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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Fury got a major nerf bat after Going Rogue and Brutes mixed with Scrappers. It was pointed out that (while not all the time) with a good build and good play, the right powersets and the sun shining just right a Brute would out damage a Scrapper. So they beat the crap out of Fury. Part of that was having it decay from 100% to 90% so fast 90% became the effective max. Since they bent Brutes over the Dev table to make Scrappers happy they reached around and let Fury decay slower from 90% down than it had before. Of course Tanks wanted a piece of the Brute pie as well so they do way more AoE than Brutes now. It hardly matters anymore. With Incarnate unresistable damage patches (and giant AoE effects) Melee damage dealers are second class citizens now. A well built Sentinel will out damage a Brute in modern high end content bu playing wisely, managing it’s agro, and keeping up a steady stream or ranged AoE
  2. I love the Unrelenting Fury idea. This pushes performance in an understandable and thematic fashion. Without jumping on Tankers toes or drastically increased damage Not sure about the numbers. To me the Brutes Fury looks low but I avoid mathematical analyses of these things. But low or high any attempt to push Brutes damage back up will hit the wall of players and devs with nerf bats aready. The Unrelenting Fury idea is the most intriguing in the thread so far in my opinion
  3. This idea punishes certain armor types and rewards others. Not on a good way either. A tanky set like Invul will do even less damage and a Fore set that does the most damage will do more damage. While dipping into Tank realm to do it. Thumbs down. Keep swinging
  4. Have a stacking damage proc similar to the weird Kinetic Melee power set. This would fit neatly into the classic “Brutes are most effective when in the midst of a big fight” theme. While I like the idea of the Tanker bonuses (at least it is a real bonus instead of a shiz whizzle) I am not looking to horn into Tanks territory. I wish the Devs would stop changing Tanks so that they are situationally better than Brutes (AoE fights). Say I am negative, but I do not believe there will be a positive outcome for Brutes. They were never envisioned to do what they did and every Dev team that has done anything with them since they came out as taken a large or small nerf bat to them. Anyone sense a theme?
  5. Back on live i joined a “chat channel” that i ran with nearly non stop. Brickhouse on Virtue. Was very good. Great teams. That is the benefit of a SG, besides the social aspect you mentioned. Now I run with Cosmic Council SG. (On Excelsior) They host very regular events, have a solid Discord presence during evening hours, and host an every Saturday Incarnate Trial badge event starting at 6pm eastern. Lot of good badgers and really great people
  6. I did not even put down how crap the Brite’s ATO is compared to other melee class ATOs. I was just listing actual things that made Brute’s situation worse. But yes, giving otber melee classes really nice ATOs while giving Brutes a fizzy drink shows how much love there is for Brutes in modern CoH. The time has past for the glorious days of busting out of the ZIG and ROFLSTOMPing your way through the game. Was good times. Mic drop
  7. I think most of these dudes have proper Scutums, going up against supers with spears and swords
  8. This I like. My current writing ideas (i write little but conceptualize a lot) involves the Fates influencing Grim Reapers behind the scenes as they try to manage the chaos caused by a creeping undead plague. The Fates are just trying to nudge certain events because they see the totality of the time stream from an outside perspective.
  9. The finny thing was when I went on tbis rant at 4am (errr I mean started this interesting topic) I really kinda forgot Rom and his Nictus thing. I just always think of the Romans as separate from his lore, like minions. I guess if I read the text I might learn what all the Robots, vampires and warwolves are doing back in old Rome as well….
  10. I mean, i get it. They TP because it makes it harder. I just do not get it. Storywise. Maybe I should delve deeply into Cim Lore or.... Wait, Nooooooo, why the F are the surgeons TPing. That is stupid. Super Stunners, tough, take one look and you see why, Freaks gonna upgrade. No deep dive needed. This change is game driven not lore driven. garbage writing and drivel. Also ruins one of my mini games of being only 25% of the players that hunt Surgeons in ITF. Let the AoE get them, screw running around chasing TPs. Yeah! You made it harder and it doesnt make sense. You've joined that group of writers who throw away any pretext of lore and just write game! Gratz.
