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Everything posted by Dallayna
HECK YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes, a tiny candle shines in the night afterall. Serious Thank You to all the real heroes that made this possible. This. Is. Awesome.
Dropped my way too small $20 into the hat as well. Once again, thank you all so much for keeping this game running. You're total legends! 😊
Still ain't got much but I can still drop my "subscription fee" for the month into the hat at least. Y'all are still amazing. Thank you so much for keeping this game alive. 😊
Still ain't got much but I can still at least drop a few into the hat when it comes around for the month. And I still always hope it helps-- even if it is only a little bit. Thanks so much to you folks for everything you do to keep the servers running. 😊
Again, ain't got much (never do these days) but, here's what we got. :D
Know it isn't much (everyone wishes they had more) and haven't been able to play as much as we wanted to this month but, still, got our "subscriptions" in at least. Can only hope it helps. Thanks to everyone, you folks are really doing some amazing work.
It's not much but, was finally able to chip in a little this month too. Yay!
What I really don't want to see: Loot boxes! Real P2W store that really is P2W (powerful enhancements and/or powers for sale for real money) Everything becoming a microtransaction Forced teaming/PvP/solo content (no one likes getting told how to play) Oh and LOOT BOXES!!!! What I am okay with seeing: The return of a cash store for cosmetic items to help keep the servers running- if it's determined that we have to rely on those whales willing to shell out for a new cape design or new fastrun type or whatever, then okay, cash shops, when done right at least, are neither evil nor predatory. The fact that so many out there are, doesn't make that fact untrue. So, as unsavory as it is, if that's what we gotta do, then that's what we gotta do. The return to a subscription based model to help keep the servers running- If it comes down to a choice of microtransacting things to death/P2W/the dreaded loot boxes aka the predatory type of cash shop and having to pay a subscription? I would much rather the subscription. I mean, I'm okay with paying a couple bucks for a new jacket type but loot drops from enemies shouldn't be locked behind a paywall and people shouldn't be able to pay cash money for a real advantage over those who don't have the funds A concentration on mostly missions as opposed to story. The writing in this game was extraordinarily intricate and, at times, quite brilliant and I love me a good story. But, I know that repetitive "daily" type of missions are 1) creatively much easier to do and 2) (Official Old Person Moment) what younger players these days are expecting. A lot of them either can't be or just don't bother to read the text boxes because they just want to get into the arena/taskforce and parse those numbers. I mean, after initial release, most MMOs just don't do story-based content and instead tack on a new daily area for that End Game Grind that looks suspiciously just like the old daily area for the End Game Grind just with bigger numbers. Still, I know that I pretty much have to be a minority these days. Therefore, if I have to give up new stories to keep this game going, then that's just what I'm going to have to do. City was brilliantly fun before "End Content" even was a thing so, that part is going to stay brilliantly fun at least. While I will never do so "gracefully," I will still bow down to the winds of change if I must. My only request is the occasional "bone" like maybe at least something new for us story-based content old farts once a year or so? What I would like to see that I think is "realistic": Some of the more simplistic types of new content such as: New contacts - as large as the areas that are already there are and as many of them that we already have- new areas aren't strictly necessary for quite awhile yet. imho new contacts with new stories behind them and new missions could realistically be "seeded" throughout our existing areas I should think? Moar: Badges, Base Items, costume parts, etc, etc, etc. More events both on and off- line (Costume parties, meet-and-greets, online get togethers in City, RL, and on Discord, etc) A model that can ensure that our City will stick around for a long, long time to come. Some way to ensure that one jerk can't wind up shutting down the servers again wouldn't be a bad idea given what our history has taught us. LOL. Continuing open communications between all of the teams involved in running this show and all of us that are players/fans and a consensus in the directions that further development goes in (translation: I think the part of our community that runs the game and the part of our community that just plays are very much a team right now and I want to see that maintained.) Maybe a little compensation for our volunteers who maintain and run the game? Their time is valuable too and what they have done and are doing is amazing. I think they more than deserve something thrown their way for everything that they have and continue to do for all of us. Okay granted, I also don't think that it would be fair to demand our players cough up way more than they can afford in order to make our volunteers fabulously wealthy either. But, we are a tightly knit community that really does actually care about one another so, I honestly do not see why we can't come up with something for them. It doesn't even have to be money if the legalities are the concern (although other nonprofit/charitable organizations do have paid staff). I mean- dinner, a group letter of recommendation to that awesome programing job they're applying to, a birthday party- something has to be possible here! And, more Easter Eggs, please. C'mon, they're just cool and we all know it. What I would love to see that I'm pretty sure can't-possibly-happen: More areas- they're huge and a PITA and take massive amounts of development but it would still kinda be cool to see our already sprawling City grow even further Homecoming continuing on as a non-profit- These last several months have already proven folks are going to continue to be willing to donate money to keep the servers running and pay for things for a loooong time to come. Granted, I know that it's probably going