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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Well, I do have one suggestion. Seek professional care.
  2. Well, if you know me… I tend to be repetitive…so, it might have been sheer volume. In many ways this old vamp still behaves like a child. So talking about my various alt builds for low level ouro content i might gave used the word…a few times… and since i was ranting about something that was probably only interesting to me anyways…prob all that stood out from the drone of old Snarky was that one word every few sentences lol. Damn, i have a gift. I used to run Brutes just because i irritate things without any effort and it seemed like a natural fit.
  3. people say T4 barrier, does it matter which side?
  4. however in deference to my goal of not being ignorant, i can creatively use other terms. pocket battleship is much more accurate, just slightly more cumbersome
  5. i said current generation, but in truth it is the ignorant in every generation. unfortunately, with media and the internet it is even easier to be completely ignorant yet believe you are incredibly enlightened.
  6. The current generation (in my opinion) reads much less, wants to be super politically correct, and is childishly tyrannical to anyone they disagree with. Richard Pryor would not be able to get a job in modern America without a complete overhaul. He uses bad words and points out awkward truths. There are modern comics I could mention, but just saying their name could spark a war. Fun, but this thread is about my madness. So we will leave that for elsewhere
  7. I have not read ANY of the crap that comes with the game. I bought an expensive car 6 months ago and read zero of what I signed. I do not recommend you go through the world like me, just saying how I bounce through. I rely on common sense to get through the grocery store, and the boards, in game chat, discord etc. There have been issues. I offended a good friend (and SG officer) when I kept referring to alt builds on my toon for low level Ouro work as Twinked. He was finally like "SNARY! Stop! It is offensive!" Then had to explain why. Quite patient really. It was a term I had originally heard in gaming decades ago, and stuck, as it was a useful word that (to me) had no other use. I been wrong before. This same SG officer defended me on Discord when I was discussing a musical instrument and kept referring to the fingering of the clarinet. (i am missing a few bits on a hand) One of the people in discord was like STOP, and the SG officer (a person who has made money in the musical field) was like, "No, Snarky is right. That is how you refer to holding a musical instrument and operating it." Still, common sense, I backed off the terminology. I did get booted for a day from posting on the boards a couple years back. The Devs decided to make BNY follow us around as a April Fools prank. Which...irritated my vamp butt. So i posted on the boards. In General. Which they moved. In General. Which they moved. In General. Which they moved. In General. Which they moved. In General. Which they moved. In General. Which they moved. In General. Which they moved. In General. Which they moved. and aftyer a few more iterations they banned me 24 hours. I came back 24 hours later. Posted it was censorship. And went away for 6 months to another mmorpg.
  8. it is the name of the bonus. So a few others look real similar. but it is the exact wording that lets you know if there is a conflict. lotg7.5 confuses everyone at first
  9. yeah, you left me standing in ouro dealing with an idiot. you dont love me no mo.
  10. As pointed out by MANY of the posters here.... General Chat was added to get this stuff off LFG. Which even my dumb butt agrees with. And I find it humorous. If someone is violating game policies with what is posted (and that is reported) it is dealt with by the Dev team. I would float the idea that the suggestion to remove General is because it offends that one person, the OP. Are you suggesting we have a Dev police general to the standards and policies of whatever the OP decides is appropriate? Because even I think that is batshit crazy. And I know batshit when I see it.
  11. I have this odd feeling I am one of the “offenders”. I say in general pretty much what i say here. I lost my filters some time ago. I do not know why the OP brought up religion. Maybe to shine the light on the moral height they look down from. I would just point out the tremendous history of intolerance and persecution by almost every “religious group” in history. And the other “sins” regularly acted out by supposedly moral religious folks. I do not find General offensive…generally. I have pretty thick skin. I did have a wild thing happen in broadcast ouro yesterday. I had just missed a MoDD. Someone started smack talking the person who had formed it. Maybe they missed it too? I informed them the person was one of Oklahoman’s alt, and that Oklahoman was much better liked in the community than…them. They responded, “what are you trying to say?” Me “youre an idiot”. (Subtlety was not working…) them “you know who i am. I am (i forget the nonsense mentioned) and you know where to fibd me in Hawaii. Say that to me in person”. Me “you really responded to game message with a lets meet in person and fight?” They were two terse private DMs sent to me. They did not make much sense. I think “boo” and “so”. I found the entire exchange amusing. Not terrifying, not insulting, not shocking…, I will always mention it when folks are acting dumb. It is 1) humorous 2) an opportunity to tell them to pull their pants up, they are in public
  12. I am not the best builder. But i do build a lot. I love set bonuses, and the magic of figuring out how a build is optimized. I will frankenslot. But it truly only optimal on certain powers when going for very specific goals there is no other way to get. In my opinion. A last resort to sweet talk the numbers to get to the goal.
  13. the 7.5% from luck of the gambler has a diff bonus name, and is seapate from all others, so 5xlotg 7.5 and 5x7.5 from elsewhere...
  14. A build really makes a character. Farmer builds are VERY proc heavy. Including mine. Which I copied from a much better player. But these are lopsided hot house flower builds. A sturdy yet effective "out in the game" build generally has a few goals that negate the temptation to just proc everything everywhere. although, some still do. my DPS build i mentioned has huge build goals in ranged defense accuracy and recharge. then he sits at very very long range (beam rifle) and tears up what the team is working on.
  15. i know redside is correct. next time i run i will do Blue at the start of their availability, while keeping Red at the end, as i prefer.
  16. Huh, while I am aware of the looooong PROC discussion in game..... I specifically do not make PROC builds. I will share that my biggest ST damage dealer, for DPS only in Really Hard Way Magisterium badge runs... has ONE damage proc. from the Blaster set. I run mostly DPS, I run a good deal of 50 content. I have literally no idea tthat I had been doing no damage. Thanks for the insight!
  17. Interesting…. okay, i have just leveled a ice/dark. For the second time. This one will be my “main”. I love the concept and power/synergy that much. i ran two +4 kill most itf as soon as i hit 50. If I had Blizzard on perma it would have been a waste. There are too many other good powers that need to be focused on as well. In my opinion. It is a huge swiss army knife. Sure, Bliz is great…a lot of other things to do. The other rain Ice Storm is up very fast and i do not build (on this toon) for recharge. In fact, while i have hasten, it may only get the default slot with one recharge on my final build. I find my ST chain is important to work against hard targets, and with 3 holds in that i can get hyper focused on burning down an EB or AV and still remember to drop AOEs lol. I am getting better about that. Tar patch is a necessity, that debuff is great. I do not have a finalized build. I use a lot of sets with ranged defense. I am using Dark Epic and will not finalize the build until revamped Dark Epic drops with ranged Soul….er Spirt Drain. That should keep me even more at Range. In teams I struggle to stay out of the madness. Working on it. After I do I Trials I will probably be better. Fing Vickies lol.
  18. Let me translate, do not ask. Look, here is motivation for not asking. Fetch!
  19. Amanda vines. A reporter redside that us involved in low level arcs. It would be great to do an arc 25-40 blueside where she becomes an actual hero and players are involved in it.
  20. Do not listen to the rabble. You can see the power, hear it emanating. It is there for the taking. Consider carefully what you will use this power for…
  21. In the LFG Looking for Group you will see sometging like DFB or Posi 1 or Tarikoss Red 15+. You may need to know the levels if not in ad. Homecoming wiki can help you there
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