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Everything posted by Zeraphia

  1. All very true, which is why I re-arranged the list. Certain aspects of the work he has done though are decently true, I know better than to take them as gospel, again, why I have redone the list to show the possibilities for each them. I've even found Energy Blast to be behind (even with Snipe) Water Blast despite how his list is structured.
  2. So here is what I've found works best overall even though it does stink, it takes awhile, but the badge is obtainable via this method and I started with less than 3,000,000 damage taken total before beginning this. So, I began my badge for the "Confined" 12 hours of Mez, but I realized that the Sapper does a decent amount of damage by itself. After learning this, I decided to make a "Pocket Empath" that had a fully loaded up heal and decent recharge. What I noticed was that you can have exactly 3 blue-level Sappers with rest on hitting you while the Empath spams you with "Heal Other" and just never die, and this amounts to about 500 damage/sec overall. It takes days, but this is the method I've found that works to get you both the mez badge and the damage taken badge in a decent timeframe. Of course you detoggle all toggles and have the Empath SS + Stealth IO to be undetectable. Use Brawl to get the Sappers to chase you into a mob of 3 of them, and "enjoy the ride" with your Empath spamming Heal Other on auto. I can say this method is probably the safest for even squishier ATs to get the badge without dying, although of course it will require you to dualbox an Empath. I started on Saturday and I received the badge a few hours ago.
  3. So while creating my SG base, I ran into a few ideas that I had that I wish were implemented. 1. A tintable matte (smaller) solid floor tile. Not necessarily a floor tile with true function, just something that acts like a small square that is tintable to any rainbow/color that you can place. This would allow us to have much more interesting wall/floor features. We have tintable objects, we have floors, we even have I believe tintable floors, but no solid-colored floor option. This would work W-O-N-D-E-R-S for many basebuilders. If you took absolutely no other thing from this post to implement into the game, take this suggestion, it would be ground-breaking, and life-changing for basebuilders. Would preferrably be in very large, large, medium, and small sizes but just one small size that would allow you to easily get into corners would be splendid. 2. Smaller versions of the Power Substation Foundation pieces. The first two options do not let you lay them over a flooring such as grass easily even by manipulating their height. 3. Tintable mansion wall pieces. Not everyone wants to make a moderate coppery brown mansion, some want a pure white, pink, black, green colored mansion exterior. 4. Roman-style NPCs I'm sure many more would come to mind, but just the first suggestion would be a massive boon. If others have suggestions, feel free to state below!
  4. I considered saying EBs, but decided on AVs due to the variance. War Walker +4? Yes BR will pull ahead. EB Barracuda on +2? Fire will kill it faster. Also, if you "mix" it with holds/blaster secondaries, Fire will again pull ahead in every scenario. Blaze and Blazing Bolt mixed with proc'd out Char/Ring of Fire/Fire Sword/Burn will pull it ahead.
  5. I really think saying that "Fire Blast isn't the leading DPS for Sentinels" is misleading. The reason Elec does more is due to the pet, which can EASILY get distracted and if it does, its DPS is significantly behind Fire's DPS. Fire is the highest controlled DPS Blast set. Elec *may* get higher with the pet occasionally but it's not consistent. Water's ST is so far behind some of these options that it's pitiful. Although, you can still take out very hard targets (in ST) with Water (I did have a Water/Atomic that soloed some 54 AV's... it doesn't neuter them nearly as well as my Fire/Fire though) DP is actually decently "up there" with Incendiary Ammo, but it's still not in the same league as Fire Blast. This is a DPS list done thanks to the work of Kazeal, I will note that it isn't 100% completely accurate and it doesn't factor in procs that these sets can run, but I know pretty well what set can run what and I've ran the numbers on these sets several times. These also assume peak recharge and non-optimal chains. 1. Fire Blast (Trades everything for its DPS - it will always be king, especially on teams where there is -res going around) 2. Beam Rifle (this ranking is factored even after putting -res procs in, but BR is a very good runner-up to FB, by itself can actually go higher than Fire Blast after prolonged sustained fights, but in teams and anything under Archvillain Fire will pull ahead) 3. Psychic Blast (there is a real gap here in ST damage between BR and Psychic Blast) however... This set is highly renowned in PvP for its ability to abuse its slow projectiles into an absolutely massive strike, it has the highest burstdown of any other set because of its slow projectiles combining with faster ones into a huge strike. Ice Blast (will be in this spot as well if you only take Freeze Ray + Bitter Ice Blast and find some other fillers) 4. Assault Rifle (unrealistically - utilizes Ignite, a Mag 50 Fear, do not plan on keeping anything in place to truly unleash its full potential) Dark Blast (*IF* you can run another attack instead of Dark Blast *think: Blaster secondary power/proc'd Hold* but by itself it is a lot lower) DP Incendiary (realistically) 5. Electric Blast (with the pet) Archery (would be in #4 with the same conditions as Dark but getting it to where Blazing Arrow is on such high recharge to make that feasible is cumbersome at best - basic damage it does higher than Elec *CONTROLLED*) Realistically Assault Rifle should be here. 6. Radiation Blast... yes it can run -res procs very easily, but so can others, its Cosmic Burst power is just too slow unfortunately. Water is about here in terms of DPS once you factor in its procs Regular DP is here as well. 7. Energy Blast... can't run -res procs, Power Burst is too slow, and the set pushes enemies away from you out of melee to fill its chain with better DPA hits. It could pretty badly use a balance pass. Note: just because a set is ranked lower in ST DPS, does not mean the set is outright "worse" than another set. There are several ways that a set such as Water is much better than something like AR. This isn't taking into account its AoE potential.
