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Everything posted by Zeraphia

  1. It sounds like Black Hole from Dark Miasma may be the power for you!
  2. My personal favorite is the Underground iTrial when Desdemona will continuously get herself stuck by her own pets! You'd think she keeps the whips for something useful, but apparently not!
  3. I enjoy your posts, and I agree that I don't think it should be re-envisioned into something new entirely, I do think a lot of its restrictions could be lifted as well (specifically on Stalkers, it was "broken" for how hard it could force it to hit with Hide, but now that GPB and Devastating Blow exist on Stalkers, it's hard not to justify Stalker's now getting their virtue.) I'm not against a combo system done correctly and not taking precedent over the core buffs of the set mechanically. ET's animation killed this set in so many ways, I 100% agree with you there, it would be one of the most significant impacts to the set becoming viable, I also think Total Focus could get an animation time cut (on Dom's it got cut a bit and it works beautifully). The funny thing is, as many posters such as @M3zpoint out, even IF it was changed back, it wouldn't likely overthrow Psi Melee in PvP either, just would be another viable melee set in PvP.
  4. I agree a lot with @macskull and how he mentions that a lot of sets have flaws that need to be addressed/made viable. Sets having "flavor" is understandable, but instead of a set being made just for flavor, I think it should be balanced around actually being played in the game and taken seriously, which some sets clearly aren't. +1 to the OP's idea!
  5. I wouldn't say people "rarely use" MA, I also didn't pretend like it was a FotM. I said that MA has its place for its great ST and it does fine there. For the PBAoE having its radius increased, I honestly am not against that and sort of agree with you, but by the same point I do not think it needs to "give up" one of its powers to gain an AoE, nor do I think the set should revolve around having a *ton* of AoE.
  6. I'm here to wait for the idiot gatekeepers to say something dumb to flame this suggestion up and say "that's too powerful! how DARE you implement perception to blind Alfred?! you ruined the story arc for us!!!!!!!"
  7. At first... I wanted to automatically just say no to Hasten being changed but honestly, yea, I get it. I kind of agree, Hasten can very well be made inherent if it was just a pure flat out 70% handed to you and kept the same way but always on without interrupting chains sounds quite decent honestly. +1 I like this ideas, though I think some of them may be a little unbalanced, great work though! 🙂
  8. Titan Weapons/Anything on a Brute pretty unilaterally will out-damage just about every kind of Blaster combo except those that have fire/ as primary or fire/ as secondary. Be very careful with how you phrase things. Although, TW is such an outlier I don't think it's fair to compare. But I wouldn't go around saying Blasters out-damage Brutes end of sentence... There are a lot of combinations of Brutes that will greatly out-DPS a lot of Blasters, especially the ones who investigate and abuse procs like -res and DPA's of the faster sets versus more "average" sets like AR/DP/Water.
  9. Sets like MA are well known as well for their lack of AoE, I don't really see EM really needing the AoE push, and honestly, with what I personally want it to do, I want it to reign hard as a single target king.
  10. There isn't a precedent for select salvage rarity types to be rejected, there isn't currently any at all. You can reject specific smaller inspirations and white recipes. I don't understand the logic to block off salvage entirely whereas others you still get the other rarity drops. This seems like trying to add taxes on ideas/things that don't need to be taxed. It's not overpowered, it won't affect the economy, there's not really a reason to go after all salvage instead of just sorting by rarities. Though by no means was I suggesting to exclusively have only white salvage as an option to reject, I'm all for having all types of salvage rejectable.
  11. Again, this idea can theoretically benefit *everyone* any AT, any level who wishes to use it... very few of the overall population for what I was referencing in comparison can gain a benefit out of what was referenced (something I purposefully left as a general statement and did not go into specifics of). Sure, but then again, you were the one who brought up the "it's not worth the dev time!" argument, if you truly stand by the "that's for Homecoming people to decide" approach, then you shouldn't have made that comment in order to discredit an idea you disagree with in the first place. None of that addresses the majority of the post in how the rhetoric and language were used abrasively. Disagreeing with the idea was not the core of the post, it was the way in which people chose to behave.
  12. There is "disagreement" and then there is name-calling and outright bashing. I've dealt with the latter quite a lot recently. I've also seen people support the latter several times. This has lead to a lot of general forum toxicity. So much of the response to this has been exactly as Sovera has described "you're lazy!" "it doesn't bother me" "I wouldn't use it." Well, that's great, I'm glad for those people that they enjoy their white salvage, I do not. Many others do not. I know of many people who do not like EA, are never going to make Katana to enjoy the new animations (myself included), but I don't sit around, bash them and their character choices and go on about how stupid they are for picking those choices and how the devs shouldn't waste their time on their ideas (the parallel of "you're lazy for suggesting this and the devs should be spending their time on other things!" in this thread). Interestingly, from said poster, suggesting ideas that would take far longer to implement (on other threads) and be a benefit for far less people... but I'm not going to get into that argument, it has been nasty enough.
