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Force Redux

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Everything posted by Force Redux

  1. I swear I've been on an ITF with an Empath/* who could have solo'd the whole darn thing herself. Not sure of primary. I should have screen capped her. She was amazing. On Everlasting.
  2. Now, you just take that back right now, sir.... 😛😀
  3. Just going to add that the best way to deal with negativity is to introduce more positivity. Be the change you want to see, right? So, be helpful, offer realistic and down-to-earth encouragement both in the forums and in-game on the /chats. Don't get dragged into arguments. Be positive in teams. Not only about power sets, or about nerfs or buffs or NC Soft talks, but about things in general. Take the higher path. Be the voice of encouragement. At least, that's my goal, both IRL and IG. Also, be careful to avoid being a Pollyanna (overly optimistic), because that's just as bothersome and unrealistic. Just my 2 INF.
  4. Mercs are literally about that DAKKA and the shell casings. So many shell casings... Build looks good Coyote, I might give it a shot myself at some point. Haven't touched Mercs in years.
  5. On my FF thoughts, I wanted to keep a few things in mind: 1. Not to radically change the powers from what they are. A lot of folks like the theme,and I feel that making a significant change in function and mechanics was counterproductive. 2. Improved what it does. As FF is the "Super Reflexes" of support sets, it should have some way of buffing Defense Debuff Resistance (DDR). Yes, many characters at Incarnate and with IOs can cap Defense, but keeping it is another thing altogether. This would help protect what FF grants. As the premier Defense-based super set it really should have been a given right from the start. As well, improving the attacks (and damage) from the early Defender design philosophy of poor solo powers, can also help FF offer something else. A decent ranged attack helps Controllers and MMs. A decent ranged AoE that can take a -recharge proc helps everyone, Defenders included. It can also help out the more ST focused sets, such as Ice. Adding some -Def to both also helps FF contribute somewhat to group kill speed by virtue of some IO options. Giving Force Bubble optional sizes still keeps the power, but removes some of the common complaints about it's utility on various maps. Repulsion Field, in a world of Bonfire available to many ATs, needs a review of how it handles procs and End Cost. Yes, it's mobile, but also caster centered, whereas Bonfire can be cast around corners or farther ahead with less aggro/risk...and it has damage. 3. Add in some additional, yet thematically appropriate extras. Absorption in DB rounds out the protective nature of the set with a mechanic that is very suitable and should prove useful on many teams. Detention Field is generally worthless, by common concensus , and needs to be reworked to function with actual team dynamics. This power didn't have wide use even in the slower team speed of Live, before IOs and Incarnated sped up team play. It was a clunker then, and it's a clunker now. It needs to do some sort of useful crowd control. Just some extra thoughts.
  6. FF: I like my Defense. But compared to Time, which does so much more than what FF does. So additional tweaks: Force bolt: improved to defender T1 attack damage with -Def debuff. Dispersion Bubble: add replenishing Absorb and some DDR. Detention Field: should work like Dimension Shift in Gravity, or be a Toggle hold that increases in Mag over time. Repulsion Bomb. Improved damage and reduced cast time. Add a -Def component. Repulsion Field: reduce End Cost. Allow KD proc to work more effectively with it. Right now it doesn't proc enough. Compare to Bonfire, please. Force Bubble: provides three sub powers each with different radii: small (15'), medium (30') and large (60'). Choose the size you want. Also lower end cost. Insulation Shield and Deflection Shield: each gives some DDR. These would help FF and still maintain theme. I say this as a long time FF player.
  7. My Beast/Time is awesome, fun, and chews up things. Easy to level, too.
  8. Wolves are fast. Far cry from the zombies. Sometimes too fast, Make sure to keep them on Defensive if you aren't sure about aggroing nearby groups. When they get /kin buffs, they are capable of breaking the sound barrier 😛
  9. Hmm guess I'll play around with Proton Haze and see if it's worth slotting for +recharge proc... Though with Rad's quick chain and Chrono Shift, probably not needed. Thank you.
  10. I realize Sir Myshkin has a Time/Rad build around somewhere, and I was reviewing Hjarki's thoughts on the same in the Proc Monster thread, but was hoping for some reassurance/extra feedback.
