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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. you came too soon! This one lasts the whole month
  2. Luddites vs Superheroes would be kinda worse than the Amish vs the Special Boat Squadron
  3. This is probably the oddest euphemism I've ever encountered 🤣
  4. That explains Mrs Brawler's constant smile
  5. Have you tried to get more than three people in a Longbow flier? you'd better be pretty bloody intimate with your team if you wanna squeeze more in! Serious answer: I believe it's an inbuilt penalty to give some sense of notional balance to the game. In the same way you are timed if you get defeated in Incarnate missions. I think the theory is that since you're all getting to the mission much more quickly than if you flew/ran/jumped/teleported there should be some restriction on beginning the mission instantly. I kind of think that makes sense in one way but I can see it's bloody annoying in another.
  6. Poison is one of my go-to sets. I absolutely love it for it's debuffs and the way it floors even tough opponents. If you struggle with MMs may I suggest a /Poison controller? I've had excellent results with both Dark and Earth (Dark is especially good because they struggle to hit you and you strip their armour) - and the Dark/Poison is a potent PVP option so getting those goodies from RV is less arduous than it might otherwise be. (Disclaimer - I've not PVP'd in a long long time so that may be less true but I'm unaware of significan't PVP changes)
  7. I'm gonna Occam's Razor this thread: "I wanna beat up Hellions and get lvl 54 rewards"
  8. OP doesn't want to play. OP wants to win!
  9. Don't read the numbers. Mostly "underperforming" tends to mean "I can't beat everything solo." I played a Kin Melee tank and it was a ton of fun and truthfully the only tank I've ever enjoyed playing in this game. No it won't wipe maps super fast compared to some other builds but it was sturdy, survivable and most of all, fun. YMMV but ignore the stats and see for yourself. On live, Thugs/Poison MMs were considered to be the AV killers and I played one with success and it was again, very enjoyable. Yes, it was slightly squishy (show me an MM that isn't?) but that can be part of the charm of it. I've played power sets that were alleged to be amazingly brilliant and yet I disliked intensely. I've played others that are mediocre and enjoyed them despite feeling their lack of performance. A lot will depend on what you get out of the game, your particular play style and the synergy of those you team with, as well as other considerations such as build and pool powers. Get back to concept and see how it feels for yourself before judging by the standards of others.
  10. when looking for saved costumes in the creator it's very difficult to find what I'm looking for. I save many costumes - often I will adapt one from an existing save to suit a character I'm making or adding a new costume slot to. This means I have a very very very long list of costume saves (close to 17 for Scarlet Shocker at last count, for example) and it would be great to be able to organise them in a more logical manner. Even if it was possible to skip to alphabetic letters rather than simply scroll from A to... well, let's use S in the above example. No clue how achievable it is but would be a great QoL improvement
  11. I was looking for a different sub forum and I came across Fort Trident. Being unfamiliar with it, I checked to see what its purpose was and was surprised to see it is guides. It does seem to be primarily for TFs/SFs and end game content but then if you were looking for a guide as a forum novice, why would you look there? There's already a guides section. This to me seems confusing, unnecessary and superfluous - and Fort Trident as a title tells you nothing of its purpose per se. I might understand if there was a ton of guides being posted regularly but no. A couple per month in each forum tops. There are already far too many sub-forums to navigate easily (don't get me started on finding your way around here) so why make things even more complex than it should be?
  12. I came across this yesterday and figured you might have an interest in it I can't speak to many of the items on this "list" but it seems a little wonky and mostly fluff but I figured if you've not already seen it, it might be worth a look, for completists at least.
  13. many of the "classic" TFs have a "Master of" badge which indicates completion under more arduous conditions including not dying. Those are significant achievements. Not sure if you were already aware of that but it's the closest you can get. There's also a badge that you can get that might be entitled "Undying" (Working from memory here I'm sure other badgers will correct/enhance details) with a description akin to "It's possible you can't be killed" - that represents your character's journey through adversity.
  14. Actually I feel like I should apologize to Golden Girl - I had a lot of respect for her on live because of her sheer dedication to the game and community even if she could sometimes be a bit... single minded.
  15. At the risk of necroing my own thread, I wanted to give an update on this one. With the arrival of Marine I found the perfect assimilation for Mesmermaid - obviously a Mind/Marine She exists on Indom along with her compatriot, a Plant/Marine known locally as The Bladderwrack - so I'm hoping great things from them both.
  16. Thank you. I understand now. Your quest to be Homecoming's very own Golden Girl seems to have been achieved! Congratulations
  17. judging by the state of your coffin bed I can say with a high degree of confidence that you have many many fixations dear
  18. uh... pointing out you either have an agenda or you're fixated on a particular aspect of the game is not really bullying. It's simply pointing out that you have an agenda or a particular fixation.
  19. Entitlement!
  20. "I tried to solo something on a team game that I shouldn't be able to solo on said team game and it turns out I couldn't solo it on this team game so can we fix it so I can solo all the things please?"
  21. We know a song about that boys and girls, don't we. Let's sing it now. Ready, one, two, three. Snarkyscallouscalligraphicragemurdersareatrocious
  22. Mako certainly does As does Lord Recluse I think Sirocco has a few grooves too Best I can do with Black Scorpion is put forks in his eyeballs. Metal forks, of course
  23. what you beat in your own time is your own business and I am happy for you but I'll look the other way thankyouverymuch 🤣
  24. Careful, Lord Recluse will revoke your safeword if he hears you talking like that!
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