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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Had some time off and making good progress for a giant project. I have completed all content 1-9 except the blue 5-9 stuff. Should knock that out tomorrow and get to working 10-14 content. Really grinding right now because it is frustrating to run in without power choices. Already at 9 the synergy between ice blast and Dark Miasma is insanely good. I want more lol. Very excited about the tweak to Dark epic. Months off for this toon.... but a Dark Soul Drain ranged buildup? Are they in my lich's library looking at my sketches??? Dark Mastery > Spirit Drain (replaces Soul Drain) This power replaces Soul Drain from the Dark Mastery epic pool (Defenders, Corruptors). Soul Drain had ignored the standard epic cooldown penalties while also obtaining a larger than standard radius, making it a superior power to even the AT-specific version. Instead of applying the appropriate penalties (which would have made it a 240s cooldown and 10' radius power), we have taken this opportunity to rebalance it into a unique power (separating itself from Soul Mastery which also has the Soul Drain power) that trades some of its former potency for increased utility. Spirit Drain is a 60' ranged attack that can hit up to 5 targets within a 15' radius. Unlike Soul Drain, these targets can be alive or defeated. The cooldown remains 120s, however the buff duration will now be 15s instead of 30s. This power is still quite potent as it can do the same amount of self-buff as Build Up, while having a longer duration, can be used as an attack from distance, and have a very minor cooldown penalty Summary of details: 120s cooldown, 2.37s cast time 60 foot range 4.8 scale damage buff from 1 target, 8.0 scale damage buff from 5 targets 1.2 scale to-hit buff from 1 target, 2.0 scale to-hit buff from 5 targets 0.40 scale damage (Negative Energy)
  2. use strategy and inspirations so you do not look
  3. It gets worse as you meet better players. When Cosmic Council was hyper active they ran a themed costume contest about once a month. A couple of those people are actually F-ing artists with the costume interface. I was going to make a Fireman for one. Could not get the jacket right, made a lab tech. (theme was work) Someone walked in with a perfect fireman, the jacket created from different pieces meshed together including a belt part. A kitten on each shoulder. I was like.... hey.... i tooks artsy classes once.... why i suck? lol
  4. Cold Dark is nice. But there are so many great powers in Ice/Dark is is tough to pass any up.
  5. So I could make an Atlas homage and call him My Huge Ball?
  6. You knew better than to name him Barbie.
  7. This is like staring at a fast food menu and wondering about prices The only real change i want is for Synapse to have it hard coded for every kill all map to be a small one. Got lucky on last PUG Synapse and this happened…50 min and it felt fun.
  8. My Dark Dark Brute runs Fly 99% time. Just easier….
  9. Hmmmm…..so you want to collect funds from the yokels….so you can help them help themselves. Very nice. Remember to send a cut to Arachnos. They get fussy.
  10. You want to look at the Dom boards for numbers and strategies. Those folks are all about making Domination perma. I think ( not memorized) it takes +90% global recharge on top of Hasten to do this. When I run Doms i try to get +100 or more. This is REALLY FREAKING difficult. Every set you slap in has to have significant global rech on top of doing one or two other build goals.
  11. My builds are not “great” but they are great fun for me. The entire game is rock paper scissors. I tend to try to have a rock and scissors and cheat. The one tricky part is exemplaring without a dedicated build for it. Things go sub par fast. Most people do not realize how much so…
  12. I like how you changed the subject from damage comparison to talking up Sentinel survivability. (Which is not stellar either) Here is my answer to Sentinel armor from a Blaster POV... Blaster - Electrical Blast - Temporal Manipulation tank 4.0.mxd
  13. pant pant pant spent all day doing every zone possible, location badges, plaques, etc. 505 badges at level 1. (was lackeyed to my alt acct farmer whole time. surprisingly few deaths)
  14. You sure? Because you spell atrodatiousle
  15. There are a few characters in game with my IRL last name. It is not Smith but it is relatively common. No great schock
  16. Good softcap Defenses....built to stay at range and shoot fish in a barrel Corruptor Ice Dark 1.02.mbd
  17. I do not game much these days. Working a lot. Tired. But I have started again. The bug is constant. I am starting a new Corruptor project and throwing my signature name on it. The concept is Snarky from the future. He has been hold up for nearly a millennia studying Dark magicks. He is now a lich, in fact, a demi lich. Just a skull inhabiting a mouldering old arcane library. But he has come to realize something very important happens in the time of the Menders in Paragon City. So Snarky animated a old suit of armor and bound it to himself (at this stage he is just a skull). Then he cast a powerful spell to translocate through time to Paragon. The spell drained him of much of his reserves, but he knows there is much power to be had in Paragon. It will return. Now he will investigate everything the Menders touched or considered important. Every contact, story arc, side mission. Blue/Red/Gold. So if you see a strange skull headed suit of armor named Snarky wandering around Excelsior at level 5 with 500 location badges….
  18. I rolled up the Corruptor. I have a concept, an outfit, and a detailed plan worthy of a LOTR epic. I blame you
  19. Now I want to drop my solo Redside AR Blaster and start a solo the entire game Ice/Dark Corruptor. Why did you do this to me???? Aaarrrregghhhhhhhhhh
  20. Dark Dark is a tough Blaster to run. It is very Blapper oriented. I switched my Dark Blaster to Dark Temporal. If you Really want to screw with mobs safely? Ice/Dark Corruptor. Oh, the simple (and complex) ways it screws with mobs. The synergy of Ice/Dark/Corruptor. 100% ranged attacks. Worth a look. And you will be doing more damage than a Sentinel (do not believe the rabid hype of some pro-Sentinel forum groups). A Corruptor like this can solo with ease, or join a team and increase everyone’s effectiveness while getting more mileage out of Scourge
  21. A great AT to learn the game on. Some people love them in end game too. Personally I find what they give up in damage to get “protection”??? In incarnate trials is an iffy trade. I tell you my Willpower Beam Rifle Sentinel run to 50 was one of the most chill runs i ever had
  22. Better yet, once you learn how to REALLy make hundreds of millions fast….. what do you do with the cash? You buy winter and archetype ATO sets off the market ar a set price. Store the ones you do. Ot use in the base. Or sell. You can convert them to what you need if not exactly right. Then….. those sets randomly include huge amounts of toys and prices. Including inspirations. Which just sit i. The email tab, one tab over, and is accessible in missions just like email….
  23. I did die like 3 times in a Virgil Tarikoss SF last night in the final mission. But I was going off alone (stealth) to get glowies…giant mons near glowies. And then, out of inspirations, trying to meet up with final team who were busy pulling an entire room WHILE fighting the AV. I do not “normally” die in a Tarikoss. But it was 4 Blasters, a Squid, and a Arachnos soldier. We were just mad-housing it.
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