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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Yes.... but you never answered the question lol. Reading between the lines the mobs attack you with the first thing they can as soon as they are near you.....???? fearsome stare is not my preferred opener. Cones are....finicky. I love it, but not as an opener. Tar Patch has no -tohit. They are slow and their res is debuffed. But they can sure as hell shoot you Darkest Night might be an option. But the range is 70. I tar patch my kill zone, Darkest night a boss. Fold Space, he stays...ooops... and I have 12 new friends with great accuracy right next to me.
  2. yes, one of the reasons i am seriously considering this change. Plus I have full stealth (shadow fall, + i/o celerity+ stealth in spring) and can get to places the team needs to be. hving this power would be regularly useful. But I will not respec until I figure out more about Fold Space. i just completed the build though. looks smooth.
  3. I am considering finally getting this thing. I am always late to the party. fashionably late. or late enough to drain the early guests who are now drunk... So this would be for my Dark Dark Dark Corruptor. My question revolves around how long I have before the mobs kill me. Because TPing a bunch of hostiles around me is very bad news. Normally I fly into a group of whatever. Take the War works in the Lambda or BAF. I go in before a Tank or anybody. (I take a far group) This works. it amazes me. it is always funny. So why does this work? (I am a Corruptor, with a couple defenses at 22% and most around 9%) Dark has a non-suppressing stealth. You remember. Leading out the hostage you always have to yell at the Dark guy to turn off Shadow Fall. That gets me close. Close enough to die. I run the Oppressive Gloom toggle. It is a 12' aura with a Mag 2 Stun. Meh, right? ...so... As I come in I target some fool in the middle and drop Dark Pit. It is a ranged targeted AoE 20' radius and...a mag 2 stun 2+2 = 4; I now have working room I drop Tar patch. 3.1 sec cast, i use Soul Drain (buildup) 2.37 sec cast, i drop Blackstar 3 sec cast. Blackstar has a massive to hit debuff. For any that survive and are shacking off that stun. After that I vary my tactics based on the group. For the warworks I would pop out 40' and Fearsome stare, then ST a vicky prob. maybe some cones. They are all mine at this point, just scourging. But....Will this work with a Fold Space? I need to get that 1.07 cast off before a bunch of Freakshow or whatever decide this Corruptor has outlived his usefullness.... If I can get the Dark Pit off I am golden. If not there is no reason to respec into the power.
  4. Honestly i would love to squeeze in the TP pool. I am even considering it. I am stubborn and hard headed (i know you folks do not believe that, but it is true) but the play style of Dark^3 is so powerful and nuanced it is taking me in directions I normally do not go. I could drop Hasten and Black Hole (Yes, I took it. Shut up. Every once in a while it is useful. When I remember I have it....) I would still need to drop a third power to get Fold Space. Dark Consumption could be dropped, i use it randomly as a ghetto AoE mostly.... (I have built a near bulletproof Blue Bar because I run Darkest Night quite a lot.) When you Fold Space do they attack you immediately? Or are they stunned? I need just a couple seconds to ruin their lives, but I am squishy until my attack chain starts. Afterwards they cannot hit a barn wall with a machine gun from ten feet. My go to attack chain on large mobs is.... 1a) I always have AoE stun toggle Oppressive Gloom running 1b) drop Dark Pit AoE stun. Mag 2 + Mag 2 = Mag 4 stun. There's the warm up and a little breathing room. 2) Soul Drain. 3) Tar Patch. 4) Blackstar. 5) At this point I normally joust backwards and Fear cone for more to hit debuff and some random mez work. Fearsome Stare. If I had the Teleport pool (and kept fly) this would be 5a) Combat Teleport (hot keyed backward?) 5b) Fearsome Stare. After that my main attack chain is done. I will maybe Darkest Night a AV/Boss, or ST anything annoying, or if there are still a ton of mobs in the killing field start cleaning the Cone Zone. (Night Fall, Tenebrous Tentacles, Torrent, Fearsome Stare again. This debuffs, KDs, and Scourges quite a bit). Then reevaluate and adjust strategy and tactics.
  5. If i skip hasten i have room for one power in my build. I have taken all dark dark dark except for t1 blast. What should i take?
  6. Putting the nerd into Mjolnerd
  7. They are scheduled. The schedule is adjusted to when someone completes the Task Forces mentioned
  8. I liked the Electra in the DD tv show. Or more correctly the Low rent super team mashup. Great writing and acting there. Electra brought the action and moved the plot while being smoking hot. Triple threat!
