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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. i have to throw out a nod to Beam. i have a beam/temp i built for incarnate badge leagues. the nice thing about it is it is fully ranged. sure fire fire will do more ST at a ton more work and some faceplants. at least for me. Beam will allow you to keep hate down range even on trials with giant damage patches where everyone is running all over the place. you stand there and kill. move once in a lazy while
  2. Having wiki open as you do these will help. Sometimes 5-6 times the opponent runs many times without any mission notice. Sometimes that is not on the damned wiki either. However if there is a failure dialogue you have a clue
  3. the two p2w mission teleport will knock big chunks off completion times
  4. was it a shard tf? dude got there before the team
  5. Paragon of vice. 4th mission
  6. Ah, again I am sick now. Unlike normal when I misunderstand for no good reason Yes, it was madness. 4-5 months hard grinding There is one contact i have listed redside who is a midnighter and has mult level ranges. But really its diff red blue so be careful there. The wiki shows Blavk Scorion having missions at only 40-44 and in my spreadsheet as such. That is incorrect. He is just like other patrons
  7. you can ONLY do all content ONE way. If you go Gold you can only do Gold to 20. missing all 1-19 content red/blue. and that is not all available in ouro. and you wont have them as completed contacts in your character. all Gold is available through Ouro, and you can stop exp and side switch to get all red blue. then do gold as ouro opens up.
  8. this sounds like a dark dark brute. more optimal brute than tank in my opinion
  9. I had some weird experiences on a certain server. THis reminds me of that. I was on one of my Brutes and was cannonballing mobs. Which the leader did not want. So....they kind of stalked me in game and on the boards for a few weeks. Which, being a grumpy old vampire, I still laugh about.
  10. Here is the sheet that I used. No warranty. Check your contacts and wiki before unlocking exp and heading to the next level range. But I think it is 99-100% correct. Since it was my base and not my "working" model any notes I made as I levelled are lost. contacts CoH CoV.xlsx
  11. It is possible to do all three. All of Gold is available through Ouro. In fact you have to do all Gold for certain badges.
  12. Yeah. Thats the general idea. Most of the time exp is turned off every 5 levels, 9, 14, 19, 24 etc. but in the lower ranges there are contacts that outlevel weird. 7, 8 etc. When the contact has more than one level range you need to track that as well. My spreadsheet has every contact blue and red and the level ranges. Separate sheets blue red. With Blue you do need to find which randomly rolled contact you got and compare that to the other 4? Contacts. Delete those or mark them completed. That is not for all blue content, just some of the storylines. But it goes on quite a few level ranges. Once you get later in the game Blueside you will start getting kill 20x in Peregrine. This will suck hard. There are a lot of them. Generally the mobs are only on certain areas and there are damn few. So you kill everyone in the area and get away so that they respawn. Hopefully as the group you need. Tedious
  13. Starro…if you hadn’t destroyed the town they wouldn’t need to rebuild it
  14. You will need to use HC wiki. There are a roulette wheel if contacts that are duplicative. They offer the exact same content but are randomly assigned to each toon. Only blue does this. i will post my spreadsheet of contacts later today. I am sick in my coffin and not moving much. Never feed on vegans
  15. Jousting is the key. In and out if combat. I prefer fly, which also fits thematically. I understand some are really good at teleporting. The real key is knowing what your cone will hit before you fire it. That comes from a ton of practice and a prayer to the underworld your primary target doesnt blip 30 feet away and screw your AoE
  16. I like cones. But it was a looooong time learning to like them starting with Shadow Maul Now my favorite Blasters have 4-6 cones. The Corruptor I am in has 4. Only one is a true damage cone. But the fear cone? Gold. Errrr Black Gold!
  17. I want my numbers back. And get the hell off my lawn!
  18. the fires are just SW of Fortified badge, in a straight line to tiki fan. but much closer to fortified
  19. One of the mission arcs in Mercy you blow up a building. I am honestly not sure if this is the building. The friend that told me about it in December said you needed to have completed every Mercy arc for them to be there. I have not play tested it. Prob wont. Maybe I will lazily look next time I run that arc, if I remember
  20. As someone pointed out upthread. I PUG a LOT. If I posted every PUG group experience, that would be Spam. Also as posted just a bit upthread I was in a respec trial with a PUG, and it went horrid. Did I quit? No. We finished it. It was a shit show. I vaguely remember it. Like 4 day old blood, not good. But it was ran at +0 and most folks were trying, if failing, to achieve the goals. Shit happens. We finished. I am not going to look back though all my old posts but I think most of the ones I quit were.....do to +level mis/non communication. You want a thread? Run with that.
  21. Honestly not sure I follow you. You are saying the only way to truly be Snarky is to be insulting in team chat before quitting? I wasnt even trying to be Snarky. Not really called for. The Team leader admitted they did not advertise what they were running. They admitted they were running at +1. Good, good, goodbye. As the song goes, "Don't need to discuss much...just drop off the key Lee, and get yourself free." This is being beat to death. Which is funny in its own way. Now, to shock some of you I am not actually a vampire. I am a grumpy old truck driver in a busy metro area. This morning I was dropping off a 53 trailer in a crowded yard. This is a tight yard in an old part of town. There are well over a hundred trailers there and 15-20 docks. There are drivers moving triples, 53s, and three "yard dogs" ferrying trailers to spots and docks. Busy busy busy. I drove in. we waited for each other. we moved around each other. no traffic lights. no CBs. no lines on the ground. everyone knew to be patient and take turns. not a damn word spoken. we all were able to communicate and interact. Most of the time PUGs go the same way. Except when they do not. This one started off with (for me) a wakeup call this was not a yard I wanted to drive in. I left. Was I "Snarky?" Yea, I was Me!!! Was I mean? I hope not. One of the reasons I asked in team chat was so everyone on the team knew my thinking, if they cared to read. My toons name? Snarky. If I feel misled I will prob leave. Is that right/wrong? You decide. I joined an ADVERTISED +4 Reg ITF kill most afterward and had a grand time. Thats a yard I will jump right into.
  22. Too true. These people seriously misjudge how much i game
  23. Fastest (and this word is grudgingly used) way to get the big damage done to you badges A friend clued me in a couple months ago. I am a half hearted badger. I do few things with a full heart in truth. I have one character with all the damage taken badges. Another friend had two healers spam heals on me while i sat in the apex lava. Took 3 nights if I remember If you do the Mercy missions one of the buildings is on fire permanently. Step 1 join a AE arc then head to Mercy. Position at the fire and hit rest. Step 2 there is not much of a step 3. Wait forever I did this on a Brute and it went pretty fast like a week i think? My Corruptor does not have the health and so is only able to handle 1/3 the damage. (Depending on how many fires you interact with determines damage). So this one will prob take a month If you see a vampire kneeling in a fire on Mercy….
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