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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. He's just a junior Security Officer, give them some time to grow up.
  2. As someone who has complained a lot about the inherit. An requested everything you are asking for. It's not really an issue now. Leveling Widows is painful and it would be nice to have more endurance, but you can use SG end buff powers to work around that. But due to the damage increase for Night Widows specially, mobs die quickly enough that's it's an manageable issue now. Though I do not proc out my builds, proc'ed builds have more end issues. SoA never really had serious end issues in my experience, due to the low number of toggles. The inherit is just a placeholder for the historical reason that all ATs must have an inherit. At least that is what I have learned while complaining about it.
  3. I couldn't do this pre-page 7. The build was tough enough, but the DPS wasn't there. AE 801.3 4x8, completed under the two hour limit. No deaths. ITF 4x8 took 2 hours and twenty mins. No deaths. First attempt. I probably could save 10-20 mins off the time with practice Computer in mission 3 is lethal and psi resistant Romulus is a giant chicken, some much time chasing him around If anyone is interested I can go into details about how I completed the ITF Build (Aid Other is a place holder for Pain Tolerance. The build will have over 1900 HP): Mission 2 completion in under 8 mins: Previous discussions of the build:
  4. Night Widow show case video:
  5. A video to showcase some of the Night Widow changes Fast Mind Link casting Fast placate recharge Forgot to include it on the combat attributes, but 1826 HP due to Pain Tolerance Improve Psychic Scream, damage and cast time Full Slash crits Leviathan fast casting AOEs and Spirit Shark casting with damage buffs, notice the black icons on the buff bar How so off some the 4x8 Council changes All 4 bosses either rezed or transformed Wolves not running as much Improves Galaxies with AOEs Build (Aid Other is a place holder for Pain Tolerance): Video:
  6. This conversion has just a lot more wrinkles now. See the page 7 beta notes.
  7. I have confirmed the level scaling on Bane placate. Also, Night Widow placate does not have +toHit at all. And there is a weird null in the NW placate description Nice catch!
  8. IMO, and there has been strong disagreement on this point. Mace Beam Blast can replace Frag nade, it does less damage, but has the same radius, quicker recharge, and 100% KB is great for crowd control. Web cocoon is also via now, now that it doesn't have that long cast time. It is a basket of debuffs plus a hold. As for Mace Beam and Mace Beam Volley, they are better, but just ok. I can only pay so much KB tax in a build.
  9. Trapdoor is no longer viable as testing missions. Since, you cannot control the spawns, one run you could get multiple galaxy spawns, next wolves. Too much variance now. @Galaxy Brain Created some AE missions we started using for testing. Has anyone noticed yet that the wolves don't run like they use to? 😉
  10. Just pointing out that Web Envelope now does Toxic damage, which if of course boosted by Venom Nade.
  11. Any Trick Arrow toon benefits quite a bit from binds. There are few nice targeting binds in this guide.
  12. Alas, VEATs get access to the same four pools. I will say that Leviathan is now pretty darn good. Even w/o procing it to death.
  13. Organized some PI radio teams, even though we never had a full 8 players. We did rip through the Council as before. Players said they did have to pay attention now. The interesting part comes when you have several sub 50s and the AOEs start flying. They are noticeable harder to solo at 4x8, but still very much cannon folder to most teams. Now, CoT are noticeably nastier, but still stompeable with a team. Solo though they are much much harder. Harder than Arachnos and Carnies.
  14. You can fire venom nade from the mace. But not frag nade which I agree doesn't make sense.
  15. Not found it to cause an issue. And I have tested a lot.
  16. Pretty sure they mean powers, not actually Warshades. I have not seen any Warshades like mobs in my testing. Now, entire spawns of the new galaxies. Yes!
  17. I tested the Storm changes on my Trick Arrow/Storm defender. It makes things a lot more consistent, those lightning proc dry spells are gone.
  18. Another change that I would like to call out that is more powerful than is obvious from the description. Placate's cooldown reduced to 35s This makes placate both an offensive and defensive power. First, you can easily get the recharge under 15 secs, more with Ageless. Getting overwhelmed, placate Ghetto taunt, or at least cause most mobs to start walking instead of running away Placate half the spawn and deal with key mobs first All this before even thinking about the DPS improvements
  19. Overall, I am very happy with the changes. One change that wasn't made that I think should be made. Not being able to use mace animations for Frag nade. One change I think that might fly under the radar, that folks should check out. Mace Beam Blast's cool down increased to 10s and damage increased to 0.784 scale. Now has 100% chance for knockback. Bane ranged attacks are still meh damage wise, but a quick recharging AOE with 100% KB chance is very nice for setting up Venom nade and crowd control. Also, it has the radius as frag nade. But opinions differ.
  20. Pointing out some of the what I think are the most interesting changes: I cannot believe I forgot this one. Placate is now amazing. A quick recharging AOE placate to set up the 100% crits. Pain Tolerance for Night Widow Full crits for NW slash and eviscerate Better NW only Psychic Scream Full crits for all Bane melee attacks Scrambled Thoughts for Forts is now nice Leviathan pool is actually good now w/o procs General animation speed improvement in many attacks Fort wanting to play more ranged have gotten a nice buff with Fate Sealed and general control power duration increases
  21. Credit to the player Icy Reign for the badge name. A little incentive for players to take out the surgeons.
  22. I think about three people will find this useful. I use VIM for almost all my editing, so I created a syntax to make it easier to work on COH *.mnu files. Since, I am still tweaking the formatting. It will be easier to link to the github page. https://github.com/PaulBenHill/coh-tools
  23. Ranged or melee. Why not both, play a Fortunata. Scrapper with a nuke and controls.
  24. 1/11/2024 Added menu option to generate macros for tips. It makes uses the tips much easier.
  25. I have been working on this tool off and on for a few months. Now, I think it's in a good state. All major task force, strikes forces, and leagues are covered. Feedback is a appreciated. What I need most are "tips" to add to each event. Tips for speed running, tips for handling certain battles. I have a few in the Apex-Tin mage entry, but there is a lot to add.
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