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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Gott in Himmel! You are beating the old Vampire down lol My post centered around the indisputable fact it was a pie and the effects it had on your data set I do not care what type of baked good it is. Okay, I am mildly curious after all this but I am not going to spend two hours researching baking history and baked goods nomenclature Now the night is young. I am not. Off to hunt
  2. you are seriously missing the meta,,, i was discussing data and conclusions is pumpkin pie an exception? or part of a broader group of un lidded pies? i do not know. i do not care.
  3. Do you have any artists willing put to put in a crap ton of time on an old game? Then shaddup.
  4. You're fun. I really hope this is a tongue in cheek response. But, just to be Snarky. (TM, pat.pend.) An exception does not prove a point. Mathematically and scientifically a non conforming data point provides extra information. The main bit of information is that your statement and/or hypotheses is false. You are absolutely correct. What I call it does not matter. However....when everyone who makes it calls it a Pumpkin Pie you have a bigger problem. How am I biased? Because I use the correct term for a baked good....that everyone uses...?
  5. All those examples and talk and you just roared past pumpkin pie with a toss off rename you sir have invalidated everything you stated with that one remark. It is, without doubt,a Pumpkin Pie. Would you care to try the bonus round, where the numbers can really change?
  6. lol, the anniversary stuff is just a merit sink for badges...right? and the SBB is, to grab a word at random, Everlasting? Sooooo Halloween seems pretty next.
  7. When I can Nuke Tank a 4 star Aeon Kill All Badge Run on a Blaster....it MIGHT be enough. probably not.
  8. I did not read this whole thread. But my take is you want more random comments and not whole conversations in LFG?
  9. old vampire brain is not working....isn;t the next CoH holiday Halloween?
  10. Was there Aethers for Winter or Spring? I do not recall anything specifically added and definitely do not recall teams running the content for those rewards breaking it down….it is just the Halloween stuff
  11. Christina Ricci still loves me. I know it in my unbeating heart
  12. You know….. your computer algorithms direct you to where it determines you are usually trying to go….
  13. With a little planning (having already got a MiDs build, emailing myself Emps, having food stocked and no tasks/errands RL) I can do that in a day. It is a grindy shitty day. But I would guess 10-14 hours. Lot of coffee. Bad mood. I have not farmed as many 50s since the AE nerf, but all of this would be AE until Alpha is opened up. Then +4 ITF kill alls and more farming (to test incarnate exp, I think both are similar. plus needed a break from tunnels....) Definitely achievable.
  14. a good team (really one or two people that know whats up) can direct the team to targets on varikoss. i do it all the time. only issue is when people just decide (why?) to wade into thirty CoT and start AoEing even the surrounding mobs. like.....did you just shift into stupid and stand on the accelerator? or did you not need to shift? The Skyraider base is a challenge. But it is very doable. I do okay in there even on a squishy. Play smart. THat is what Redside teaches.
  15. mine is 3 feet in front of me...
  16. Redside is fine. i still solo it all regularly. every contact. every arc. every side mission.
  17. I play on a 55” tv as a monitor. I detach the map and have it lower right, lower left is chat.
  18. I have enough bodies down there. Find another hiding spot.
  19. why does this not hit? I want it to HIT
  20. DFB takes one or two runs to memorize. Then the only difficulty is in one fight against a boss you do not kill her zombies (badge) and teams will be unhappy (sometimes) if you do. Other than that it is easy to pick up. Think of it as training for the later Incarnate Trials and Dr. Aeon (do NOT do these....yet) Oh, and Welcome Home!
  21. Definitely DO NOT separate the incarnate exp. I have gotten over half the Master Incarnate Trial badges on my 50 (50d sometime late Jan) and that is ALL through PUGs. Just jumping into whatever. The leagues are out there....for now.
  22. not sure but you just made me hungry.
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