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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. So i run both a fire fire and a dark dark. Your Blast set, Fire, thrives on two strategies. 1) stealth in and PBAoE nuke then blast madly at anything left standing 2) Drop RoF, and other Aoe/ST from a safe distance. You have to know when to do this. Eating a purple insp going in helps about as much as converting a whole build to Sentinel strategy. You build for range softcap but you want a blapper and have hard hitting loooooong animation attacks at melee range??? You can save a LOT of resources and develop other parts of your byuild by taking A1) Dark Pit Toggle ranged AoE 20' rad Mag 2 Stun and 2) Oppressive Gloom PBAoe 12' radius Mag 2 stun. Wait, Mag 2, + Mag 2 = Mag 4 stunning bosses, Lts and minions? All Around You.... So.... Why you need defense. You in Blapper Mode. They are all standing there drooling. Now build up other parts of your strategy and walk back the investment in an ill-conceived hope of safety.
  2. Snarky

    AI build

    It is much more tailored. A build in CoH is very detailed What you are asking is like asking a car company, sight unseen, to build you a complete new car based on 5-6 words. Fast, comfortable, small, bright colored, convertible and expect the car to be something you like when they deliver it. The traditional way is to decide the sets you want to play. If you know the sets, easier. But you may need to research the sets and figure that out. Then you come to the boards to find if someone has done similar work. I can guarantee you someone has. Just gotta find it. Then you either run that, or spend some time in MiDs tailoring those ideas to your concept.
  3. That how you max exp? Huh. If you are addicted to soloing then I do hope someone answers this for you. I do not know When I want to fast level I join TFs in my level range. And have a double exp booster running. I get caught up in the madness. By the end of the TF I have a good amount of exp. Repeat.
  4. I hope you mean this and not karma chameleon https://youtu.be/3Ipns0jneLY?si=xxudcgGVCi7KLLHl
  5. You saw in my original post i have sky as the choice. My whole base, you look up, you see forever. You fly up… bonk.
  6. how do you build up. i have the roof set to sky.... but we all know that is fiction. 15 feet up and that is all i can go. how do i really open it up?
  7. So, as we know from CoH mechanics, Def>Res>Heal. But, and Dark Armor uses this, Stealth>Defense. Not being seen is not being swung at. Let the wannabes stand up and scream they are vampires. Let Heroes kill them and get a vamp slayer badge. I am managing two blood banks remotely. Nutrition and cash baby!
  8. since it did not total the DoT I misread it, thanks
  9. uber show dark nuke and fire nuke from Blaster doing nesar same damage pve i do not understand
  10. Sore spot here. So council va...things, are NOT vampires. They are not even undead. They are the result of a super soldier program where they chuck this guy in a capsule for a year or two and screw them so far up they are down. Yes, you should kill them all. Unfortunately the council will just make more. But their electricity bill will be astronomical. Maybe we can blow up the Faultline Dam and interrupt their power! Oh, there is an idea.
  11. Moonfire. They all count. Run a Moonfire
  12. I figured. But if they do not want suggestions.... People have learned not to say around me, "Does anyone have anything to add?"
  13. adding anything, with the clever folks that play, is power creep. I like the idea, but I love more power. The "soft" version being to "bake in" the equivalent of a multi enhancer that enhances all attributes the power does... acc, dam, range, whatever. Then not have any enhancer slots. Just know it works okay, and you have 1 more powah.
  14. One if the only Scrappers i have 50d was sn elec elec on live. Mad fun. Enjoy. And yes, time to incarnate as everyone is saying. Have a great adventure
  15. You lost me. Somewhere on the slide from im to oo I went down a side track. You see, when I play ANY game, tabletop AD&D 2nd edition where I started, Gamma World, Space Opera (the game…) or the genre, Rolemaster, or a hundred others…. I want to create a character. Sure, I’m a crap actor. But I enjoy the experience. MMORPGs are less immersive in that way, but more immersive visually. Snarky started out on Live as a SS/Willpower Brute using mostly SOs. He was a Villain in bright spandex with a helmet and a few small pieces of football looking gear brightly colored and slapped on. He was a small time criminal looking to make it big. I ran that character for the better part of two years. Sure, I alted. But I could not quit him. Then…. Something bad happened. My group was already playing a lot of White Wolf and I made many vampires, becoming more and more obsessed with trying to create the classic Nosferatu. Which was a joy for me and a pain for my group. Then I changed zip codes by a lot. After a while I discovered “we’re back baby!” And proceeded to make a SS/Invul Brute I ran for 6 months. But… the Darkness called. Dark Invul Brutes, Tanks, and finally Dark Dark. Which took a while for me to get, because Dark Armor is way more subtle than most sets. Then I discovered Cosmic Council and went on a binge of creating things that might be useful in their never ending quest for badges. That ended. But left me with a deeper understanding of CoH mechanics. And an Army of Darkness (squishies of all varieties) was created. And still I learned. I been exploring a lot more lately. I have to say this Fire Fire Blaster I am currently on, now that I know how to read tactics and mechanics, is just insanely powerful. Some type of Demon. A Snarky one lol. So, am I immersive or UI oriented? Is the canvas or the brush more important to the artist? Neither. You can grab some charcoal and paper and get an idea down. Of course it is nice to stab bright (or dark) colored paint until it vaguely resembles what is in your head. But it is what is in your head, and your ability to realize the concept within the constraints of your skill and the technology you have. That is what is important. I find the UI annoying, and i use the regular power button with an Auction Macro on most toons and a up to 10 macros on my Ice Blast toons for AoE placement. I just got done hunting Cim Surgeons, my usual task, by looking at the screen and mousing on them. No macro. Or just AoE the group they are in. Fire be like that. I do not use macros for hunts. I never learned how and I do not enjoy setting them up. I make a toon and want to run the powers. Not much is needed besides a mouse. Do I RP? I have never found an online group that would have me or that I want to join. Have not searched. But…. I am a bit Snarky in every message I post on LFG, Global, etc. Gotta keep the seasoning going!
  16. I tend to be fascinated by the undead. which are in the same city as demons but not the same neighborhood. I run a lot of vampires, liches, zombie derivatives etc. My current project is a Fire Fire Blaster and I started the look out as a possessed set of armor and ended with a demon in armor. It just fits. The only other concept I have for this is a pathological Longbow type operative going vigilante on everyone. burn the crime out of the city!
  17. i dislike temps lol. and since it is my suggestion.... of course its just something thrown out to the HC Staff, which I very rarely do. But it has been burbling in my head forever.
  18. I know any dreams we have of further incarnate powers are probably never going to be realized. As I have played many, many alts I have found there are smaller things that could be incredibly useful. So here is my suggestion. At Vet levels, lets pick 10, 50, and 100. Of course those are placeholders, but it is line with my thinking. At these Vet levels Players choose one pool power, and it has to be from a pool they have not picked from. It will probably be best to restrict to the 1st powers in the group available when you have no powers from that group. The power cannot be added slots to in Respec. if the game allows maybe have the one slot, a sly way to add winters gift or that one more +4KB prot to get to 20 lol. If not, have the power given the equivalent of a hami +%/+% for acc/range, or whatever it does as a baked in bonus. This will give players a wider range of powers, none terribly powerful, yet probably great for utility. a TP other? A leadership toggle they never could fit in? A provoke? These powers will only work in 45+ content. They are awarded at level 50, er +. i find these powers are like the trim in a higher level auto. Not necessary or useful in the basic functioning of a car. But danged,... A/C, power windows, radar detectors.. (shhh...) are all really nice.
  19. Snarky

