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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. While I personally hate the idea I think that it is wonderfully creative and would be great for CoH. After all, my reaction is a recoiling from drama and uncomfortableness. Perfect for storytelling
  2. Snarky

    Snipe (Power)

    When you snipe someone 159-200 feet away, if they live, they will have agro on you…
  3. The only “pure” cold group is the christmas event snow men. Also i think the xmas AVs. But many groups, demons, scientists, and others have cold “units”
  4. The floo in st mart. Or shark. There are a few in nerva but finding them is more trouble
  5. I value your commitment to a higher level of storytelling and discourse. In my opinion you will not find it here. If I won the 1 billion dollar lottery this weekend, bought the game from the 3-5 people owning various right s to it, hired a staff to recreate everything in a new engine, and the best writers in the world.... I do not think the project would meet your desires. Here me out. You (in my opinion) seek perfection presented to you. Or very highest bestest quality. But the nature of storytelling and magic in human art has always been the simplest thing. If a story, a drawing, a sculpture has meaning to a human, and illicits a feeling, then that is art. The greater magnitude of the feels to the greater number of people/cultures, the better the art. But it is in the interpretation, the interaction, the understanding, the belief, the ownership of the concepts that the magic happens. It is what is inside the persons mind as much or MORE than the story/painting/sculpture/song. You see dreck and garbage. I see a playpen to at least create some of my ideas. The guy down the street sees a way to socialize. Another person is fascinated by Nemesis. Has little Nemesis figurines. Sure, some art is better than others. There are many flaws with the storytelling and mechanics. But, some of us find enjoyment. You find irritation and flaws. My belief is you would find these flaws unless it perfectly aligned with your belief and views. just my 2 inf. Oh, and since you are leaving, can I haz yur stuf?
  6. they still suffer from political drama and overcomplicated mission mechanics that do not always work
  7. they would need to rebalance it. Unfortunately it is pretty obvious this is a melee attack reskinned, with an odd (and surprisingly flexible) delay mechanism. Which, and I cannot say this enough, makes NO SENSE in the completely ranged Devices set. Then to call it "Remote" just goes to further screw up the thing. Melee Bomb would have been far more accurate.
  8. They are definitely arrested. Arrest; a stoppage or sudden cessation of motion
  9. Devices - Remote Bomb Time Bomb for Blaster > Devices has been replaced with Remote Bomb. This can be placed on either an enemy or the ground, but once placed activating the power again will manually detonate the bomb. Remote Bomb can be set off the moment it is successfully placed. If the mob that the Remote Bomb was attached to is defeated, the Remote Bomb will fall to the ground at that location. I look at this, and because i am an idiot, i assume you can place this. remotely. re·mote [rəˈmōt] adjective remote (adjective) · remoter (comparative adjective) · remotest (superlative adjective) (of a place) situated far from the main centers of population; distant: "I'd chosen a spot that looked as remote from any road as possible" · "a remote Oregon valley" distant in time: "a golden age in the remote past" having very little connection with or relationship to: "the theory seems rather intellectual and remote from everyday experience" distantly related: "a remote cousin" conducted or working away from a usual workplace or location, making use of communications technology: "companies will understand that remote working can be helpful for employees" · "she said teachers deserved more credit for the success of remote learning" · "these jobs are largely virtual and may be open to remote workers from any location" (of an electronic device) operating or operated by means of radio or infrared signals: "a second feature allows pagers to be alerted from remote alarm sensors" computing denoting a device that can only be accessed by means of a network. Compare with local (of a chance or possibility) unlikely to occur: "chances of a genuine and lasting peace become even more remote" (of a person) aloof and unfriendly in manner: "Snarky seemed remote and patronizing" here is what it looks like in combat... arms length. remote.
  10. If you run the story line arcs a lot of this makes more sense. But.... Yeah, no one does that. They want it in a cutscene, that they then gripe is always playing.
  11. There is a reason these cliches exist. Throughout human history little hroups have tried to influence global politics. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they are ... nearly .... wiped off the face of the planet. But their legend and oftentimes influence lingers. As an example look at the Knight Templar. Very powerful, and influenced geopolitics. Then wiped out. yet, even disregarding the fanciful stories, there still exist the Freemasons and the DeMolay group. And other, less well known splinters and 'cells" that have Templar DNA. Then there are the "possible" ones we can suppose exist but cannot prove... There are hundreds more examples to offer up. Each of the groups in CoH draw from historical real world inspiration, then take comic book magic and technology and supercharge the concepts.
  12. Let me tell a story. A true story from live. I would often level a new Brute, almost half time SS/Invul. Just for the joy if it. Now, every i/o on live was expensive. They did not attune. So, except for a few globals i ran these on SOs. My brute was late 20s and i joined a redside team about 32. They were led by a Brute running +1 or +2. I followed the Brute into every fight, getting separated often. After 2-3 missions i get a tell… “Wait,,I thought you were my level. How are you keeping up?” SS/Invul. Old school live “farming” for experience against Carnies. Down about 6-7 levels. Sidekick was different back then. How? The Rage is THAT good. And it is always on except for the crash.
