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Everything posted by Maldroth
Power Pool Stealth giving 70 ft of PVE Stealth instead of 35ft
Maldroth replied to JeridCOH's topic in Bug Reports
Double transparency is still an issue not sure if that fix got rolled out I did see the line in the patch notes though. -
Patch Notes for September 6th, 2019 (Bugfix Release)
Maldroth replied to Leandro's topic in [Open Beta] Patch Notes
I agree wholeheartedly with this idea. We should come up with some other lore plaque badges for the zone for a badge kinda like they did with visit the parks in Brickstown. If anyone else likes the idea we should break off a new suggestion thread and share our ideas and a map of where they should go. -
The trick to being a low level Controller is rotating your controls to keep incoming damage down. Line of sight and other tricks are helpful and as you saw debuffs can really be impactful. It is certainly a different play style. As for the Grav/Time analysis this does help me rethink how I used Distortion Field and going to change it up. I'm also going to be giving Crushing Field a try. Moving some slots around can get more damage in Gravity Distortion as well which is in my attach chain. I'm still going to take a hard pass on Dimension Shift but you do make some interesting uses of it with procs. I just have better powers I'd rather want to spend slots on. 😄
If you have the Immobilize and Fear to take advantage of the stun then give it a try as that should help de-toggle some defense toggles on targets and offer another way to shut down attacks on those powers. If you are more hold heavy then the +1 Mag is really nice. I'm Grav/Time so that is what I use.
What would be the ideal recharge time for AoE Hold powers?
Maldroth replied to oedipus_tex's topic in Controller
Was for Dimension Shift not sure about Black Hole. It is still clunky as it is now a 30 second toggle that I can cancel early or until the duration is out. Again I still feel in nearly all cases I have at least 1-3 different AoE Control options that are better to allow my team to still act, last about as long, can be modified, and don't require explanation of how it works, and take problem mobs out of a fight for a bit. -
I'd almost say the proper option would be to eliminate Hasten all together and bring recharge down on powers everywhere a certain amount to account for Hasten no longer being there. We have lots of other sources to gain global recharge. The low levels before you get set bonuses and other enhancements power recharge takes so long the pace needs to be adjusted. This would likely never happen though due to the massive undertaking it would be to re-balance all powers for this.
Suggestions for the (hopefully) Upcoming Homecoming Paragon Wiki
Maldroth replied to Remidi's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
My question for the Homecoming people would be what would it take to get a wiki made and approve content writers for it? Obviously this would be a volunteer basis but I would love to help on this front and document the changes we have made for i25 and beyond and bring some of the hard power data we see in the game into the power listing. Any Homecoming staff able to weigh in on this and see if we can get some momentum going on it? -
What would be the ideal recharge time for AoE Hold powers?
Maldroth replied to oedipus_tex's topic in Controller
Gravity Distortion Field at launch is what Gravity Distortion Field should've stayed from the get-go. AoE Holds got over-nerfed. I'd gladly replace Dimension Shift or any other AoE Intangible however. They are too situational to use and every time I could pick that one I have multiple other better AoE methods that don't confuse my team mates or make me wait to attack. -
The easiest solution might be to look at existing powers and add more damage to lower tier powers where there currently is none and maybe nudge up existing ones a bit. The hard part for some controller primaries is building a decent attack chain. As Gravity I can build one and feel fine but that is not every sets experience.