  13. Currently, we only have Transcendent Merits (to my knowledge) that work independently of Astral Merits to transfer your Empyrean Merits (rarer incarnate salvage) via email. It takes 50 Empyrean Merits to create a Transcendent Merit. The issue becomes that you need 50 of these merits, many people do not have quite 50 (like 46) and they're stuck emailing 46 Empyrean Merits to themselves, which is a long process and quite dull. Maybe add in some sort of X Merits for 30 Empyrean Merits, Y Merits for 20 Empyrean Merits, Z Merits for 10 Merits. I think these are the most key merit numbers to feature given that 10 Empyrean Merits can be broken down from any number of Empyrean Merits you have rather than a flat 50. 20 Empyrean Merits is a decent amount more than 10, so you don't have to email as many times than just 10 by 10 by 10 by 10. 30 Empyrean merits is a decent chunk that a lot of toons end up having, especially when concerning levels. This is mostly a QoL buff to make things easier on people.
  14. I actually don't think this is a terrible or unwarranted idea. Granted, I think the dev time to do this and replace it and balance the sets so one set isn't getting too generous a "buff" from this would not be "worth it." However, I do see the argument that you are forced to pick the same power across every single armor set for Stalkers, no variation being unpleasant. I'm not necessarily supporting or against this (I highly doubt that one extra power in their secondary will make Stalkers "broken.")
  15. she* and dear lord, I get it, you disagree but please... be more polite.
  16. I already do this, again, the other options are available, this is a suggestion forum. I am suggesting for this to be added to the options that you can reject.
  17. Actually yes... yes it does... feel free to get a dev or GM to comment on this.
  18. 05/09/19 Arenas Enabled Salvage Market seeded to keep costs down: 10K for common salvage, 100K for uncommon salvage, 1M for rare salvage, and 50K for a Brainstorm Idea This has continued to be the case since this patch.
  19. ALL salvage is SEEDED there is an INFINITE supply, that's where there are BILLIONS of them like the other poster pointed out...
  20. There is an infinite supply of all salvage....
  21. You keep looking at it per stack, you aren't addressing that you have to deal with it constantly the entire time you're playing the game. Made an A, and took it two years ago. The market is seeded. It makes no difference whether the option is there or not because it is seeded, will never end, this person claimed it would keep the prices low, then claimed it wouldn't affect the market...
  22. The several hours? I'm not claiming I've dealt with it all at once, but over time as I've demonstrated, it adds up significantly. This is again totally ignoring the fact you have to sell them, or "get rid of them" over and over and over and over and over again.
  23. That sounds like it would affect the market by "keeping prices low"... I don't understand this logic /shrugs. You can't say how something would affect the market (you literally said "an abundant supply is a good thing. This is what keeps the prices low." this statement clearly reflects that you believe the abundant supply is affecting the market, as such keeping the salvage forcibly on is what is what will keep the salvage prices low), then turn around and say you made no such claims of how it would impact it. Do you know how long exactly it will take? Or the effort to produce this? The technology appears to be there, there already is rejections for recipes and inspirations, of various kinds. There are certainly a lot more things Homecoming has added several things that I am fairly certain required less work to implement than this would. The example demonstrated actually 1/4 a year (literally a season), at very casual conditions, definitely not something someone more serious/more into the game would spend and it didn't even factor in things like farming. I'd hazard to say as well that it can take a lot of people a lot longer than even the 30 seconds projected. Once again, I am only guessing like you are, but I do not think this will take as long to implement as say, Katana animations, a new powerset, new IOs, etc. all of which arguably could potentially impact a lot less people than this QoL change could. Asking to resolve load times has several components that are not easy to fix or even resolvable period. This isn't comparing the same things. I do not think this is even an "unimportant" suggestion, there are lots of people who I've talked with in game who really want this feature. I myself thought this feature even existed, and was disappointed that it didn't. I've seen help requests for it in the "Help" channel actually several times (like how to reject them, they don't know that it just doesn't exist.) This would be a massive QoL feature for many people. If you don't want the feature, you don't have to have it, but there are many who do want this feature. That is true, but the rate at which salvage drops is higher than all of those, by a significant margin. I would not say "you can go much longer" you actually go about the same if not less. In specific, "not collecting white salvage doesn't change the rate at which one gets other salvage" is very misleading. The white salvage can BLOCK the other salvage by filling up your inventory so quickly. You also use inspirations during battle (so you have higher turnovers), you don't use salvage during battle. Recipes drop significantly less than salvage does.
  24. You made a terrible argument about how it will affect the market (it won't), you tried to say it doesn't affect people (for their time in the game), when it does. Again, inspirations and recipes already have this option, honestly less problematic than how much salvage stacks up in comparison. You possibly make significantly more money in the process by rejecting white salvage, which will lead you to possibly gaining more orange salvage (via the inventory not being full). If you just leave the inventory full, or are in a mission when it is, you are very possibly missing out on actually good salvage because your inventory is choking from the tedious amounts of salvage it has. *(Hence why it SHOULD be reject-able) It is not just laziness that drives this, and honestly even if so... who wants to go /ah after just about every mission to avoid salvage filling up? I certainly don't. I mentioned before just how easily the time accumulates to sell this stuff through the AH, I wouldn't call people "lazy" for not wanting to sell it to be quite honest. What takes you, someone who is practiced at keyboard clicking/typing 30 seconds to do, may take another individual much longer, be very aware of that and do not assume and apply your situation to everyone. Even taking your estimates, I have demonstrated the amount of time and tedium that selling the salvage presents itself.
  25. So... you're for forcing people into playing things they don't want to because you don't like people who play in the meta? This doesn't affect you if they choose to do this, this only affects the person who has the costume.
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