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Everything posted by Bopper

  1. It's looking good. I think the sets could roll out any time.
  2. Finding time to actually play the game lol.
  3. I'm glad it works for you! Just an FYI, there's a nuisance bug with the jump packs. If you run it the full 30 seconds, the jump pack can become disabled and it won't return until you zone or relogin. So be vigilant in making sure you toggle the inactive pack on, and detoggle the active one prior to the 30 seconds expires (to keep the fly buff seamless). Personally, my build tends to recharge the packs in 10-15 seconds so I just toggle them whenever off cooldown.
  4. Also, I tested Group Fly. Group Fly + Jump Pack = max flight speed for team (58.63 mph). However, Group Fly + Afterburner causes the Group Fly to not work (teammates lose flight). Whenever I get time, I'll update the guide to include Group Fly. If the biggest gripe about Group Fly was that it was slow, Steam/Jump Pack would alleviate those concerns. However, I think there are other concerns with Group Fly...no? At the very least, it's another 1 slot wonder with the Jump Packs.
  5. Fly Speed Test Buffs: Frequent Commuter (+15% to Fly Speed), Base Empowerment: Increase Fly Speed (+20% Strength to Fly Speed) No enhancements, no set bonuses Time marks 26 sec: Fly (58.63 mph) 46 sec: Hover (30.15 mph) 1m 01s: Hover + Jump Pack (58.63 mph) 1m 15s: Fly + Jump Pack (58.63 mph) 1m 29s: Transition from Fly to Hover (no change in Flight Speed) 1m 45s: Hover + Afterburner (30.15 mph) 1m 57s: Fly + AB (75.81 mph) 2m 09s: Fly + AB + Jump Pack (87.95 mph) 2m 23s: Hover + AB + Jump Pack (68.43 mph) The Frequent Commuter's +15% to flyspeed translates to +3.22 mph (Attributes shows the 2.15 mph, erroneously) The Base Empowerment's +20% Strength to flyspeed makes Afterburner cap at 75.81 mph instead of 72.95 mph. That's because 58.63 + 14.32*1.20 = 75.81 mph
  6. @CosmicDreamShade I would really like to see that. I have tested the use of Hover with Jump Pack and raced someone with Fly, and we were going the same speed. You should not need to slot any Flight IOs to hit 58.63 mph. In combat Attributes you will typically see 3 Hover attributes: the one that is enhance able (50%), the one that is unenhanceable (50%) and another one that is unenhanceable (-101%). The unenhanceable ones will show at a 7.16 mph and -14.46 mph, while the top Hover (enhanceable) will change depending on how it is enhanced. If you use Jump Pack (or Steam Jump), it will show at 28.64 mph. Keep in mind, I am giving you the numbers that you will see in the Combat Attributes window. Their true speed is 1.5x whatever it's showing.
  7. It's worth noting that if you are monitoring your flight speed in Combat Attributes, the total speed is correct, but all the sub-components are lying to you. They fail to include the 1.5x modifier that fly gets. So you might be seeing that. If you like, take a picture of what you're seeing and I can maybe see what's going on.
  8. I am curious about Group Fly with Afterburner and Jump Pack. I'll try to test it tonight, but looking at the numbers Group Fly provides a +68.25% to Fly Speed. If Jump Pack can be active with Group Fly, you should be able to reach speeds of 21.48*(1 + 4*0.6825)=80.12 mph (capped at 58.63 mph if Afterburner is not active). Anyone know if that is the case? If so, I'll add it to the guide.