So when I remade Maldroth from live he was Gravity/Force Field Controller but after a number of adjustments Force Fields just wasn't as good as a Controller secondary anymore so I gave Time Manipulation a whirl. What an amazing set. Here are my experiences with the combo. For Gravity: I might be the odd man out but I don't use Crush or Crushing Field. They are fine powers but I find I just don't need them when I'm at full speed. My attack chain is Gravity Distortion > Lift > Propel. Then Lift > Gravity Distortion > Propel since Lift recharges faster. Lift and Propel have full damage sets in them to make sure they are boosted 100% and get their recharge and end costs down. Gravity Distortion I have 3 Dam/Mez HOs in it to get max duration and damage. I needed the remaining slots elsewhere. I don't use Dimension Shift. Too situational to be worth a power slot. I could see why people would use it but I have so many other better control powers up I'd rather use and not negatively impact my team. I would not be sad to see this power and all the Intangibles replaced. Singularity I could sing the praises of for days. Slotted with 3 Dam/Mez HOs as well so help it stack up holds on AVs and boost it's damage. I don't need to give it accuracy thanks to Forsight and Temporal Selection boosts its damage and recharge faster. I've heard that doesn't happen for Mastermind minions but I can see Singularity cycle its powers faster. I might have to do some science on this to confirm. Wormhole is great and I have Absolute Amazement in it now. I use it for many reasons but that stun is often used. For Time Manipulation: I grabbed every power. They are all amazing. Distortion Field has the PVP hold set in it to do a little bit of damage and extend the holds when they either do hit or if I throw the slow on the mob to force a hold. Again good for stacking Hold Mag. Time Stop I use with Gravity Distortion to get bosses on lockdown right away or two annoying targets ASAP. Superior Will of the Controller in there and that adds some damage for that. Slowed Response right now only has two slots one with an Acc/-Def set enhancement and the proc that adds -20% Resist in there. When that is fired I watch bosses and AVs melt. For other power picks: Primal Forces Mastery - I got Temporary Invulnerability, Conserve Energy, and Power Boost. Power Boost is a must have as it doubles Forsight. Conserve Energy doesn't get as much use now that my Enhancement Sets are fully slotted out but there are times if I'm attacking every second I can actually drain my End bar even still so that can help top me off between Chrono Shift Recovery buffs. Sorcery - I'm experimenting with some of the powers here and leveling up I had Arcane Bolt but eventually dropped it once I got all my enhancements as my attack chain is too fast to use it now. Mystic Flight is great and is always on. Never feel like I need Hover. Rune of Protection is my get out of Mez power. You can fire this when you are put under an effect. Plus you get all the high resistances from it too. Suddenly get too much aggro or know you are going to take and alpha strike? Pop the rune and it will be back up in 150ish seconds. Sadly can't make it permanent but I don't need it. I'm using Enflame now but I don't know it kinda doesn't feel like it does either enough damage or the AoE is too small. Right now it is housing another set and I might swap that out. I think I might have to have it to keep Rune of Protection. Spiritual Ward. This I use to give a small boost heal or absorb for team mates that suddenly need it but this is really there to get access to Rune of Protection. So question I have for other Grav/Timers, how do you slot your Chrono Shift? I'm thinking of adjusting my build around again to see if I can make room for a few more procs or something else.
Perhaps there just needs to be a set focused for powers that just adjust End cost, Recharge, Range. Not sure if it would be better as a 6 or 3 slot set and what would you do with it? Likely just a combo so you could get near to ED but then would that throw off the balance of those powers? I'd say focus more on the sets than adding things to powers to make other sets work for them. Also many of these powers are already great on their own. Also from a build perspective I do like having some powers I don't have to 6 slot and fully enhance to enjoy their effectiveness. We only have so many slots to work with.