  6. You literally explained it in your own question. They are supposed to be dealing more damage than they are, hence they are complaining about its low damage. See, there's a difference, a big one... Dominators - PRIMARY - Control. Sentinels - PRIMARY - Blast. Dominators' main purpose is to CONTROL, that is explicitly stated. Sentinel's purpose is not to be a "ranged Tanker." That was never the intended direction of the AT, hence no form of Taunt whatsoever and drastically decreased survivability (compared to Tanker). Why do you bring a Sentinel to a team? It SHOULD be their damage but it really brings nothing special to the table another AT cannot fulfill and do its job better and that just is what it is, doesn't make it outright bad, makes it not competitive. Why do you bring a Dominator along? Because the situation or team specifically calls for MEZ, it has a clear role to do its job.
  7. ??? That's literally their primary, it is a BLAST set. Blasts deal damage, Sentinels were made to deal damage. They are a hard-line DPS archetype, even by the devs, they are stated to be like "ranged Scrappers." They are a damage-first, their survivability only enhances their ability to stay alive to fulfill the role of the primary function. They are not Tankers, they do not aggro. They don't even get a form of "Taunt" in their primaries like Scrappers do to fulfill this purpose. They are not Corruptors despite what their inherent is leading people to believe. They do not amplify people or debuff enemies in the same magnitude or way that support sets do. I'm not for the opportunity mechanic in any form, I'm sorry but no matter how amazing you make the two powers, you've still imposed an unnecessary restriction of being forced to take another power that no other AT by virtue of simply existing *must* take to utilize their inherent. What is a "great" T1/T2 power for one set just doesn't always translate to all sets. For some, it is worth it to take both, in many, it is not. I'm really not trying to come across as mean or attacking you by any means, I just disagree and find this flawed.
  8. Wow... You've come a really long way since our discussions on here! I'm glad you've been looking more at "the other side." I really have been enjoying your posts lately and I feel like they're coming from a place of truly seeing what other ATs are actually producing in comparison to what the Sentinel currently is. I have tried the mechanic, and I said from the "start" that I didn't like it despite many vehemently defending it. It comes at too great a cost overall in terms of the way it plays to me, and that was the bottom line to it. It doesn't produce the DPS of even some Tanker combinations (thanks in part to TW - another part due to just overall Tanker damage rising), so it doesn't even compete with Scrapper/Stalker (who honestly have better survivability I'm finding just due to higher HP + better "mechanics" - Hide (forcefully evading all damage) -> almost oneshot bosses is a lot better damage mitigation than fighting at range really is), their inherent's -res just doesn't compare to what we're seeing other things bring to the table for -res. I don't think it really brings much to the team at this moment in time based around my experiences with it and those I team with. It also forces you to use a power that could interrupt the attack chain, and/or force you to take a power just to use one part the mechanic at all (something that is unprecedented for any AT to be forced to deal with). For these reasons I really do think offering just better damage mitigation tools in the secondary (whether this be through improving base HP, offering higher defensive numbers on resistance/defensive powers) to sort of "replace" the defensive part of opportunity and a general damage buff in addition to a reworked inherent entirely would be the way to go IMO to put them on a "competitive" level to a Scrapper.
