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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. The million dollar question. What were their primary secondary?
  2. Yes thank you. I knew of this though was unclear in my response as
  3. Pretty much only one ranged ST set from PvP. Did i miss something somewhere?
  4. I have an elec sentinel all done up like a Mu. Magus Mu’Snarky. As close as i could get to the look. I dont care for the combat style but i definitely saw the potential. Have fun!
  5. And the prophet raised their hands to the sky and screamed “LET THERE BE MEATBALLS”
  6. what savory mission are we talking exactly?
  7. I am guessing Spaghetti Betty is ill equipped for said task...
  8. ....not after i get done misdelivering a bunch of valentines....
  9. i 50'd a fire mental and a fire temporal. i was personally way more effective on a fire temporal
  10. Personally I have a real problem with the mental secondary. Landing that sustain without becoming venge bait is a real issue.compare that with the Dark Dark Dark Corruptor I am on NOT built for defense and I Tank with that I jump into the mobs at the start of BAF as the first one in. I have two mag 2 stuns (one auto) then start landing debuff attacks soul drain tar patch nukes etc
  11. Interesting. I heard it said among a few people I know are great players that 8 Corruptors can take out any content in the game. Blasters bottom tier? I kind of get what you are saying but then realize you are not talking about things like Really Hard Way Magisterium. Damage is “just damage” until your team is low on damage. Then it is an emergency. You know your odds for a really hard way go way up when there is a ton of Blasters and Corruptors on the league. Brute/Tanker I get what you are saying. But it depends on the powersets and the player more than the AT there in my opinion When I run PUGs I take whatever. But dream team? 1 Tank 7 Corruptors. In a League. Add another 1/2 Tanker types, Fender, Troller and some Blasters then w/e
  12. Checked up on it. Turns out it was cancelled this year because the license plate read “NOLOVE”
  13. The sewer system is musical too. Lot of rumbling bass notes and rhythmic plops
  14. Yeah that is thumbs down. Now I try not to give thumbs down. This comes from my tiny amount of art classes. We create, present, critique. I may really dislike something but to just give a thumbs down when its your turn to comment would be poor form. I try to explain what i disagree with and possibly use an example to illustrate why i think differently. Of curse it us the internet. Sometimes thumbs down says it all
  15. At high 80s% of total needed. Should be another few days. I started this in mid to late January. I have been sick last few days. So even though home very little gaming. Just sitting in that damn fire
  16. meh, MiDs is THE whiteboard on which we work out all our build ideas and tweak things into the finest numbers. It may not be necessary but it makes the game more fun
  17. i think there are ways around it. post the link not the build. post the build without the bits (useless, but visual) redo the build real clean and see if it posts from that.
  18. could you post some vampire costumes?
  19. I really never followed rep. I mean, for some reason certain people just do not understand me. Different culture? Different manners? They are uneducated and/or stupid? Who knows. But i still dont follow. Prob because i havent read it much. Does this mean every thumbs down i have gotten over the years just goes into a general “reaction pool”. Evil grin slowly spreads
  20. Thats pretty screwy. I dont need the merits but considering they were pretty much just smack talking you….i would have stayed in TF and logged out…. Now Thats Snark! wait.. that is funny. And i know it gets the badge…but merits? Not a trick i pull often. This is a really niche case
  21. I’m sick in my coffin. Bring the little buggers on
  22. In my defense the team lead never asked if i was going to stay….
  23. when they mog they are near impossible to hit
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