to have to be part of any deal to make us legitimate that we lose that but, I will be beyond sorry to see that go. It just brings us all so much togetherness and flat-out pride to either be able to post or to read all of the posts that spring up so fast and furious in the few minutes that the donation window is open because they all really just boil down to just one thought: "Here's my donation/contribution to Our Community." It is just going to hurt when we have to let that go away so, I wish that we could keep that forever. I know we can't but, I still wish. A Graphics Upgrade- I know that it would basically mean building a whole new program so, ain't gonna happen but it would still be really cool to see. lol. More world changing stories instead of stuff just being tacked onto endgame content! Yes! I complained about those changes back then too! But. Going back through City now, all of these years later after having played several other MMOs, I really have come to realize that I vastly underrated the sheer brilliance of City changing here and there over time as the overarching plots continued. Like all of the other MMOs though, new content is most likely going to have to be "tacked onto the end," because that's the cheapest, the development team don't have to go back through everything and try to make adjustments in order to implement it, and it helps keep people interested in their max level characters so (Official Old Person Moment) its what the kids look for nowadays. That being said, I really did not realize just how fun it was to come to an area that I had practically memorized only to find that some things had changed while I was "away" playing in other areas until I was in other games that didn't/don't have that. I. Was. Wrong. Not. To. Appreciate. It. I would love to see it again. Oh! And.... More hats with hair for women. Can't games ever have more than one hat with hair for women?! Anyway, those are my thoughts.
is it really as good as evereybody says it is
Dallayna replied to gamermikefx's topic in General Discussion
Once again, I'm going to go a little bit against the norm here and give a different answer from the rest. because once again, the quick and easy points have already been made: awesome character creation, play holding up against the test of time so far, free to give it a try, cool base editor, awesome crowd to play with, etc, etc, etc. Instead, let me point something out here: We are here, on this forum today because in the six years since the game was pulled offline from live, vast groups of people have devoted countless money and man-hours of grueling work attempting to: back engineer the programing in efforts to recreate the game, program new games hopefully similar enough to satisfy people, and/or skirted the line of the law close enough to measure with a microscope in an attempt to preserve it over the course of more than six years. Furthermore, even after those six years of being offline, servers that have come online since the code "escaped into the wild" (so to speak), the player base exploded into almost 100,000 players in just a few weeks. Calls for donations so far that various groups have made in order to help keep those servers online are still meeting their goals within minutes. Here at Homecoming, there was a great deal of anger from players at first because many felt that they weren't being given the chance to donate. ... ... Given all of this, I'm fairly certain that it's at least marginally safe to say that there are indeed many people who have determined that this game doesn't exactly suck. Whether or not you, in particular, may indeed come to the same conclusion- well, only trial and error will answer of course, but as you click the "Download" button, do rest easy in the knowledge that all of the previous facts mentioned are confirmation that many have found it worthy. In other words: Given all of those facts, there just ain't no way, it can all just be hype! 🙃 -
ZOMG!!!! I did one just the other day! Had completely forgotten about them of course so it took me far longer than it should have to realize what was going on since, at first, I thought that the navigational system was being wonky again. And yes, I'm actually weird enough that it was honestly kinda fun! Point is though that everyone's got some weird thing or another that just tickles them absolutely pink. I mean, this is the game with The Saga of Null The Gull after all, so I have officially surrendered any question of why something is in the game llooooonnnnngggggg ago (probably around the time of the candlelight vigils iirc LOL), Just to show that there's no hard feelings though, here, have a shrubbery. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go finish the I.P.E.C.A.C. tutorial. No one else ever seems to get that one but I always seem to think it's funnier than heck for some unknowable reason. But, again, as I mentioned: I'm weird. 😄
You're not. Both me and the husband have been doing this as well. When we first got on, even though it was silly, we were honestly afraid that it'd get pulled offline before we could ever play again so we pretty much lived at our keyboards for that month. We've since mellowed out about it. We're still playing but we're not on every morning before work and every night from the second we get home and, yeah, I'm pretty sure almost everyone is doing the same thing too. So, it's not that we're not on, it's just that we're not on right now. Multiply that by a few thousand and yeah, the number of players on at the exact same time is going to go down as various players take the night off to rediscover sunlight and other aspects of RL again. 😄 Besides, while the day to day numbers might be going down, take heart in the fact that so is the donation window-- it's been taking been taking steadily less and less time for the team to meet the monthly goals in order to keep the servers open. Surely that fact that folks are literally lining up to keep the throw money into the hat in either higher numbers or at a faster rate in order to keep the game running is a good of an indication that Homecoming ain't going anywhere for awhile. I mean, frankly, I would be more worried if it suddenly takes several hours for them to meet the "rent" then I would worry over a few numbers in the real time snapshots. But that's me and I could be wrong. (shrug)
How to build multiple levels, and access them?
