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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. I understand opportunity costs. Still not following how this leads to less build choice. Let's take Luck of the Gambler: Global recharge. It is my understanding, though I cannot find this limitation on the wiki, that slotting more than 5 has no effect. Say someone really needs to maximize recharge. So, they stick LofG pieces everywhere. Limiting which sets they can use to maximize set bonuses. Now, if I get an extra power choice, because weave is easier to access. Now, I can take Grant Invisibility, because I take Infiltration on a lot of builds. And throw a LotG into that power, which allows me to use a different defense set where as before I had to LotG. This is more build diversity, not less. Please, give me specific example of builds with specific powers where making weave's requirement lower leads to less build diversity. Talking in generalities does make you argument any clearer.
  2. I am not following this logic. If you allow weave to be available w/o boxing or kick, then players can take more powers which means more variation in builds. For instance, I would probably take grant invisibility, assault, vengeance more often because I would have the extra pick and those powers are good with just one slot.
  3. The game pre-level 30ish is much harder than 50. Yin TF are very different now, my default difficultly level +2. Because everyone has access to their T8/9s. I am enjoying this change, because running at a higher difficultly generally requires more from the players. Before page five, folks would never run +2 Yin because it was tedious. That IMO is power creep. Also, have easier access to power does not mean you can effectively use it. For instance, you might not have enough endurance to run the power or slots to make it worth running. Adding easier access to weave and another power doesn't mean that can be used effectively.
  4. Though the devs might surprise us, the mother of all power creep, Incarnates, has not changed a bit since live.
  5. The devs get very concerned about powers not falling within formula ranges. Like your example, that's not power creep in my book, that's exploiting or suffering from a poorly tuned power. Being able get your nuke by 26, meaning it's available at 21 when exempted down, is serious power creep. I am all for that kind of power creep.
  6. I am fine with Boxing and Kick being removed as requirements to get to weave. As for the power creep concerns. That horse done got out of the barn, run around the pasture for hours, then run around some more, and only returned to the barn for a nap, before the devs even considered fixing the barn door. Do you think the devs care that much about power creep with the power availability changes in page five?
  7. I dusted off one of my old defenders this week, time/ice. I remember enjoying it for awhile and then shelved it for reason I couldn't remember till now. These are just my opinions and I am only talking about Time on defenders. Time seems to suffer from the useful until 50 issue that plagues some support sets. It's amazing especially at low levels. I remember time tanking PUGs and TFs. It fixes so many weakness on lower level teams. Due to the current meta at 50, the -toHit, defense, and toHit is generally overkill due IOs and Barrier. Chrono Shift is nice, but often overkill due to Ageless. The heal is fine but is PBAOE and when players go down, it happens so quickly that only direct heals have a chance to land in time. The single target buff is nice, but not game changing. I would have preferred it to buff recovery instead of regen. The character was originally designed as a slow monster, so I have slotted most of the slow powers heavily. But what I remember previously before I mothballed it, was that the slow really didn't matter in most 50 play. Things just die too fast. What has your experience been at 50?
  8. Here is my draft version of hard mode for the Penelope Yin Task Force. Yin is pretty much my favorite task force, at least the one I run much more than any other. I don't think hard mode should be restricted to Incarnate level context. Especially, consider how overpowered Incarnates are currently. Having said that, please let's not turn this into a discussion of Incarnate balance. Interesting points: Controls are very useful, not required, but they will speed things up considerably Teams really need to understand mobs priority Teams could just blast their way through, but it will be slow at best https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ROHrYPW-2EEuD3aIz4tzi7SkgOz4k_pUNb1X8HYuJKs/edit?usp=sharing
  9. 1. I am well aware of the aggro changes. Not having any form of taunt as a Night Widow means you have zero chance to peel some of aggro off your teammates. For instance, like an incoming ambush while engaged with another spawn. Also, having smoke grenade gives the ability to keep another close by spawn from taking shots at my team mates. Due to the new aggro changes. 4. Night Widows have a resist issue for energy/neg also. Fire/cold is at least a little easier to deal with due to Winter sets, but it's still an issue. Incarnates help a lot, but that is not available here. 5. I picked Night Widows over Forts for this experiment, because perma Mind Link is possible at low levels for NWs. DDR is always an issue for Widows, but this is a team build, so there should be some support. NWs are a bit better holding aggro than you would expect due to the debuffs and dots on top of the damage. Throw in taunt and you have a decent amount of aggro control. I think your build is just ok also. You have no taunt, no way to limit other spawn aggro, too much defense give that this is a team build. And your taking 10-13% more damage due to lower resists.
