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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. That was dead long before i came to the game in issue 7? Good vs Evil. Homecoming is based on issue 23? The last version as the game shut down. Now, to help understand ED i give you Dwayne Johnson…
  2. You are still as clear as a cement window Incan…. Incandescence, is an Incarnate power that is an ATT, erm, assemble the team, power. Except more. Like a Harley compared to a Vespa.
  3. Love it but you forgot the blood slurpee helmet!
  4. It is literally the meanest thing in the game. With no damage mitigation except kill everything you come across like a murder hobo on a twelve day meth run
  5. Incandescence Incandescence incarnate abilities are League-wide click-powers that grant a buff to Healing Received and teleports all League-members to the targeted location. In addition, it creates a safe zone for regrouping by stunning foes and knocking enemies back. Higher tiers of Incandescence Destiny abilities may increase duration of the buffs, add additional buff effects and even may apply an Incarnate Shift. All Incandescence Destiny abilities have a Very Long recharge time.
  6. Also. there isa teleport prompt you can turn on. BE CAREFUL. If you set it to "prompt on" and you wanted the TP, but ignored the prompt or were AFK....you are likely screwed. Likewise, if you want full control, but leave it off, you could be yoinked while doing / finishing something you really wanted to do.....
  7. I think Ganja forgot where they posted. They never said what their sets where. I have my Elec Hover Blaster. Its a beast at hit and run. Then I have my Beam Rifle. Fire support on sooooo many Cosmic council Master of Magisterium badge runs. Fly around out of crackle range and never stop DPS
  8. Blaster Fireball 80 ft range 15 radius ((smashing 12.51 + fire (43.79+7.51x2.44) = 74.62)) 16sec rech Sentinel Inferno PBAoE 20ft radius, buncha numbahs = 212.5 recharge 90sec but number of targets i aint got memorized, etc... if anyone wants to take this analysis further please do. but off the top of my head i am still thinking that constant fireball is wayyyyy better than a Sent nuke. and Blaster Fire has so many other party tricks, and then a nuke
  9. No offense (prepare to be offended), but in my math oriented mind this is exactly how NOT to respond. All I wanted someone to do is say Fireball (not nuke) on a Blaster (unenhanced) hits X targets for Y damage. Sentinel Fire Nuke (unenhanced) hits X targets for Y damage. Bonus if you include details like footprint (diameter) of AoE. Instead... "Well, this particular mechanic, when added with build up, when you take enemies from the left side, and then have them fall into a.... makes this particular Nuke way more effective than an unmodified similarly named Blaster power. "
  10. there is only Excelsior. all else is a pale mirror
  11. what did they do about the statue of the guy with one huge ball? did Recluse have someone make the statue into one of him? so he could have a huge ball?
  12. i do not play much, but just logged onto Excelsior...errr Queued, 15/16
  13. serious question...that i do not want to research.... arent most blasters non nuke "aoe ball" or "aoe cone" more effective than a Sentinel nuke?
  14. You guys are cruel. I also feel like i need to draw this version….
  15. Fire Fire blasting is (for me) anything but lazy. You have to plan the fight like a sub commander on an attack run
  16. Yomo! Hook me up man. I need to buy a Glad and they are 2.5bill. At least thats what I remember. Send a few bill over. Save a starving 🧛 vampire
  17. I need another 2 billion. Hey, some whale out there. Email to @Snarky. Because my little AR Blaster needs … errr. Something!!!
  18. Das Brute and since you asked. I would go Energy Melee or Super Strength. EM is great ST damage. SS if very good, except annoying crash every 2 min. Invulnerability with a Hyperstrike build if going through Incarnate stuff lazy style. Willpower is wonderful up to really tough stuff +levels, incarnate, etc
  19. I take every recipe i get, craft and convert. You need to 1) use merits to get converters. 2) learn to use the clunky, awkward, and slow converter interface. 3) learn what to convert to in the “breakpoint” level ranges. Certain target sets are easier to get ti in certain level ranges. 2A) the convert screen has a easily overlooked drop down menu that is the key to directing what you are trying to get to.
  20. It took me a long time (and i played a LOT of melee) to develop a comfortable system. I use a couple systems. If picking a boss or special victim before i charge in i find it easier to mouse them and click. They are now my target. I run at them…. I have a “hot key” target nearest. If in combat and things get crazy i run up to the guy i want to hit. Melee after all. Chest bump. Target nearest. Business time One of the things i despise about WoW is there is no target nearest. It is target next. If you are in a high volume area you are pretty screwed
  21. nooooo lol i work overtime every day now. 14 1/2 hours at work yesterday....although they only paid 13. its an odd gig. good pay/benefits though basically always exhausted now lol
  22. Nice. Tough work. It sounds like you are doing this through Ouro. Which is huge. But i stopped experience and side switched and got ALL. (Never again). Gold is 100% in Ouro, not red/blue. Also the non story arc stuff is not in Ouro. Some of these contacts. Sheesh “and can you get my dry cleaning?” This run is stopping exp and doing every bit of Red.
  23. not sure. but he has one huge ball.
  24. Tanker - Dark Dark RES oddball Dark Night.mbd
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