  9. I think there really is another element that should be said that's sort of off-topic to this idea... Sometimes it's not about "can this toon handle max difficulty against every enemy group?" but instead... Can I absolutely demolish this garbage in .2 seconds and move on and feel like an obscene speedster? For example, my Rad/TW Tanker can ABSOLUTELY handle just about every +4 group with laughable ease, and will nuke the group, while not compromising at anything. However, because it is TW, it can mean some missions could be "longer" because of the herding/arcing, and it can be draining to play it optimally at times. However... My Fire/Fire Blaster (main) will absolutely demolish just about every group in 3 seconds with inferno, will have FSC + Fire Ball + Burn to neuter anything in sheer seconds, and can solo a nasty AV at range, all without having to deal without any annoying mechanics. What she does versus my Tanker is that she can blitz through anything in a fraction of the time that anything else will, and even though is a Blaster can survive just enough to kill before the enemy kills me. Put it this way: you may be able to survive a group at +4, but if it takes you triple or quadruple the time it would've taken another combination to survive fine enough at +2, I do not consider the former very impressive and I consider the latter much more impressive/worthwhile overall.
  10. Sadly, it does not otherwise I'd put this IO in powers such as Force Bubble, Sentinel "snipe" replacements, KI Push as OP mentioned. It really is problematic because it can "push" an enemy away from your regular melee attacks, making you do this annoying sort of "cat and mouse" game. There are ways to circumvent it, but it can be quite annoying.
  11. What is good and needs balancing in PvP is leaps and bounds different than PvE. If you're making this as a PvP suggestion, you would need to give specific examples of what powers need to be "reigned in" or "improved" for it. The things that are excellent in PvP (Regeneration, Psionic Melee, Psychic Blast, Plant Manipulation, etc.) are often found as "underperformers" overall in a PvE environment. Beam Rifle is completely balanced in PvE, it trades a lot of the AoE it could have for the favor of decent ST (still solidly behind Fire in terms of damage it can spew out instantaneously). Its animations aren't the fastest either. There will always be outliers and "meta" in every single game that isn't solely based on aesthetics. Gutting the way others play isn't going to bode well overall for the state of the game. I really think you're painting this game with way too broad a brush and you're looking at one specific aspect that a set excels but you don't consider the weaknesses that the set has in terms of the overall gameplay. Fire is a damage outlier... but it has no mitigation or special effects beyond DoT damage. Psionic is a burst down powerhouse... but every robot and their mom has massive resistances to it late game with no really good way to run -res procs and overall not great aoe. Ice doesn't hit the absolute hardest... but it is one of the best mitigators for damage. Dark debuffs enemies and heals itself... but it isn't the greatest ever at damage. There is lots of balance at play. What one chooses to value in terms of a set in the aspect it excels may just be a different priority to them than you.
  12. I don't agree with reducing the enemies' debuffs because they're meant to present a fun/interesting challenge. It's not your cup of tea, I get that 100%, but that doesn't make it "OP." I personally think Soldiers of Rularuu are some of the nastiest things in the game but I see them as an interesting group that you encounter rarely to provide a decent end-game challenge. However... A discussion about certain powers and powersets having their endurance costs reduced to more reasonable standards conducive to the cast rates of said powers/feasibility without "tricks" such as P2W/Temp/Ageless is a very fruitful discussion that I do believe has a lot of merit to it. It's quite clear that many sets could badly use some rebalancing in terms of their endurance costs.
  13. I'm tired of her. I don't like her, she is not a replacement for Back Alley Brawler, she's a terrible replacement (power-wise) for Statesman in LRSF, just sits there playing dead the whole time while the other actual members of the FP who actually know what to do really do what they're supposed to do, unlike her. If I wanted to see a hero who's only apparent trick is to play dead, I could just ask my dog to do her job. If she's our last line of defense...
  14. I'd say it would borderline on being overpowered. The most OP thing ever? No, but it is a very unique buff that directly adds +HP, giving this to an area of players would likely be seen as problematic, also as a whole Cold Domination isn't the most "lacking" set by any means, many sets IMO for support could badly use the buff (sonic, FF, **trick arrow**, possibly empathy immediately come to mind). I'm not saying it's a terrible idea, but it would be very OP to combine something like an empathy + frostwork giving completely maxed out regen and HP making your allies just god-tier. I'm not actually against it tbh, I even sort of like the idea, but I can see people viewing it as overpowered.
  15. To echo these thoughts, I'd REALLY love to have a type of zone/area that features unique mission maps for the Rikti home world (would be a really neat idea for incarnate content especially with Hero 1) going to the actual Rikti temples the priests reside in and seeing it fully fleshed out. Totally a nightmare to code, not realistic, but I do think if down the line when we get more resources/volunteers this would make for an extremely interesting addition! I know that there was a lot of talk about such a zone during live, sad that it never really came to fruition.
  16. There is a method (I can't really reveal it as a "promise" to a friend) but you can get this amount of merits in about 5-6 hours depending on how fast you are. It's extremely boring and really monotonous.
