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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Gaelic. Lets blame autocorrect
  2. Damned, any Garlic or Cherokee would be insanely hard. Good luck with that Funny enough in watching a LOT of German YouTube I learned the “Ich bin ein Berliner.” Is an acceptable and understandable way of saying you are from Berlin. Yes, it is a donut. Also a city. The accent is tough. About half of it (including the throat Rrrrrrr!) is pretty easy for me. The other half is all tongue twisting madness. I will keep at it. Concentrating on umlaut right now. I can say them, in an exaggerated fashion. But hearing them, especially when they are short (which is a common natural thing) or the speaker is just going fast as a new york minute is a true bitch. Well, it would not be a brain exercise if it were easy
  3. I picked German for two reasons. (just learning any language as a brain exercise is my goal) 1) I liked the accent from movies 2) I did not want to have to "gender" inanimate objects. Hmmmm. I guess 1 out of 2 is about normal for me. So... Hallo, ich bin Snarky.
  4. damn, i never realized it was necro. but then again, i barely notice the dead. look like a normal question / response lololol
  5. I actually did the Outbreak this morning for the badge. Cranked it to x8. The interesting thing is that only affected the spawn sites in the door mission and around the people needing saving outside. Everywhere else was normal.
  6. need sounds so....needy. I got a nice accolade power when i destroyed the cops. Which, as pointed out upthread, was so much easier with no Longbow or other distractions. As a Tank with limited damage dealing capabilities, it is important to focus. The citizens badge will happen. I am in no rush on that one since it is just a random difficult to grab badge. All my other mayhem badges are complete. I have 150 or so citizens.
  7. Deep subject, or wide, or...nvm. Temps that run out, that I get from missions. i do not use. I tend to hoard them. Once in a great while I will be in a situation where I am burning everything. They get used then. Otherwise they just clog up that section of the powers display. P2W temps like jet pack, summon, grenades, envenomed dagger. On low level toons or when doing flashbacks? Like candy baby. P2W temps like the heal, end recovery, and intangible. emergency buttons I usually buy and half the time forget I have when it would be useful. rarely use. P2W "temps" like rocket board, vet reward attacks. I use the flying carpet/rocket board a little more now that it does not detoggle. But its still a hot mess. Much like MM pets none of the themes are exactly what I want. And just not flat out as good as other options at any price. The Sand etc are relatively useful in low level content. Probably my favorite is the temp fly. Major dislike (such an easy fix that just is not in game....) is I do not like ANY of the jetpacks. Mostly because I run a ton of magic theme. Even my robots do not like it however. they tend to have back costume pieces. Can we get a "non animation" temp fly? Just a glow or something? preferably colorable? Such an easy code. One option, no animation, does what fly does.
  8. the sheer bravery. the audacity. mediocre musicians who looked like they were ugly drag queens hungover after a long night - at the start of their shows. damn. rock on.
  9. it is hilarious how often people misspell the two things, Rouge and Rogue. So much so that both dictionary entries on line discuss the other word and its effect on each other. I am currently learning German. Why? So i can watch old German vampire movies in the original language, of course! Most of the spelling are easy, with pronunciations ....wow. German vowels and those F-ing umlauts are killing me. Especially since nearly every German language teacher explains it so easily. then you listen to a native German speaker. You start to realize the only way they are referencing it is a different version of the vowel is a slight nod to the sound and context. Even when they slowly say it the differences between men's and women's voices, and the subtlety of the vowel change can make it tough to hear. .....tangent.... But I consider myself true Red. I must hide my true color for all the badges and to punish myself with PUG teams though.
  10. When are we getting a backpack nipple anyways?
  11. The only secret i jnow of related to isolator is there is a Train station (i think in RV???) where one contaminated shows up. Kill him 100 times and even on live a Redside could get the badge before going Rouge.