Dallayna replied to jakeywunder's topic in Base Construction
I'm pretty sure room the picture that the builder created this inside the base, it's just very, very cleverly laid out. Either way though, the poster before is correct, you're still left with the same options. 1) Build everything above or below the base- the advantage is that you can have as many floors as you want but, the downside is that you have to build out the walls and the ceiling with items as well. 2) Build out multiple levels insides the base- advantage is that it saves you on your item limit because you can use the existing walls, floors and ceilings, the downside there is that, like the previous poster pointed out, if you put in too many levels, the rooms can feel a little cramped and, or course, there's only so many that you can do. As for the pic, what you're really looking at is pretty much just a super clever use of stairs and various floor heights from what I can tell (I could be wrong though). But here's what I see: The person in the pic is standing at the mid floor height which was chosen for the rest of the room, the first set of stairs goes up to the highest floor for that one section. The multilevel section has had it's floor sunk down to the lowest position- thus opening it out to it's fullest and allow for room for the three levels. In addition to the current staircases available in the base editor, folks have created stairs out of all sorts of things for different looks. You can also slide them into and out of the walls/floors/ceilings in order to match your heights exactly. Looks like the builder in the picture used the old tech stairs and stacked them with a slight off-set in order to make the steps that meet into one larger one to avoid clipping- which I did before back on live and looks pretty cool imho. Also looks like they either sank or used different height columns for the structural supports and of course, the floors are ye old gray cabinets (my personal favorite back in the day lol). Anyway, it honestly looks more complicated than it is- which is the hallmark of a good design imho and nothing to sneeze at but yeah, it's just plain old stairs. -
Actually, it's even easier now because the vidiots map folks are back and have issued an update for us: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/3523-vidiotmaps-for-issue-24-and-beyond/ According to the sticky, they'll even keep updating as new badges are released. Yay!!!!
@Rhaethe Then in that case I can say that I do remember having fun with zombies for the reasons you just said: they're more melee type of pets. And, you are right in that the way that the secondary power interacts with your pets does indeed make a difference but, like I said, it's just not a numbers kind of synergy when it comes to the "fun-ness factor." I mean, I remember having a MM necro that I loved playing but, all of these years later, alas, I honestly could not tell you what it was. I can tell you the one that I hated: Dark Miasma. Now don't get me wrong, there are some great powers in there but, again, we come to the fact that when I'm not running an MM, I'm usually a Defender or Controller with heavy dose of heals of some variety so I like my pets to play the part of tank for me. Needless to say that from that perspective, despite the fact that they seem to work so well together thematically that Twilight Grasp (Dark Miasma) + Zombies = complete and utter waste. I mean you have to be so close for that to go off that positioning so you don't draw aggro from the pets and are still close enough to the action so that you can heal them that I just gave up around level 20. For the flip side of the same reason: Transfusion (Kinetics) + Demon Summoning was kinda the same it was a fight to make my guys stay close enough to the baddies to get the benefit when it went off. lol. Anyway, I guess my biggest question for myself at this point- having decided on the pet but aren't quite sure which of the secondaries to go for, I usually just ask myself which roll do I want to play to these guys? Am I feeling more Defender or Controller? Because, Defender, I'm probably going to start looking at the secondaries with a more active or more appropriate heal (like avoiding something like Dark Miasma and looking more at Poison or Thermal could be a kinda cool to try out or even Kinetics- heck, maybe even Rad because you can just stand (hide) behind them. If I feeling more active, Controller type of mood, Nature's the Power Du Jour, Time Manipulation might be kind of fun to try out too or Trick Arrow, or how about Cold? Again though, it always, always, always comes down to "fun-ness factor" for me because, way I see it, powers come into and out of fashion as tiny tweaks and changes are always introduced by game developers over time so no Archtype/Class or power in any game is going to stay the most powerful anyway so, why bug out about a couple of points on a character sheet? As long as I'm not face planting every other fight, and I'm having fun, it's a good build. After all, no stat or team invite is worth filling what little gaming time I get in my life with boredom or- worse; aggravation. Only really firm piece of advice I can give on power choices when it comes to City is to just save your character build before you hit the Register button. One of the truly intelligent things that I always loved about this game was the ability to save your character's every detail while you're creating them because, with that Save File, if you do find yourself sitting at level 4 (or even 40!) absolutely hating whatever it was you picked and you don't want to roll an alt? You can always just sell off everything, email all the influence to yourself and have the exact same character with a different power picked out in only a couple of clicks after you've hit confirm on that Delete. Except with, you know, more resources to start with this time around. ;)