  9. Hover and Fly (and other flight powers) all use the same Flight Speed cap of 58.63 mph (if no Afterburner)
  10. Thank you for the kind words. When I get time, I can probably add a few examples. Overall, it's a fairly simple formula, you just need to keep track of what improves the base speed versus what enhances the speed powers (which are powers that improve on the base speed). That's a mouthful, I know. I'm typing this on my phone, so apologies on the lack of structure, but the basic formula would be: Speed = BaseSpeed * (1 + P1*min(100% + Enhance1% + Strength1%, 300%) + P2*min(100% + Enhance2% + Strength2%, 300%) + ... PN*min(100% + EnhanceN% + StrengthN%) Edit: I realized calculations for Strength are multiplicative, not additive, so I tweaked the formula to bake in the 100% Base value. I have added a post (3rd one) that details how to properly calculate this. So you look at all the powers that buff up your speed, factor in any enhancements and strength bonuses, make sure you cap it at +300% (400% total), then you're done. I'll probably use the reserved section to do a step by step example that shows how to calculate it.
  11. A grand canyon is a bit much. We're forgetting that the 30% damage enhancement lost is coming back with a 91% endurance mod enhancement. It's all about balance. If you want full on damage, you can go with a damage set. If you want full on Endurance Modification, you can go with a full on Endurance Mod set. This set (and others like it) are providing a significant balance where you are getting 70-90% of both Damage and EndMod, which is a nice option to have. You can't have it all, and you do have the option of Power Transfer that provides the numbers you're wanting. You just don't get as nice of set bonuses. Ultimately, it won't matter at end game. Folks who do damage and endmod are likely going to get the Musculature Radial Alpha. With it, you'll hit 95.33% Damage in your Synapse Sets. Stealing this from Vanden, because I'm tired of searching for it. But here are the numbers from Build 1 for the new sets (I don't recall what has been changed, if any) Synapse's Shock Accuracy: 42.4% Damage: 68.9% Recharge: 73.8% End Cost: 21.2% End Mod: 91.8% Power Transfer Accuracy: 39.7% Damage: 89.9% Recharge: 45% End Cost: 39.7% End Mod: 68.9% Preemptive Optimization Recharge: 96.3% End Cost: 85.7% End Mod: 97.1% Range: 36.7% Bombardment Accuracy: 66.3% Damage: 96.3% Recharge: 89.9% End Cost: 18.5%
  12. Going back and reviewing the information from Build 1 and seeing the comments and concerns, I can't help but to think man...they were really close with that first Dark Consumption design. The power was fairly basic, it was Lightning Rod without the Teleport, and its damage was scaled by your character's endurance percentage. Basically, it was this: 8 ft radius does 2.2525 x Endurance% scaled damage 3 ft radius does additional 0.9275 x Endurance% scaled damage In some ways, I thought, just fix the critical hits issue (that was a bug, simple to remove), but there was concern with how powerful soul drain can get (and perma'd) that would lead to a SD+DC pairing being too powerful. Fair point. So they tried something new and renamed it Dark Equilibrium, and I thought "Why not play with that name...Equilibrium"? So I proposed something in the 2nd build's comments that was fairly basic, but I figure I'll reintroduce it here with numbers that actually match the power. Basically, I think the damage AND the endurance should scale with the character's Endurance% (equilibrium). We have a mechanic like this already in Gamma Boost, which is an Auto power in Radiation Armor that provides a +Regeneration and +Recovery boost. The way that power works is when the character's Health is high, there is no need for Regeneration, so your Recovery boosts is heightened. When your Health is low, the need for Regeneration is prevalent, thus you take away some of the effectiveness of the Recovery boost and apply it back to a Regeneration boost. It's equilibirium. So I propose the