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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. You have a very interesting notion of what constituted "bog standard" my friend. I've known much more technical forums laid out better than here. The fact that City of Heroes itself is a sub-forum of home strikes me as a bit weird and the sub-forums aren't well labelled. You and I are not the people who need the guidance. We've been here a long long time and we a) know our way around already and b) know it's ok to ask the question if we can't find something. BUT... and this is the most important thing - if we want newcomers to feel welcome here, navigating the place is very important. Any new community can be intimidating, and game forums especially so, given how some treat newbies. To create a deliberate obstacle with clunky layouts and sub-par descriptors isn't a good look and could easily put people off. You may disagree, which is your right to do so and I wouldn't be offended or surprised but as somebody who's spent most of my working life in sales and marketing I'm very aware of how the smallest obstacle can sour a deal in the early stages and that's not good for the game or the community. We're a little off track here, compared to my original question but I still don't see the necessity for two guides forums. Especially when one is empty! If a veteran has to ask why its there you can bet it's gonna confuse someone unfamiliar with the place and who uses guides the most?
  2. just updated the original spreadsheet. So there are about 18,000 more combos now
  3. I just sketched a build in Mids for a PB and it seems they get all the pool powers but no A/PPP I checked the HC Wiki and it is ambiguous in that it fails to mention Pool powers; Even so, that's blowing my original spead sheet wide open lol
  4. I would argue there are far too many sub forums that overcomplicate this place. It's a nightmare to navigate. If it were simplified and many forums consolidated, it would likely be much simpler for people to know where to post. Doubly so if the forum descriptions were improved and enhanced.
  5. Ok well quite clearly it doesn't make anything easier to find. Guides has absolutely no description. It literally just says "Guides" Fort Trident has a pretty week description and also has a sub forum "Guides" that has sweet FA in it. It is blank, empty, void, filled with nothingness, so clearly about as much use as a rubber duck in the Sahara desert. I could possibly get my head around a discrete section to discuss TFs/SFs, Trials and ITrials but the descriptor is feeble and I don't think it really adds much to the overall forum experience frankly.
  6. realistically I'd guestimate that about 60% of pool powers are very rarely used and people tend to stick with what they know. But even so, that leaves several million combos available. So three questions: 1) My memory may be playing tricks on me but I seem to recall that Warshades could access pool powers - and I think HC Wiki says that's untrue. Do they also access A/PPPs? If so that is an order of magnitude increase. 2) Dear Devs, can we have more character slots please? 3) Pool Powers - Given that three of the Pool sets are exclusive - get one, you lose access to the other two sets, I may be miscalculating here and that would be a reduction in the final total. Anyone confirm that?
  7. I haven't read every response but has anyone explained ED to the OP? Six slotting Stamina isn't going to do him any favours at all and could well be one part of why he's strugging with his End
  8. Ok then This is not fully correct... but it might be close I'm hazy on Pools and A/PPPs for V/EATS so that's where it's most likely to fall over It's a start - and I welcome corrections from those with better knowledge and mathmatical skillologies than I 7.5 million power combos ain't so shabby though, is it? Archetype Primary Powers Secondary Powers Ancillary/Patron Pool Powers Total Blaster 15 15 50 60 675,000 Brute 22 13 50 60 858,000 Controller 12 17 50 60 612,000 Corruptor 15 17 50 60 765,000 Defender 17 15 50 60 765,000 Dominator 12 13 50 60 468,000 Mastermind 7 17 50 60 357,000 Scrapper 21 14 50 60 882,000 Sentinel 15 13 50 60 585,000 Stalker 18 14 50 60 756,000 Tanker 11 22 50 60 726,000 Peacebringer 14 13 50 9,100 Warshade 14 13 50 9,100 Arachnos Soldier 8 8 20 1,280 10 4 40 10 4 40 Arachnos Widow 8 7 20 1,120 6 7 42 10 6 60 Total 7469782
  9. A question I've often wondered about vaguely but how many different power combos are available to a given player? Obviously there's all the various ATs, and they have a range of available powers so that gives a significant number of itself. But then there are pool powers, APP/Patron Powers to add to that mix too. I am not including Temp/Powers bought from Vendors at this stage because I have no clue how many of those there are - especially pet/vanity pet powers, but I'm thinking that given all possible legitimate power combos, there must be a couple of hundred thousand options to everyone (but not sure how many of the pool powers are regularly used so there's a high degree of theory in this. I do remember Matt Miller once saying there were "literally billions of costume power choices" - but I think the actual number of powers are also impressive too.