So, first off, this is a seriously tough question because everyone has a favorite secondary power. Because of that, I'm going to go a little different and ask back: Well..... how do you like to play? I mean, when the wrapper's off the case and the game's booted up into the computer or console, what are the games (other than this one obviously) that you just keep playing no matter what? I mean, if you're like me, you've got a whole stack of games that you just never got around to finishing and a whole other stack that you've probably played through so many times that you've practically got it memorized. The reason why I ask is because sometimes (not always by any means when it comes to a game like City!) just sometimes, that might give you an idea when you're looking through that kind of daunting list of powers in the character creator. Using myself as an example, in most games, I'm a blasting wizardy type and healer all the way. Why? Because, I just looooove sitting back and watching the action as much as I like playing. For that reason, a really good secondary for me is Force Fields, Empathy, or Pain Domination because two attacks and a couple of prestige powers suit me just fine whereas someone who's more of a tanky-type of player that just loves the furious press of buttons would probably like something a touch more active such as Trick Arrow, or Storm Summoning or Cold Domination because it gives them a couple more active attacks that they otherwise wouldn't get. Obviously, concept is going to make a slight bit of difference too because I might want to go for something like Pain Domination for a villain or Empathy for a Heroic type but, my first narrowing down of the powers is always going to be just like it is in the character creator: which play style am I going for? How active do I want to be? How close to the bad guys do I want to be during the fighting? How close do I want my minions to be? And then, I go for what's easier to make sense for my character concept. The reason why I've taken to doing things this way instead of coming up with the character idea first to be honest is because after so many alts over so many years back in the day, I noticed that around level 20, I stopped caring what all I was thinking when I made the character and around level 30, I honestly have flat-out forgotten. By that point, it's just down to whether or not I'm having fun with this character's powers and how they work. The fun ones get to 50 while the cool idea characters that don't quite work as well for me just wind up getting pushed further and further down my list of characters until they wind up on the last page where they get forgotten about. So, my advice is to look through the various powers and think about whether or not they sound any fun to you even if they don't seem to work out the greatest to your idea. Because, frankly? You can always come up with a reason for any power, you can't however make a power that you find boring or annoying or just not fun into a character you want to play. Anyway, I know that it's probably the most annoying of the advice that you'll get here, but that's my advice all the same. TL;DR version? Ignore numbers, opinions, popularity and even "theme" -- Go for what sounds the most fun to you. Because, this is your character and you want to have fun!!!! Now, have fun: Go. Kill Skulls. 8)
Will do, thank you. In tinkering with it a bit, I noticed that most of the time you only need to use the last portion of the file name and without the .ogg. For instance: the file AtlasPark_AtlasPlaza.ogg only needs AtlasPlaza to run with the /sgmusic command. However, some files did require using the full file name. So, it might take a couple tries to get it right. I was unable to get a normal file to loop by adding that parameter. Also, most of the files marked "unused" do not want to play. Yep. Got that too. It'll only continuously play files that have _loop at the end of the name. There is however a big long list under "Mood Music" that seems to be just loop files. Couple of them weren't playing for me last night though. Will play with them more tonight to find out if it was because I was just tinkering with it too much or if they just don't play because I'm still playing around with this awesome feature myself and there is that issue of sounds starting to linger if you play around with items that have it way too much so, music might have the same issue? I dunno, it's hard to say so early into playing around with it. Anyway, at the moment though, I'm thinking that it's highly possible that some of those files quite possibly might have gotten lost, deleted, destroyed from the original program/install files. I mean, it's my understanding that some of the program just never got out and had to be recreated, parts of it had to be removed or rewritten in order to get/keep it working on new operating systems (Win 10 at least if not Win 8.1 or heck maybe even Vista at some point?), and then there's who the heck knows what had to get removed to either make way for or get the changes for i25 up and running (programs are wild and wacky things these days and things that might not seem to be related can affect one another based on how the program was originally laid out). Anyway, point is that those files might not be in the program anymore. Still, I'm thinking that the proponents of getting MOAR MUZIKS!!! (myself obviously included lol) might want to keep getting that list of what files are working refined and start a list of what loop files are no longer working. Also, couldn't resist playing with it even though I'm already late for work, I found how to loop the music you add!!!!! DON'T JUST PUT IT IN THE COMMAND!!!! If you name your music file with _loop at the end of it, it works!!!! So, name your ogg music file like this: yourfile_loop Now put in the command /sg_music "yourfile_loop" And it will indeed loop! YAY!!!! Anyway, I'll play with it some more after work either this afternoon or tonight. So, let's keep tinkering guys! Maybe some of us more DJ oriented folks could come up with music packs for the rest- kind of like the musical equivalent of vidiot maps? That would be seriously cool! And btw..... THIS is a perfect example of why I have missed everyone on City so danged much during The Exhile!!!!! (Big Hugs!) ;D