following: Remove the bonus damage that came from the 3ft radius; after all, this is still a utility power. Working with a maximum of 2.2525 damage scale, we break it up into what's scaled to Endurance%. At the same time, we can do the same for the endurance return. I think this would be fair: Damage = 1.2525 + 1.0000 * (Endurance%). Endurance Return = 7.5 + 10 * (100% - Endurance%) This will create the new power Dark Equilibrium, which will do: At 100% Endurance: 2.2525 scaled damage and return 7.5 Endurance/Target At 90%: 2.1525 DMG, 8.5 END At 75%: 2.0025 DMG, 10 END At 50%: 1.7525 DMG, 12.5 END At 25%: 1.5025 DMG, 15 END At 10%: 1.3525 DMG, 16.5 END At 0%: 1.2525 DMG, 17.5 END Now, scaling to the extremes can be a bit clunky, as you can't cast a power at 0% Endurance or have 100% after casting a power... I don't know when the Endurance% would be determined. Either way, you could limit the extremes to something like 10% and 90%, where the minimum performance is set at 10% endurance or less, while max performance is set at 90% endurance or more. Then we could have something like this instead: Damage = 1.2525 + 1.2500 * minmax( Endurance% - 10%, 0%, 80%) Endurance Return = 7.5 + 12.5 * minmax( 90% - Endurance% , 0%, 80%) This 2nd formula would do the following: At 100% Endurance: 2.2525 scaled damage and return 7.5 Endurance/Target At 90%: 2.2525 DMG, 7.5 END At 75%: 2.0650 DMG, 9.375 END At 50%: 1.7525 DMG, 12.5 END At 25%: 1.4400 DMG, 15.625 END At 10%: 1.2525 DMG, 17.5 END At 0%: 1.2525 DMG, 17.5 END Personally, I like the 2nd formula better. It gives you a window of knowing whether or not you'll get max damage (or max endurance) from the power. Also, I figure this solution would alleviate some of the concern caused by Soul Drain as the 0.9275 extra damage is removed. At 250% damage bonus (100% from enhancements, 150% from maxed out Soul Drain on scrappers), the power would max out at doing 7.88375 damage (which for Scrappers is ~493 damage). I dunno, I figure that's a fair balance. But I'm open to constructive feedback. What do you guys think? Perhaps the endurance return is tuned too high, but that could be paired down as well...something like a 7.5-17.5 range as opposed to the 10-20 range. That way it still averages 12.5 Endurance/Target.
  13. Keep in mind, it's a very small volunteer team. They are pushing two new power sets and four new enhancement sets, all of which were getting less attention due to some tweaks to Dark Melee that were supposed to be small but proved to be much bigger. They rightfully chose to prioritize what needs work now and shelved the changes to Dark Melee until they can properly be addressed.
  14. Is there a way to save a post? This is fantastic information that I'm sure to look up again someday. Thanks for the data
  15. How to Calculate Speed Total I touched on this in the guide, but I was never explicit on how exactly I calculate total speed. If you are interested in knowing how, hopefully this information will help. The formulas I use are: where, What do these formulas mean, exactly? The StrengthTotal represents all of your sources for "+X% strength to <movement speed>". So Jump Pack provides a +300% strength to Fly Speed, and Increase Fly Speed provides a +20% strength to Fly Speed. So if we wanted to calculate Total Fly Speed, our StrengthTotal would be 480% (400%*120%=480%, where the base 100% is baked into that number. Also this example is a moot point as any power buffed over 400% will be capped at 400%). The PowerTotal represents all of your powers that boost your <movement speed>. It includes any enhancements that those powers have (if the power is enhanceable) and any strength boosts (if the power accepts outside buffs). Each power cannot exceed 400% of its base effectiveness (+300% boost), which is why the min(*) function is applied to each. *Note, if a power doesn't take enhancements, you use 0% as its enhancement. If a power does not accept outside buffs, you replace StrengthTotal with the base 100%.