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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I almost sped read past this because “i play healer” lol I have a Dark/Dark Tank and Brute build. The Tank also uses a ranged AoE debuff to mess with enemies and draw a ton of agro https://forums.homecomingservers.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=74317&key=73ee13a356bfafc32a62fee50fa43a50
  2. Thank you. Ukraine is one of the hardworking bread baskets of the world. Great people. Great food. Great people to…. Um, anyways thanks! (and support Ukraine!)
  3. I have an alt acct farmer. I can farm a new toon to 30 in half an hour? With coffee break part way through. I was making a ton of toons last year for about three months. Leveling 2-5 50s a week. Most of them I did NOT farm. Or farmed for 10 minutes to get to 15-18. My preference for levelling is 4 DFBs (for the boosts). This puts you at 16? With 2xp. Forget the exact number. Then all the TFs, SFs, and Trials in order. (That order determined by last level of the content, not first). So, a 20-40 is run at 40 or later. To me this is by far the funnest way to team and level and learn a new archetype/powerset/build.
  4. I have soloed all Red content (every contact for every mission). Quite a few times. Always on a Brute. I once soloed all Blue Red Gold. If I win the lottery and retire I might do it again lol. Lot of time. The idea has been kicking around many years that an AR/Dev, with the ability to construct siege terrain on the fly, would be fun to do this on. The changes to AR make it stronger for this. I really fought not to do this, I am working a ton of hours now. But the game is so fun to me. Been kicking around on an AR lately. I made yet another AR, still undecided on what I would do. Started in Breakout for concept. In the first few minutes someone offered up a PUG Invader accolade. Wow. Then Mercy was busy. On a Thursday…. And got 4 DFBs Red for all badges and 4 temp powers. Damn. Exactly how I would want to set up for a purist Red run. The fates have spoken. It will take forever since my gaming time is limited Concept is an undead. Has no idea who he is. I love inflicting amnesia. Name is Dachs. I am studying German. He is a mercenary working for Arachnos…although his philosophy mimics Burke’s.
  5. It should transfer well. Water is fully ranged. you will need to change the sets somewhat. keep your ranged defense above 45%. Might even be better!
  6. this is a valid point, that like so much, has escaped me
  7. Unsurprisingly these two are some of my favorite characters anywhere. Luminara....
  8. Cosmet half of what you talked about was before i started the game. Good versus Evil. I played for years on live until shutdown Maybe the HC staff have nerfed a couple things. They have un nerfed a couple more. AR just recently. Stone armor. HC staff cares for the game and, I believe, are trying to stay true to the last published copy. With careful and small changes to balance and develop play. My two inf
  9. For years I ran Brutes when soloing the game. Still love them
  10. Thanks. They lost me when he started mentioning not wanting to play “evil”. WTF
  11. Blueside is very odd. It was when the game was new. To give everyone a “ new” feel on multiple runs contacts give side missions out of any order. Their story arc is in order once it starts. Also you will get diff contacts on different runs who basically give the same stuff
  12. They make this strange grinding teeth sound, accompanied by long nailed fingers drumming on a desk. So odd.
  13. Well… I am never happy. So that covers the logic loophole. But seriously, PUGs are glamorous moving kill fests where you get to use all your powers all the time. Then, when people trigger ambushes because they are new…. You come to the forums and vent. Another great use of my powers
  14. Okay. I stop experience on quite a few of my toons ti enjoy the game. It is not really fair to tell you i can 1-50 in a few hours. But…. You can 1-15 in about an hour in 3 DFB Atlas park teams using a double exp booster….
  15. I love toons right from Posi 1 onward. Sure, some powersets are one trick ponies. Never found those fun
  16. There is a learning curve. But jumping into a pug and running the task forces and strike forces is one of my favorite things in the game
  17. Having to grind? Prolonged….??? Granted you need to know what you are doing but i can get a toon 1-50 in a few hours. With some advice and sliding into farms you should not need more than a couple days if motivated. Lets just forget “ the grind” totally You want to like something? Car, girlfriend, school, job, game…. Invest in it. In your head. In this game that means finding something you want. A character in your head that you want to create. To learn how to be a Blaster. Understanding X. That is the path to giving a shit. Otherwise you will never like it, or anything
  18. those threads can be turned into incarnate inspirations. which sell for good cash
  19. one inf short of 2 bill. stack the rest in email
  20. Goldside is great. If you love unending waves of techno zombies. Endless socio political dialogue. And mind controlling space tramps. Oh. They also have robots
  21. Redside. Bestside . F-ing loner side. Always has been. I have run many redside solo runs. I am trying to stop myself….i think unsuccessfully…from starting another. This involves stopping exp and doing every contact for every mission until they say “i have nothing else for you”. The storylines are so good my only complaint is there are two or three people in missions you cannot kill or you lose them as a contact. If you want to be a villain, you start at the bottom. You stab people in the back, you take crap work, you learn how to work against the system and survive. When you get to the top of the heap you hand the boss his head.
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