Only way I could think of would be a total PITA or Pain In The--- well, you get the idea. Anyway, been toying with this idea myself for another type of room and only way I can think of doing it is to build that floor/room outside and below the base. Haven't decided on whether or not to use the "elevator" or "door" with the teleport points though. Point is that I'm thinking of just rotating those glass panels/windows (can't remember which tab they're in though) and just using those instead of floor tiles. While obviously not nearly as fast to put together as say just using a surface, you *could* drop down a surface, lower it with the shift key to wherever you wanted and use that as a base to lay the glass on top of before just selling it. People do the same to build on top of the base, so, should work just as easily below it too, right? Besides, from what I understand, there's waaaay more room under the base than above it. So, since the room/floor/whatever is *under* the base, folks won't see it when they look down- just the default sky. Trick is to be sure that it's the lowest thing that you build otherwise, they'd see whatever you make below it. Now, I haven't checked the other default skys but, I was thinking it should look pretty darned cool with the space- which was what I had in mind but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Still, it's an idea so, thought I'd throw it out there on the off chance it might actually work for you or if not you in particular, someone else at some point. LOL.
Check which direction the water is going in maybe? I came across this trying to make my little park on top of my base (can't have a part without a couple lakes and streams, amiright?). Anyway, when I was laying them down last night playing with the different types and sizes, I noticed that some had rotated on me when I went to put the second one in and it did indeed look sort of like a "seam" to me as a result because the little "waves" in the water are definitely flowing in a specific direction. I don't know if that's the exact problem you encountered or not but I definitely hit that one for a few minutes myself before I noticed it so, I'm sure others will too.
Know this post has been up for a couple of months but I had trouble with this when I first started here too so I am sure that others will as well. I think it's because it's something that some of us just don't stumble onto right away. Thankfully, some quietly lurking synapses decided to fire off again at some point and I remembered this from live: Change your perspective and/or move your character around. Unfortunately, there's no better or easier way to explain it but, there's this.... "knack" to it that you can pick up after awhile but, it all boils down to- if the item isn't going where you want it to go from where your character is at the moment and how your camera is pointed, move the character a little bit and change your perspective. Somehow or another that affects how and where the item you have highlighted tends to move around. Also, I don't know if this makes it any better (because sometimes you don't even have to move now) or worse (because now there's even more settings to check) but, thanks to the changes from i25, also changing/disabling/enabling your angle snap, grid size, etc, makes a difference as well. Lastly, always check that room clipping as step 1 (you have no idea how many times I forget to check it or have accidentally hit the button trying to change the attachments without knowing in just this last month since I've been here). Anyway, the best advice I can think of is just play around with all of that when things are going where you want them to or aren't behaving the way you'd like. After enough time, you start to get a feel for how things behave in relation to where you're standing/hovering, how your camera is angled, etc, etc, etc which makes it easier to do as you continue to build. TL;DR Move around and play with every setting you can find- usually, you can eventually slip whatever item your working with into whatever location you want to put it. Hope this helps other folks like us that don't really think of this right away because it is frustrating until you start to pick up the knack. :D
I'm not a mod or anything but, I just went through Praetoria so can tell you that one of the things that I noticed is that some of the missions are a little buggy. Resetting the missions always seemed to work for me. I know that it sounds really stupid to mention it (cause you probably already tried) but, have you tried that? I would select a different mission (couple times had to get another mission from Message Man to do it), quit the game, reset my computer and then log in again and select the mission again. Sometimes I had to do it a couple of times (in one I had to set it like 4 times to get some Seer I was supposed to be rescuing to finally show for me- I was even about to give up in fact but thought "Okay, one last time before I put in a ticket". Anyway, it sounds kinda similar to what I was running into so worth a shot, right?
Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow. I remember this from live now!!!! Yeah, there was something about the order things happen in when it first came out too! I just didn't remember it like, at all until you said something because now I actually remember hitting a similar issue back then- probably even with Crow but I honestly couldn't tell you though. Now that it's been explained and the memory's been jogged though, it didn't massively break anything for me since it was obviously a different story line from the one that I had chosen as my main one (Warden instead of Crusader) so, I'm not gonna bug you folks for a reset or anything then or now. Translation? Don't totally wig out on these minor annoyances. I mean, I'm sure y'all've got waaay more than enough on your plate already. In fact, thanks for explaining that one for us. Like I said, I'm sure that there's a list a mile long lurking in these tiny little corners here and there that are still on the back-engineering list- if not in desperate need to be fixed from live. And, since you kind folks are working on this whole thing in your spare time, you can't get to it all just yet- if ever if we're going to be realistic. Besides, somehow, making a big stink about any of them that don't massively break something for real, seems a little like ungratefully throwing a tantrum about a stain in the carpeting after someone's saved the house from being demolished. That's why I figured putting something down here would make more sense for me, to continue the analogy- Tickets are my-ceiling-has-just-caved-in serious- I really, really need help. Forum is more along the lines of a sticky door- thought ya might wanna know in case it has something to do with something else that you might be already looking into. If not? don't wig too much about it. ;) Anyway, thanks again to all of you kind folks for all of your hard work (after a day job no less!) getting and keeping this wonderful game going for all of us. ;D
Got this one too. Didn't know if that was part of the code that was missing or not so debated on whether or not to report it. I mean, there were literally, hundreds of mission giving contacts back on live and I know some of the code was never recovered so part of the missing pieces is bound to be some contact or another somewhere. So, maybe Crow's one of the things that got lost? If so, it's a shame. He was a pretty major contact for some of the Gold Side story lines. But, OTOH, Gold Side was never the most popular starting area so I can see him not being a super high priority- particularly just now with everything still getting up and running. lol. If it is just a bug though and he wasn't lost completely, hope they find a solution to getting him to appear again soon. I mean, I know Praetoria never had the most popular zones- but, I always thought that having these tiny little corners in the more out-of-the-way zones most folks didn't go through was just part of City's charm. I dunno why but I always love finding the strange out-of-the-way contacts/story lines the most since it always made City seem so much more enormous to me as a result, which probably means that poor old Crow won't be the only missing thing that I'll stumble on over the (hopefully) coming years. lol. Anyway,TL;DR- yeah, came across this one too and hope it's just a bug and not missing code that was lost during City's rescue.
