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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. yes. make a super stength brute. if you just want to madhouse 1-50 go SS/Will. if you plan late game go SS/invul
  2. what about Gemordasschmekt? where is Gemordassschmeckt?
  3. The real key here is converting. learning the level breaks (usually 15, 20, 25, 30) of various sets and an idea of what you are trying to convert to. Say you have a level 12 recipe. I would craft that, then convert until I got a resist set. Then craft until I got a Steadfast. Then get the 3% global. Then place on AH. Few mill. Once youlearn what you are shooting for in the various ranges (there are just a few) you know what options you want, and play converter roulette. Each recipe will net you a few mill done correctly. But, yes, it is boring.
  4. Take the name you want. Seriously. I do not know the name you have in mind. Say you choose "Mark' If nothing is available that you like from the below list look at the ones closest. Then research that in the language you want, say Gaelic, Marcas (not listed below) Then find the alternate spellings. before standardized spellings certain languages (most) were all over the place with how stuff in spelled. This was a very simple name. Take something like Oswald and you are off to the races.... In other languages Belarusian: Марк Bulgarian: Маркo, Марк Breton: Mark Catalan: Marc Classical Syriac: ܡܪܩܘܣ Coptic: Ⲙⲁⲣⲕⲟⲥ Czech: Marek Welsh: Marc Danish: Mark German: Markus, Marcus Greek: Μάρκος English: Mark, Marc, Marcus Esperanto: Marko Spanish: Marcos Estonian: Markko Basque: Marco Finnish: Markku French: Marc Friulian: Marc Lombard: March Irish: Marc, Marcas Croatian: Marko Hungarian: Márk Italian: Marco Cornish: Margh Latin: Marcus Lithuanian: Markas Latvian: Marks, Marcis, Mārcis, Mareks Dutch: Mark Norwegian: Markus Polish: Marek Portuguese: Marco, Marcos Romanian: Marcu Russian: Марк Sardinian: Marcu Slovak: Marek Slovene: Marko Serbian: Марко Swedish: Mark, Markus Turkish: Markos Ukrainian: Марко, Марк
  5. Well “Biggus Dickus” was going to be popular
  6. You asked for the tankiest tank then went SR? …. Go to Yomo’s giveawy thread and get 100 mill. Look at any guide in how to make cash. Spend 8 hours making cash (seeding AH, will take a day or two to realize profits). Then level the Tank you want on SOs and equip it with AH money. just my two cents… But I would go Invul/Dark on SOs before i went SR and call it tougher
  7. DO NOT DELETE. Rename to "who gives a flying whatever" and then quickly make the next toon. If especially paranoid about the name going away, make the new toon with random name X and then rename them both real quick. You do not need to delete, you may want that toon someday, diff concept.
  8. If not THE MOST it is in contention. A Hyperstrike MO Durable Invulnerable Tank build. Heck, he might even post here with the build if you give it a day and mention the melee set. Or just poke around the forums. ANY Hyperstrike Invul build will suit your needs, including Brute ones. His MO Durable BRUTE and TANK builds are just abusive unless you have a need for certain content. I personally think pairing Invulnerable with Dark Melee makes it significantly tougher (to hit debuffs, combat heal from Dark) Honestly with normal content and a decent build anything Brute or Tank (avoid "squishy" armors like Fire or nuanced ones like Dark) will suit you quite well. Heavy melee is very stable in CoH. But if you want to jump into "Not going to ever fall" look at Hyperstrike's work.
  9. oh, to immerse you need to start in the tutorial, and get ready to slow down and read lots of dialogue. in between unending waves of techno zombies you should plan it out in advance, when to side switch when to STOP experience, etc
  10. If you are looking for Brute my build is in the next thread. I think, due to stealth and build efficiency that Brute is better for Dark
  11. Every Gold arc is in ouro. I have run a completionist run doing all red/blue/gold starting blue, stopping exp and side switching, and doing ouro for gold.
  12. Here is my last Dark Tank build. It has very good resists and includes Darkest Night which is a ranged AoE agro sponge that debuffs. I have tougher builds for stuff like Aeon. To me this is the best for "regular" play, as it works better at the Tank job. Tanker - Dark Dark RES oddball Dark Night.mbd
  13. Speaking of making a living. Some of you still havent checked out my only fans site....
  14. It is not my fault. The dealer told me this baby could fly!
  15. I did an experiment just to see. I took fuve people and fave them 3 days to get familiar with CoH. To motivate them after the first day I killed the worst of them. By the third day they were doing very well.
  16. Blaster of course! I am sure it is nice on Corr and whoever else has access. But the changes across the board just really dial in the pain dealer. Big tweaks on a few powers with the T9 full auto becoming a fat cone instead of a narrow tube. AR is a serious set now.
  17. Yomo will give you start up cash. Look for his thread
  18. Have you tried AR since the re…vamp!!! Sexy sexy sexy. What it always should have been. The equivalent for AR of fixing Sentinels…..
  19. Is this a workaround for a mission fail and out of reach badge then?
  20. All the major arcs are. Definitely all badges. NOT all the game. Not even close.
  21. Brute. SS inv or will. Invul is better for endgame, costs more. Really any Brute but Dark or Fire (armors) will be cake. Fire is squishy and Dark takes …a certain playstyle Dark melee Invul Brute is toughest IMO but not as impressive on attacks as SS
  22. Yeah. My next project may be a solo run storyline with an AR/Dev.
  23. I find Dark Dark more natural on a Brute heavy melee than a Tank. A number of reasons 1) build. The armor values are wasted on a Tank, but with creativity you can be just as strong on a Brute. I have Tanked ROM in Master Ms Lib twice on my Brute. Both successes. 2) Stealth, makes this a lesser Tank choice, IMO. (compare ICE agro magnet) 3) Damage You should really explore Corruptor. I find Dark Dark Corruptor is the most efficient of all my Dark. Obviously not the most damaging...Blaster. But the ability to Mag 4 stun PB then work that PB with a full PBAoE chain (starting including that lovely PBAoE BU...) then laugh as they come out of stun to massive to hit debuffs...those that still live. It is a machine.
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