* The BonusTotal is a summation of all your speed boosts that don't come from powers. This would include temporary buffs like the Base Empowerment's Increased Run Speed, or set bonuses like "+7.5% to movement speed". Finally, you add your Base 100% with the PowerTotal and BonusTotal, then multiply that by your Base Speed. Example #1 Let's do an example where we calculate the fly speed for a */Energy Manipulation Blaster using Power Boost and Hover. We will assume the following parameters: Base: 21.48 mph Swift: +13.65% to Fly Speed (enhanced by a Level 50 Flight IO, +42.4%) Hover: +50% to Fly Speed (enhanceable), +50% to Fly Speed (ignores buffs and enhancements), -101% to Fly Speed (ignores buffs and enhancements). No Flight enhancement slotted. Power Boost: +78.672% Strength to Fly Speed Base Empowerment - Increase Fly Speed: +20% Strength to Fly Speed Set Bonuses: Four +7.5% to Movement Speed, One +6% to Movement Speed Solve:
  16. Table: How Much Speed is Added with Set Bonuses Set Bonus Fly Speed (mph) Run Speed (mph) Jump Speed (mph) Jump Height (feet) 3% +0.644 +0.430 +0.430 +0.12 4.5% +0.966 +0.644 +0.644 +0.18 6% +1.289 +0.859 +0.859 +0.24 7.5% +1.611 +1.074 +1.074 +0.30 9% +1.933 +1.289 +1.289 +0.36 Notice, Fly Speed gets more of a speed boost given its 1.5x base speed, while Jump Height’s base is so small that these bonuses have practically no effect. Table: How Much Speed is Added with Base Empowerment Base Empowerment Fly Speed (mph) Run Speed (mph) Jump Speed (mph) Jump Height (feet) Increase Fly Speed +20% Increase Run Speed +2.86 Increase Jump Speed +20% +20% +20% indicates the buff is to Strength of <Movement Speed>, whereas the +2.86 is the result from a +20% increase in base Run Speed
  17. Quick Guide to Movement Speed Some Info, Tips and Tricks to Traveling By Bopper Written: 1 Mar 2020 Updated: 2 Mar 2020 I’ve been looking a lot at travel powers lately and I have come across a few nuggets I wanted to share that I don’t think is common knowledge, but it should be. First I’ll give a short primer on what the base and max speed for each of the three movement types (Flying, Running, and Jumping…sorry, no teleport but I may revisit it), along with explaining the difference between a power providing “+X% to <Movement> Speed” versus “+X% Strength to <Movement> Speed”, then I’ll get into the fun stuff you can do with Flying, Running, and Jumping. Base and Max Movement Speeds: Fly Speed (mph) Run Speed (mph) Jump Speed (mph) Jump Height (feet) Base 21.48* 14.32 14.32 4 Max 58.63 (87.95)+ 92.50 78.18 200 * In issue 18 the base flight speed was buffed by 50% to 21.48 mph. + The standard max flight speed is 58.63 mph, however there are powers (such as Afterburner) that can increase the max flight speed to as high as 87.95 mph. What’s the difference between “+X% to Movement Speed” versus “+X% Strength to Movement Speed”?: If you see a power or bonus that says “+X% to <Movement Speed>”, it means it is an increase from that movement type’s base speed. So, a +10% to Fly Speed would mean your total Fly Speed is increased by 2.148 mph (10% of Base Flight Speed). If you see a power that says “+X% Strength to <Movement Speed>”, it means it enhances the effects of all your powers that improve that type of movement speed. For example, your base Jump Speed is 14.32 mph and you have the inherent power Hurdle which increases Jump Speed by +124.5% (+17.83 mph). If you have a power that grants “+20% Strength to Jump Speed”, then powers like Hurdle will have their +Jump Speed enhanced by 20%. In this case, you get to add an additional 124.5%*20% = +24.9% Jump Speed (+3.565 mph). It’s worth noting (foreshadowing) that the most a power can be enhanced by (strengthened) is +300%. That includes enhancements and strength bonuses. What can you do with flying? When it comes to flight, there is only 1 question you need to ask yourself…are you going to take Afterburner, or not? If you say no to Afterburner, then you can either get Fly and instantly be at your max fly speed (58.63 mph) without enhancements, or you can