Ancillary Power Pool Proliferation
Maldroth replied to Stan The Man's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I'd love for the Ancillary Power Pools to get a full revisit. Make each theme set fully available except when a power might duplicate something an AT already has. IE not letting someone that has an Armor based set take the armor toggles, or ranged take ranged powers. This way I can really customize what I want those last power picks to be. And then expand more themes. I also wish that VEATs could also pick non-patron options. I'd love to help build these sets and balance it out with the rest. -
Mind Control - Mass Confusion recharge time
Maldroth replied to Zumberge's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Not sure how hard this idea would be to implement but what about swapping out a power for a pet power called Thrall. You mind control a target and permanently put it under your control until it dies or you release it. Dismissing it would break the thrall and it would go back to aggro behavior. Not sure what scale a pet lands vs a minion, Lieutenant, Boss. Also there might be challenges on how does that interact with Mission bosses that need to be killed for mission complete. Then again you could just dismiss and kill. Give the power regular pet recharge time so it isn't always quite up but often enough to have it. Also as a unique bonus you'd have your pick of what you'd want thralled so if you like a certain mob you'd have something really versatile compared to other sets. The other idea would be kinda like how we have lore pets that we can slot but then you'd need to program UI elements to allow for slotting what you'd want. Telekinesis used to be much better at launch and it got nerfed hard. You could hold AVs with it as I believe it used to stack Magnitude on the hold. -
Yes I know I was asked to include our account of the two runs we had so we can help track down what is causing the encounter to bug out.
Since this is one of the Strike Targets for the week the GMs have seen a lot of tickets regarding this mission bugging out at the last encounter. I wanted to share two different team attempts to complete this on the 1st of July. So when we ran Sutter twice yesterday I noticed on the first attempt we didn't get the cut scene and Primal Durvey died and first round of Praetorian Durvey died but we never get the red text about him sending in a clone. On our second attempt we got the cut scene and the clone of Praetorian Durvey spawned but he seemed to have either disappeared or died and didn't trigger if there was more to that encounter. Hopefully that helps the team track down what is going on with that TF I tried to look up how the encounter should go and saw little information. So not sure if we should only be fighting one clone of Praetorian Durvey or not. I've seen Primal Durvey go down both times so I didn't see a situation of him teleporting away. Right now I'd say something about Praetorian Durvey is not triggering upon his death(s).
Homecoming Server Update (June 26th): Donation Window Poll
Maldroth replied to Cipher's topic in Announcements
I've been able to donate twice and the way I see it is I'm helping not just for myself but others so I'm not going to sweat it if I miss a donation period as long as a collective we meet our operating costs and keep everyone playing. :) I'm more than happy to donate for the others that can't for various reasons. -
The advise of Crushing Field is solid but I didn't take it in my build. Having one Endurance enhancement helps a ton in your frequently cast powers and once you have Chrono Shift things swing in the other direction and I was able to only have two slots in Stamina with IOs.
Time Crawl has been super handy to augment the other Time powers that affect enemies if I need that boost but I don't slot it and put just an Accuracy/Slow in there boosted to +5 and that has been enough. What is really handy is if they are in a Distortion Field then that becomes a hold, if I used Time Stop it increases the magnitude. Slowed Response? Bigger debuff. And I've noticed you can apply that out of order to get the boost. You don't need to lead with Time Crawl. And of course it has that -regen components coupled with other debuffs once i get them all on a hard target I notice their HP drop much faster.
So more observation on my side seems to line up with what others are saying here that there is that initial hit of damage and depending on the mob level I am seeing the ongoing damage numbers miss the higher the mob and nothing seems to impact that portion of the accuracy. That why it felt like I wasn't seeing the impact of the damage numbers. Also if you have a power that lifts the target from the ground such as Lift it stops the Enflame damage again until they land. That is probably working as intended but is a bit frustrating. Also none of this benefits from Containment on a Controller.
I also had a Grav/FF on live, based on my favorite character from a rpg I was in, one of the first two characters I made in I1, and I always struggled to find a use for him at 50 that other characters couldn't do better. As has been discussed here, the big problem is that only a smallish subset of teams at 50 really need more Defense (in the general sense, including things like controls), whereas most can use more Offense. Many controller secondaries provide some of each, including Sonic, which is a pretty good -resist debuffer for tough AVs, FF totally lacks any Offense multiplier. And my rad/rad defender arguably had more control "up time" than the controller, since they didn't nerf EMP as much as the generic controller AoE holds, on TOP of Offense multipliers. I remade my Grav/FF as a Grav/Time this time around, which also fit the concept from my rpg character, and even at 12th level it is a more interesting character to play and I see more potential. The only reason I'd consider a FF character these days if if I wanted to do a lot of low level team content with the character, say I loved the Posi TFs or the Hollows and wanted to run them a lot. The other option is a MM, so you have good offense addition from pets, but I would find FF a bit boring on a MM. Exactly the same experience for me. I'm Grav/Time and playing Solo I am faster and can take on more and in a group my tactics have to shift but when I do I lock down nasty targets and keep the teams moving fast and strip AVs of some of their potency. My only wish now is that Dimension Shift could be replaced with something more useful. I wonder how many take and use it.
