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Michiyo last won the day on February 19

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  1. This should be fixed, I missed a couple of places when I refactored the backend to use IDs instead of usernames everywhere. I didn't notice... because I have permission to edit a mod without passing the "isAuthor" check.
  2. No, FoW files are keyed to each character in the binary data of the file. Could SOMEONE MAYBE figure that out? Sure. Am I? No. And it won't be as easy as installing a mod.
  3. Beta has been up for going on 2 hours now. I'm not sure why they show down on the server status block. But this is still "later today".
  4. This was changed to be done automatically semi-recently, the tool only officially supports the Homecoming launcher now. I can't reproduce this on either a new install of the installer, or an existing install. I've pushed an update to maybe try to get more information if this happens, re-launch the installer, let it update, and try this again.
  5. None of that has anything to do with the modder, and wouldn't effect it in any way. The tool doesn't even depend on your HC install, so reinstalling won't make any difference. Something has broken your .Net Framework install, apparently enough to break multiple versions of it. Sadly I don't have any real troubleshooting I can offer you with that.
  6. This change doesn't effect us in any way, even on our 32 bit client. This change is 100% ONLY Hardware PhysX, which as I said we don't use anyway.
  7. The client is 64bit yes, but we still don't use the hardware physx APIs, only software.
  8. That's confusing as you can download the actual zip, why would it time out when loading the mod data? Also absolutely NONE of that code has changed in a while...
  9. I just pushed out an update removing the WebBrowser control and replacing it with a Rich Text Box. It won't look quiet as nice, but it's actually functional (In theory). Please let me know if updating.
  10. The wiki talk page discusses this as being a problem in 2008, and nothing has changed on the map in 2+ years. I've put in a suggestion to possibly move the badge to the ground in basically the same place.
  11. "Offloaded all the hardware-only physics effects to the CPU. This results in the same physics quality as enabling PhysX hardware, as has been requested, without having to actually update the PhysX libraries. The reason it's being done this way is because updating the libraries would break the game client for other servers that share the same game files. The impact on the CPU is negligible on modern hardware." We don't actually use the PhysX APIs any longer.
  12. I assume wine wants dotnet48 installed now?
  13. If I could bother you to try once more, I've updated the program to use .Net 4.8, you'll need to re-download the zip from the mod site, just wondering if that fixes this for you.
  14. Try this tool from Microsoft: https://aka.ms/DotnetRepairTool It looks like something is broken in your .net install. If that doesn't work try uninstalling .net 4.6.1, then reinstall.
  15. Download and install https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net461-offline-installer This, and see if it launches.
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