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Everything posted by Rikis

  1. Hello everyone, I stopped playing right before the defense changes in 2022 (but not because of them) so my builds are outdated as they mostly have soft capped S/L defense. I'm wondering what do resist based armor melee ATs go for now? I imagine they go for melee defense? I'm talking for general gameplay, for example farming newspaper missions and not an AE farm that mostly does only one type of damage.
  2. He will be missed. And thank you too @The Philotic Knight for founding Unleashed without which Heraclea and I wouldn't have befriended each other. /em holdtorch
  3. Any chance we could PLEASE get the ability to recolor the UI to red again? I simply can't stand the blue color scheme and I've been using an outdated version but I really want to play around with the new power sets and IO sets.
  4. As I played a Praetorian character again after a long time of not having played one, the difference between Praetoria and Paragon City are night and day. I'd play blue side if all the zones weren't as samey as they are now. Basically, a facelift of Paragon City to be more distinct like Praetoria.
  5. Good to know. I've gotten my first stalker up to 17, Savage Melee/Ninjitsu. Liking it so far, quite a bit actually that I created a Psi Melee/Willpower Stalker (but not sold on the Psi Melee, seems Boggle is completely skippable) as well. Just want to make sure that I skip sets that are better off on Scrappers or Brutes. Thank you!
  6. Is there a melee set that is certifiable worst on Stalker than the other melee ATs?
  7. A shame. I'm all for helping out with visual impairments, but since this was already an option that could be switched to back and forth, I'm not sure why it needed to be removed. After all, if the red was causing some difficulties, the user could have left it as blue/switched it to blue. Oh well, thanks for the heads up.
  8. Currently tried but I can't get over the all blue color theme. Before, when I clicked on Villain, it would switch to the better red color theme. Seems with 2.6, this doesn't work and I can't see how to change the colors myself in any of the options.
  9. I liked the game well enough, but since you can't play as your own created villain, I never actually spent money on it. Or more than a couple of hours. Shame.
  10. Am I the only one who shoots for Hasten-less perma Dom? Yeah, I eschew personal defenses for it, but if I'm already going for perma Dom, my recharge bonuses are going to far exceed what Hasten provides (even if Hasten is taken, you still need more than 70% global recharge to reach perma Dom). In fact, with a few exceptions of specific powers that are really nice perma'd (usually in the support sets), I rarely get Hasten on my characters and would rather just build for 60%+ global recharge.
  11. Having had a Necro/TA MM up to 50 on Live, fully IO'd out and incarnate'd out, I wish you luck on your masochist endeavor. You'll need it. And lots of patience, lots and lots of patience. So much resummoning, not per mission, per spawn (at +whatever/x8)...
  12. No, more like EQ's Shadow Knight, WoW's Death Knight, GW2 Revenant (sort of), Rift's Reaver, etc. And as I typed out that list and realized most don't use shields in their respective games... I still kinda want to stick to Shield. I never got into Titan Weapons despite trying it a few times.
  13. So I'm working on a concept of an evil knight, sort of like a paladin except part Necromancer instead of Cleric. The sets that are definitely in are Shield Defense and either War Mace (Tanker) or Broadsword (Stalker), Soul Mastery (Tanker) or Darkness Mastery (Stalker). I'm not worried about the builds for either AT, I can easily get both to soft capped Melee, Ranged, and AoE. It's just that I'm torn, a BS/Shield Stalker is glorious, but it fits the concept slightly less. I've never had a Tanker before but after the changes it caught my eye, and the combination of Gloom, Soul Tentacles, and Darkest Night fit the concept much better. Honestly, if Stalkers had access to Darkest Night it'd be a non issue and I'd just go Stalker, but for the fantasy I have in my head, a debuff power is so much better than a hold. Originally, way back when, I was working on such a character but I was torn between Brute or Scrapper. How the tables have turned...
  14. My first level 50 Mastermind on Live was a Necromancer/Trick Arrow. After decking her out with IOs and finishing her incarnate abilities, I told myself "never again!" She was reborn here as Necro/Time, fully IO'd out and with some Incarnates.
  15. You'd have to replace Rain of Fire entirely, Dominators already have it through the Fire Mastery epic. Although do keep in mind that we do have precedent for an assault set with as few as 2 ranged attacks (Earth Assault), so don't feel constrained by that.
  16. My original draft for this idea did have some custom made powers for the secondary. I decided against it because of the implementation limitations (despite the fact that any new AT right now is a fevered dream really), which is why I limited myself to mixing the armor/support powersets as I wrote them up there in the OP. For example, originally, the Storm Efflux didn't have Gale as the Tier 2 power, but it had "O2 Booster", a chain heal that started from the player. It would have used the same particle effect as the Protector Bot heal. Or for Fiery Efflux, instead of Melt Armor at T9, there was "Heat of the Forge", a "siphon" power that decreased the target's Defense and Resistance and increased the player's Damage and ToHit.
