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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. My builds are not “great” but they are great fun for me. The entire game is rock paper scissors. I tend to try to have a rock and scissors and cheat. The one tricky part is exemplaring without a dedicated build for it. Things go sub par fast. Most people do not realize how much so…
  2. I like how you changed the subject from damage comparison to talking up Sentinel survivability. (Which is not stellar either) Here is my answer to Sentinel armor from a Blaster POV... Blaster - Electrical Blast - Temporal Manipulation tank 4.0.mxd
  3. pant pant pant spent all day doing every zone possible, location badges, plaques, etc. 505 badges at level 1. (was lackeyed to my alt acct farmer whole time. surprisingly few deaths)
  4. You sure? Because you spell atrodatiousle
  5. There are a few characters in game with my IRL last name. It is not Smith but it is relatively common. No great schock
  6. Good softcap Defenses....built to stay at range and shoot fish in a barrel Corruptor Ice Dark 1.02.mbd
  7. I do not game much these days. Working a lot. Tired. But I have started again. The bug is constant. I am starting a new Corruptor project and throwing my signature name on it. The concept is Snarky from the future. He has been hold up for nearly a millennia studying Dark magicks. He is now a lich, in fact, a demi lich. Just a skull inhabiting a mouldering old arcane library. But he has come to realize something very important happens in the time of the Menders in Paragon City. So Snarky animated a old suit of armor and bound it to himself (at this stage he is just a skull). Then he cast a powerful spell to translocate through time to Paragon. The spell drained him of much of his reserves, but he knows there is much power to be had in Paragon. It will return. Now he will investigate everything the Menders touched or considered important. Every contact, story arc, side mission. Blue/Red/Gold. So if you see a strange skull headed suit of armor named Snarky wandering around Excelsior at level 5 with 500 location badges….
  8. I rolled up the Corruptor. I have a concept, an outfit, and a detailed plan worthy of a LOTR epic. I blame you
  9. Now I want to drop my solo Redside AR Blaster and start a solo the entire game Ice/Dark Corruptor. Why did you do this to me???? Aaarrrregghhhhhhhhhh
  10. Dark Dark is a tough Blaster to run. It is very Blapper oriented. I switched my Dark Blaster to Dark Temporal. If you Really want to screw with mobs safely? Ice/Dark Corruptor. Oh, the simple (and complex) ways it screws with mobs. The synergy of Ice/Dark/Corruptor. 100% ranged attacks. Worth a look. And you will be doing more damage than a Sentinel (do not believe the rabid hype of some pro-Sentinel forum groups). A Corruptor like this can solo with ease, or join a team and increase everyone’s effectiveness while getting more mileage out of Scourge
  11. A great AT to learn the game on. Some people love them in end game too. Personally I find what they give up in damage to get “protection”??? In incarnate trials is an iffy trade. I tell you my Willpower Beam Rifle Sentinel run to 50 was one of the most chill runs i ever had
  12. Better yet, once you learn how to REALLy make hundreds of millions fast….. what do you do with the cash? You buy winter and archetype ATO sets off the market ar a set price. Store the ones you do. Ot use in the base. Or sell. You can convert them to what you need if not exactly right. Then….. those sets randomly include huge amounts of toys and prices. Including inspirations. Which just sit i. The email tab, one tab over, and is accessible in missions just like email….
  13. I did die like 3 times in a Virgil Tarikoss SF last night in the final mission. But I was going off alone (stealth) to get glowies…giant mons near glowies. And then, out of inspirations, trying to meet up with final team who were busy pulling an entire room WHILE fighting the AV. I do not “normally” die in a Tarikoss. But it was 4 Blasters, a Squid, and a Arachnos soldier. We were just mad-housing it.
  14. Only a few. And strangely mostly female important figures with strangely similar themes. More interestingly, if you run the entire Red storyline from every contact you will be a part of a few lesser bosses storylines and see what happens as an agent in the story. Rather than picking up the pieces and investigating the past Also, you can run the a arc for each of 4 big bosses at 40? Ghost Widow, Black Scorpion, Scirroco, Capt Mako.
  15. Might as well quit. (Email me your stuff first)
  16. I am currently soloing a Blaster through all content Red. At +0/x1. Easy mode. It WILL depend on your sets (and slotting as noted above). I am using AR devices. So when i think its going to be a lot I drop caltrops near where i plan to round a corner and hide. Then I snipe the toughest guy sometimes this does not kill them and my second hard ST attack is used. Then i drop an AoE or two. Then assess. Am i running? Am i standing and shooting? I also get all 4 DFB buffs at low level and use all 5 P2W enhancers with procs. At level 20+ I renew thise DFB buffs with 4 runs through DiB. These last until 30 and I finally get some slot volume.
  17. It is you. Hey we have all been there. I have been studying German an hour a day for 11 months. If you talk German fast to me I can use a baseball bat so you slow down. The fights, rooms, ambushes, and mob tyoes all have a rhythm and if you are not in the groove it can be punishing. Likewise each AT has a certain way they approach each situation. Influenced by the powersets and personal playstyle. You can buy a high end sports car but dont expect to fly around tight comers on rain soaked roads like a NASCAR driver. End up wrapped around a pole like Paul Walker. There is hope. Once you learn how to handle the mobs in a certain situation confidently…slightly…dial it up. Smart use of inspirations. These can be sent to your email for in mission retrieval
  18. Invul Dark is one of my favorites. here are some ideas. If I was going to revisit I would DEFINITELY move into Darkest Night. I have switched to that on all my Dark Brutes. Unless I was just running the I dont give a F Durable.....Because that build is really fun. invul Dark tank durable 5.1.mxd Tanker Invul Dark Lich.mxd
  19. is there no way to customize the sleep grenade and LRM weapon to match the AR rifle weapon?
  20. Invulnerability is still king of tough guy mountain. Look for a Hyperstrike build. The sets are largely the same on Homecoming as they were on live. Energy Melee got a much needed un nerf but I understand it is still middle of the road AoE. An improvement from almost zero. Great ST as always. SS is great if you can stand the Rage crash. I play Dark Dark and use all the Dark magic to fill the no defense hole (stealth, stun, fear, to hit debuffs). There are some new sets like Rad and a couple others that are nice. Stone just got a much needed rework. Concept is KING. If you like the IDEA of your hero/villain and it turns out it is an A or B ranked set instead of a S ranked set… you will love playing it. If the concept bores you fast then it could be the emperor of badass mountain and you will not play it.
  21. Inv SS. Hard hitting atracks at low level. + to hit once you get Rage. Invul is a beast start to finush
  22. You will see these as the last filler piece in high end builds When everois done, nothing else is good to place and there are two powers nothing can go in that have that one slot
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