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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Some melee cones are large, Energy melee is 10, which is why it is so much better at hitting more than 2 mobs. Staff cones are also range 9. https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=scrapper_melee.energy_melee.power_crash&at=scrapper For awhile I thought it was me not the cones. Then I started this thread. Basically, range 7 cones suck for hitting more than 2 targets unless they have a very very wide arc, like Shadow Maul's 120. This is especially problematic for toons w/o taunt. Fold space helps, makes Eviscerate viable, but still awkward. This is whyI think Eviscerate is problematic. It's not uncommon for claw scrappers to skip their version of Eviscerate. That says a lot.
  2. Not against the idea, but it doesn't make sense in terms of AT lore. I don't think Arachnos uses dark powers, I am probably forgetting one, but in general there are no dark powered mobs at this time. In reality, most Forts/NWs take Gloom, because it's so good.
  3. The problem is that isn't really true, Night Widows have not one, but two problematic powers. Psychic Scream and Eviscerate, short melee cones do not work well on ATs w/o taunt and you know my complaints about Psy Scream. Then there is Smoke Grenade is very situational. So, out of the six Night Widow training specific powers, two have performance issues and one is situational.
  4. I'll admit my biases upfront. I hate hate hate Night Widow Psychic Scream for several reasons. Looking for feedback on alternatives. Please, keep in mind I am only talking about Night Widows, not Fortuantas. Reasons for hating it. Narrow cone on a melee orientated toon as the T9 attack. The capstone power for the AT. Long cast time 2.67 seconds Weak base damage Doesn't proc well to make up for the weak base damage Secondary effect is not helpful in PvE
  5. Interesting I never buy that piece from AH. End mod recipes drop often enough that I can convert to what I need.
  6. Alas, you cannot play a crab without the crab "legs" at this time. If you take even a single crab powers, the legs will appear.
  7. Haven't really changed. The altered/new powers use the normal sounds.
  8. It is a really fun combo, unless you are fighting robot boss. Then it's rather tedious, but only the bosses.
  9. Similar experience. Psi/Ninja is a very strong combo, due to all the status effects you can throw around. It's a little hard to see, because of the camera angles due to the ceiling height.
  10. Try navigating from main menu. Check the upper right corner, it should say cryptic followed by numbers. You can select the text to change. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/index.html Also, try an incognito window.
  11. Here is an example of a trick arrow/storm defender taking out a 54 Arachnos spawn. I was a bit sloppy, but it shows most of the powers.
  12. Of all the VEATs, Banes/Huntbanes benefits the most.
  13. This popmenu is designed to help team leads create LFG messages. It has option for each task force, strike force, and league events. There is an option for kill most or speed, with or without weekly strike force. Tips are available for some events. This is a never ending working in progress. Tips also have a generate macro, which will generate a macro for all tips for a selected event for much easier use. Firing a menu option will put the text into the player's chat bar. Then they can edit as they want. Example text: Kill most. Weekly Strike Target. Penelope Yin Task Force: Clamor for the people. Level required 20+. This is a kill most, we will NOT speed objectives. If this is your first WST of the week, up to 40 merits. LF7M. To install, put here under your COX directory. You might need to create the directories under "data" manually, before you can copy the menu to the "Menus" directory. <CoX install dir>\data\texts\English\Menus Example: D:\coh\data\texts\English\Menus Then create the macro: /macro TSTv1 "popmenu TSTv1" Version 1: Coming: More event specific tips Github repo: https://github.com/PaulBenHill/lfgmacros/tree/master If you want the data to tinker with yourself, see the two JSON files in the properties directory on github. lfgmacros.mnu
  14. I love Yin, right length, you can raise the difficultly to make it a challenge, and fun.
  15. Trick arrow, yes folks here seem to know it's powerful. In game though I rarely see it. It's got everything you need to wreck mobs, -resists, -def, -regen, -toHit, and status protection while you do it.
  16. This was a very thoughtful post. My disagreement with this analogy is that speed is actually being lost because the All-stars are not keeping the mobs grouped. A lot of DPS is being lost, because the mobs are too spread out for effective AOE. When I play tank, I move a little slower and pull a specific spot, so that debuff patches, rains, etc, will hit more mobs. On Market Crashes I watch for rezes and taunt them to the same spot. Things die quicker that way, I am talking about kill mosts, which is what I usually run.
  17. I have seen blasters do this exact thing with the tank not far behind them.
  18. I am specifically taking the first Market Crash mission. The problem is not even the rez'ed tanks, it is literally the tank running half way up the map leaving multiple bosses roaming around. I have seen again and again, the tank aggros one groups, jump over the next one, then up the tunnel. The hit the aggro cap on the second group, so what to the bosses do. Turn on the rest of the team. Because I generally run kill mosts and the un-aggro'ed groups are often quite a few mobs which are tearing up the squishier teammates. So, I stop like a good teammate and help clear the strays.
  19. You're missing the point. It's one thing to work as a team as you are describing. It's a totally different thing to go run off and play solo leaving the non-fun clean up parts to others.
  20. I am going to disagree. As I said many times on forums, watch the behavior of tanks/brutes on a kill most Market Crash to see this issue. Players seem to forget there is an aggro cap. It is extremely common for 3-5 Freakshow bosses to be running around all over the place while the "tank" is half up the map. I have seen this behavior again and again with many different groups, so it's not just a few players.
  21. That would be nice, but this is the current game state. Probably for quite a while. Anything encouraging more team play would have to hurt soloing.
  22. I agree I don't leave strays, but it happens a lot these days. Hence, the thread.
  23. I usually make characters that are out in front. Attacking the next group just as the last one goes down. Looking for the opposite of that, if it exists, chars that do well at clean up. That trail behind the team and deal with that's left of the spawn. That could mean finishing off bosses, buffing players, anything. Suggestions?
  24. Yes, those are three different powers, so they will stack. But, there are limitations about stacking with the same power. Shatter's dot will replace the old dot with a new one, if you strike the same target again, before the old dot expires. https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=arachnos_soldiers.bane_spider_soldier.shatter Spider's Bite like Shatter will replace the old dot if it procs on the same target. https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=set_bonus.set_bonus.spiders_bite&at=arachnos_soldier Degenerative's dot will stack up to 8 times at max level, but it is collective. Meaning your and your teammates dots all count towards the total stacks. https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=incarnate.interface_silent.dot_toxic&at=arachnos_soldier Look to the right of each power at the icon, it will have the details about stacking and other traits. I went through this exercise a year or so ago about testing out all the toxic powers a Bane could use. Unless they buff experimentation, toxic dart, I found that the best toxic attacks are in the Bane power set. Don't forget about Poisonous Ray, it's a pure toxic attack and it procs pretty well. https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=arachnos_soldiers.bane_spider_soldier.poisonous_ray&at=arachnos_soldier
  25. I cannot help with icons, but I can with the teleport bind. macro back "powexec_location front:100 "Combat Teleport"" Just replace, front with any of these, up, down, left, right, or back. One note, I am not sure 100 is a valid amount for the command. First, I would start with shorter distances to very the macro is working.
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