    Fire questions

    Thanks, due to my strange build plan (chasing mediocre overall defense number, acc, +dam) I slotted a full set of sup winters in RoF.
  20. I know, I know…. Just jinxing the crap outta myself. Next gaming session will be tragic. So, much like the old tootsie pop commercial I was slow leveling a Fire Fire Blaster…then rampaged to 50. Now, my preferred method to level is to do every TF in (last available) level order. Red, Blue and Trials. This run I missed a Hess, a Dr Q (not unusual), a Treespec 2, a Sutter, and a Mort Kal. Some were slightly out of order because if someone else is forming an Ice Mistral or a Respec Trial you just jump on it. I formed probably a little over half. Taking first seven to send me tells. The posi 1 was a crapshow, and I wrote a bit about that. Everything else was good. There were some comical mistakes. On my part, as well as random teammates. Not sure why a Posi 1 is batshit crazy half the time. I want to say some people just run low level toons and never learn. But if they run low level they would know Posi. So maybe they just hang out on steroid 50s??? No idea. But it was a very comfortable experience. I knocked out 1/2 of Gold and almost all before 20 badge content before taking off the brakes and installing a rocket motor. I am starting to get the feel for Fire Blaster. It is an ambush predator. You just look at a group, size it up. If you can kill everyone there or 95% of them…. Just walk up to them and Blast. No apologies. If you cannot…. Wait for something to change the odds, distract, or find a way to pick part of them off without agro from everyone. There is no fall back once you commit. Just keep blasting until the spawn is down or you are. Funniest exchange of all my pugs this run. (Besides the crap posi i wrote about in tale of two task forces) was in a Terra Volta Trial. Me; “can i ask why you keeo teleporting those mobs out of the giant damage patches i lay down? Serious question.” Mad Wormhole Abuser: “what?” Me: “i was just thinking you may be a SkyRaider double Agent, because you seem to be helping them.” Mad Wormhole Abuser: “no lol. It stuns them. You can totally see the effect of me casting it”. Me….(to myself)…does this guy really think i am parsing out particle effects from different abilities to read combat situations? Really? Me (typed back) “so, you know you can teleport them back to the exact same position, right? So you do not screw up your teammates AoEs…” Mad Wormhole Abuser. “Alright Snarky. Just for you.” I swear. One time, fresh spawn, I went in, Aim, Buildup, Point Blank Nuke… wait, where the F. Oh…fifty feet over there. Huh…. Well, guess i will wander down to the reactor and do some defending down there. They probably going to be angry when they shake that stun off…
  21. I am on a Fire Fire Blaster now. When I pug, leading or joining, I do not comment about team setup. But, since I usually run Dark types, I really ache at the lack of Defenders on modern teams. We see Tanks/Brutes 3/4 time. But true blue Defenders? Pretty Fing rare.
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