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Everything posted by Lockpick

  1. On Stalkers I tend to use Ninja Run + Sprint (with Stealth IO) as my ground travel power and I will either take Fly or a Jet Pack for vertical movement. I usually get SS on most characters, but that is more for the extra stealth than just the speed. With Stalkers I don't need the extra stealth, so usually go with Fly. A lot of my builds will have 7.5% speed sets to improve speed and I usually will only take Combat Jumping if I need the defense. Otherwise I will just keep Ninja Run on. It's expensive in terms of endurance to run NR in combat, but I can always toggle it off if I have endurance challenges.
  2. I thought it was a global proc and doesn't need to hit for the BU recharge to happen, so you could slot it anywhere. I usually slot the AM set in the T1 power just because it is isn't a damage proc.
  3. The Preventive Medicine Absorb proc is global, so it shouldn't matter if it is in a passive or a click, right?
  4. My build goals for Blasters are usually the same: Ranged Defense S/L Defense Good damage and accuracy Good recharge I like to play my Blasters at Range, so I prioritize Range defense. I have an Archery/TA and a Beam/Dev that I play at Range. Can't speak to the Fire/Ice. My Beam/Devices is a Hover blaster and my Archery/TA stays on the ground usually. Thunderstrike and Artillery are nice sets for Ranged defense and are cheap to boot.
  5. This is my target build for my StJ / Nin, so I haven't completed it yet. For whatever reason over the holiday weekend I created several stalkers and got them to the 20s, so I have a ways to go. I did look at my StJ/SR, who is 50 and fully incarnate and he is a beast. I took Rebirth on him though for the heal and took more recovery in the build. I find the 59% defense to be overdone. It is great if you can get it without compromising other areas, but in most content where you need it you are probably grouping and getting buffs. I haven't taken this StJ/SR into +4/8, but I am sure he can handle it. My Savage / SR is able to handle +4/8 DA missions easily enough.
  6. I'm not sure on Greater Psi Blade procs. I had gotten to a decent place with defenses, so decided to proc it out and see how it plays. This is an end game build, so will be awhile before I get to check it out. On defenses, my plan was to use Shadow Meld prior to entering combat as that will soft-cap all. Shadow meld duration is 15 seconds and recharge is 30 (24 with Ageless) so it is up over half the time.
  7. Here is the build I am targeting, but I'm still in my teens. I went on a tear over the holiday weekend and created a bunch of new Stalkers I want to level.
  8. On another note, I looked at your build in Mids and there is nothing wrong with it. You have good defenses and good S/L resist. I played a Stj/SR and it is a great character and I am now looking at doing Stj with SD and Ninjitsu. The good thing about Ninjitsu is you get the Heal power, which means your Destiny incarnate slot can be used for Ageless. I do think the Stealth and Invisibility is going overboad unless you are planning to take Phase Shift. If not you might as well just add a stealth IO to Sprint.
  9. Since you are already 50 I wouldn't give up on the concept. I do a lot of builds around the natural Batman-like characters. Here is a build you could consider for this character. I would also suggest looking at other options for some of the temporary type powers to flesh out your character concept. You can get a Smoke Flash temp power from the P2W vendor as well as a Grenade. You can also leverage Day Jobs to get some of the Day Job Powers to help the concept. I would say 45% is still perfectly viable for end game content. One thing I do is get the Blessing of Tielekku power from the DA story Arcs to increase my defense a bit (2.81%) and I also take the T9 for emergencies. You can, of course, use inspirations when needed.