  17. The reason IMO there is no Psionic judgement was the perception from previous years that it is OP, when in reality, it's far from the best damage type to have and is definitely not "OP" by any means. In fact, it is the third most resisted damage type, with a notable amount of late-game enemies having Psionic resistance. A toxic judgement may be thematically hard to produce given the unique nature of how toxic damage usually acts by DoTs. However, I see no reason for there not to be some sort of Psionic-based judgement. Below is a damage resistance analysis, where it indicates that throwing Psionic damage is not especially "OP" due to the massive amount of enemies that will resist it (these include several robots, carnies, fortunatas, etc.)
  18. I know you've gotten some pushback from posters in this thread, but Hasten is as the previous poster pointed out, a hot button. I am one of the ones who uses Hasten in legitimately 100% of my builds to "push" the game to its absolute limits. I find it fun to do stupidly broken/OP strategies/ideas on mobs and get recognized for the roles I play on teams/activities. Seeing how the statistics indicates that approximately 80% of level 50s utilize Hasten for one reason or another, I think that DOES show that it is still very heavily used as well. Here are my thoughts as a very active Hasten user: you cannot please everyone. There are many builds based around Hasten (Dominators, Blasters, certain (read: LOTS) Defenders, Controllers, etc.) changing a power these people are familiar with and making it either weaker or better can heavily impact their build and cause it to become inferior. In the present state of the game, I think Hasten just is what it is, and doesn't really need a ton of changing though I'm not going to throw out pitchforks UNLESS someone recommends something that reduces its recharge bonus/uptime. I'm going to disagree with some posters here and say I agree with you that Kheldians SHOULD gain more slots. In fact, I think Kheldians as a whole NEED a buff pretty badly because of their horrid ST capability. Their damage is very weak for their activation times. The perception of "feeling powerful" doesn't always translate to how powerful it actually is. Not quite the same thing, but there IS a way to autofire two powers at once (kind of) it works very well for those interested in having something like Domination + Hasten or Ageless + Hasten on "auto" via movement key binding.
  19. I think we are missing is both more incarnate content AND challenging content. I think a huge amount of what's going on right now is incarnate power creep. It really has made the game so easy sometimes :/... I think creating new trials/incarnate specific content that is mechanically harder and more challenging than the content available right now, expanding upon story arcs, or actually fleshing out the Rikti homeworld zone would be excellent ideas! Imagine, going to a Rikti world and finding out more about the origins of Hero 1 and exploring the interesting civilization that the Rikti live in with more interesting/challenging Rikti enemies available to fight!
  20. I can see an argument for a very powerful being type of character. Akin to Kheldians but not quite, their powers aren't "natural" they're sort of like Rularuu, not really mutants, not necessarily "magic" either. I think that also a character that doesn't want to reveal its true intentions/identity to others, hence, "unknown" origin, would be a neat concept.
  21. -Transparent Auras option -Transparent ally buffs via Null the Gull
  22. To echo your thoughts, I think if you take teleport from the teleportation pool I think you should probably get both the fast cast AND the ability to teleport through walls with max camera zoom OR no recharge at all. This would really make Teleport a much more interesting and desirable power for the masses through the vastly increased mobility, would be a much more competitive contender to SS.
  23. I'm not sure about "easy to sustain perma" especially for a Dominator. Dominators do not benefit from a secondary that gives recharge such as /Rad or /Time to force it to perma. Dominators instead have a direct damaging set. Am I saying it isn't possible? No, but it probably would come with hefty build sacrifice to get there. As a Dominator, you still need to come up with a bare minimum of 400% recharge to make PA permanent. You'd need to full-slot this power, likely take a +recharge alpha, and also slot heavily for recharge bonuses to make this permanent, it comes at a high build cost, if you took Agility to do this, you hinder a lot of your proc options. Controllers on the other hand have a much easier time with this due to those synergizing secondaries (although not impossible to go without them, much harder.) Basically to get PA perma on Doms you're looking at Agility T4 + lots of defense powers taken for LotG mules + lots of 5-piece 10% bonuses, that is NOT light at all, and could easily hinder from slotting up the damage on Dominator attacks / not optimal for DPS. I do see your point though with the aggro management possibly being "too much" but I think it probably should have the basic capability to take the pressure off of you for like GM/AV soloing unless you are specifically against it (I'd just like clarification on if this is what you're trying to avoid). Thank you for clarifying!
  24. I agree, but that is never-seen-before technology. What we HAVE seen is a way to reject recipes/inspirations, there is no "auto-sell" feature for them. Doing so would be unprecedented, hence why I didn't recommend that as the option.
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