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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I've got a skull on the desk, a momento mori decorative plate, red roses for the dead, and barely visible under sm monitor is a little marketing device that says SNARK. What, you want livers stapled to the walls? Although now that you mention it I kind of want to run black material over the two facing walls..... Hmmmm. research time.
  2. I like to create my own furniture. It is not high art but sturdy and very functional. When I saw this glass Tabletop (with GAMING GRID!) at IKEA I was like.... BINGO! It came with two crappy sawhorses as a base. I bought a second, built two shelve platforms and ran 1 x 3s as supports for the long L as I do a little (very little) music practice I bought a mini keyboard (3 octave) and have a floating retractable keyboard tray underneath the right side, that has a music keyboard, not a comp keyboard.
  3. as long as the film / plate does not use a silver compounds. that can seriously degrade or ruin the finished product. only affects some vamps, and modern tech does not use.
  4. I can guarantee no one has pictures of me enjoying myself. I have been miserable since long before cameras were invented.
  5. One bloodsucking leech deserves another, eh?
  6. I cant help with that. But i can get you an extended warranty on your car from Marcone Mutual
  7. Ban Hammer. Damn, another alt has to be made
  8. Odd question. Going over the crypt budget. Just having a tough time with this accounting software. Anybody know stuff about it?
  9. If you want more debuff and control… head on over to the Corruptor forum and check out my Dark^3. Can drop two Mag2 aoe stuns, massive to hit debuffs, fear, and generally annoying. Then, starts slamming into folks with massive PBAoE and hard hitting ST. Oh…and has the mez/debuff chops to sit on my peoples crowded porch and burn them down. Which is nice becuase stunning the shit out of a crowd then dropping a PBAoE build up based on those around you and a PBAoE nuke that screws the to hit of anyone that survives is just fun.
  10. Hard to say. You need something truly worthless at end game but really nice before 49. That way it pairs well and is useful for low level TFs at least
  11. they've changed now haven't they?
  12. What really needs to be addressed is in the new farms teams working to round up and burn down larger groups. That’s right. We need to Nerf Herders.
  13. This was a great description means big truck
  14. Snarky

    Invuln/Rad Build

    He also makes a super indestructible version. Forget what he calls it. For when “just not dying” is not enough, and you want to make it look easy
  15. you can dig deeper than 8 months. you arent even working the ground yet.
  16. Fair warning, ...never party with Blitzen. If you are lucky you will awken to a roaring headache, few memories, and no cash, ID, and perhaps clothes. If unlucky you will awaken in a bathtub filled with ice, a roaring pain in your side, and a message written on your hand to call the hospital asap
  17. you made so many poor decisions in such a short span of time....
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