  10. This is an interesting build and much better than the build I was planning. You have used some unusual slotting to get to a good place with hitting softcap in all 3 positions. I really like the use of procs. One question is about the AM - Chance for BU proc, shouldn't that be in LS for the 10% recharge set bonus? That is guaranteed while the FF may not hit. I would have never thought to slot Deflection for Resist; nice catch. If you go Ageless that will solve the end challenges and get you to perma-Hasten, so you could switch Alpha to Musculature. How does this build play? Do you have enough Accuracy for +4/8? Also, do you nee the Fast Snipe IO? I thought that was irrelevant after the latest snipe changes. Adding my planned build in case Fatalplus wants to look at an alternative:
  11. Stalker Epic: Pistol Mastery (using the same numbers as possible from Weapons Mastery) Immobilizing Shot (Pistols Primary Animation with secondary animations of Throwing Dagger or Shuriken) Physical Perfection Executioner's Shot Targeting Drone Bullet Rain Actually, I would be fine if you could just take the Weapon Mastery pool and provide additional animations like: Web Grenade Pistols Shuriken Throwing Dagger Physical Perfection Shuriken Dual Weld Shock Grenade Throwing Dagger Targeting Drone Exploding Shuriken Exploding Grenade Bullet Rain Empty Clips I'm not sure if it is easier to build a new pool or add alternate animations, but giving the alternate animations gives a ton of options for player concept without worrying about maintaining a ton of pools.
  12. Leave the gun. Take the Cannoli.
  13. I like this idea, but would also suggest adding one for completing all the Shadow Shard TFs. I've always felt that those TFs were the longest in the game and there should be a reward for completing the series. I would actually prefer an accolade power of some sort, but a super pack is a good alternative.
  14. I was thinking about this thread as I was playing my latest character (Staff/SR Stalker). I agree with most your points listed, but to me it comes down to 2 core issues: AoE defense comes very late and SR feels like an Endurance heavy set that requires outside of the set endurance solutions. As an example, if I am playing a SR Stalker I am almost always going to take either Body or Weapon for the extra endurance. My suggestion is that combining Evasion into Focused Senses may solve both problems. You get your AoE defense early and you have one less toggle to run, so that possibly fixes the 2 core issues. I don't think moving Evasion up really solves the problem because you then have 3 toggles early in the game with no way to resolve the end issue and that makes it even more draining. A lot of good suggestions to replace Evasion. I like the Burst of Speed suggestion. I am not sure why a well meaning thread is getting derailed. It is not like this thread was put out there as a blatant power grab. There was a great deal of thought put into the suggestion and both Modest and Bopper are both pretty well known to be reasonable and numbers oriented. While a lot of people may be happy with the set as is there is no harm in talking about suggestions for improvement. While I overall think SR is a good set and I play it a lot, I still have challenges with it. One challenge I forgot that I have is PB. I would much prefer Master Brawler. I would also be okay with allowing some slight resistance in the toggles or passive to allow Resist IO slotting. This might alleviate the need to go the Fighting routing and open up new build possibilities.
  15. It seems to always happen. I think of a name and then decide to see if it's available. Once it is available I need to to decide what power sets I'll use that fit the name and concept. Then I need to create the character to reserve the name. Once I create the character I am in the game. Might as well play it a bit to see if I like it. Next thing you know I have spent hours playing and creating builds... Enter KnightProwler... I decided to go DM because the name seems like a character that will operate in darkness. I went with Radiation because I was thinking I should get a secondary that has AoE attacks to pair with Shadow Maul and I can always RP it as Dark powers. I have not played either set, so it would be a new experience. I looked at the March stats to see how popular this combo was and there were only 5 DM/Rad stalkers. This tells me there is probably something I am missing, but I decide to go for it anyway. I'm only 26, but it seems like it will be a fun combo. I generally prefer defense sets, but it looks like there is a ton of mitigation between these 2 sets with multiple heals, defense through -ToHit in the attacks, recovery through Gamma Boost. I am trying to cap resistances where possible, get high recharge to have Shadow Meld, Radiation Therapy, and Ground Zero recharge quickly, and build enough defense that Shadow Meld soft-caps defense. All of this being said I need some help: I'm not sure how to slot Siphon Life, Radiation Therapy, and Ground Zero I'm not sure what attack chain to use I'm not sure which powers are skippable Any help is appreciated. Build: Note: In the build you will see Level 1: Blessing of Tielekku -- Empty(A). I have customized my version of Mids to replace a prestige Sprint with this Temp power because I always get this when I do Incarnates and it adds over 2% defense. I'm not sure whether it messes up imports or not. Note 2: The costume effects for Radiation are pretty bed. I am curious if this is why this combo is not played much.