  11. I don't see much about this combo here or on Reddit. Was wondering about your thoughts? Blast sets are not my overall expertise, outside of Sonic and DP on defenders, and Electric, Dark, Water on Sentinels, which are also their own thing. Any insights or thoughts are appreciated. Mostly a teaming build, but with all the Timey goodness at defender levels, I'm assuming I can avoid set bonuses on Rad Blast and go for proc goodness I've seen in the proc monster thread? I'm okay with moderate damage, this doesn't necessarily have to solo pylons or ITFs, but I don't want to feel anemic either. It looks like Radiation Blast is good at close range with two PBAOEs, along with Time's Juncture. I've never really played Rad Blast however, in practical play are Irradiate and Atomic Blast with getting/perform well? It looks like Neutron Bolt and X-ray Beam can form a complete attach chain... but lacks a heavy hitter until Cosmic Burst... What's the end game attack chain? Thoughts on Proton Volley as a snipe? I have a snipe on my a stalker, but don't ever recall having a snipe on my other defenders... Not sure of it's value? Are there any powers you consider skippable at all? Thank you! 🙂
  12. As someone who often plays bubblers, and other support types, I'm of the same mind. I announce "hug me for buffs" once at the mission start (I have a simple macro), and then I just buff the murder ball periodically. Seems to work. As you said, those who wander off either don't need them, or will quickly learn they do, and stick closer. Some support sets make this easier than others. If I put Life Giving Spores on the ground, people tend to gravitate towards the SFX, and then I can hit them with Overgrowth and stuff more easily. Visual cues are helpful. Back at Issue 1 on my Dark/Dark defender the graphics were often too subtle, and no one knew where the anchor for Darkest Night was, stayed in range of Shadowfall, etc. At least bubbles were simple to understand for those who don't read chat. 😀
  13. Understood, and thank you for making this distinction clear 🙂
  14. Sorry, no time to give a specific build, but I will say go /Cold. A much as I love FF, Cold will give you more. Resists from Arctic Fog (and some Defense) to stack with Demon resists. Defense shields, of course. Great debuffs like Heat Loss. Infrigerate can turn into a proc damage power. Sleet, offers mitigation. Snow Storm can be skipped, but I like it. Frostwork can help keep Demon Prince and the Gargoyles on their feet and prevent one shots. You'll miss out on FF's status protection, but as @Dixa has mentioned in this forum, you can buy it on P2Win vendor (this can get expensive for many folks), or grab it with incarnate Destiny Clarion or carry break frees. Plus cold goes thematically with them too. Enjoy your demons!
  15. Quick question for the plant gurus - does Carrion Creepers require any accuracy? I see builds that do not have it, just procs, and I see some builds go with Targeted AOE sets that do have accuracy in the bonuses. THe power says it is 1.0 Accuracy, and it does slot Accuracy enhancements, but its one of those weird powers, so I'm not sure what is required. Any suggestions? I have it six-slotted at present with basic IOs, but looking to use sets/procs on it. Thanks !
  16. I have a T3 incarnate Grav/Dark. Amazing. There is literally nothing I can't throw at this character and not be able to tackle it.
  17. I'd suggest Trick Arrow. Which is normally a very suboptimal choice... Except for Illusion I had an incarnated Ill/TA on Live. Worked very nicely. PA is invulnerable so you don't have to worry about tools to keep them alive. PA taunts and Superior Invisibility reduces your aggro, so you can keep out of the action and not worry too much about your own survival. TA likes to play at range. Mostly so does Illusion. TA offers more control that Illusion lacks. Holds. Immobs. Slow. AoE damage. TA is proc friendly for even more damage. TA offers debuffs that help PA do better, too. Illusion loves recharge. So does TA. Build priorities are the same. IMO this is the only combo in the entire game where TA shines and shows none of it's glaring weaknesses. Give it a try! I think you'll love it. Teams will love you too, and it's a hot soloer, too.
  18. Sounds like you really tried to make that work! I've only ever enjoyed TA in my Illusion controller, where it seemed to work well enough... Mostly because is Illusion's strengths. On a MM...😕😕
  19. Would there be any interest in my writing up a more polished summary of the MM primaries with incorporated comments from you folks?
  20. Fair enough, it's a valid point as well 🙂
  21. Very respectfully, the statement(s) you are responding to are misleading. There are probably a handful of maps, such as parts of Lambda trial, that are a bit unsuited for dragging pets around. But overall you can and will have fun and be useful on story missions, radios, TFs and Trials. If you love MMs stick with it.
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