  17. I will correct a mistake I made. I'm using only EQ1 classes as examples because I can't think of any other MMO that provides a template for Melee Support. I erroneously mentioned Shadow Knights earlier, but they are tanks too. So no, I regret typing that. Not the Shadow Knight. I was thinking more along the lines of the EQ1 Ranger, Bard, or Beastlord. Those are classes in that game that hang out in melee focusing on DPS, but provide support (or used, I can't speak to modern EQ1, I'm talking circa 2002-2004) via buffs or debuffs. Yes, both Paladins and Shadow Knights also provide support, but they focus on tanking. I have played this game and attempted a melee Corruptor way back when on Live, around 2005-06 (before I knew much about the game). I quickly learned it wasn't feasible, and I'm not talking about the paltry damage of the melee attacks from the pool powers. I'm talking that hanging out in the melee without any armor or status protection meant a quick death. I just don't see a Melee/Support working without some defensive powers. Sacrificing the ally only powers made the most sense.
  18. I just tried my Necro/Time/Soul completed build, with 0 incarnate abilities (not even a T1 Alpha). Based on this formula: ((30677.15+(102.26*Time))/Time)/(0.8)) and my Necro's time of 5:11 minutes (or 311 seconds), my incarnate-less level 50 build is doing 251.12 DPS. The toughest part was constantly keeping the pylon's attention on myself, unfortunately there were several times where it targeted my Grave Knights and would kill them, forcing me to resummon them and rebuff them. I was also running out of endurance constantly (probably because of the resummoning). I want to see what the numbers look like once I incarnate her out (this was not on Justin). *Interestingly, I noticed my GKs were sometimes double stacking their Build Up from the purple pet set.
  19. That was probably my build. Currently, that character is sitting at level 48 and my pets are very sturdy. Now there are moments when they die, as mentioned in that thread. Specifically, when I'm caught with my pants down (held/stunned without a break free) OR when I don't see that there are two groups close together and both contain some sort of heavy aoe mob (think like Longbow Flamethrowers/Nullifiers). Otherwise, as long as I'm on top of my game, my pets rarely die. Actually, now that I think about it, when I suffer heavy quick losses, it means *I'm* going down too. But otherwise, it has been a fun build, the only thing I'm missing now on it is the one purple set (but with several purple IOs already crafted and several purple recipes, I don't anticipate that to be a problem for me). I've actually modified that build a tiny bit to include more procs. It's fun seeing my enemies pelted by several procs, two from Slowed Response and 5 from Distortion Field. Logged into the game to look at numbers (these are without the Superior versions of the MM aura enhancements). For all pets which are exactly the same, resists at: S/L/F/E/Psi 30%, C/N/Tox 55%. Defenses at: All except AoE: 27.82%, AoE: 37.82%. Unfortunate that their natural resists are to rarely encountered damage types. P.S. I actually ran into *a lot* of trouble against a Carnival of Shadows group that contained two Master Illusionists that spawned +2 to me at +1/x5. And I mean, I died several times trying to clear it. If I hadn't been stubborn and just bought some Break Frees I probably could have cleared it in my second attempt but I kept getting perma held. And yes, one of the negatives of the build is its cost.
  20. I was thinking more of a Shadow Knight or Beastlord type class from EQ1 more than Paladin.
  21. I'm not going to interject, I'm really liking all this back and forth and the great ideas that are coming from it. I just wanted to say that this: Is an amazing and more neutral name for such a theoretical Melee/Support AT. +100 from me.
  22. This is a godsend, thank you!
  23. I am currently leveling up a Grav/Martial Dominator, but he has a natural telekinetic, martial artist vibe to him. As such, I did the opposite of you. I've taken all the kicks from Martial Assault and all three Fighting pool attacks (and weave of course for the LotG mule). I am having a blast with him, but I stay at melee and never leave melee since I have no cones I have to maximize. Grabbing a mob with Wormhole, then smacking them with Trick Shot, Dragon's Tail, and Spinning Kick. That takes care of all the minions (I usually play at minimum +0/x2 starting at level 22 with all my characters). But I still do have Cross Punch for any survivors (and the bonus, but inconsequential +10% recharge that grants). I don't plan on taking either the snipe or explosive shuriken as that doesn't fit my concept. I'll miss the snipe, since it is possible to perma Envenomed Blades and that grants a significant amount of ToHit, making Martial Assault one of the easiest sets to reach perma instant snipe with.
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