Back on live I used to play Grav/FF and after the ED nerf Force Field really took a hit. Back then I could cap defenses so I felt like I really made an impact to teams by existing. This was also when it didn't take 4 minutes for your AoE hold to recharge. Both nerfs hit super hard for that build. I had a few powers in each set that were kinda mediocre at best or extremely situational that they weren't worth taking over pool powers that made their value all the time. Now playing to 50 again with the Invention and Incarnate systems I'd say I don't feel the AoE Hold recharge as badly as I did. Wormhole had also gotten a buff so I have two different AoE Mez powers that help me deal with problem mobs in packs. Containment has certainly helped with my ability to do damage compared to when the game launched. When grouping I focus on locking down bosses or other mobs that have nasty side effects. I'm looking at you Sappers. When I group I have to change up my role from damage dealing to key control and team support. Depending on your support set that means healing at critical times, debuffing AVs to make the rest of the team take them down faster, and buffing the team to make them faster/better at what they do. I play Grav/Time and my feeling of being useful is night and day over my experience live. Last night I was on an 8 man team and we crushed some TFs in under 15 min each. Could they have done the TFs without me? Absolutely. Did I make them faster at it and improved some bad situations. Completely. Force Field's problem is that it does two things kinda well but they aren't as needed compared to other sets. Defense (which is good but at the level it offers other sets frankly now do it better), and Knockback which not all teams appreciate and is highly situational to be useful. Sonic is built the same way but wonder if it has the same problems as Resistance seems to feel more impactful and they have a bit more in the debuff department. Force Field needs to be revisited with the lessons we learned from later Support sets on making a more rounded experience but keep the theme of Fields in play.
The initial hit does the majority of the damage. Approximately 60%, all at once. The other 40% happen over ten seconds in the flame patch. Yes, the Arsonist, Assault Bot, and Assault Rifle's Ignite all appear to be affected by this bug. In the case of the Assault Bot, it directly summons Burn's pseudopet. In the case of the Arsonist, it appears to summon a copy. I'm not sure, but Ignite seems to be a copy of the old Burn. Enflame is not affected. Huh. In looking at Enflame, its effects vary slightly by archetype. I see a reference to an archetype I had never heard of before. The Primalist. In regards to Enflame I'm seeing very odd behavior with it that I need to test more. I've slotted extra damage in it however it doesn't seem to really affect the power much. Also you might be able to confirm in the code but it doesn't seem to honor Containment currently for Controllers. Arcane Blast from the same set does. Looking at the power details in the game it seems Enflame does about 7 ticks of damage? Like I said I need to do more testing on this but Enflame just seems to be very underwhelming when slotted.
Not sure if Translocation from the Sorcery pool should be getting enhancement slots but when I level up in the summary window it says that Translocation gains an enhancement slot. However in my powers list Translocation doesn't show up at all nor can I put enhancements into it. Slotting would be nice but if that wasn't intended then that message should be removed on level up in the trainer dialog. Also will those other Origin Pools that we see in Pines possibly come out? They seem neat.
This is how it start's jerk hacking (dupin)
Maldroth replied to PSLAnimal's topic in General Discussion
These are the sacred texts of the Justice server. -
Maldroth here and I'm on the Everlasting server right now. I was part of the OG Hamidon raids when it was first figured out. Hoping to run into some friendly faces.