  9. only slightly past the expiration date....so to speak
  10. Snarky

    Fury and Dots

    Fury modifies MOST Brute damage. Definitely everything from tour primary/secondary/pool/epic. Certain powers (like P2W and Incarnate are not buffed
  11. It’s okay. I happen to be necro compatible
  12. i would love to have fold space. one issue, after taking nearly every power in Dark Dark Dark on my Corruptor i have room for 1) flight 2) hasten
  13. I know nothing about the code. But in my years of casual observation.... It looks to me like some Dev early in the game attempted to give the PvE enemies a subroutine to "get out of the debuff patch" It may or may not be the same or related code to "get out of the fire patch" Now, with my current Dark Dark Dark Corr this provides entertainment when I drop my (-to hit/-dam) toggle on an enemy. You cannot outrun it. Yet they try. Rom trying to outrun it is right out of a Warner Bros cartoon. I have triggered a few other AVs with it, Freakshow Tanks, LB EBS etc....
  14. This is a sore spot. It is pretty obvious Scrappers got OMFG this is great ATO procs. Brutes got a Charlie Brown Halloween rock.
  15. I do not have much to add here. 1) stop posting cat 🐱 pictures movies memes etc 2) I only AE with Farmers. And rarely. I have an alt acct farmer to level my projects. I have a main acct farmer to join the extremely rare SG spontaneous “let’s help our friend get all their levels RIGHT NOW” event 3) i need to badge all of AE for my 2023 main. That will be entirely new to me
  16. I am on a Dark Dark Corr now. The trick with creating a Mag 4 stun to begin the point blank attack chain is indeed gold. Once you have run in with a Mag 2 stun toggle, drop an AoE mag 2 stun, Soul Drain, Tar Patch, Blackstar, then joust out to Fearsome Stare…. Anything standing cannot hit the side of a barn with a machine gun. If there is an EB or AV standing drop the debuff toggle on them. It is a lot of damage and a lot of debuff
  17. My Brutes tend to be built for recharge as part of my basic build philosophy. Game is too damn slow otherwise
  18. I always slot Perfect Zinger chance for damage. I love taking a cheap shot. If there was an animation for nut punch i would strive to get it on every toon
  19. I am on a Dark Dark Dark Corr now. I have the fear stare. But I also have Darkest Night. This is a for -dmg -to hit toggle. I have seen AVs start racing across the map like their ass is on fire when I drop this on them. Maybe I should turn the toggle off at that point. But some things in unlife you just gotta enjoy. Not entirely sure but I am pretty sure some are “taunted” when they make the self aware observation they need to start running around like a civilian at a bank robbery….
  20. I like a fat blue bar to match my fat green bar lol.
  21. I ran an Ice/Ice Tanker for a week or two in the Winter Holidays. All the way through every TF/SF (in level order) and then Incarnate. INSANE ability to hold a room. It's not a Tank! It's a Controller with armor and health. The thing can make every mob around it do one thing. Attack the Tank. Mind control.
  22. exactly. do not lose your mind. check the wiki that you have done one of the other contacts for that content. then head over to Mother Mayhem and really lose your mind
  23. well, it depends on how you mean that. it is possible to do all content. but some contacts are duplicates. they offer the exact same content as duplicate 2-5. you are randomly assigned one. you are unable to get the others in that group of "contacts who offer X content."
  24. Taunt is broken? I use it on my Brutes, just because its funny. My only significant Taunt story was a 2star new ITF about 3-4 months ago. I was on my Dark/Invul Brute. Just Bruting, we had a Tank. Everything was great. Until the final fight. ROM just kept pounding that Tank into the ground. Some sad shit. So.... I jumped into the job. Dark/Invul (Thank you Hyperstrike!) is one of the toughest all around Brutes out there. I was able to Taunt and keep agro. I did need one squishy (it was a Def or Corr) to help keep me up. ROM is a nasty bit in a 2 Star. But I was able lead the guy where the team wanted me to. like pulling a bull by a nose ring. So.... Taunt is broken? Hmmmm. News to me. Now I Brute/Tank on my Dark/Dark Corr. Lean into a spawn with a mag 4 stun, tar patch, soul drain, nuke, Fear, and any that are still alive couldnt hit a wall with a machine gun.
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