  16. A lot of thought went into this suggestion, so thank you. I love SR as a set and I agree with some of the changes. Did you guys look into the impact to builds? Right now I have 3 passives that I can leave as 1 slot powers with a LoTG or other Defense set IO. In this set-up I would be losing 2 of those passives. You are also adding a 4th toggle to 3 existing toggles, although endurance might not be an issue after adding Enduring. Why not just combine FS and Evasion like Ninjitsu did and call it a day? Replace Evasion with something else like a click recharge power reducing the need for Hasten. I'm not a fan of Reaction Time, although it does fit the theme.
  17. Just a suggestion: If you are posting a build and requesting feedback, please post the data chunk, so people can copy/paste the data chunk into Mids to review the build.
  18. I find that many of them are still valuable, although maybe less so than from Live. Membrane is good in Reinforced Lysosome is good in Weaken Resolve Ribosome is good in Tough and other Resist toggles Enzyme in Radiation Infection In short, the are plenty of places for Hami-Os. Interestingly enough, I never thought to put Microfilaments in Swift. That is a good idea and I will start doing that for my characters that also fly.
  19. I find the "we are over powered", the "game is to easy", and the "buff Hami-Os" to be somewhat in congruent.
  20. Interesting comment. To me this is the best MMO I have ever played and I have tried a bunch. Not sure how this game is poorly designed compared to the competition, since most of them were designed in a similar manner. I do think the HC version is the most player friendly.
  21. After playing for awhile I have made some adjustments to the build Croax provided. I wanted Fly in this build, so needed make some adjustments. Took awhile, but I think I have something close.
  22. Nice build @ShardWarrior! I was looking for information on Katana because I have a Katana/Ninjitsu at level 24 and the damage seems pretty low to me. I am used to playing Stalker now, although I mainly played Scrappers on Live, so maybe that is why the damage seems low. I'll continue on a bit and see if it gets better. I am definitely liking Ninjitsu as a secondary. I am a huge fan of SR, but the utility of Ninjitsu is winning me over. Katana / Ninjitsu
  23. I was under the impression that typed and positional defenses are checked separately, so I get 2 chances to have the bad guy miss me (if the attack has a S/L/E/N component). Example: Bad guy shoots at me with a Ranged attack The system checks my Range defense to see if bad guy would hit If no, then I don't get hit If yes, then the system checks based on my typed defense and if the attack has a S/L/E/N component then I am soft-capped to those components My understanding is the majority of attacks have a S/L component, so I am basically trying to give myself 2 chances at having the attack miss. I could be wrong about all this, but that was my understanding. Is that not correct?
  24. Thanks for the response, here are some responses, but I am not an expert by any means. This basically how I played it while leveling. I really had no intention of taking Hover, but ended up taking it for the defense. It works very well though. Yes, with SS and a Stealth IO I get 65 feet of Stealth and with FO it comes to I think 100. Invisibilty according to Paragon Wiki is 55. I probably could drop SS once I get FO, but I like SS. I like it more for the Stealth compnent than the -ToHit. I don't know how good 5.15% is overall. I suppose it means you are increasing your defense 5.15%, but I am not really a numbers guy, so not sure. If that is the case then 5% defense is pretty good. I like Trip Mine, especially in BAF. The recharge for Trip Mine in this build is 8 seconds, so it works out ok. It is also good for running the first DA mission for incarnates, since you can use it in the final mission to take out most of the bad guys. The only AoE this build has is Ion and Overcharge (which are pretty good!), but a Trip Mine helps a bit. I never took Cutting Beam, so not sure how well it will work. I might look at it now that we have the Targeted AoE set with Ranged Defense. As a matter of fact that could change the build a lot. I had made some changes to my build, so this is the current build. I don't really polay it beause I am always alting. With Agility Without Agility
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