pick Hover to achieve max fly speed (58.63 mph). How? By using Hover in combination with P2W’s Jet Pack and Steam Jump powers. It will cost you 100k influence to own both, but you must own both. Here’s why: Steam Jump/Jump Pack (not enhanceable): +2,780% to jump height, +300% strength to fly speed (advertised as +273% strength to fly speed, but in game the numbers suggest it’s actually +300%). Also, both powers have up to 30 second durations with a 30 second base cooldown, but that cooldown recognizes global recharge bonuses, so typically it will recharge in 10-15 seconds. They are not mutually exclusive, so you can use them both at the same time to provide gapless coverage. So, with Jump Pack and Steam Jump combined, you can max out the strength of all your fly powers permanently. With Hover and Swift, it does this: Swift (Enhanceable): +35% to run speed, +13.65% to fly speed Hover (Enhanceable): +50% to fly speed Hover (Not Enhanceable): +50% to fly speed, -101% to fly speed (net: -51%) Base Steam/Jump Pack Net Bonus (%) Net Total (mph) Fly Speed 21.48 mph 100% 21.48 Swift +13.65% +300% +54.6% +11.73 Hover (Enh) +50% +300% +200% +42.95 Hover (not Enh) -51% -51% -10.95 Total Fly Speed 303.6% 65.205 There you have it, with just Hover, Swift, and Steam/Jump Pack you will surpass your max fly speed of 58.63 mph. No enhancements, no additional buffs/bonuses. Not to mention, Fly only provides a Magnitude 1 Fly, whereas Hover provides a Magnitude 4 Fly, so theoretically you should be harder to knock out of the sky. If you say yes to Afterburner, then you will have initially increased your max flight speed by 14.32 mph (to 72.95 mph). This increase to max flight is enhanceable with a hard flight speed limit of 87.95 mph (+104.8% strength to Afterburner achieves this). By taking Afterburner, you can still skip Fly and achieve the 65.205 mph with Hover shown above, plus add on any +fly speed bonuses/powers that your build may have. But let’s face it, that’s not why you get Afterburner. Instead, you take Hover, Fly and Afterburner, and you can 1 slot all of them if you like (Hover and Afterburner are good LotG mules, Fly is a good KB protection mule). Then with Steam/Jump Pack, Fly, and Afterburner, you will hit 87.95 mph easily. Swift (Enhanceable): +35% to run speed, +13.65% to fly speed Fly (Enhanceable): +136.5% to fly speed Fly (Not Enhanceable): +80% to fly speed, +100% to fly speed, -101% to fly speed (net: +79%) Afterburner (Enhanceable): +14.32 mph to max fly speed (capped at +29.32 mph) Base Steam/Jump Pack Net Bonus (%) Net Total (mph) Afterburner +14.32 max speed +300% +300% +57.27 Fly Speed 21.48 mph 100% 21.48 Swift +13.65% +300% +54.6% 11.73 Fly (Enh) +136.5% +300% +546% 117.27 Fly (not Enh) +79% +79% 16.98 Total Fly Speed 779.6% 167.44 So, there you have it; with no Flight Enhancements (it would be pointless since Jump Pack already maxes out the strength), we can hit an uncapped speed of 167.44 mph, unfortunately we are hard-capped at 87.95 mph. If Afterburner did not have a hard cap of 87.95, then this combo would increase the +max fly speed by 57.27 mph which would cap the flight speed max at 115.90 mph. One final note on Hover + Afterburner, it’s a pretty nifty defensive move and any movement speed set bonuses will still count. So, if you chase the Movement Speed set bonuses, just know every 7.5% is an extra +1.61 mph. If you can achieve +106% to Fly/Movement Speed bonuses, you could hit the 87.95 mph hard cap with just Hover and Afterburner. Chasing that number would be foolish, but it’s completely reasonable to get 5 of the +7.5% to Movement Speed bonuses (Performance Shifter, Gaussian, Aegis all get this with 2 slots). That number would boost your Fly Speed by 37.5% which equates to +8.05 mph. That gets you to 73.26 mph with Afterburner, Hover and Steam/Jump Pack. Conclusion: Buy both Steam Jump and Jump Pack to maximize your flight speed without any enhancements. Also, don't take Fly if you don't have Afterburner. What else can you do with flying?!? I did a little