  10. This game certainly encourages altitis! It's one of its strengths.
  11. Resistance is a portmanteau word for those who oppose Emperor Cole's nefarious rule while de fence is something you sit on if you're not sure who to side with.
  12. He's playing a blaster not a troller 🤣 City of Villains. When you create your character, create it as a villain. You can switch a character from blue to red (hero to villain) but I wouldn't recommend it. I'd strongly advise you to start a new character and begin on Villain side. The Red/Blue thing is because those are the colours used in game. Red = villains, Blue = Heroes and there's also Gold which is Praetoria - an expansion that came later in the game and is aimed at more experienced players. you've probably noticed that like most small communities we have our own vernacular and lingo that it make take you a moment to grasp but don't fret. The only people who might criticize you for asking what "Kings Row" or what Faultline might actually mean are assholes. Historically one of the great things about this game is the welcoming community. The Wil Wheaton rule is strong here. My global is @Riff - I'm not often in game these days but you can reach me here, or in a PM here or in game if you see me on.
  13. Cool well you'd be welcome. Remember this is redside though, so you may want to make a new character. Starting from scratch will be fine, we're already low teens but you'll catch up very fast.
  14. Welcome to Homecoming You're doing fine so far. Play at your own pace and choose your own path. If you have questions here's as good a place to ask as anywhere or you can ask in the Help channel in game. We have a regular Saturday team on Indomitable, which is for a couple of hours from 3pm Eastern time. We've just begun a new Villains team so you'd be welcome to join us for that if you so desired. What AT is your Titan character?
  15. can't see for bloody looking I genuinely didn't notice those 🤣
  16. I would like to see a regular link here pasted and perhaps on the HC discord. Wiki is valuable. It deserves and needs support
  17. That, I do not know.
  18. I'm hesitant to kick without fair warning but yes, once you've had a few goes at saying "pay attention" and got nothing it's the big goodbye
  19. I feel uncomfy with this for a couple of reasons. Firstly there's a strong whiff of "they're not playing the way I want" - it's their prerogative to act any way they choose within the rules that HC ToS sets out. If that inconveniences anyone else, so be it. I'm not sure, if these people are so difficult to communicate with, how they'd get on a team in the first place. But assuming they have, it's incumbent upon the team lead to ensure everyone knows the task at hand and is up to speed. If, as a team lead, you're not getting good responses from a new team member, let them know. If they still refuse to cooperate, then why are you running the mission/SF/TF/Trial with them on it? It is very easy to be overwhelmed by the GFX/UI/UX in this game. I'm an experienced player and I often resort to mindless button mashing because I can see literally fuck all with all the various power effects. I'm just trusting that my "nearest target" button is actually the one I want to be aiming at and it almost always is. But in such cases where combat is still quite frenetic (and few pauses between mobs on many teams) it's very easy to miss any comms. In short, as team leaders, it's up to you to ensure your team is up to snuff and able to complete the mission at hand. But it's not your call to tell others how to play, until such time as you're reliant on them in a team situation and that takes negotiation and communication.
  20. I believe it does and you can stack it with a DXP boost to give 3x XP (at least I think that's how it works)
  21. just ask Arthur Brown
  22. I do actually like the concept of the theme. It's not so much school but the summer is considered "over" - annual holidays/vacations are done and the kids go back to school. It would make sense that the villain groups would begin an offensive around now just because they're too stupid to do it while everyone's on vacation 🤣 It does feel like a new beginning around this time of year so an event would be of value
  23. Marvin Gaye
  24. I'm not surprised with that hair trigger! Almost three weeks too soon!
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