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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Going around killing new players in Atlas Park is griefing. It is NOT villainous. Go watch the South Park WOW episode. You want PvP? Put on your big boy pants and head over to Recluse’s Victory…. Or did you try that and they handed you your head back all gift wrapped?🎁 So now you want to beat down on the new players we have coming on?
  2. Fully agree and love the insights. Except….especially in the animated series I believe he was susceptible to confusion and had some realllllly wacky psi episodes. He might not be “damage hole” susceptible, but the Tick, while “strong willed” is pretty easily spin completely around
  3. With AR devices I always go munitions and I have always taken LRM, even before the new change. Because….it is just too funny.
  4. I honestly do not believe you have run much Redside. I have soloed it ALL many times. I am doing so again, every contact for every arc and every side mission. There is much evil to be done. Yes, you work for people doing errands a lot. Welcome to the bottom of the evil corporate ladder
  5. griefing players in not being a villain. it is being a butthole troll. being a viillain is missions to kidnap paragon citizens and deliver them to vahzilok for "experiments" and a hundred other examples from redside
  6. do this... Brute Dark Dark Darkest Night 1.0.mbd
  7. I have an AR/Dev (mostly what I currently run. Very good AoE. devices is more of a strategy set, imo. I picked it a LOT for theme, but I do like it. I have a Beam/Temporal that I used to use weekly in the hardest Incarnate Trials. It is a long range ST monster, designed to keep up ST damage on hard targets while the League does its thing. I did not 'neglect' AoE, just Beam does not have great AoE. Blaster - AR Dev Range Dam 3.02.mxd Blaster Beam Temporal Munitions w ach.mxd
  8. When Cosmic Council was active (the gold old/new/old days?) we regularly started a team and leveled through content. One such weekly team did a Gold run. i was on a Dark Blaster. Everyone ran what they wanted. I am nearly positive we ran at +o/x1. But I seem to remember the leader always itching to crank it, so he may have bumped it a bit. It went smooth and easy. Except for keeping everyone in the same storyline, as it was easy to miss a 'talk to' and get off track from the groups mission line. Now, it was easy, but.... This was Cosmic Council. At least 3-4 heavy hitters (not me) who were mad badgers and great players. people who did weekly Really Hard Way Magisterium and Incarnate badge collections. (I usually did those) And we were coordinating (and laughing) on Discord. So.... NOT a PUG. The exact opposite of a PUG. Now we did not have "required spots" but these people played fun toons that were pretty powerful. And we were slamming in I/os as fast as levelling in the shallow end allowed. They used every trick in the book for getting inspirations, team inspirations etc. Market, stuck in email. The toons were overtooned, for their miniscule level. And, again, by and large great players. (again, not counting me, I stumble around like a crazy...me) and major battles were discussed before and during on Discord. It was a cake walk.
  9. Probably a completely different animation with a full “nessie” type body
  10. I have soloed a lot. Gold is harder. This is due ( mostly ) to some tougher foes (moderately) some tighter room writing, and a propensity for ambush waves. How much harder? Depends. But it is harder. In my opinion
  11. Redsiders want it known we enjoy you Heroes keeping things going. 😎
  12. enervating field is unresistable resistance debuff?
  13. One of my favorite Doppelganger fights was on a new Dom I was trying out. I built up and carefully saved DOMINATION. Right before the fight I hit Dom and AoE Hold. and that, was that.
  14. it usually goes south at the steps to city hall. if the team can get to the doppelgangers (and heaven forbid not run in one at a time....i have seen it....) then i usually have 15 secs to grab insp from email, and use my toon at way better than level 15 should allow. My last Posi 1 run was on an AR Dev. The team made a mess of the city steps, but we got through it. Likewise inside, agroing everything. The team did indeed charge the Doppelgangers somewhat piecemeal. I ate insp and did what I could. Massive wipe. I had made it to the far back room. Where I rezzed. Ate inspirations and started ST one after another. I put two down before the team made it back. only one more death for me 🙂
  15. get altitis and run a few posi 1s your odds will change....
  16. As Lemming said. Plus a LOT of “unimportant” story arcs are not in Ouro red/blue.
  17. A melee set that is basically a blend of SS and Energy Melee. Super Strength animations and sounds, but Energy Melee mechanics and NO crash
  18. I am hoping to get confused by the enemy. Then i can fold space and nuke my team….
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