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Force Redux

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Everything posted by Force Redux

  1. To OP, if you prefer something other than /Dark, my next recommendation would be/Time. Has a bit of everything.
  2. It would be better if you could attack them, but they are untouchable and it just slows you down. There are so few reasons to take this power it is not worth the choice of another power in it's place.
  3. Unless you want to Tankermind (which I do not recommend), get rid of fighting pool, take Aid Self and Aid Other (and possibly Field Medic) from the Medicine Pool.
  4. You skipped two vital powers: Deflection Shield Insulation Shield Get rid of Detention Field and Repulsion Bomb. One is useless, the other is not needed with Thugs.
  5. In the sense I was opining, stealth is good for the MM to skip to mission bosses or objectives. It also keeps the whole band of pets (and allies) from being easily spotted, allows for easier positioning and set up, and avoids most "hot" door aggro situations. Definite not useless, but agree with all points above!
  6. Necro/Dark - offers one of the best AoE healing in the game, also offers stealth (invisibility got the MM with stealth IO stacked), plus oodles of debuffs and control with Lich and Grave Knight knockups. Classic, for a reason.
  7. Musculature for more damage. One of the few ways to help help damage 🙂 Always worth it!
  8. Easiest? Robots/FF with Medicine pool for Aid Other. Really good build for learning the AT, and they are all ranged, so park them with a GoTo command and let them do their thing. Bubble and spot healing as needed. Safer, but slower kill speed than demons. Most fun? Demons/Dark. Lots more to do, speedier kill speed, and super effective debuffs, no knockback to fix, smoother ride to 32 than bots, since the pets are less back loaded than Bots, and damage ability is spread out more evenly. Need better situational awareness than FF since your survivability is tied to your debuffs.
  9. I'm probably weird, but I take leadership on every character. Even my stalkers. And especially my support charterers (defenders, controllers, MMs). Always Tactics (I hate debuffs on perception, such as Arachnid), and either Maneuvers or Assault depending on AT/build. Vengeance if I have room. This is coming from someone who never takes Fighting. Even on my Tankers. I'd rather take something that benefits a while group then just myself. I team 98% of the time. YMMV.
  10. I have Helen Carnate on Everlasting. Willing to release it, I know we have a forum goer here with the same name... Need it for a toon?
  11. I've found the best way to promote red side activity is to start something myself. Paper missions, strike forces, whatever. It may take a little longer to gather players, but I've never actually failed to get a team going. Many blue siders will swap over, that are just waiting for someone to start something. 😀 This happens on blue. Fifteen people LFG, but no one starting anything.
  12. Second this. My 50+3 Demons Dark solos S/L farms at +4/x8 well enough, and safely. Just keep an eye out for ambushes. It's a perfect combo for doing all content in the game.
  13. Yep, OG dev team was great, even when they had their off days. Particularly BABs and Posi. I miss CuppaJo too. And HC devs...all sorts of props for letting us fly again.
  14. Did you still need a build? I just saw this...
  15. Electrokinesis is my suggestion. I work in mental health. I don't care for "Shock Therapy" either, for a couple reasons. One, it's kind of a flavor killer.
  16. OPs thoughts were mine as well. I've tried out a number of sentinels, including two to t3 incarnate (beam/ regeneration and electric / energy). Fun solo, good all-rounder, but as a damage class on teams leaves a lot to be desired. Damage feels off by around 10% base too low. The inherent is rather arbitrary and would benefit from a stronger effect and the ability to choose when and on which Target to occur without affecting my rotation. I like the character, but I no longer bring that character on teams. If I want damage and survivability I'm better off with my stalker or my masterminds. Would love to see some sort of buff to help the Sentinel to shine.
  17. Love the comic. Keep it coming!
  18. Agree. My Beast/Time is one of my top performers, from level 1 up through incarnates. Smooth sailing. Also a decent farming MM on S/L +4/x8.
  19. I'm not sure. There are lots of doorways I'd love to see used. There's a door in a small island off Mercy near the Chum badge I've never seen used, for example.
  20. This should totally have been a feature since Issue 1. 😀
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