  12. So….my latest mad project….. I am taking my new Dark Dark Tank through all badges in Ouro. My base plan is to use build two to tailor all the enhancers and slots etc to that level range. I started with a build for 15 or less. Today I dux all Blue through 9, then switched Red. I did all Red up to 14 and the Ouro challenge badges 1-15. Tomorrow I will do Blue 10-14 and Gold to that cap as well. (All Gold, there are badges for completing all Gold). For Blue and Red it is just arcs that get me badges. I already have my build for 15-19 content in MiDs. Just got to get there Now one of the things about being an OCD completionist in games is nothing is easy. Like, are you sure you have done everything in this range before you respec? The “in game sequential” list was drawn up by someone who meant “these are most of the badges of this type, probably all, typed out in a sequence from top of the page to bottom”. Sigh, time to start another spreadsheet and list every F-ing badge. Made more “interesting” by the fact that Ouro does not always correspond to the normal level range of a contact…
  13. When Cosmic Council was up and running they would host public events 3-4 times a year. we would all wear the SG costume. I vaguely remember doing some content once in SG gear. I am sure there must be some SGs that run in costume, or super teams. There are calls:ads from SGs with a theme to join once in a while. Any content run by such a themed SG would be, by default, a themed run.
  14. c'mon Biostem... really? "For all powers: Increase Damaga Resistance by 33% and To Hit Buffs by 20%" Applied to Fire Blast powers. Still true. It increases all of those attributes by the correct amount on Fire Blast. Zero. Null. Hold on! Aim has To Hit Buffs! I almost got you there, admit it. But by and large (and small) you just want to look at the powers that have the enhancers that correspond to the attributes the Alpha enhances. Which it tells you. Clearly.
  15. Even my less than complete grasp on reality is having a tough time following this and a tougher time caring. And so I give you a short paragraph of auto complete as a response: What’s funny about that statement was that the company has been working hard for years and has always been very successful in making sure people understand what they need and want and that people will always have their best interests at heart and that’s what we are doing right here in America right there on our border and the world of the world is changing so rapidly that we have been able not only to be more successful but also more prosperous than ever before and we have become a very important and very powerful and very strong and very….. it started remarkably cogent then wrote itself into a box.
  16. 1st run went from 159 defeated to 634! (this took a while, on a Dark Dark Tank lol) The greatest thing about this is every mob counts. Not having to deal with endless LB spawns really helps thanks. One more cup of coffee and I am back in to finish up.
  17. Energy Mastery. The Endurance issues on Dark Dark are real. I have it hard fixed for 98% content but if you get drained (not as bad) or end rec nerfed (omfg) the ability to just click “ I dont need end” is priceless
  18. i don't think so. the mob type is: Paragon Police Department Under the command of Chief Conrad Bochco, the Paragon Police Department, or the “blue shield” as they are often called, has a long established history in Paragon City.
  19. I am standing up my new project, a Dark Dark Tank. I just got all the location badges and plaques. yeesh. So, now I am working on Force of Nature. Got all the badges except...Outlaw. 120 Police to my credit. Sigh. Is there any place to find these guys except bank missions? I've played Red a long time and most of the uniforms in standard missions are private security or RIP. Any idea or do you just farm bank missions?
  20. I will destroy you and feed your body to the hydra heads!
  21. I get this. I joined Live after the game was already going a couple years. I was broke and stupid. Or it felt that way. It must be so much worse now. There are things you can do. 1) If you like solo play I recommend playing story arcs. All maps in CoH are put together from a large but limited number of lego like parts. Learn the shapes, the hiding places, etc. You do not need to memorize, just start to get familiar. 2) Play the same content over a few times. Whether that is a Posi 1&2 a few times in a row, or once a day, or whatever content you gravitate to. Learn that "run" and it will be much easier on a fast moving team. The skills you learn being in sync with your team will help you even in content that is new to you. 3) Learn to recognize good leaders. Running incarnate content on Excelsior? Always join a team from Confusion or Oklahoman! Granted I will join anything I need a badge for, but developing a eye for who is good can help, especially in harder content. Get a friends list going.
  22. Yeah, roflmao. They are committed to this. They are looking for bugs and minor tweaks mebbe. But they are going to roll this out looking 95-100% the way it does right now.
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