more research and wanted to share what I found. For instance, Group Fly is panned as a bad power. Maybe it is, but it is a travel power and I figure I should at least share what it can do as well as what it can do with a Steam/Jump Pack. It's worth mentioning, Group Fly says in its short description that it does -ACC, yet when I look in the combat attributes there are no debuffs to To-Hit or Accuracy, so it must be a typo. Group Fly (Enhanceable): 60 foot radius; 255 Max targets hit, +68.25% to fly speed Base Steam/Jump Pack Net Bonus (%) Net Total (mph) Fly Speed 21.48 mph 100% 21.48 Swift +13.65% +300% +54.6% 11.73 Group Fly +68.25% +300% +273% 58.64 Total Fly Speed 427.6% 91.85 The combination of Steam/Jump Pack with Group Fly will result in granting you and your team max fly speed (58.63 mph). You can also use the Group Fly + Afterburner + Jump Pack combination to cap your fly speed at 87.95 mph, unfortunately when you activate Afterburner, the Fly effects are no longer given to your teammates. Consider this as an endurance hungry replacement for Fly, while providing some team utility (although it might be unwanted team utility at times). The P2W Vendor offers 6 variants of the same temporary fly power: Small Longbow Jetpack, Longbow Jetpack, LKT-1700 Rocket Pack, Jet Pack, Holiday Rocket Pack, and Goldbricker Rocket Pack. They each cost 50k influence for 30 minutes of flight usage. You can purchase up to 10 each for a total of 30 hours of usage (3 Million influence). These temporary powers do the following: Jet Pack (not enhanceable): +136.5% to fly speed, +80% to fly speed (ignores buffs and enhancements), +100% to fly speed (ignores buffs and enhancements), -180% to fly speed (ignores buffs and enhancements). As a net, this power is a +136.5% to fly speed that can be buffed, while the un-buffed portions are a net 0% to fly speed. The main difference between a Jet Pack (or variant) and Fly, is that Fly is maxed out at 58.63 mph right away, whereas a Jet Pack will come up just short (if no enhancements, buffs, nor set bonuses, then the fly speed is 53.73 mph). With minimal effort, we can reach the 58.63 mph capped fly speed. There are only two reasons to consider taking a P2W Jet Pack (or variant). The first is to be able to fly at max speeds (58.63 mph) while not having to take the Fly pool (perhaps you took Leaping pool, now you can use Combat Jumping with Jet Pack to make a ghetto-Hover). The other reason to take a P2W Jet Pack is if you want to take Air Superiority from the Fly Pool and want Afterburner for ultra-max fly speed (87.95 mph), but can't afford to take 4 powers from the Fly Pool (Afterburner requires at least 2 powers from Air Superiority, Hover, and Fly). So the solution becomes taking Afterburner with a P2W Jet Pack to achieve your 87.95 mph ultra-max fly speed, while retaining Hover for general combat and Air Superiority for an attack. Let's look at how the numbers work for the P2W Jet Packs. Base Steam/Jump Pack Net Bonus (%) Net Total (mph) Afterburner +14.32 max speed +300% +300% +57.27 Fly Speed 21.48 mph 100% 21.48 Swift +13.65% +300% +54.6% 11.73 Jet Pack (takes buffs) 136.5% +300% +546% 117.27 Jet Pack (ignore buffs) +0% 0% 0 Total Fly Speed +700.6% 150.47 Here we show that Afterburner + Jump Pack + Jet Pack will equal the ultra-max fly speed of 87.95 mph, as its theoretical 150.47 mph is capped. What can you do with running? There are many run powers available to you that will buff your base run speed. Swift (Enhanceable): +35% to run speed, +13.65% to fly speed Sprint (Enhanceable): +50% to run speed Sprint (ignores buffs and enhancements): +50% to run speed Ninja/Beast Run (Free at P2W, not enhanceable): +140% to run speed, +137% to jump speed Super Speed/Speed of Sound (Enhanceable): +350% to run speed Base Empowerment - Increase Run Speed: +20% to run speed To cap our run speed we need to achieve +546% to run speed (92.5/14.32). We can get there with minimal effort from Super Speed, as all you need is to put a Level 50 Run IO in Swift and