  11. Except it did not exist in that generation of the game. Fury was nerfed long ago, ATOs are relatively recent
  12. Whoever made up the Brute ATO probably ran Blasters. On the surface it sounds good. Possibly great. Unless you understand Brutes and then you are like wtf? Not a catastrophic failure. More like unqualified mediocrity.
  13. I always end up pulling in the MSR. I hate them. I do them for the badges and honestly i cannot recall a single badger that has completed the damn things
  14. It may be good. But Pfffft. I run Dark Armor, a notoriously end hungry set, with no issues. But yes, a good ATO is better than the hot garbage of the other. Would be nice if the cornerstone piece in each ATO set did something more than mule a slot bonus.
  15. This is what killed it for me and Brutes. Not the best Tanks, not the best DPS. But I had a niche Some of the changes, in isolation, made sense After Going Rogue Brutes were, sporadically, out damaging Scrappers. Nerf Brutes Tanks needed “something”. So they got more AoE and Brutes got nothing. Further eroding Brutes value imo Incarnate content punishes melee in general. I would argue Brutes more than most due to tactics/armor. Ymmv Dr Aeon rewards high resistance values…points to Tanks The new content just added artificially increases Agro cap and I think this “slightly” disproportionately affects Brutes, do to ROFLSTOMP tactics cumulative effect…Brutes are in a far worse position now than they ever have been
  16. On many ways I believe this is an MMORPG problem as a whole. To balance a game for an individual AND the same content for a team is very hard I see this in City of Villains, especially as it pivots into the incarnate material. I see this is another game I play. There whole zones are overpowered against you to solo in because they were basically designed for the final open world story of a certain arc. The expectation that there would be teams available for nearly every mission and area you were sent to is implicit. I play solo a lot, but I enjoy a team as well. Unfortunately nothing I play seems designed to be truly soloable. City of Villains made a head nod to solo incarnate with Dark Astoria. Bit if you try to incarnate fully that way there is really just one short arc to redo over and over for a few days until you get the parts you need
  17. lol I left the task...in the aether. I completed every single mission, side switching etc, that could only be done in the certain level ranges, then 50d and incarnated the toon. But did not start the 35-50, 40-50, 45-50 missions. I am now on a similar task in another game. Taking one character and doing every single thing in the game. A month in I think i probably have another 5 months to go. Its an old game lol
  18. And see….this is part of the reason I am moving on from the boards and the game as well. If I have to further explain it is literally a waste of time
  19. Risk bs reward is a category alongside dps, tank, control, buff? Okay……. No it’s not okay. At least own up to making stuff up or misstatements. Even my Snarky butt does that
  20. While i do enjoy a good rant could you explain the “ three categories” comment. I only found two reading your post. A hard read as well, very condescending I thought. But hey, when you are not Snarky you can still dream and try
  21. First, moving the numbers “a smidge” depending on your definition might move them into Tanker territory. One of my original gripes was Tankers got extra AoE (damage control etc) and that was moving into Brute territory. Payback is beautiful, but childish. Fun, true. Any buff for a Brute would not be refused. Just saying the logic is about as sideways as “fixing” the Tank by giving it more AoE. Sure, they love it. Scratches head. WTF???
  22. And Super Strength would be like….why do I need A to hit bonus? I pay for a huge one every two minutes or so….
  23. There are obviously some things the Devs value greatly. Others, not so much. the fact that Sentinels need a complete rework has just laid there like road kill....how long? I have a Elec/Temp Blaster that is more survivable than any Sentinel and can outblast the things with half its powers tied behind its back. The fact thatBrutes are getting crapped on? Considering some of the crap, intentional or not, was written by this group of Devs? Yeah. Not gonna wait too long for a "Lets rush in and fix this! Snarky just posted the bestest idea on the Brute forum!"
  24. yes, in an informal way. i just comment here randomly. last couple days actively. i am hardly a great opinion maker. but i am opinionated.
  25. Nice try. But creating a painting and putting it on a wall (or writing a screed) for others to react to and joining in a serious (and sometimes heated) discussion over the meaning of the work are two separate things.
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