start off with Ranged Shot and then alternate Snap Shot, Aimed Shot, and ENA for my single target chain throwing in Ranged Shot as well. The chain is particularly useful if I get mezzed.
  17. There has been a ton of work that has gone into this update and I appreciate all the effort from the HC team. That being said, I have been thinking that there is actually to much content in this update. I know that is heresy, but give me a sec. I have been doing some testing the last several days and there is no way I am going to be able to test most of the content, so my focus has been on the things that interest me (Tactical Arrow, EM on Stalkers, Story Arc, and LRT). Others will test what interests them. We have a small player base, so it seems likely that many changes will not get tested by many players as they will be more likely yo focus on their core interests. I guess my point is that (IMO) it might have been better to do smaller and more frequent releases, so that there could be more focused testing on content. For example: One release on the changes to Blaster secondaries and the new secondary One release on TP changes One release on EM One release on story arcs I'm not sure if this leads to more overhead or not because I expect functionality is managed by different team members. Anyway, I was thinking about this stuff, so thought I would post to provide the perspective.
  18. My character did have the Posi TF badges and did have the badges for switching alignment, which were mentioned in the dialogue I saw. I did not have the badge from the hero arc as I did that on a different character. I do recall in the mission thinking that I would be very impressed to find out that my choices had impacted the dialogue I saw. If this is the case it leads to all sorts of possibilities for stories and I have to say that is awesome! If this is the case, any chance we can get that functionality on AE for content creators?
  19. Thank you for this note. I think it is very valuable to get this type of feedback from players that don't post often. I have edited your post to add paragraphs to make it easier to read as I am concerned people will skip over your post because it is not easy to read in it's original form.
  20. I made 2 Savage / SR stalkers, but caught the lower level one at 21.
  21. I did run through it, but with a different character. Why would the story language be telling my current character about things he wouldn't know about?
  22. Smoke Grenade has -ToHit as well.
  23. I honestly didn't notice. I'll do some more testing today. I use Flash Arrow more for the -Perception along with SS and a stealth IO to help stealth mobs and consider the -ToHit to be a bonus. I generally consider Flash Arrow to be the equivalent of Smoke Grenade from Devices. Not sure why they would adjust Flash Arrow and not Smoke Grenade. It is difficult to understand these changes when the problem trying to be solved is not understood. It looks like a hammer searching for a nail.
  24. My reading of the dialogue made me think it was the Positron Task Force they were referring to as it kept mentioning the Dam. Good idea on the tab, but I am talking about the dialogue where you make a choice. Does that show up?
  25. I just did the new Villain arc with my Archery / TA blaster and thought I would give an update on play style before and after. I transferred from Live to Beta and did a respec. I had 2 slots in what used to be gymnastics, but were now in OSA. I created the same build I had before, but took OSA at 49. The arc I was on limited me to 39, so I did not get to use OSA during the arc. Electrified Net Arrow I didn't really have issues except with one power - ENA. In the first mission, I was using ENA at the beginning and was thinking the change wasn't as bad as I thought. However, the longer I played the more impact I felt from the lack of range on ENA. I won't say this power is useless without the range, but it is certainly much less useful than it is on HC Live. I am currently slotted with 6 Thunderstrike. I respectfully request that the range be increased. Ice Arrow I don't use Ice Arrow, so cannot comment on this one, although I expect people that do use will also not like the range change. Upshot I didn't really notice a big impact with this adjustment. Flash Arrow I didn't really notice a big impact with this adjustment. Gymnastics I slotted a LoTG and a Reactive Defense proc. I didn't really notice a big impact with this adjustment. ESD Arrow I didn't really notice a big impact with this adjustment, because I don't really use it that often. I think changing it so it has a hold on robots and a stun on non-robots is not a good design change and would suggest to leave it as a hold. What is the problem you are trying to solve by making this adjustment? Oil Slick Arrow I did try it before I took the mission and just lit it with a Blazing Arrow. I expect I'll keep it with one slot and either put an Annihilation - Res or Overwhelming Force Damage / KD. Again, I don't know the problem that is trying to be solved here and would argue the original powers were fine as they were.
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