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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. I first saw this, and thought it was a prank I remember at the beginning of MCU there was a strict policy of all actors get one shot in the MCU... they couldn't ever replay a different character. Frankly, with a few minor exceptions, MCU went south after Captain America: Civil War and the turd of Endgame is only barely matched by our very own Incarnates story. (More on that later*) But here we have an interesting conundrum. Is Iron Man reincarnated as VVD? Is it an alternative universe Iron Man (Victor von Stark?) for me, RDj was a centerpiece of the MCU, and the first movies were outstanding (even IM2 & 3) But what we see here is exciting. Have Marvel finally got their act back together for MCU phase 16? Let's hope *not this thread
  2. Quite a few. I'm guessing the OP's ancient summer research project came to naught!
  3. Happy GNU ears https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
  4. I'd have to decide who my main villain actually is. In practice it would distill to a choice between Huntsman Strauss and Barbed Quarrel. BQ is a Plant/TA troller and if I have to explain Huntsman to you then why are you reading this? Scarlet Shocker would probably lose quite badly to both of them under most scenarios.
  5. Welcome to Homecoming!
  6. It's simply enough, but some don't seem to get it Yes you can dress many toons up to be a particular faction and create their back story. But Character-specific pets are not aligned to a specific group for a very good reason; they create player choice. You can choose your own head cannon, but it is not the same as the player's next to you. If you align pets to a particular group that task makes imagination much harder. Live with what you have and celebrate the choice. Sorry you didn't like my first response @pawstruck but trust me, this gives you many more options and is far better in the long run for the game and your personal enjoyment!
  7. Glad you corrected the tital
  8. Why are thugs not gangsters? Because then they'd be gangsters, not thugs. We have the Family and we don't need those as pets. MM pets should be very different from in game enema groups
  9. Bubbles might consider himself lucky!
  10. There's a Captain Nemo joke in there somewhere
  11. Snarky's new girlfriend (helps that she's mute)
  12. You have to wander into the streets of fire to find them
  13. Snarky dropped his map book in the bath again!
  14. It's been a while since I looked but so far as I remember there's only two controls: In set or out of set. I could be missing something. But whenever I did try crafting out of set I got junk and used up converters at an unsustainable rate.
  15. David Wincott. He's the start and finish of the zone, effectively. Meg Mason also offers repeatable Hollows missions but you will outlevel the zone just doing regular content so you will almost certainly need to turn off XP
  16. Play the game and (re)discover for yourself If you struggle, pray to St Joan. She's the patron saint of Arcs. If you want engaging story lines start with the Hollows and run it from David Wincott through to Atta. Faultline is also very good, being one of the first "Hazard zone revamps" If you want to explore engaging stories try Goldshide* - there are 4 real paths you can take there and all are rewarding but it would be remiss of me to neglect the caveat that the content is typically tougher than you have have experienced previously Enjoy! */em Connery
  17. That's never worked for me and if I try and convert stuff I just get a dogpile
  18. That's genuinely never worked for me
  19. I hope the colander still works. It'd be a strain to have both things fail at once
  20. Proteus was a mutant antagonist in X-Men during the award winning Chris Claremont/John Byrne era who was able to alter reality. So that's probably gonna fall by the wayside fairly quickly. You could do something based around Selkies, which are aquatic (water powers) akin to merfolk who can change shape, as suggestion. There are plenty of other options but that one caught my imagination
  21. certainly some great inspirations for Icon outfits.
  22. Play first, build later. If the toon doesn't grab me it gets dumped. No point in building something I don't like. So I'll wait until I'm sure I'll be keeping it before building something in Mids. I've recently started building "adequate" stuff because that's good enough and not too expensive. If I share builds on line they are never good enough and people dump on them when the reality is they are ok to play in most scenarios. I'm not one of those who has billions of inf oozing from every orifice as some seem to do here so I have to ration my spend a bit too. But it mostly works for me and I've yet to find a character fails having built it to a reasonable standard. Then again I'm not soloing all the things on +27x53 so good enough works well enough
  23. It's hard to deny that some content is very poorly written in this game, just as some is outstanding. But that is part of the joy of the game - it's quirkiness and inconsistencies. Repeatable missions such as these are meant to be cheap and throwaway, more to achieve a quick end rather than to be studied and digested with joy. I think rather than change anything simply accept that it is what it is and don't fret about it.
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