So, I know that I'm not the only one that's noticed that with the increased size of monitors and the better resolution (not to mention age and other factors) that text in the mission information and other windows is just too darned tiny to read!!!!! Sadly, right now, there still doesn't seem to be any way to increase just the font size for individual windows (like that information window- which we still can't adjust at all). So, since I haven't found any major mention of it here in the forms right now (just buried in the comments of individuals here and there for other topics), I thought I'd put this up in case someone might find this useful as well as to invite any one else's input as to how they've handled the problem. After all, no one's going to find any solutions to it unless we start talking and comparing notes so I'm kicking off that discussion. Firstly, if you've found any other solution that works for you, please post what you did because that's the reason I'm putting this into the Guides section. It's because there's always more than one way to solve a problem and this is probably the first place anyone looking for that information is going to work. After all, what works for you will probably just as well for someone else or give them an idea as to how to solve it better- that's why we have these guides in the first place, innit? ;) So give us your guide! What'd you do? To start, the old window scaling guide can be located here: https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Window_Scale_Guide But, for the record, here's mine: Some of the old guide either doesn't work the same as it used to or never quite worked in an intuitive manner so, here's what I did. 1) So, the health bar/main GUI still sets everything. This means that we have to change that first and foremost to a size that I could read the font comfortably- I put it at 1.25 (you can also use the GUI settings slide bar under Menu Options too) but I would suggest playing around with it while you have a conversation with a contact open so you can find a size that's comfortable. 2) I increased the font size for Chat through the Options menu. 3) I de-docked the Contact window from Navigation and Powers List from the Power Tray. (Do not re-dock those windows or they will go to the smaller size again!) You can de-dock them by clicking on that itty bitty, teeny tiny, little button in the opposite corner of the close button (other side of the sub-windows list across either the top or the bottom of the window). 4) I resized window scale for Navigation, Chat Window, and Power tray back to 1.00 with the individual commands. (Actually, I even reduced it a little to .75 because I don't use the countdown but that's just me) 5) I went into Menu Options and Saved Preferences to File. CAVEAT!!!! All floating trays seem to still be at the larger size no matter what I do. Despite what the old guide says, the scaling command for the floating tray does not seem to work anymore. This kinda sucks but, for me? I just use the one tray for powers I don't use very often so I can just close it when I'm not using the power that's in it and go and get that power if I need it for a specific mission. It's not ideal but... it'll work for now I guess. Also what sucks is that you have to keep that darned health bar at the huge size but again, I guess I can live with it if I have to. So, has anyone else come up with some other way or setting that they've been able to change that helps? If so, what'd you do? Let's see your Guide to Fixing the Tiny Text! :)
You're not crazy, the binds have been acting a little weird for me too in comparison to how they used to. It's not a lot and it's really subtle but, if you're like me and relied on one of the ones that's different or doesn't work anymore for whatever reason..... yeah, it's juuuuust noticeable enough. The one I noticed was the quant/cyst/shard/dwarf/nova/sapper search. Back in the day I had it tied to my tab so it would automatically scan the room for all the normal baddies that give Khelds problems every time I targeted. I loved that bind because I didn't even have to think about running a search, it would just automatically go straight to that problem baddie lurking in the crowd for me. But, when I first tried it here on Homecoming though, I worked on it for several days using every combination and command under the sun (several times in order to ensure I wasn't typoing any of it) but I just could not get it to work the way it used to no matter what I did. I don't know if the changes got put in during live after I quit playing or if it's from i25 and yes, I was a little heartbroken at first. But, to be honest, it's just a teeny, tiny thing and given everything that folks had to go through in order to rescue the game for us, I decided not to quibble. Particularly since after some trial and error, I did get something workable going. It's not exactly what it used to be but, the new bindings work just fine too- I just needed to make some minor adjustments in my play style. Besides, like I said, to me, it's like they saved the whole darned house after the company tried to level the neighborhood so, crying over a tiny stain in the carpet seemed a little petty. lol. But, no, you're not crazy, it does exist. ;) To be more specific, yeah, I hit the attack-power-not-going-off-with-the-form-change problem too but I dumped the attack in my form change bindings and that seemed to work to get me changing forms and trays just fine. I figure at some point, I'll sit down and play around with how it works now and see if I can find exactly what's going on with it but, at the moment, I've decided to just enjoy being able to play the game again. Hope someone gets it working like it used to though but, again, not going to keel over and die if they can't. lol.
From what I understand from listening to the banter between her and Leo throughout the video: "Wolf" is part of the development team and a base builder herself so, my suspicion is that she's behind a good portion of the great base construction stuff we have now- i.e. either worked on it herself or pestered Leo (and probably others) to do/make/fix it on our behalf. Which is why whenever I come across some cool tweak or improvement while out and about in Paragon, I've taking to muttering: "Thank you Leo," but, while I'm working on my base and see something new and clever and useful that certainly wasn't on live, my mutter instead is: "Thank you, Wolf." Of course, I could be wrong but, that's my understanding of things at any rate. Also, those bases were gorgeous and absolutely amazing. I can't wait for the next tour! Does anyone have any idea when or if that might be? :D