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starro last won the day on October 21 2023

starro had the most liked content!


533 Excellent


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  1. Speak up I can't hear you on the big box monitor I am using from 1999
  2. I missed this Saturday but a day later it's at 96%! Ty COH-HC Community!
  3. Take 'em out first. A weak PUG group will fall apart when the surgeons keep healing from a long range. Now I want to run an ITF so I can cry in beer over the xp i am not getting from <2% of the TF.
  4. Aww. I missed this outbreak of spsmmers. Not really, but Ty volunteers for the clean up.
  5. I love the numbers. I think in years past it was described as a labor of love and not a quick task. Thank you again. LOVE THE ROADMAP! Of course subject to change. Oh, yeah all those Khledians will simply have to go.
  6. My favorite content is COH lore. I look forward to the art and stories this will generate in future content.
  7. Turn up difficulty settings too. I found myself on auto pilot and not feeling engaged. With more and stronger mobs on screen you cannot just go thru the motions any more and spend some times making new tactics.
  8. Likely Announcement Soon (TM)
  9. That was part of an in-zone event for Halloween I wrote up once. Something triggers the familiar zombie event, but with a twist as members of the Freedom Phalanx, recognizable NPCs and lore related zombified characters show up in the zombie horde with the final battle 1-6 members of the Zombie Freedom Phalanx. The defeat of the final Zombie Big Bads frees them of the zombie curse, sends them back to zombie dimension or dead characters like Statesman are laid back to rest until the next time the zombified heroes walk the earth. Source Inspiration: Legion of Super-Heroes #47 (Issue)
  10. AMA with Devs circa 2012 https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/19qbHHrRmifxGPz60-_ApLNiwOmF5QVEMrXHgB1Nrd4o/mobilebasic?pli=1
  11. I cannot think of one bizarre silver age comic villain or hero.
  12. any chance the account being added is mis-spelled? Same experience with a different account you are trying to add?
  13. Ah yes, time to move into the Peregrine motel for the next month….
  14. Ty devs, volunteers and COH players for support whether $$, organizing events or just new and learning the game. 🙂
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