  13. Trip Mine. I love it. It is funny. And near useless as you pointed out.
  14. Yeah, the Fire build is my “pro build” for teams that want a BLASTER. Have asked for damage. I am just looking to chill and run anything, and when i show up I want people to be like “damn, that was useful”. It is just to clean spawns to help teams leagues get badges and clean content.
  15. Yes rain of fire. Then I pair it with Bonfire. With a full set overwhelming force in it right now. Need knockdown. It is situationally useful as knockback but always useful as knockdown. I come into a giant room. 3 large spawns. I am in front of tanks brutes everyone. I eat a purple, usually med. with stealth come into first group, aim buildup nuke.l, maybe 1-2 pbaoe. Look left. Drop both rains there. Veer right, hit with incarnate nuke. Okay i have F-ed the room. Everyone can come in and start doing ST. Maybe work left, those guys seem pissed. I am starting on ST chains on bosses left standing…
  16. I struggle mightily, miserably? With this issue. I have yet to “find” the perfect home for my vamp concept. Part of the issue is what is in my head is not in the game. I have a few characters in my head like that. My Super Strength concept does not have rage issues. So I stopped running SS. Which leads to… Following what the game does and designing from there. A Fire Fire Fire Blaster. A Invul Dark Tank. A Dark Dark Corr. Just over the top excellent powerhouses. Never use the costume generator, although some of my stuff probably looks like i do
  17. Kinetic Melee, in all seriousness, is not horrid. To illustrate my main complaint about KM I will turn to my latest project, a Fire Fire Blaster. This particular Blaster needs all of its damage NOW. No wait, everything up front. So when I hot to Hybrid Incarnate power i chose one if the +damage powers. Of those you get a choice of having a strange “each time you hit you increase damage” or… “when you hit the attack strikes again for significant portion of its damage as energy damage”. No brainer. I need damage NOW. Kinetic Melee is one of the only sets in the game to use this odd build up power. I am sure the HC Devs are loath to change it. There are 3 players that would be emotionally crippled. All the rest of us look at it and are like @are you kidding?” A cascading buildup? I have no idea which does more damage in the end, but I know most of us want damage “now” when we buildup.
  18. They need to try harder. There was a "All Tank Posi" yesterday. i dusted off a favorite Fire Armor Dark Melee. We load in. It is +4 and the team is dying. I am literally wondering how unless they were all sidekicked up... I am 3 spawns in (why stay with crowd of Tanks?) and doing pretty good. "Oh, mistake, sorry. Reform" They all left and quit. I just logged back onto my Blaster and badged. Sigh.
  19. Someone should try to clean it up. But...
  20. good tip. Although with all the +4 madness and incarn I have been pumping. When I run reg content I will experiment. Mine is build to just have a massive 1st strike.
  21. Oh i do not play ranged. I literally stealth right into the biggest spawn i can find and nuke. If stealth is broke or the enemies have ability to see invisible i eat a small purp and go in. Just bold as if i own the place. Nuke and aoe chain. I just threw a build together and have 6x over force in bonfire. It is excellent and i love it. I should look at the build and see if a “build goal” might help. I just enhanced each power individually with the most bang for the buck, ATO, winter, purple OF etc. then standard globals and procs
  22. I rolled a fire fire blaster a few times over the years. And I never truly understood how to play them. My last was about a tear to year and a half ago. It was good, but I wanted Dark. I still want Dark. Therein lies the problem. Fire Fire, once you commit to it, is unparalleled for getting things done. Huge crowds? Got AoE for 2-3 spawns. Big HP bag? Got heavy ST damage, oh, let me throw a FEW DoT patches down. If we have a Tank I may even stand next to it with my two Dam auras…. Every little bit counts. It is insane how much raw damage this thing puts out. For Incarnate I went Alpha Musc 45%, reactive 75% for +dam, and Hybrid chance for 2nd strike for heavy damage rather than wait for a stack thing on the other side. It is ALL about making each hit clean as much away as possible. If I stealth in and Alpha Strike Nuke I do not want anyone left except a confused boss wondering where the help went. The damn thing is just so aggressive and functional. I have it demon skinned right now. Does not really fit any of my traditional plot go-to stereotypes. Keep thinking I should make a joke reference to Flambeaux. So there is my problem. And the more I run it the less I want to run anything else. Maybe that will change. But each time I just clean a spawn while the Brute is preoccupied in another hallway? Then just stomp forward deeper into the mission as my warm friends recharge….
  23. An hour? A F-ing hour? Maybe, with a bit of warning, I would sit through an artist that i really enjoy performing for an hour. Maybe. But to say “here is a song” then post an hour long…thing? So…. Editing is your friend. Start small. Maybe 2-3 minutes? If people like that keep at it, maybe pad a few and see what they like? Heck, Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Pink Floyd almost could not get played because of songs that went 5-7 minutes.
  24. Snarky

    AI build

    Creating a build is closer to an art than a science. First, you have to learn the basics and the standard techniques “paint a flower”. Then you have to learn intricacies, color, depth, position, focus. Then you start to break rules to create the concept you want. Not arguing that we are all Picassos but it is not as simple as ordering a burrito and having a guy drop beans and salsa on a tortilla.
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