  10. Usually, the problem with extending the mobs level is they don't have enough attacks. Think Hellions at 50, they would be standing around a lot. Night ward mobs don't have this issue. One of reasons they are so nasty. I don't there would be an big issue extending their levels.
  11. As it stands, only Trilogy and Fireball missions are available above level 39. There is a great series of arcs unavailable, because they all cap out at level 39. Including one of my favorite arc finales where you defend the mansion. Night ward is criminally under used, raising the contact level range would help.
  12. I have been leveling a beam/psy blaster which is going well. But I am confused on the optimal slotting for Drain Psychic. It seems to add enough recovery with just one mob. The regeneration seems a bit weak on one mob. I have been using SOs so far 3 recharge reducers, 2 acc, 1 end mod or 1 health. Set bonuses matter to me, so I want to use a full Preemptive optimization or Numina set in the power. But I can be talked into something else. Is it worth it to slot for regen? Or just go for max recovery?
  13. I really don't play crabs, but here is a Bane build that might give you ideas. It is very difficult to make a melee crab/bane as tanky as a Night Tank. Due to zero DDR and no scaling resists. Base resists are better though and more hp.
  14. I try out a lot of odd combos for various reasons. Most of them fail to keep my attention. Once in a while though, one actually works. Currently, that one is my Martial Arts/Ice stalker. Literally, no aoe. But solos pretty much anything in PI and DA at 4x8. What is your. This actually works build right now?
  15. Using an knock up attack and in a room with a low roof. Watch them fly up, bonk the ceiling, and hit the floor never gets old.
  16. I added it, but it was only 80 extra hp at 50. So, I tried using that slot in another place to get more resists.
  17. I run a lot of sub level 44 PUGs and have noticed that there is a lack of aggro control recently. I mean tanks/brutes that don't have taunt or don't use it. Don't seem interested in getting mobs grouped up and protecting teammates. The obvious solution is to play a tank, but I don't really enjoy playing a tank/brute. I have this maxed out Night Tank build, but it doesn't really work at sub-incarnate levels. So, I have created a variant for sub 44 PUGs. Ran it through some task forces at +1/2. Posi 1 at +1, total fail. 🙂 That damn ranged toxic Vahzilok spit is just devastating at low levels. Basically, w/o Mink Link the build is too squishy against any exotic damage type. Possible with support, but needs resists. Synapse +1, just fine, Mind Link is available. Yin +2, also good Sutter +2, first mission, no problems. +1 Fusion and Jane fight, mixed. I got two shot by Fusion, which was a little bad luck. I was holding my own and making progress until then. TLDR: Works at 20+, needs serious resist or healing below 20. Any suggestions for how I could shore up my resists? Remember no incarnates, posi 1 caps level at 15+5, posi 2 16+5. Build:
  18. A lot of lower level content is unused, except for obsessive badgers like me through oro. I don't consider it a major issue if mobs have not been power scaled to 50. At least the content is being used. Players are quite happy to run PI council radios, which are no challenge. Farm wolf and Freakshow maps. So, what if they start farming Kings Row skull arcs, which I doubt would happen. Folks might even learn some lore by accident. I would totally run a +3/4 Kings Row arc team at 50 for badges. I would like to run any number of zone arcs with PUGs. Hollows, Steel, Skyway, and Croatoa for instance. Twinshot and Dr. Graves would be much more pleasant at 20 or higher than currently.
  19. Or we can do what Thunderspy has done and make impossible to out level contacts. Not sure how much effort that was for their dev team.
  20. I have a complete badger, except page 6, and two other plus 1500+ badgers. I love this idea. So, many of the special defeat badges are very tedious and boring. Anything that makes these badges more exciting by making them more dangerous sounds good to me.
  21. I uninstalled the diag client, then re-updated the regular client and the error went away.
  22. KaizenSoze


    The bow will draw on the initial bow attack, then go into no-redraw mode.
  23. KaizenSoze


    At some point, Trick Arrow/Storm defender. It was very effective at 4x8 against anything.
  24. I forgot about Ghost Widow which was silly, but even her own widow don't use dark attacks.
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