Super Speed (350%+35%)*(100%+42.4%) = 385%*142.4% = +548.24% (92.8 mph, capped at 92.5 mph). Now let’s assume we don’t want Super Speed (or its soon to be variant, Speed of Sound). What can we achieve with Ninja/Beast Run and the other available inherent powers? Base +5 Level 50 IO + T4 Alpha (Agility/Musculature) Net Bonus (%) Net Total (mph) Run Speed 14.32 mph 100% 14.32 Swift +35% +86% +65.1% 7.67 Sprint (Enh) +50% +86% +93% 10.95 Sprint (not Enh) +50% +50% 7.159 Ninja/Beast Run +140% +140% 20.05 Temp: +Run Speed +20% +20% 2.86 Total 468.1% 67.02 Above I have slotted Swift and Sprint with a +5 Boosted Level 50 Run IO (+53%) and included a T4 Alpha incarnate (either Agility or Musculature) which will enhance our run powers by an extra 33% (86% in total). The temp bonus shown comes from a Base Empowerment station which grants a +20% to run speed buff for 90 minutes of in-game time. In the end, we are far under the max run speed cap (72.5% of the cap). It’s decent, but it’s no super speed. Things do get interesting if you have a +Special power, like Power Boost or Clarion Radial. The +Specials will include a +X% Strength to Run Speed, which means it will buff Swift, Sprint (the enhanceable portion), and Ninja/Beast Run. A */Energy Blaster can use Power Boost to increase the strength of their run speed by 78.672%. That would boost Swift, Sprint, and Ninja/Beast Run to do an extra 3.94 mph, 5.63 mph and 15.77 mph, respectively. That extra 25.34 mph will get you right near the run speed cap with 92.37 mph. If you want to pursue taxing yourself for the sake of running fast without Super Speed, you can chase the five Gift of the Ancients: +7.5% Run Speed bonus, the easy to get five +7.5% Movement Speed set bonuses, and the soon to arrive Synapse’s Shock: +15% Run Speed bonus. That is a +90% run speed bonus, which equates to +12.87 mph. That will get you to 79.91 mph. Conclusion: If you want to run as fast as possible, just get Super Speed. If you are good with running closer to max Jump Speed numbers, then Ninja/Beast Run with Sprint can get you close to that number (if you enhance, have a T4 Alpha, the Base Empowerment buff, and set bonuses). What can you do with jumping? There are some jump powers available to you that will buff your base jump speed. Hurdle (Enhanceable): +124.5% to jump speed, +166.8% to jump height Ninja/Beast Run (free at P2W, not enhanceable): +140% to run speed, +137% to jump speed Super Jump/Mighty Leap (Enhanceable): +249% to jump speed, +2780% to jump height Base Empowerment – Increase Jump Speed: +20% strength to jump speed/height To cap our jump speed we need to achieve +446% to jump speed (78.18/14.32). We can get there with minimal effort from Super Jump, as all you need is to put a Level 50 Jump IO in Hurdle and Super Jump (249%+124.5%)*(100%+42.4%) = 373.5%*142.4% = +531.86% (90.47 mph, capped at 78.18 mph). Now let’s assume we don’t want Super Jump (or its variant, Mighty Leap). What can we achieve with Ninja/Beast Run and the other available inherent powers? Base +5 Level 50 IO + T4 Alpha (Agility/Spiritual) + Increase Jump Speed Net Bonus (%) Net Total (mph) Jump Speed 14.32 mph 100% 14.32 Hurdle +124.5% +106% +256.47% 36.72 Ninja/Beast Run +137% +20% +164.4% 23.54 Total 520.87% 74.58 Above I have slotted Hurdle with a +5 Boosted Level 50 Run IO (+53%) and included a T4 Alpha incarnate (either Agility or Spiritual) which will enhance our jump powers by an extra 33% (86% in total). I also show a Base Empowerment temporary buff called Increased Jump Speed, which provides a +20% strength to jump speed for 90 minutes of in-game time. Here, we are so close to the cap for jump speed that set bonuses would likely put us over the 78.18 mph cap (4 of the 7.5% Movement Speed bonuses will do the trick). Conclusion: You can replace Super Jump with Ninja/Beast Run with proper investment. You can cap your jump speed at 78.18 mph with the Base Empowerment temporary buff and a T4 Alpha that boosts jump speed. Even without the Alpha, you can get to 74.07 mph with five of the +7.5% to Movement Speed buffs and the temp buff. You’ll also notice it is easier (less investment) to go faster jumping as opposed to running (5 less enhancement boosts, no need to use Sprint). Also, use of the Steam/Jump Pack will help you reach the same jump heights as Super Jump. Summary: Get both Steam Jump and Jump Pack, and either Ninja Run or Beast Run If you want flight, decide if you want Afterburner or not. If you want Afterburner, get Fly (you will reach 87.95 mph, easily) If you don’t want Afterburner, don't take Fly (you will cap Hover at 58.63 mph, easily) If you want to run fast, take Super Speed. Otherwise, you can achieve approximately 75% of what Super Speed can do with a semi-invested build using Ninja/Beast Run and Sprint. If you want to jump fast, no need for Super Jump. You can cap your jump speed and height with Ninja/Beast Run and Steam/Jump Pack with investments. Even without a T4 Alpha, you can hit 95% of what Super Jump does with that same combo (74.07 mph vs. 78.18 mph). Possible Future Topics: Below are some possible future updates to this guide. I have information on them, but I think most of the teleportation information has already been covered and well known, while the P2W powers are not going to be very popular as they lock out your power tray. I might speak to the P2W powers with the caveat that they should just be supplemental (like a non-flyer takes a fly travel power, or a non-speedster/jumper takes the animal travel power): Incorporating Teleportation (but I don’t think it’s in much demand) Teleporting Tips (Enter Base with Passcode Macros, P2W Teleporters, etc) P2W’s other Travel Powers (Void Skiff and variants, Coyote/Panther) Revision History:
  18. He already had my vote. It might be worthwhile if someone can consolidate all the actual name suggestions in this thread to a single post (they'll get a +1 from me). It'd be nice to see what has been suggested without having to dig through all the vitriolic flame wars happening in this thread.
  19. That's a pro for me. Especially since it adds 26.5% endmod enhancement. For my granite tank I'll likely 4 slot Stamina with Performance Shifter and Synapse to hit 96.7% buff while getting +30% movement speed and the endurance proc (or will it be 15% movement speed and 15% run speed? The notes and in game description are unclear). My vote is to replace the +Heal with a damage proc since the +Heal has no reason for being unique.
  20. It does not, only scales the damage. But I did propose a tweak that would do just that: More Endurance if low on endurance, More Damage if high on endurance. I think it would play in well with the name change.
  21. I also liked Surge Protection (as I do like puns), while also liking someone's earlier suggestion of Static Induction. I also wouldn't mind something like ElectroTherapy if only because I get to call it ET
  22. Until Proc changes are made, Positron will remain viable. It's rare to be able to slot so much damage with a proc and not hurt yourself by slotting recharge (plus adding global recharge to boot). But since I suspect that day will come to an end soon, I agree that having Positron as viable down the road would be good, just not sure if adding another excellent defensive bonus would be the way to go. That just makes it more enticing, especially for Melee toons with incentive to grab TgtAoE attacks in their epics.
  23. It's so great that everyone can be so civil. Excuse me while I see my way out, I have numbers to stare at.
  24. Nah, I dont think it needs to be AoE. It just needs to be discussed in terms of how will we balance it all. As shown, there aren't that many readily available sets that offer both recharge and range defense, so it's good to make that pairing more accessible. But there is merit in forecasting how much that pairing will do if the numbers are as strong as they are. Perhaps we simply should lower the range defense to 2.5% and bring the accuracy back up to 9%
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